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Dana Shino medium who is channeling Tesla

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  • #46
    Isaiah 8:20 "To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them."

    Hi SweenyA, we can know that WR was not getting his vision from God because of the above statement. In plain terms, it states that someone really receiving light from God will speak in accordance to the Bible and point to God's 10 Commandments.

    Even the most basic Christian understands that Jesus came and died for our sins and that only through Christ can we be saved. This is the single greatest sacrifice and act of love that could ever be done.... and anyone NOT pointing to this act and saying they are "inspired" from God is not speaking for God the Creator.

    Nowhere in WR's writing is he pointing people to Jesus Christ as their only means of salvation through His act of love and mercy for mankind. So WR is clearly NOT passing the test given in the Bible as told by Isaiah 8:20.

    The Bible also clearly states that Jesus was both God and man. WR in "The Secret of Working Knowingly With God" page 54.. WR refers to Jesus only in that He had complete "cosmic consciousness". What does that even mean? It is FAR from saying that Jesus is God! Jesus created the entire universe, the stars, this world and all life! (see John 1:1-3) That goes a "little" further than having "complete cosmic consciousness" don't you think?? ... WR also states that he found 37 people who had this "cosmic consciousness" to some degree. Were they demi-gods? This term cosmic consciousness is nowhere in the Bible but you will find it everywhere in the new age movement.

    WR is a total new ager. The new age movement is totally under Satanic control and designed to destroy souls. Please look at the video link I posted to Roger Morneau.

    Roger Morneau A Trip Into The Supernatural (full testimony) - YouTube

    Here are some quotes from WR that totally go against the Bible.

    From Divine Illiad "I am a patient god. All men will come to me in due time, but the agony of waiting that day shall be theirs alone." So according to WR, ALL people will make it to heaven??? Not so according to the Bible and common sense of justice.

    This totally contradicts Jesus in Matthew 7:13-14 "Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it." So most people will be meeting their final death burning in the lake of fire and only a few will actually listen and follow God's commandments to eternal life.

    WR talks about reincarnation - the Bible clearly states that we have one life and one go. Hebrews 9:27 "And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:"

    WR talks about the "Source" and Cosmic Consciousness. These are all new age terms and lies. Why not just say God? Because these things refer to Satan and not God the Creator.

    Also, one really BIG clue to false prophets is how they talk. They ALL talk in this pseudo "spiritual" sounding talk. God created language and He would talk to us in normal everyday sounding language if a true prophet of God was speaking to us today. A true prophet of God would talk in normal language because God wants people to understand them. WR "inspired" writing sounds like all the other Yoda inspired new age dribble.

    I could go on and on but it is very clear that WR does NOT talk according to the basic truths in the Bible and actually is spreading lies about God the Creator. Satan is working to build up his army in these times and he will do whatever it takes to divert souls from the only truth that is and that is the Bible.

    I also sent you a personal message and feel free to chat with me about this further if you'd like.

    Originally posted by StweenyA View Post
    Hey SilverToGold,

    Are you speaking about WR's long vision? How can you be sure that was "demon activity"? Surely not all visions, inspiration, creations, etc are demonic?
    As John in the bible says says, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God.
    Please PM me if you would like to go into more detail, I would love to chat. Thanks.
    Last edited by SilverToGold; 01-23-2013, 05:19 AM.


    • #47
      Thanks to the backing of the bible (or rather, the clergy), I realise that I'm perfectly free to commit atrocities throughout my life, and at the very last minute repent and go on to experience the joys of heaven as if I had done good. A shining example for all who would follow.

      We live only once? Then what sins have I committed? When a baby is born, what sins have they committed that it was necessary for Jesus to die? Is it anticipated that I WILL commit sins during my lifetime? If so, why is the play written so that it's inevitable? Why are sins therefore an undesirable outcome, if the writer has written them into the script?

      There is no natural logic in any of it. Evolution, in the broadest sense, is essentially a process of trial and error, learning from the mistakes of the past. You stick your finger in the fire, you get burned. Lesson learned. The next experience or encounter with fire is built upon this foundation, this time you don't get burned. Was there any point to the experience of getting burned?

      Religion, the institution, completely contradicts the law of nature, and completely overrides the necessity for personal responsibility in any situation. In the religious ideal humans don't need brains or the capacity to think, people are not held accountable for their actions and therefore all actions have no consequences. If I fall in the fire then I don't need to bother to try and get myself out of it. I'll just burn until someone else does it for me.

      Originally posted by Jesus
      Truly, truly, I say to you, He that believes on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go to my Father.
      The demons say: "help will be given to those who help themselves."

      @SilverToGold: This is not intended as an attack on your belief system but as a philosophical response to what I see as blatant suppression/diversion of human potential and creative focus. Simply "accepting Jesus as their only means of salvation" = very damaging. First of all, you have convicted them before any trial. They are one down before they even enter the arena. And the plan is to make damn sure they stay down.
      Last edited by dR-Green; 01-23-2013, 06:40 AM.

      "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

      "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


      • #48
        Silver to gold, I don't agree with you interpretation of the bible passages.
        Plain and simple, I've read quite a bit of the bible and it's no milk and honey
        story, it's full of death, torture and psychology and cruelty, double meanings
        abound, take your pick..

        Isaiah 8:20 "To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not
        according to this word, it is because there is no light in them."

        In plain terms, it states that someone really receiving light from God will speak
        in accordance to the Bible and point to God's 10 Commandments.
        I disagree with that interpretation. Speaking in accordance to which part of
        the Bible ? And how are the commandments involved ?

        You are a religious zealot, there is no space for other religions in your view.
        Live and let live, I respect religious people if they respect me, the religion
        matters not, it could be Islam, Buddhism, or Hinduism, if people are fair to one
        another and to me I have no problem with what they believe as religion in
        general. If they are Zealots though, it shows intolerance and superiority complex.

        "Beloved, let us love one another; for love is of God, and he who loves is born of God and knows God" (I John 4:7).
        This above requires no worship of God, just to do good is all that is asked.
        But I'm certain that would be contradicted elsewhere in the Bible.

        Are you professing to understand the entire Bible ? And that your interpretations are all correct.

        No matter what my personal religious or non religious belief is at any particular
        time, we are all equal as human beings. Be kind to each other, and do good.
        Simple, Treat others as you would have them treat you.

        Religious definition.

        Definition of RELIGIOUS

        : relating to or manifesting faithful devotion to an acknowledged ultimate reality or deity <a religious person> <religious attitudes>
        : of, relating to, or devoted to religious beliefs or observances <joined a religious order>
        a : scrupulously and conscientiously faithful
        b : fervent, zealous
        — re·li·gious·ly adverb
        — re·li·gious·ness noun
        Religiously definition.

        • in ways or subjects relating to religion
        India is quite diverse, both politically and religiously.
        informal If you do something religiously, you do it regularly
        He visits his mother religiously every week
        In a way I am religious, I practice my hobby religiously. Ergo - I am religious.

        I like most the religious people who keep their worship to themselves.

        Everyone is aware of the Bible and can study it and make their own interpretations.

        Last edited by Farmhand; 01-23-2013, 08:20 AM.


        • #49
          Originally posted by dR-Green View Post
          Well what do you expect when you are given a "leaked" link and you are watching something without paying, that you are supposed to be paying $100 to view?

          I guess that's why all parties agreed to allow her to charge money for it, they understood the internet piracy factor

          Thanks TeslaFanatic for providing the link and letting us who wouldn't pay for this to see what is said. Much nonsense had to be skipped including the repetition of part of her advertising campaign video, the entire message was not listened to, but the entire text was read.

          Using Tesla's name for publicity alone has clearly worked for her so far, the content is of little consequence or relevance.

          All in all, she has said nothing that can't be learned from watching any Disney movie.
          I did not know that it was a leaked link
          I would not do comments if I knew ; although then she told me it's ok and hope that I enjoyed.
          I believe in channeling it doesn't matter about how long a person has left. Time and space mean nothing in the spirit world.
          Last edited by Guruji; 01-23-2013, 01:32 PM.


          • #50
            Tesla's Anti War Project

            Did you know that Tesla appeared before Congress in 1938 seeking funding for an anti-war machine? He knew how to produce a machine that could destroy any object that was used in animosity against another person.

            The US government wanted the machine but only if they could control it. Tesla refused; he understood their own selfish purposes.

            Tesla came through Dana Shino and said what is in the inventors heart is crucial to their success. Please bear in mind, Nikola is credited with the technology for both world wars. Now he is telling you all his technology exists. It is only being controlled. He also says the people must demand and create the environment that forces the government to stop suppressing his work.

            How many times do you think inventors have recreated a Tesla device only to have it stonewalled by the patent office? The problem is awareness and attitude. Nikola built and demonstrated this technology for mankind.

            Are you aware George Westinghouse never purchased Tesla's patents? Their system was to be operated as nonprofit co-op. That is part of the war between the east coast money establishment and Tesla. They scammed ownership in Westinghouse but didn't get the patents. That created a lifelong struggle to control Nikola Tesla.

            According to one of his biographers, Tesla designed the AC system in 6-hours. If that isn't inspiration, intuition, channeling or whatever synonym you choose, I don't know what is. Remember, Nikola said he would see working machines in his unconscious mind.

            I find it rather hard to believe Dana Shino is doing this for the money or publicity. Just look at the reaction of this thread. If she only wanted publicity, there are much more sensational predictions she could make. Telling a bunch of engineers that Tesla says mankind only needs to change what is in their hearts to benefit from his work is hardly newsworthy. It only seems to rankle Tesla devotees who have an inflexible image of the man, his philosophy and spiritualism.

            It also seems a bit incongruous that true inventors heap such ridicule on an independent thinker. What are your motivations for discouraging intuition? Perhaps the detractors lack the compassion in Nikola's message.


            • #51
              It may also be possible that as these technologies reach a certain point in their evolution, they become something more akin to non-technological, or mind devices. Like crystal sculls, etz.
              Dino is focusing on heart felt energies, which may lead to what is missing in the mix up to now. As the electromagnetic and non electromagnetic devices when reaching a point of real power output, can also be used as weapons, or teleportation, space travel, communications, weather modifications, etz...
              This may be the reason that this secret knowledge has not been made available to us, not even through direct inspiration, channeling, or in any other way, shape, or form. As mind technologies may require a peaceful non violent character to be able to understand, use and apply that type of Light technologies, and WE are not there. Yet...

              Russian Tesla Coils: Are they really just being used for testing insulators?
              Giant Tesla Coils in Russia!!! Marx Generators for testing insulators - YouTube


              • #52
                Originally posted by tialabs
                It also seems a bit incongruous that true inventors heap such ridicule on an independent thinker. What are your motivations for discouraging intuition?
                I certainly cant speak for everyone but I think people are more discouraged that nothing groundbreaking has been revealed and that she is charging money for information from a man who was the father of free energy. Free being the point.

                Not to mention we've all seen our share of scamming psychics (not implying that Dana is one of those)
                Anyone remember Mrs Cleo? "Call me now" (Jamaican accent)

                Originally posted by Nick_Z
                It may also be possible that as these technologies reach a certain point in their evolution, they become something more akin to non-technological, or mind devices.

                As mind technologies may require a peaceful non violent character to be able to understand, use and apply that type of Light technologies, and WE are not there. Yet...
                The way I see it, the universe is built on duality. For every good there is a bad, for every high there is a low, which is why I think things naturally fall into a form of equilibrium. I personally don't imagine the universe would be picky about weather someone has good or bad intentions. To do that it would have to favor one side over the other, if it could do that, what would happen to us if it favored the bad side?

                @dR-Green and FarmHand - I agree with both of you. The single best thing about this forum is seeing so many highly intellectual people here.

                Originally posted by dR-Green
                @SilverToGold: This is not intended as an attack on your belief system but as a philosophical response to what I see as blatant suppression/diversion of human potential and creative focus.
                I couldn't agree more. I grew up going to catholic school but never understood the concept even as a kid. Why would anyone choose to believe we are born "with sin" as though we are broken? Religion itself has all the hallmarks to that of tyranny. We supposedly are born into the life of servants who must please our master (god) or suffer eternal pain and fire.

                That's exactly what a dictator would tell the people of his country.

                Why are so many people convinced (or brainwashed) into believing the human soul is not complete? That we are broken or weak without our master (god)?
                That we must live the life of a servant. Every single one of us has the potential to be strong independent human beings who can be as perfect, prosperous and creative as we wish with no bounds on our capabilities. We do not need approval from anyone to have faith of anything. The leaders who require faith from their followers are the ones who do not deserve that faith.
                Last edited by jdodson; 01-24-2013, 06:00 AM.


                • #53
                  " I personally don't imagine the universe would be picky about weather someone has good or bad intentions".

                  It's a big universe, with many types of beings, and our previous generations may have made some mayor mistakes in the distant past and not so distant past, which may have made a difference to our being able to be part of the rest of the universe, up to now.
                  There may be beings who would not allow us to populate other planets, and worlds, if we would just continue to trash them, like we've done to our Earth. WAR has been our only permanent reality, here. This is a warring planet, and current technologies are towards that end.
                  Until we are something more evolved, we may not be allowed to use, or to remember, and know about these higher output, and potentially very dangerous technologies.
                  Imagine if they fall into the wrong hands... US.

                  Just look how we argue about our Creator, or "God"... Who he is, or it is, where he is, and what happens to us when our corporal life on Earth is over.
                  We aren't even close to getting it all together.
                  It's like giving a gun to a baby, and telling him not to use it.
                  Last edited by Nick_Z; 01-25-2013, 01:21 AM.


                  • #54
                    dR-Green, thank you for your honesty and I consider your questions good ones and your reasoning understandable. I hope you are as honest in searching out the truth and giving an open ear to my response.

                    If you "repent" at an old age in a scheme to outwit God, it's not going to work. God reads our hearts and intent, and He is not going to accept a less than honest repentance. We will awake for judgement just as we went into the grave, we are not going to fool the Lord. So those who think they can sin and make a last minute repentance, it is utter foolishness because death can come so suddenly that we won't even know it happened.

                    Yes, we are all born into sin through the great fall of Adam and Eve but there is an age of accountability. When the Jews refused to go into Canaan, only the unfaithful people above the age of 20 were held accountable and allowed to die in the desert through the 40 years of wandering. So babies and small children as far as I understand scripture won't be going into the great lake of fire but each case is decided fairly by an all knowing and all merciful and just God.

                    What sins have you committed to earn death? Well I don't know you personally but if you read Exodus 20, there are the 10 Commandments. I am sure you have at least told a white lie once or twice in your life, looked lustfully at an attractive woman or even maybe hated someone in your heart at some point in your life. So for any of these "little" things, you have sinned and deserve physical and spiritual death. And I am assuming you are breaking the first 4 commandments that deal with honoring God. I know it sounds harsh but we are not judged by the standards of men but by the standard set by our Creator in the 10 Commandments. This is why Jesus died on that cross, to pay the price we all deserve, to stand in as our ransom so that we can be forgiven and live eternally with God without any more evil in the universe.

                    We all have free will but we also are born with a sin nature. People have a way of thinking themselves good by comparing themselves to their neighbor but we will be judged by the perfect and sinless life of Christ and we all fall short.

                    There is no earthly logic to sin from your perspective because we are all filled with sin as this world is filled with sin. If we believe in evolution, then the ONLY thing that matters is propagating out genes into the future. So concepts like love, honesty and compassion are really useless. Morals are meaningless and relative. We should all be lying, back stabbing, ends always justify the means creatures because over millions of years, these are the traits that consistently "win" the gene race. it is not logical that these "weaker" traits should even exist but they do. How is this explained?

                    Without God, how could the "laws" of nature even exist? For example, you say observational "science" is the way of knowing truth. So called modern observational science relies on universal uniformity. That the present is knowable from past observation and that it is consistent through all the universe. Yes? This is circular reasoning. "I know the present and future from the past." Yet you also say that things "evolve", so how can you not know that these so called laws will not also evolve and change? In other words why can you know universal uniformity will remain? You can not know why it will be the same tomorrow or on the other side of the universe. There is no guarantee from your world view that it would not change. You can not have that guarantee without God because God gave His word, the same word that created all of the universe in the first place.

                    In short, you know a lot about "evolution" but I would say you probably know next to nothing about creation science.... because you have been brain washed into believing there is nothing to it. I challenge you to watch this video and study up on the other side so at least you won't be unknowledgeable of the other side... after all, isn't a "scientific" mind suppose to be look at all the facts and decide what the truth is?

                    100 reasons why evolution is so stupid. - YouTube

                    Your view on suppression of human potential based on accepting Christ is greatly mistaken. Christ came to set us free, not to hold us back. It is the sinful nature of man that is holding back progress. Yes, these sinful men use religion to turn people against Christ's freeing message but if you believe that Christ is holding you back and that sinful human nature is "freeing" us... you are greatly mistaken. Do not judge Jesus because of how those professing His name have not His spirit working within them.

                    We are guilty (it's just a fact), but we also have had our sentence PAID IN FULL --- IF we only accept the payment. Someone has to die for your and my sins... but why not accept the payment Jesus already paid to our account so we don't have to pay with our own spiritual death?

                    Originally posted by dR-Green View Post
                    Thanks to the backing of the bible (or rather, the clergy), I realise that I'm perfectly free to commit atrocities throughout my life, and at the very last minute repent and go on to experience the joys of heaven as if I had done good. A shining example for all who would follow.

                    We live only once? Then what sins have I committed? When a baby is born, what sins have they committed that it was necessary for Jesus to die? Is it anticipated that I WILL commit sins during my lifetime? If so, why is the play written so that it's inevitable? Why are sins therefore an undesirable outcome, if the writer has written them into the script?

                    There is no natural logic in any of it. Evolution, in the broadest sense, is essentially a process of trial and error, learning from the mistakes of the past. You stick your finger in the fire, you get burned. Lesson learned. The next experience or encounter with fire is built upon this foundation, this time you don't get burned. Was there any point to the experience of getting burned?

                    Religion, the institution, completely contradicts the law of nature, and completely overrides the necessity for personal responsibility in any situation. In the religious ideal humans don't need brains or the capacity to think, people are not held accountable for their actions and therefore all actions have no consequences. If I fall in the fire then I don't need to bother to try and get myself out of it. I'll just burn until someone else does it for me.

                    The demons say: "help will be given to those who help themselves."

                    @SilverToGold: This is not intended as an attack on your belief system but as a philosophical response to what I see as blatant suppression/diversion of human potential and creative focus. Simply "accepting Jesus as their only means of salvation" = very damaging. First of all, you have convicted them before any trial. They are one down before they even enter the arena. And the plan is to make damn sure they stay down.


                    • #55
                      Of course the Bible is full of death and evil.... it is the story of how evil came to be, the fall of man and man's redemption through Jesus. I never claim milk honey and love.... I clearly said that judgement is coming and we all need to be ready.

                      Isaiah 8:20 "To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them."

                      The "law" referred to in my quote from the Bible refers to the 10 Commandments and not the mosaic laws done away with at the cross. Obviously the 10 Commandments are eternal and reflect the nature of God Himself. It is the ONLY thing written by the very hand of God, spoken to a large audience at Mount Sinai and written into Stone! God is clearly showing that these are His eternal law. The testimony is obviously the word of God given through his prophets in the Bible. What else could you take them to mean?

                      I believe in the Bible, if you want to attach names to me because of this fact, that is your call. With all respect, it means nothing to me. I only refer to the Bible as my source for truth. If I am wrong, show me from the Bible and I will more than welcome it.

                      The Bible is clear and the world is deceived. Most of these other religions are of the same origins as the Satanic pagan religions of the Bible. They do not follow the 10 Commandments or accept Jesus - so they are not from the God of the Bible. But I am not saying that they are all damned. God is fair and he will judge each according to the light they are given or have an opportunity to receive. So if they love God to the best of their ability with the little light they are given, He will not automatically let them become Satan's claim. But I will say that it has to be a lot more difficult to reach Heaven when you don't have a road map as laid out by the Holy Bible.

                      "Beloved, let us love one another; for love is of God, and he who loves is born of God and knows God" (I John 4:7).

                      So you believe that this requires no worship of God? So how do you show you love of God????

                      John 14:15 "If ye love me, keep my commandments."

                      So what are the first 4 Commandments?

                      Exodus 20 : 2-11

                      2 I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.

                      3 Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

                      4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.

                      5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;

                      6 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.

                      7 Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.

                      8 Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.

                      9 Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work:

                      10 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates:

                      11 For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.

                      I believe this is saying to worship God. Pretty clear cut wouldn't you say?

                      How can you know to do "good" to your fellow man if you don't know God's commandments?

                      Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
                      Silver to gold, I don't agree with you interpretation of the bible passages.
                      Plain and simple, I've read quite a bit of the bible and it's no milk and honey
                      story, it's full of death, torture and psychology and cruelty, double meanings
                      abound, take your pick..

                      I disagree with that interpretation. Speaking in accordance to which part of
                      the Bible ? And how are the commandments involved ?

                      You are a religious zealot, there is no space for other religions in your view.
                      Live and let live, I respect religious people if they respect me, the religion
                      matters not, it could be Islam, Buddhism, or Hinduism, if people are fair to one
                      another and to me I have no problem with what they believe as religion in
                      general. If they are Zealots though, it shows intolerance and superiority complex.

                      This above requires no worship of God, just to do good is all that is asked.
                      But I'm certain that would be contradicted elsewhere in the Bible.

                      Are you professing to understand the entire Bible ? And that your interpretations are all correct.

                      No matter what my personal religious or non religious belief is at any particular
                      time, we are all equal as human beings. Be kind to each other, and do good.
                      Simple, Treat others as you would have them treat you.

                      In a way I am religious, I practice my hobby religiously. Ergo - I am religious.

                      I like most the religious people who keep their worship to themselves.

                      Everyone is aware of the Bible and can study it and make their own interpretations.



                      • #56

                        What happened?

                        "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

                        "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall

