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The GEGENE : a Great Efficiency GENErator with a Tesla bifilar coil

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  • Tbc

    Originally posted by tachyoncatcher View Post
    ... I will dig out my old setup and see if I have the TBCs used and take some pictures. I know I have used a couple for some other projects, but they may still be intact.
    Lol, Guess I had tried a few more different combination than I remembered. Sleep deprivation does not make for a good memory. Here is a picture of the coils I tried and the cooker I used. BTW, it still works!

    Attached Files


    • tee shirt worthy

      Originally posted by tachyoncatcher View Post
      That is quite an open ended question. What do I believe. For starters, I believe in power from the environment or ether/aether or Dirac Sea or vacuum or ambient. I believe you can extract work from unmeasurable, reactive power or radiant power. Part of the problem is we don't even have a common language for this stuff. Then, the devices we use to measure have not been made to measure the potential difference of reactive power. And yet, I have worked on plenty of devices that have shown the result of reactive power creating work! This is my ball and chain. This is why I am still here. I have seen OU. But, it is fleeting. Until we understand and know how to manipulate the many field emulations of the ether, we are no better than Benjamin Franklin, flying a kite in the weather in the hopes of seeing electricity/power. When you do see it, the wonder of it drives you to the next moment. Thoughtfulness and curiosity will guide the tidbits of understanding you gain from never giving up.

      I'm sure Naudin and plenty of others have seen what I have seen on my bench. This is what PUSHES most people onto the next experiment. I can't imagine what motivates an honest person to continue this work if they are not actually doing the work and seeing some results that can't be explained by current theory. Our current understandings of Physics is just that, Theory, not laws. The world of Science is finally coming to that realization. Exciting times.

      Hey Randy,
      These two paragraphs are tee shirt worthy.

      If I had the finances, time, and knowledge then sleep would become my only enemy.


      • Thanks Randy, glad to hear someone is hooked on that feeling

        Check out some scope shots on this guys bifilars, sectioned ringing.


        Pancake coil resonance #2
        In this video, I use a pair of bifilar wound pancake coils (Tesla design) that are stacked on top of each other in close proximity because the coils are made from speaker wire. See my #12 video for how I made this stacked bifilar coil at YouTube...

        Interesting to note that the inductance of either one of the bifilar pancake coils is 60uH, but when connected together, the inductance is over 240uH.

        I hooked the two bifilars together because I could not drive the frequency high enough to find a resonance point with the 1MHz signal generator using a single 60uH bifilar coil as the primary. (more inductance = lower frequency)

        In the video, I use this "short stack" of bifilar pancake coils as a primary with a 15v to 20v P-P square wave signal at different frequencies.

        I find the resonant frequency using two different secondary coils, a 3mH pancake coil and a 97mH solenoid coil.


        • Here is a coil winder for the induction cookers. Look

          at all of the space between the Litzed cable. This spacing

          added capacitance to that coil and any Bifilar being set on

          top of these cooker coils should be calculated for best coupling.

          Up til now all I see is Bifilar coils with the thickness of the

          insulation of standard wire. Or spacing goes down using magwire.

          Something to think about is winding our BIFILAR to match

          coil capacitance and uh induction of the cooker coil.

          Also take your cooker apart to see if your coil is square.



          • In this video he lights 3-4000 watts of lights

            Nice GEGENE NICE



            • GEGENE replication

              I used a Tarrington House IC2009 induction cooker, 2x75mm2 speaker wire for the TBC which was around 12 turns (double) and ~13.5cm in diameter, slightly smaller than the induction coil which was ~14.5. Used a watt meter to check power consumption from the grid, which was in sensible agreement (~20w deviations). The load was 6x500w halogen bulbs connected in parallel.
              Interesting was that when increasing the power from 1600 to 1800w, I could barely see an increase in brightness, while from 1800 to 2000w (max) there seemed to be no increase at all. If correct, this would mean that the 3000w load was maxed out somewhere between 1600 and 1800w. Below 1600w the brightness increased according to the wattage increment. These are just my 2 cents to the thread - I will be aiming to get a scope and do some proper measurements. JLN's electrical kettle test (which is quite a precise way to measure power consumption) does create a discrepancy with many other results which show COP>1.
              Attached Files


              • This is very important to me. You guys who have the induction

                cookers. Surely you must have connected your load bulbs to a

                conventional wall plug? And you must have gotten a relative

                brightness to compare the GEGENE brightness with? No?

                Surely the thinking mind will compare brightness?

                I don't care what other people think, tell me what you see.


                Would you say that when the GEGENE is running your load bulbs

                that they are just as bright as when running off the wall?

                Or would you say half bright?


                • You're caught

                  You are looking at this in a way that tricks you like it did me 2 1/2 years ago. I am not an expert in these matters so I will undoubtedly use incorrect terminology to describe my results, but here goes. Incandescent bulbs respond nicely to high frequency in the form of brightness. But, using brightness as a measure of watt consumption is fallacy. You are comparing apples to grapes. Your input is 120/220V at 50-60 Hz, your output is a combination of two frequencies that cause a beat frequency that I can see on my scope but cannot measure along with a ~32 kHz that I can measure. I measured ~75V, but it can vary depending on your idea of "full brightness" and the number of winds on your coil. If you filter that output to adjust the frequency to match the input AC or rectify and smooth it to straight DC you will find no OU.

                  Separate from this threads experiment, I have tested bulbs with high volts, high frequency and got great brightness with milliwatts. Soooo, a bright bulb is a poor measurement of power consumption, yet alone OU. That's all I'm going to say on this thread as I hate sounding like a discourage agent, which I'm not.

                  Good Luck,



                  • That is okay with me Randy

                    Sharing is what it is all about. The frequency matters

                    and if the AC is rectified it should be done with fast recovery

                    diodes. Most use anything they can.

                    It may not be OU but if I can light 5 rooms because of the

                    brightness increase compared to 2 rooms, I am a happy camper.

                    It is not really OU, it is more of an efficiency and load matching

                    design. So what significance does a Tesla Biflar wound coil have

                    anyway? Is that it?

                    I noticed the patent and it focused on magnetic motor coils

                    for this Tesla Bifilar Coil yet many seem to think it is a free

                    energy source.


                    • Randy your explanation seems reasonable. I already suspected this efficiency people are seeing might be something related specifically to lighting bulbs. being able to light bulbs at full power with ~half input is still interesting though. JLN did not mention OU anywhere he just put his results on display for others to see. If the halogens indeed respond to HF then even RomeroUK's experiment where he loops part of the energy back with a second coil can be explained. I think the electrical kettle test is the true measure of power output.

                      my personal opinion is that presently the most realistic outlook for genuine, usable COP>1 are reduced-lenz generators. With solid-state devices it seems to be "fleeting" and when it is it's nowhere near enough to create significant output.
                      Attached Files


                      • Gegene circuits


                        • Listen to the young man explain modern day inverter

                          topology. In this case a plasma machine but this circuit

                          with it's shunt controls (current Sense) is the way they work.

                          HF diode H bridge, HV HF conversion with safety controls.

                          The young man is a very good teacher. He goes slowly.

                          To understand the induction cooker inverter tech please study this.



                          • Tesla Bifilar Coil message for Gegene replicators.




                            • Tesla and overunity

                              Originally posted by citfta View Post
                              Where and when did Tesla say you could put in 1 KW and get out 3-5 KW? Show me one legitimate source that proves he actually said that. I am so tired of all the buffoons like Smith and so many others that say Tesla said this or Tesla said that. Show me the proof he said it. I have studied Tesla and his writings for over 50 years and I have never seen any claim by him about this. Just because someone says Tesla said it doesn't make it true.
                              Do you honestly think that Tesla had plans to pay for the energy he planned on distributing around the world to others for free from Wardenburg tower? If so, it would probably have made the man the stupidest person on this planet. LOL

                              He didn't have to say it to show overunity was possible, he was drawing energy from other sources, wireless sources that did NOT come from generators. I would assume Tesla was using a phenomenon such as the Casimir effect far before it was understood or something that would show outputs far greater than it's input levels.. not just voltage either... Tesla was smart enough to know what the rules were.. he invented our current power system.. he obviously knew what was wrong and what was right otherwise we wouldn't have been using his polyphase system. The man was an absolute genius and was way ahead of his time, way more so than the most brilliant minds of even this day. He designed thousands of things that worked flawlessly, even devices that are being released as new inventions today are based upon his theories that haven't been proven outside of Tesla's lab.

                              So, study has hard as you wish on Tesla and research for another 20 years. You haven't debunked anything with your nonsense that says Tesla never said that.. In a sense, he did say this when he claimed to transmit free power across the globe. He obviously knew it was possible and had the means to do so, however he knew his tower was dangerous and never replaced it not because of the money , it was because he knew the military would use it for war which he did NOT want.

                              He had a means to generate power using very little power that would draw in ungodly amounts of energy from another place and transmit it wirelessly. Just because he didn't succeed doing so publicly doesn't mean it wasn't possible or couldn't be practical. It was obviously possible because he had no interest in transmitting radio when he could have made billions doing so, he wanted to stop the financeers from making money off of his wisdom and give back to the folks who had nothing. He would rather be broke and confined to the Hotel New Yorker than have his investors earn from his inventions to give him nothing.

                              Tesla would have had his way if Morgan was stupid. The problem was that Morgan had people spying on him, gathering intelligence to dispose of Tesla's missions to overthrow him financially. If Tesla won this battle, we would have been in a technologically superior society that was completely different..

                              I despise the statements telling the world that Tesla had no means of transmitting free power because it was his sole intention to do. How would he ever accomplish this if he were broke and had no free electricity to send into the tower to broadcast? He wouldn't have been successful unless he were able to induce energy from another place, then transmit it wirelessly at a high frequency and convert it back on the other side to a usable form of power that wouldn't be harmful to anybody or anything.

                              He knew high frequency electricity didn't electrocute those who touched it so he had a good feeling about it's abilities. Hi frequency power also amplifies itself if it is converted with resonant coupling the right way. I have recreated one of Don Smith's circuits that shows he didn't lie about wiring and it's wavelength that allows the circuit's source battery to recharge itself faster than the loaded circuit draws from it. This to me proves that Don Smith was very real and did not show a bunch of bunko to society. It's folks like you who give the people like Don a bad name so the technologies are not believed in any way. I to this day have the circuit replicated in my own way and functional. I use it to power my basement lighting and it has never yet died. I'm not sure what dangers or hazards it poses, however I haven't died or become sick from it's output... Not yet anyway.

                              The problem is that there will always be people like myself that will do all they can to ensure that people around the world will know and believe that Don's Tesla based circuits and technologies are very real, just as long as we have an understanding of how they work. The cores are coated with plate conductors and pulsed with multiple frequencies of an alogrythmic nature that allow an output from another plac from it's stepped harmonics based upon a carrier frequency.

                              I have nearly completed yet another circuit last night that is a truly functional ou circuit that outputs more than it uses. It doesn't amplify it's energy magically, it takes it from another place as Don and Tesla have done, but the fact remains that it functions.. The key is to get the system to ramp up and loop, but even when this happens, folks remain skeptical and will always suppress something that will put a dent in the world's economy. I am going to complete it to prove it works and loops and post it all over the place to see. That is my work for the next 2 weeks, to loop it through a form of isolation that will allow it the correctly output it's energy to be reused so it loops and continuously runs. It is solid state and it doesn't heat up which is most folks problem with these circuits. I have finally figured it out, now it is time to put it to the test and prove you all wrong. you will see the circuit running by video very soon.
                              Last edited by Belangers; 08-23-2016, 11:58 AM.


                              • Originally posted by Belangers View Post
                                Do you honestly think that Tesla had plans to pay for the energy he planned on distributing around the world to others for free from Wardenburg tower?
                                Google can cope with some spelling mistakes but not that. It's "Wardenclyffe Tower".

                                Tesla was not involved in OU per se. He was interested in his discoveries, physics and the nature of electricity.
                                Last edited by wrtner; 08-23-2016, 01:10 PM.

