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working free energy machine

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  • working free energy machine

    Attention all of you back yard mechanics,,,

    I did an experiment where I let my electric wheelchair act as a free energy device
    where I gained the power to drive an additional 20 feet up a pretty steep hill,
    each time I travel up the hill at full speed, and back then down the hill slowly.
    I repeated this test 3 time, gaining a total of 60 feet before stopping the test
    Then I repeated the test a few days later, gaining the same 60 feet
    This was proof to me, that we have discovered a way of gaining free energy

    This came to my mind after I ask the Big Guy for a way to help the Tribulation Saints
    especially during the Great Tribulation, where they will be hunted down
    they will need a way to survive our cold Canadian winters off the grid=(electricity)
    without using the easily detectable by-products of an open fire
    I also made drawings of how to build a stand-alone mechanism
    That I believe should be a way of gaining free energy power supplies
    which can be found at
    if this site does not allow url then
    search for “free-energy” and “yolasite”

    I hope and truly believe that my drawing is a correct representation
    of just such a free energy machine for our power hungry world
    But even if it is not, that just means that we will have to dig deeper
    Into finding out how my electric chair can be used as a free energy generator

    Please note = you must first program the settings on the power chair
    so that your motors run at highest efficiency for this use, (motor+generator)
    you must make sure that you have highest torque settings = 1st gear
    as well as the highest speed settings = 10th gear
    so that your chair works most like the ten speed bicycle
    in the Vision that God was so Gracious to share with me
    of going up hill in 10th gear, and then back down in 1st gear

    I did not have the time to experiment much at the time, was getting dark
    I feel sure that someone could gain more power than the 20 feet that I gained
    If you went down the hill much slower, maybe even extremely slow, breaking hard
    So that you were gaining more power out of every foot you travel down the hill
    Which would act like shrinking the size of the output pulley(s).

    to all who are in the family of Christ
    Your Bro,
    . . . joe

  • #2
    See chapter 4 page 10.


    • #3
      I have to agree with you. Free energy is not possible as long as greed exists. Somewhere in Europe, (it's in Spain if I remember it right) a neighborhood is suffering from higher taxes because their officials chose to go green. They are being charged for the costs of buying those mills when the government could have and should have shouldered it. I believe that energy costs can be minimal or even free if people would just set aside their love for money and consider their love for the environment more. - l.schultz


      • #4
        Originally posted by Xenophanes View Post
        You need to be careful about page numbers because as Patrick
        puts new material in earlier in the book, the page numbers will
        slip back.

        Also, the chapters get updated and it can be better to link to
        individual chapters rather than the entire book:

        "The Wilson self powered DC generator".
        Last edited by wrtner; 01-25-2013, 03:36 PM.


        • #5
          This message, with the same wording, gets published over and over and over again here and in (and more places).

          Don't you guys remember the message from one time to the next?

          Tell me you do.


          • #6
            Originally posted by relgub View Post
            This message, with the same wording, gets published over and over and over again here and in (and more places).

            Don't you guys remember the message from one time to the next?

            Tell me you do.
            Yes I think its every time a new batch of LSD comes in


            • #7
              Originally posted by relgub View Post
              This message, with the same wording, gets published over and over and over again here and in (and more places).

              Don't you guys remember the message from one time to the next?

              Tell me you do.
              Very roughly,Relgub, in how many threads at have you seen
              the message posted?


              • #8
                Originally posted by wrtner View Post
                in how many threads at have you seen
                the message posted?
                I have a working free energy device

                let electricity generate electricity

                General Energy Multiplier

                electricity multiplier


                • #9
                  I see. Four threads.

                  I would have hoped that you might be concerned that the readers of
                  the other 10,887 threads have not been warned.


                  • #10
                    I don't see your point.

                    I found more than 4 posts but I didn't see the need to paste them all.
                    How many are a lot for you?

                    Do you find ok to post the same message from, at least 2010, over and over again?

                    Wouldn't you find weird if Peter published the same thread several times with the same text? Wouldn't you think that something strange is taking place?


                    • #11
                      Hi relgub,

                      I'm sorry but I don't see your point. Someone keeps posting the same thing because apparently no one is paying any attention to what he has posted. So he keeps trying. So what. Either someone will start to pay attention to what he has posted or he will get tired of posting and give it up. I don't see why this is bothering you.

                      Just because someone disagrees with you does NOT make them your enemy. We can disagree without attacking someone.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by citfta View Post
                        Someone keeps posting the same thing because apparently no one is paying any attention to what he has posted. So he keeps trying. So what?
                        This is my point. According to his words, this guy has a working free-energy device since, at least 2010. He has been able to achieve the amazing conquest of free energy all by himself but suddenly he is not capble of anything else but posting the same message over and over again.

                        He hasn't been able to make more free-energy wheel chairs to sell them to anybody interested in free-energy or to make any other free-energy devide based on his discovery. Zero progress so he just keep repeating the original message.

                        Am I the only one that find this rather weird?
                        does it sound credible for you guys?

                        If you believe he has indeed a free-energy device where is the interest to ask him about details to replicate it, etc?


                        • #13
                          Yes I agree it is a little weird. But there are a lot of weird things posted on this forum as well as a lot of other forums. I have learned to just ignore them as they are not worth my wasting time on them.

                          Just because someone disagrees with you does NOT make them your enemy. We can disagree without attacking someone.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by relgub View Post
                            I don't see your point.

                            I found more than 4 posts but I didn't see the need to paste them all.
                            You must be a newbe and so, let me spell this out.

                   is divided into almost 10,887 separate and generally
                            unconnected threads.

                            A post in one of these threads will not be seen by users of the other
                            10,886 threads. (In practice, some people visit several threads but
                            the principle remains valid).


                            The solution would be a warning on the front page for all users to
                            see but since it is so cluttered with ads, it is hard to see this


                            • #15
                              Ok. I see.

                              It must have been pure coincidence but I have seen 3 of the messages about the free-energy wheel chair.

