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Dana Shino medium who is channeling Tesla

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Nick_Z View Post
    How about if we keep religion out of this???

    Well, the thread deals with channelling and the dead. I don't see how this does not apply to the truth about the true state of the dead... or "religion" as you say. Either there is life after death and people can talk to them or there isn't.

    There is a lot of channelling in the "free energy" field and lots of people are being con'd by demonic forces. Take Walter Russell for example, a prime example of demonic activity. Then there is Tesla and his visions.... ever wonder where he got them from? I don't really know but I suspect that there were definite supernatural forces at work with him and the time frame of his world wide communication system coincides with prophetic things happening around the turn of the century.

    So whether this thread goes any further or not, the point still remains that Satanic forces are at work in the free energy field as well as the New Age movement to mislead people. You're just not going to get around this point coming up repeatedly. It's a fact of life best not to be ignored.


    • #17
      Although it may be impossible for us to know for sure that in fact people die but actually continue living in spirit form, and can at times communicate back with the living. I don't expect that only spirits that do so are demons. And so that would also make Tesla a demon, in this case.
      Telepathy may be a universal comunications system, that we are currently excluded from, in general. That may also change. Which would open doors that are currently closed to most of us. Along with being part of the rest of the univers that we have also been excluded from, up to now.
      Although we may or may not agree on somethings, quoting the Bible is not going to convince me, although it may to some others. Nor am I disagreeing with it, or agreeing with it. Just don't want to get into religion, instead of science, and free energy systems.
      My point is that this thread will lead us nowhere... along with her pay to view videos.
      I also feel as Farmhand does that it can disrupt us more than provide any real useful information. That's all.


      • #18
        I'm sorry, but i have to agree. This is a scam and warrants no further attention. This whole con job is an insult to Tesla's memory using his name to gain profits and take advantage of people.

        However, if this person said that he/she was a medium for Edison, then I might be inclined to believe the claim. After all, Edison would go to great lengths for profits as well.


        • #19
          Dead is dead.As in,THE END!Tesla isn`t coming back,his marvelous mind is dust.


          • #20
            Nick_Z, I do see where you are coming from.

            But if someone is really interested in "science" and "free energy" systems, how can they really know of these things without a knowledge of who created the universe, how the universe actually was created, why it is here and where it is going? And these answers are only found in one place, in the Bible.

            If one knows the truth, is it not easier to reach other truths? If one is filled with lies, is it not harder to reach that same truth? So if we believe in lies regarding the origin and workings of this universe, how much harder will it be for us to advance?

            In case you didn't know Nick_Z, the Bible is FILLED with science and truth. But how most chose to ignore the word of God and believe in the follies of man instead.


            • #21
              I don't agree with charging money to view videos of supposed channeled Tesla messages. As this is just another scam. What is the point?
              Now if this where the real thing, I would be more than interested. But, it's not. I think that we are all here to learn what we can about true free energy projects, at least I am. I still vote to end this thread.
              No offense to your biblical views.


              • #22
                But how most chose to ignore the word of God and believe in the follies of man instead.
                lol the word of god is the follies of man. It was man who came up with the story and wrote the book. God is so divine but cant write his own book, then punishes those who question his existence.

                I agree, with the others in that I dont believe in this channeling, but im not a fan of closing open discussions. If others want to discuss what this person is saying about tesla, they should be allowed to here.


                • #23
                  I also suppose that free choice should be the order of the day.
                  If there really is such a thing...


                  • #24
                    So, for those that want to view some of her videos, here is the link:
                    DanaShino - YouTube


                    • #25
                      So, as you can see from the videos which are already months old, very little useful information is actually given, that can be implemented for our purpose.
                      If I'm wrong, please let me know.
                      I'll bet that she has already made some money from these efforts, though.
                      Win, win, win???
                      In any case, she's the nicest looking Demon Seeker that I've ever seen.



                      • #26
                        Originally posted by SilverToGold View Post
                        There is a lot of channelling in the "free energy" field and lots of people are being con'd by demonic forces. Take Walter Russell for example, a prime example of demonic activity. Then there is Tesla and his visions.... ever wonder where he got them from? I don't really know but I suspect that there were definite supernatural forces at work with him and the time frame of his world wide communication system coincides with prophetic things happening around the turn of the century.
                        Hey SilverToGold,

                        Are you speaking about WR's long vision? How can you be sure that was "demon activity"? Surely not all visions, inspiration, creations, etc are demonic?
                        As John in the bible says says, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God.
                        Please PM me if you would like to go into more detail, I would love to chat. Thanks.
                        ‎"It's all in the MIND"


                        • #27
                          obvious scam! There is too much half assed rubbish on this site all together and i am not referring to the Renewable energy area! you would need to be a desperately feeble minded person to sap up that kind of nonsense!

                          why does she need the money to channel a spirit? lol does she want her whole life paid for to produce some videos of her talking complete crap?

                          what the hell was she slavering about a mother ship and its commander for? aliens?

                          its crap like this and other snake oil nonsense being sold on this board that turns people off and sends them to other future energy places! how can people take you electrical experimenter serious when you are all surrounded with this other bull****?

                          this stuff is damaging to the credibility of the hard working ppl on here working to solve the energy crisis!

                          sorry that video made me angry! people like her make me angry!

                          +1 shut this thread down or move it to new age bull**** section pls
                          The history of science shows that theories are perishable.With every new truth that is revealed,we get a better understanding of Nature and our conceptions and views are modified. - Nikola Tesla


                          • #28
                            I watched three or four video's and I seen nothing that could not be scripted
                            for her by a person interested in free energy and Tesla.

                            She spells his name wrong I think, she spells it "Nikolai".

                            And repeatedly says "creating energy", I'm not sure Tesla would say such a thing.

                            Are we meant to believe that the questions she asked Tesla were paid for, some
                            by engineers, like did she check their qualifications or something ?

                            Lot's of people could come up with what she says Tesla is telling her.

                            Each to their own I guess. What will she do if no one pays her for questions ?
                            Stop channeling Tesla ! Or just post video's of talking to him about pigeons.



                            • #29
                              Good thing we didn't pay to view her videos...
                              She didn't tell us how much money she has already made to contribute to free energy research. Ha!
                              I guess we'll have to ask the little grey men that she is in contact with, maybe they know all about what's going on. Or the "Shadow", but he ain't saying...
                              "Moving molecules, light towers, aliens", wow! Now we're moving...


                              • #30
                                Dana Shino's video leaked

                                Hey guys, an acquaintance of mine (another huge Tesla fan) actually went and bought Dana's latest channel on Tesla, and she forwarded it to me so I will post the link here. I don't think she should be charging money for this either, but as long as somebody bit the bullet and purchased it, we may as well watch it too. It's some pretty interesting stuff. Have a look:

                                Tesla Channel for December 2012 | Dana Shino

