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If Bedini Motos Work, Why Aren't They in Mass Use?

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  • If Bedini Motos Work, Why Aren't They in Mass Use?

    This is a question all of us here have probably asked ourselves. I personally believe Bedini motors DO work, even though I have never made one myself. If this motor can produce "free energy," wouldn't energies companies and individuals with the means to, produce their own fleet of Bedini motors in order to get make loads of money. Even if they want to preserve their stake in the oil business, it would be beneficial for them to jump on the bedini bangwaggon. This is also true for "green energy" companies. Someone please explain this phenomena to me! Thanks!

  • #2
    not a motor

    First of all, it is not a "motor". If you can understand that, then
    you will start to understand it's purpose.
    Aaron Murakami

    Books & Videos
    RPX & MWO


    • #3

      Originally posted by chiclanda View Post
      This is a question all of us here have probably asked ourselves. I personally believe Bedini motors DO work, even though I have never made one myself. If this motor can produce "free energy," wouldn't energies companies and individuals with the means to, produce their own fleet of Bedini motors in order to get make loads of money. Even if they want to preserve their stake in the oil business, it would be beneficial for them to jump on the bedini bangwaggon. This is also true for "green energy" companies. Someone please explain this phenomena to me! Thanks!
      Because something isn't in mass use, can we make the assumption that it doesn't work?

      Can we name a few examples of some technologies that works but are not in mass use?

      I. For example, Hemp fiber is extremely versatile though, relatively speaking, not in mass use today as compared to the past.

      II. Raymond Royal Rife discovered a truly amazing way to cure diseases, yet the knowledge of his discoveries has been suppressed.

      III. Joseph Papp invented and demonstrated a pulsed plasma discharge automotive style piston engine that ran on sealed charges of noble gas mixtures in the cylinders, yet this device isn't being used by the masses, as he took a great deal of the knowledge with him to the grave.

      I have listed three examples.

      Therefore, we can draw the following conclusion.

      We cannot necessarily make the assumption that a thing doesn't work just because it isn't in use by the masses.


      • #4
        There is no doubt that the Bedini SG and SSG does work, it has been replicated hundreds if not thousands of times with varying degrees of efficiency.

        Why is it not in production and every day use? There are many answers to this and i will give you a few of them.

        First it, is a learning tool. In its original configuration it is capable of demonstrating more output than the input we put in but it can be easily reconfigured to do similar things in other ways.

        Second, its excess output is found in a charging battery and cannot be used directly.

        Third, It is patented and no one to my knowledge has approached the inventor with a way of putting this into practical production. Variants of this device have been put into production by the inventor.

        Fourth, In its released form it has a relatively low output per dollar cost especially as a commercial unit would need two huge battery banks. In cost per Kwh it is cheaper to burn fossil fuels.

        As I said these are just a few reasons in my opinion. Many of us have learned from this device and have produced machines which have potential to solve the energy problem but as yet I have not come across an ideal solution.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Berg View Post
          Because something isn't in mass use, can we make the assumption that it doesn't work?

          Can we name a few examples of some technologies that works but are not in mass use?

          I. For example, Hemp fiber is extremely versatile though, relatively speaking, not in mass use today as compared to the past.

          II. Raymond Royal Rife discovered a truly amazing way to cure diseases, yet the knowledge of his discoveries has been suppressed.

          III. Joseph Papp invented and demonstrated a pulsed plasma discharge automotive style piston engine that ran on sealed charges of noble gas mixtures in the cylinders, yet this device isn't being used by the masses, as he took a great deal of the knowledge with him to the grave.

          I have listed three examples.

          Therefore, we can draw the following conclusion.

          We cannot necessarily make the assumption that a thing doesn't work just because it isn't in use by the masses.

          This isn't so true, if something isn't being used it is because it does have some disadvantages, take Stirling engines, are they illegal? NO! anyone can possess them and build them, are they efficient? yes, they are being used in industry, at a large scale, and in nuclear submarines today, as well as by many inventors and small businesses, yet they are not mass produced because in recent decades they lost competition to diesel engines.

          it is also difficult to mass produce a low cost , low power stirling
          engine that is compatible with 30-60 countries, technically compatible to work with solar /heat, and even more difficult to offer it at a low price.

          There's no conspiracy theory, and many so called free energy inventions are pure fiction, they simply don't work! take cars that 'run on water' there's absolutely zero scientific or other evidence, and yet 1000s believe it has happened, there are greedy people out there, the MAFIA in the USA, the mafia in Japan, the industries of Japan, that are willing to adopt any serious energy technology right away, they are willing to fight for it, and even sabotage oil industry, but so far none of the so called inventors has convinced them


          • #6
            Originally posted by VERGIS78 View Post

            There's no conspiracy theory, and many so called free energy inventions are pure fiction, they simply don't work! take cars that 'run on water' there's absolutely zero scientific or other evidence, and yet 1000s believe it has happened, there are greedy people out there, the MAFIA in the USA, the mafia in Japan, the industries of Japan, that are willing to adopt any serious energy technology right away, they are willing to fight for it, and even sabotage oil industry, but so far none of the so called inventors has convinced them
            That is pure Nonsense, if someone is a clever Businessman, what would he do to make more sales. Buy out his Competitor. And that happens anywhere around you. There is enough Conspiracy out, what Guys like you may wanna call "Free Market".
            You only need to open your Eyes, if its at the Politic with all the Lobbying in or at the Industrie. Even when you did not realize that the Car industry is tied to Oil and opposite, what do you dream from, that any from this 'to big to fail' Companys is owned by one Person? Wake up man, its anywhere the same Mafia, what runs the Market and the Business, and if you are a nice Boy then you can be a neat Toy at her Business with a well payed Job.

            Thats how the Economy and Business runs, you should inform yourself first better and dont make here only Assumptions, how it could be, or more like, how you would like to want Things to be.

            And btw, Cars what runs on Water only works for tinkerer, because they work that far until it works. But not for our GREAT Scientists, what has nothing else to do as to move her Butts on Chairs from theyr Companys, because all they can do is to fake Results or play the Idiots when it comes to Inventions what could hurt her Payments.
            I have read and seen enough from these Jerks and a lot of this Storys and Guys like you what levitate in a pink Cloud.
            Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


            • #7
              Originally posted by VERGIS78 View Post
              if something isn't being used it is because it does have some disadvantages
              That is not necessarily true in all cases.

              It doesn't always follow that because a thing has some disadvantages, that it won't be used. It is possible to use a thing that does have a disadvantage.


              • #8
                yes, it is a conspiracy


                Solar works and it is not in any significant use in the United States - it's hardly begun, while in Germany, they're blowing everyone away. What's the difference? In Germany, the govt doesn't have a vested interest in oil as the govt here in the states.

                And price is not an excuse anymore either because this very second, solar is now cheaper than natural gas in several parts of this country. It isn't a conspiracy to not support widespread use of cheap solar right now, it is simply business and yes, the power industry together with the federal govt. does work against anything that disrupts a consumable product/income. It is business - not a conspiracy "theory" - it is conspiracy fact. The power industry isn't going to give up their recurring monthly income in exchange for people producing their own power. People can get 30% rebate on solar and sales taxes are paid once - while the govt gets recurring tax income on consumables. Which do they prefer? It's obvious and it not some conspiracy theory. You have to look at the bottom line.

                BP, one of the largest companies behind solar has done everything they could to keep solar expensive so that oil is still the better deal. Conspiracy? Of course it is - a completely legal and normal conspiracy for any for-profit corporation.

                The Bedini technology works. I would recommend you study some business and the development of products all the way to market penetration and if you understand the facts, it is only the "early adopters" right now who are using the Bedini technology - and yes, it does work as claimed.

                At one point when the refrigerator came out, most people shared your perspective and only a small percentage of the population had the wherewithal to get one and they were the "early adopters" that are so famous in the business books. That is a classical example by the way. Your claim that "it" must have some disadvantage has zero basis in reality - you are asserting an idealistic belief of how it "should be" but the real business world doesn't follow idealistic beliefs.

                The solid state models at Tesla Chargers | World's Most Efficient, Effective & Advanced Battery Chargers do work and give results beyond any other charging/rejuvenation technology in the world commercially available. We beat everyone on the planet and we can prove it and we do prove it 365 days a year. And we have kept thousands of tons of batteries out of the scrap yard, literally.

                I am personally working with people all over the world developing rejuvenation businesses based solely around our chargers. Those people have pioneering and early adopter mindsets and don't spend time wondering if something must be wrong or there must be some disadvantage because everyone isn't using one. They see opportunity, they see the established science that has been laid out and developed over the last several decades and thousands of people around the world have gotten their own results with their own tests to validate it. Even most who have not achieved incredible efficiencies that some of us and John get, they still admit it brought back batteries from the dead that no other charger or rejuvenation method could touch. That isn't even debatable - there are countless thousands upon thousands of pages of this all over the internet.

                The only thing slowing this down is the cost of production at relatively low levels as they're all built to order. It is hard to keep this quality up in mass production. You don't see Lamborghini's on a mass assembly line for a reason.

                I know some heavy hitters in the conventional energy industry and I know that many of the solar packages are designed to simply sell more batteries over time because the normal charge controllers are intentionally set to under charge the batteries so they inevitably fail prematurely. Is that a conspiracy? Of course it is - these kind of conspiracies are exercised by virtually every single profit driven corporation on the planet - they conspire to out compete and push any of their competition out of the marketplace and do what they can to sell more of their own products. Besides being an indisputable fact of normal business, it is also common sense.

                There is something called integrated obsolescence or planned obsolescence where certain products that are supposed to last a long time are actually designed to fail prematurely. This concept has been around before anyone on this forum was alive. It is just how the business world works.
                Last edited by Aaron; 01-31-2013, 07:39 AM.
                Aaron Murakami

                Books & Videos
                RPX & MWO


                • #9
                  skeptical of fusion

                  Huge sums of money are spent investigating fusion.
                  Gigantic facilities are built. Top scientists are working on it.
                  The physics say it "can be done" ... eventually.

                  What a bunch of bunk. First off ... there is no portable little fusion reactor
                  that I can buy off the shelf and plug my toys into.
                  I've never seen it demonstrated. The physics makes absolutely
                  no sense to me. The scientists working on this have delusions
                  of grandeur and huge egos and well never see their "life's work"
                  come to fruition.

                  Think of the geo-political ramifications of having the POWER-OF-THE-SUN
                  at the push of a button. Talk about doomsday. Mix a Hitler gene with
                  a Homer Simpson gene, have them work in some fusion reactor
                  facility, and the WORLD has a big problem. Nope. They will never
                  let such an invention see the light of day. The men-in-black will
                  come and shut the tech down, bury all the documentation and
                  kill or "re-program" the scientists that can reproduce such a crazy idea.

                  Anyone wasting their life on such crazy notions as fusion must be nuts.

                  .... tung in cheek ..
                  My point is we can either have a GRID FOREVER mentality,
                  or we can start thinking about solutions that give individual
                  empowerment. The latter will certainly NOT be fusion... will it?


                  • #10
                    Excellent Example!

                    Originally posted by morpher44 View Post
                    Huge sums of money are spent investigating fusion.
                    Gigantic facilities are built. Top scientists are working on it.
                    The physics say it "can be done" ... eventually.

                    What a bunch of bunk. First off ... there is no portable little fusion reactor
                    that I can buy off the shelf and plug my toys into.
                    I've never seen it demonstrated. The physics makes absolutely
                    no sense to me. The scientists working on this have delusions
                    of grandeur and huge egos and well never see their "life's work"
                    come to fruition.

                    Think of the geo-political ramifications of having the POWER-OF-THE-SUN
                    at the push of a button. Talk about doomsday. Mix a Hitler gene with
                    a Homer Simpson gene, have them work in some fusion reactor
                    facility, and the WORLD has a big problem. Nope. They will never
                    let such an invention see the light of day. The men-in-black will
                    come and shut the tech down, bury all the documentation and
                    kill or "re-program" the scientists that can reproduce such a crazy idea.

                    Anyone wasting their life on such crazy notions as fusion must be nuts.

                    .... tung in cheek ..
                    My point is we can either have a GRID FOREVER mentality,
                    or we can start thinking about solutions that give individual
                    empowerment. The latter will certainly NOT be fusion... will it?

                    No "tongue-in-cheek" needed. That is a perfect example. And to top it off, HOT FUSION was successfully demonstrated in 1965 by ITT corporation and quickly buried. I've had a citation on my website on this for years. To see it, click HERE.

                    Peter Lindemann, D.Sc.

                    Open System Thermodynamics Perpetual Motion Reality Electric Motor Secrets
                    Battery Secrets Magnet Secrets Tesla's Radiant Energy Real Rain Making
                    Bedini SG: The Complete Handbook Series Magnetic Energy Secrets


                    • #11
                      I'm sure they would soon catch-on if they worked. I use a lot of movable
                      electric fencing during the winter, I end up lugging batteries about every day
                      and a machine that would save that trouble would be a winner.
                      With short days and poor light solar panels aren't efficient enough, wind
                      would do the job but is not really practical, a Bedini type machine would be


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Iamnuts View Post
                        I'm sure they would soon catch-on if they worked. I use a lot of movable
                        electric fencing during the winter, I end up lugging batteries about every day
                        and a machine that would save that trouble would be a winner.
                        With short days and poor light solar panels aren't efficient enough, wind
                        would do the job but is not really practical, a Bedini type machine would be
                        Hi, don't know if you've seen this, I'd love to have one of these. I dunno if it would fit your application:

                        Tesla Chargers | Tesla Solar Tracker III

                        "It is common for these Tesla Solar Tracker III's to start charging as soon as the sun comes up until the sun sets. Marginal light is the minimum requirement - so you can have battery charging all day long even under cloudy skies! "

                        BTW Thanks Peter Lindemann for sharing that article on Philo Farnsworth--wow!
                        Last edited by Blargus; 02-02-2013, 05:51 AM.

