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anything that works?

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  • #31
    The ideal backup for solar systems is a dual battery bank. A lot of solar systems
    grid tied are doomed to failure because at any time the power companies can
    reject the power or at least reject paying for it at a reasonable rate, also when the
    grid fails they are without power anyway.

    THe way to go is to have a solar system with two battery banks so that if
    one becomes fully charged the other bank then gets charged, like on days away.

    With a regular PV and battery system the panels can only replace what is
    taken out so a second bank can act as a buffer on low use full sun days both
    banks get fully charged and only one is used minimally, then if it rains for a
    while there is double the energy available. Discretion is the key, if there is
    days of rain coming then cut back on use so both banks are charged and ready.

    Also with this method batteries are treated better because one bank can be
    used while the other charges from the excess, if consumption on the main
    bank being used starts to drop the voltage from float V (as Vela explained) then all the energy can be
    directed back to it to minimize the discharging of it.

    Grid tie systems that charge a battery bank are available but expensive.

    A single bank solar system does not charge and discharge at the same time.

    The load either uses less than the solar panels produce and the batteries
    keep charging with less power or it uses more than the panels produce and
    the batteries give up power, like when a cloud goes between the sun and the

    I think any pulsed system that draws from a battery during part of the cycle
    and charges it during another part of the cycle is also doomed to failure
    because of battery abuse, they cannot do that, it's almost like applying AC to
    the battery. But it would be entirely possible to draw off 1 amp and recharge
    with 10 amps during the respective cycle portions, if the battery is sized
    accordingly as Vela also explained. But the battery will suffer an early failure,
    batteries are expensive and quite toxic.

    Last edited by Farmhand; 12-20-2012, 08:13 PM.


    • #32
      Farmhand, I agree with most of what you said, though, I think your post was meant for another thread???

      In any case, if you are charging more than you are discharging, then you are not cycling the battery, and it will have an extended lifetime (assuming you have the proper controls to prevent overcharging). The key with deep cycle batteries is to avoid cycling them, and especially avoid deep discharge.

      Thinking about the very liberal definition of "free energy" stated in this thread, I have come up with my new free energy system.

      It consists of a regular extension cord. Take the male end, go to your neighbor's house and plug it into a wall socket. Take the female end, and plug in any appliance (the bigger, the better). Now, plugging the cord into the socket takes 20 watts, maybe, of work on your part, but you can literally run hundreds of kWh through your appliances this way. So, the COP approaches infinity, and this device gives us free energy at low cost and high usable output.
      Last edited by velacreations; 12-20-2012, 08:34 PM.


      • #33
        Veljko 2 state mechanical oscillator
        I first saw this several years ago, and thought it interesting. Has anyone here replicated it? And if so, what were the results? One of the things that I notice many, many times on the threads discussing this is to get it to produce electricity. But, I have not seen anyone actually do that. Why not?

        It seems that if you have a 5 COP machine, then it would be the focus of everyone's attention on this board to replicate it, measure it, and produce free work. What am I missing?


        • #34

          Originally posted by velacreations View Post
          Is there anything in these forums that actually works, in terms of energy? Lots and lots of posts about free energy and devices. Lots and lots of failed replications.

          Does anybody have anything that works?
          Boxmotor replication without the generator

          speed test


          • #35
            could you give us an explanation of the device, what it does, what measurements have been made, and how people can replicate it?


            • #36
              just researching the Veljko 2 state mechanical oscillator a bit, I am not seeing the COP claims being verified. I also can't seem to find anyone producing electricity with it. There seem to be a few water pumps that work, but no comparisons of energy input vs water pumped.

              Seems to be dubious, at best.


              • #37
                and that brings up another point. Several folks on here have said there are systems that work, have COP >1, excess energy, etc. How many people on this forum are powering their homes on this "free energy"?

                If not, why not?


                • #38
                  There are many great concepts but not much money available to the inventors who need funding.

                  Traditionally inventors choose the patent system for protection.

                  What happens is when any device which exceeds a certain COP, it raises an alarm bell somewhere.

                  If the technology is not favourable to the profits of the energy barons it is made to dissapear one way or another depending on how threatening it is.

                  Many inventors have witnessed this history and have started open sourcing.

                  Developing prototypes requires time and money.

                  Inventors don't want to get tied up with investors making them jump through hoops.

                  This is why R&D is slow


                  • #39
                    1. How many people can stand an egg on the plain floor?

                    2. How many people can hold a cup on a thin letter/A4 paper?

                    3. How many people do know growing vegetables and plants without pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, and no digging soil?

                    4. How many people can build a working FE power generator?

                    Above list is examples of unconventional way of thinking. I learned from number one to three in past. I've been studying a FE technology for few years during spare time on and off.

                    I thought many times why there was only one Nicola Tesla in history? Why not ten or hundreds Nicola Teslas? Considering huge number of students under modern education in world wide.

                    To the OP's question, I did see three real FE power generators. One inventor spent over thirty years to build a FE machine, another inventor took two years, and a scientist had built a machine to prove new theory in physics.

                    I honestly do not consider any technology that extract energy from matter, i.e. water, hydrogen, esoteric element, as Free Energy. These are just clean fossil fuels. Water is sacred, source of all life forms on Earth. Burning up massive amount of water for energy will destroy entire planet pretty soon unless humans become mature and intelligent.

                    All three machines use harmonic oscillation to increase and regulate total kinetic energy of the system to amplify input energy ten to twenty times. Conventional physics only consider closed loop system to study energy generation which makes impossible to create overunity device. New physics that uses the system theory or different set of axioms could explain, analyze overunity phenomenon in nature.

                    Electromagnetic force is 10^39 to 10^41 times stronger than gravity. I'm pretty sure some of inventors discovered extracting electromagnetic potential energy through harmonic oscillation principle, resonance. These devices have hundred times of COP number. TPTB probably had perfected some technologies decades ago IMHO.

                    The secret magic will be remarkably simple.

                    The biggest obstacle is collective stupidity. Nowadays people are blinded by money, and so dumbed down.

                    One last thing I like to say is
                    "How many people can build a economic flying car for general public?"
                    Kids can build a small airplane off the shelf. That thing fly like a big airliner.
                    Why not billions of people demand flying cars for safety and economic reasons? Trillions of dollars would be saved. Traffic accidents would drop many times. Environmental destruction will be reduced. I'm an idiot or the public is a bunch of stupid mass. Look how many university professors use tax payers money and do nothing while quality of living of working classes is falling down.
                    Last edited by freepenguin; 12-21-2012, 01:07 AM.


                    • #40
                      like I've said before, conspiracies are distractions.

                      If you have evidence of a working FE machine, then post the evidence. Otherwise, there are many ways to fake something, even in person. I once saw a magician make a giant white tiger disappear right before my eyes. That doesn't mean it was real...

                      Data, measurements, verification. That's what we need. Conspiracies, hearsay, unproven theories, guesses, etc are distractions, not good science.

                      It seems like the answer to the original question is a resounding "no", unless we change the definition of "free energy" to suit our needs (see my new free energy device above).


                      • #41
                        the light is on but there wearing shades

                        Originally posted by soundiceuk View Post
                        There are many great concepts but not much money available to the inventors who need funding.

                        Traditionally inventors choose the patent system for protection.

                        What happens is when any device which exceeds a certain COP, it raises an alarm bell somewhere.

                        If the technology is not favourable to the profits of the energy barons it is made to dissapear one way or another depending on how threatening it is.

                        Many inventors have witnessed this history and have started open sourcing.

                        Developing prototypes requires time and money.

                        Inventors don't want to get tied up with investors making them jump through hoops.

                        This is why R&D is slow
                        You just hit root of the problem, most people working on FE are Leary of taking that step and screaming at the world look at me, look at me... just take the time and do the research. Don't assume someone will openly hand you the answer
                        the answers are out there, all you got to do is look. just like in life there is no easy answer.

                        Last edited by tecknomancer; 12-21-2012, 01:13 AM. Reason: spelling fix


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by velacreations View Post
                          Please post links to devices that meet the following criteria:
                          Replicated several times by others
                          Produces usable quantity of output
                          Has been measured and verified of output by independent sources

                          And preferably post ones that you have personally replicated and measured output.
                          I mock you because of the very tone of your question and your badgering attitude. “Anything that works” assumes that the likelihood is that there is not. Its an open insult to the researchers who have gone before and paid dearly for the information you seem to think is yours as of right.
                          Of course Its not the question you wanted to ask anyway Its simply a projection of the stance you wished to take and the hecktering attitude of yet another stinking Troll

                          Each question you have asked has been answered despite your very obvious Bridge dwelling stench.
                          Time and explanations have been offered by some of the most respected researches In the world.
                          Some of the very basic and rudimentary aspects of simple grade one engineering have been carefully explained to you such as the difference between over unity and COP>1 and the difference between energy and power and the very basic relationship between energy and time. The very simplest first year physic's and a very tiny portion of the history of it of which you are woefully and obviously totally ignorant (oh I know that’s not your fault Its that silly silly science teacher you mentioned)
                          You have been dragged like a pup made to visit its poo on the carpet in order to simply accept that “free energy exists” which of course answers your question . Now I don’t know about anybody else but I personally wont be posting any more on this thread . It is as far as I am concerned redundant . Case Proved QED!
                          I notice others have gone out of their way to point out systems that demonstrably run at a huge COP>5 but as you have no intention of climbing up the muddy bank to build or try that either
                          I wont be doing that sort of thing.
                          It seems it is not your intention to learn or try the basics so of course anything more advanced is doomed to failure.
                          Now if you open another thread along the lines of .. give me all the Information required to build at least a 5 KW machine. one that you have spent years of study and research time on . Give me all the plans and information and the test data .. for nothing … Oh and hurry up Its getting dark and cold under my bridge. I also don’t think you'll get a rapturous response either.
                          However if you have the right attitude and if you have made a serious attempt to learn all the basics if you have a few SSG wheels floating around (some of which) were not a huge success.
                          In other words once you've done the first couple of years of struggle, why I think you'll find folks will try and find you.. in order to show you how the bits all fit together.
                          In the mean time There is absolutely nothing wrong with solar panels and I would think Its one of the very best choices for you. Do the installation carefully and take your time, lots and lots of time .. we'll be sorry to loose you here at energetics of course! ah but needs must...
                          You will have a huge advantage if your bridge is South facing, and also (depending where your forest is,) if its a Humpty back bridge with an elevation of about 30 deg why your in absolute clover.! (oops sorry reeds and water). Let me be be among the first to wish you luck with your installation as always video's are appreciated !

                          Best wishes Duncan
                          Last edited by Duncan; 12-21-2012, 01:54 AM.
                          Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by tecknomancer View Post
                            You just hit root of the problem, most people working on FE are Leary of taking that step and screaming at the world look at me, look at me... just take the time and do the research. Don't assume someone will openly hand you the answer
                            the answers are out there, all you got to do is look. just like in life there is no easy answer.

                            I disagree. Where are people using these technologies to power their homes? The easy answer is that they aren't.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Duncan View Post
                              I mock you because of the very tone of your question and your badgering attitude. “Anything that works” assumes that the likelihood is that there is not.
                              Are you trying to say that everything on this forum works? are you kidding?

                              Originally posted by Duncan View Post
                              Its an open insult to the researchers who have gone before and paid dearly for the information you seem to think is yours as of right.
                              ok, so asking for verification, measurements, and detail from "researchers" who make extraordinary claims is now somehow insulting. I've got news for you, bud, that's how science works.

                              You make a claim? Prove it with credible evidence. That's how it works.

                              Originally posted by Duncan View Post
                              the stance you wished to take and the hecktering attitude of yet another stinking Troll
                              kinda like insulting the OP of this thread and failing to offer any evidence to support your claims? trolling like that?

                              Originally posted by Duncan View Post
                              Each question you have asked has been answered despite your very obvious Bridge dwelling stench.
                              Where? Where are the replications, the measurements, the evidence? None have been provided, and of the examples that YOU provided, you openly admit it does not generate USEFUL POWER.

                              btw, where is your replication of Moray's device?

                              Originally posted by Duncan View Post
                              (oh I know that’s not your fault Its that silly silly science teacher you mentioned)
                              where do you keep coming up with this science teacher schtick? I never mentioned a science teacher.

                              Originally posted by Duncan View Post
                              in order to simply accept that “free energy exists” which of course answers your question .
                              right, like setting a definition of free energy to be anything that requires small input from the operator. Similar to my free energy concept above with the extension cord. You agree, then, that my free energy device meets the definitions here.

                              I guess we can celebrate, because I provided the world's first free energy device that produces usable power, and can be replicated all over the world. What? You don't believe me? That must be because your limited knowledge of physics and the definitions of free energy we have so clearly layed out in this thread.

                              Originally posted by Duncan View Post
                              I don’t know about anybody else but I personally wont be posting any more on this thread .

                              Originally posted by Duncan View Post
                              Now if you open another thread along the lines of .. give me all the Information required to build at least a 5 KW machine. one that you have spent years of study and research time on . Give me all the plans and information and the test data .. for nothing … Oh and hurry up Its getting dark and cold under my bridge. I also don’t think you'll get a rapturous response either.
                              you know, I was going to let this slide, but since it was brought up on another thread, I am going to address it. I am not claiming "overunity", "free energy", "COP >1" or any of that. The people in these threads are doing EXACTLY that (even you claimed it, yourself). But they are not (by and large) providing EVIDENCE to back those claims. Well, excuse me for doing the due diligence that you refuse to do. I don't accept claims on the internet as face value. And somehow, you think that is a bad thing. We should accept all of these posters from just their wild claims.

                              That is not how science works, and it does the free energy community a great disservice to just tell folks "stop asking questions and get in line!" Maybe that is your approach, but serious scientists and researchers, including myself, ask questions to determine the accuracy and credibility of the claims being made.

                              Those of us that are asking the questions did not force anyone to post their work on a public forum. We did not seek them out and somehow bribe them to make their wild claims. They did. Themselves. Without prompting.

                              So, all of a sudden, we should PAY for them to grace us with evidence to support their claims?

                              Wow, what a concept! Make a wild claim and then charge people for proof!

                              Since I have spent the time responding to your insults (and have freely given details of my free energy device), I expect a payment via paypal from you...

                              In the mean time There is absolutely nothing wrong with solar panels and I would think Its one of the very best choices for you. Do the installation carefully and take your time, lots and lots of time .. we'll be sorry to loose you here at energetics of course!
                              my system is installed. I installed it many years ago. By the definition given in this thread, my house is powered by "free energy". Is yours?


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Duncan View Post
                                I mock you because of the very tone of your question and your badgering attitude. “Anything that works” assumes that the likelihood is that there is not. Its an open insult to the researchers who have gone before and paid dearly for the information you seem to think is yours as of right.
                                Of course Its not the question you wanted to ask anyway Its simply a projection of the stance you wished to take and the hecktering attitude of yet another stinking Troll

                                Each question you have asked has been answered despite your very obvious Bridge dwelling stench.
                                Time and explanations have been offered by some of the most respected researches In the world.
                                Some of the very basic and rudimentary aspects of simple grade one engineering have been carefully explained to you such as the difference between over unity and COP>1 and the difference between energy and power and the very basic relationship between energy and time. The very simplest first year physic's and a very tiny portion of the history of it of which you are woefully and obviously totally ignorant (oh I know that’s not your fault Its that silly silly science teacher you mentioned)
                                You have been dragged like a pup made to visit its poo on the carpet in order to simply accept that “free energy exists” which of course answers your question . Now I don’t know about anybody else but I personally wont be posting any more on this thread . It is as far as I am concerned redundant . Case Proved QED!
                                I notice others have gone out of their way to point out systems that demonstrably run at a huge COP>5 but as you have no intention of climbing up the muddy bank to build or try that either
                                I wont be doing that sort of thing.
                                It seems it is not your intention to learn or try the basics so of course anything more advanced is doomed to failure.
                                Now if you open another thread along the lines of .. give me all the Information required to build at least a 5 KW machine. one that you have spent years of study and research time on . Give me all the plans and information and the test data .. for nothing … Oh and hurry up Its getting dark and cold under my bridge. I also don’t think you'll get a rapturous response either.
                                However if you have the right attitude and if you have made a serious attempt to learn all the basics if you have a few SSG wheels floating around (some of which) were not a huge success.
                                In other words once you've done the first couple of years of struggle, why I think you'll find folks will try and find you.. in order to show you how the bits all fit together.
                                In the mean time There is absolutely nothing wrong with solar panels and I would think Its one of the very best choices for you. Do the installation carefully and take your time, lots and lots of time .. we'll be sorry to loose you here at energetics of course! ah but needs must...
                                You will have a huge advantage if your bridge is South facing, and also (depending where your forest is,) if its a Humpty back bridge with an elevation of about 30 deg why your in absolute clover.! (oops sorry reeds and water). Let me be be among the first to wish you luck with your installation as always video's are appreciated !

                                Best wishes Duncan
                                Oh Now that is classy, very graceful and eloquent.

                                I don't think your attempted bully tactics will work on Vela.

                                None the less I have attempted to reported the post to the administrators
                                but keep getting a "no data received" message, if it is allowed with no
                                repercussions on you then it is open slather, we can all just call each other
                                names all day, but maybe that is what you want is it ? Really name calling is
                                for children. Why try to insult people directly. Direct insults ought to be not
                                tolerated, unintended and indirect insult cannot be avoided at times but direct
                                insults can be avoided by mature adults. Providing they are not affected by
                                alcohol or drugs that is.

                                What is your excuse if you think you have one Duncan ?
                                What is it that you think gives you the right to insult people in that way ?

                                I'm curious. But I'm also disgusted. It's appalling behavior in my opinion and
                                goes directly against the terms and conditions of membership to this site if I
                                understand it. And you are a serial offender to boot.

                                I honestly don't understand your thinking when you willingly engage in battles of Witt without any ammunition.

                                Last edited by Farmhand; 12-21-2012, 03:13 AM.

