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The Empty Sun. The Hollow Sun. The Electric Sun.

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  • #91
    Originally posted by Raphael37 View Post
    maybe I am full of ****


    likewise, your "buddha quote" is BS, no such passage exists in the Pali Nikayas.

    You got that trash from a non-original source wholly outside of the NIkayas

    how would I know? 20+ years of translating Pali texts son.


    • #92
      Gravity induced by Magnetism



      Keshe Foundation - Gravity

      Last edited by vidbid; 01-31-2015, 06:02 PM.



      • #93
        Aether Interaction



        • #94
          Originally posted by TheoriaApophasis View Post


          likewise, your "buddha quote" is BS, no such passage exists in the Pali Nikayas.

          You got that trash from a non-original source wholly outside of the NIkayas

          how would I know? 20+ years of translating Pali texts son.
          why does stupid (you) always show up and tell genius (ME+me) what it already knows?

          duh you the Pali expert who likes to STALK me on this forum has again proved what kind of azzhole you are sir, err old man.

          On my blog I actually provide a third party link for dinks just like you, here it is...
          “Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.” Buddha | Fake Buddha Quotes

          Now being a self anointed and appointed Pali expert, what can a dummy like you extract from the language linking the swastika to the sun via Surya and or Ganesha?

          eh mister azzhole?

          look sonny this thread is about the SUN and trying to figure out what it is.

          DUH we know what I AM ... I have years of blogs to prove it, in fact.

          The unanswered question IS ... what does a Pali expert know about what makes the SUN tick and talk to us?


          What do EWE have to offer ya dummy?

          hey stupid go here and ACTUALLY read what genius has recovered;

          Last edited by Raphael37; 02-03-2015, 09:23 PM.


          • #95
            Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
            thanks Al

            is that what the SUN is?
            interesting video Al, but I am a very very slow learner, so could you explain how the experiment in the video explains how the sun functions?
            pretend I am a little kid....make it simpleton for me.

            what SUN narrative do you support Al?

            vote now


            • #96
              good video ... I left comments and questions with the fella who made the video....


              Keshe offers a book and in the book is a story or a narrative.
              But at the end of the day his theory is cloaked in a narrative, offering a promise.

              PhDUH Keshe offers a theory + promise + narrative NOT to be confused with the TRUTH.

              let me know when that wanker comes up with real world APPLICATIONS that serve the real world in the HERE and NOW?

              Let me give you an example of an IDEA that will not go away that provides APPLICATIONS that benefit humanity/real world in the HERE and NOW.

              Duh the day ye folks understand what the swastika is, is the day you realize why the ancients associated it to the power of the sun.

              Last edited by Raphael37; 02-03-2015, 10:14 PM.


              • #97
                Originally posted by Raphael37 View Post
                is that what the SUN is?
                No, it is a natural nuclear fission reactor,

                The Nuclear Heart of the Earth

                Nature’s Nuclear Reactors: The 2-Billion-Year-Old Natural Fission Reactors in Gabon, Western Africa



                • #98
                  Originally posted by Raphael37 View Post
                  On my blog I actually provide a third party link for dinks just like you, here it is...
                  “Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.” Buddha | Fake Buddha Quotes

                  Now being a self anointed and appointed Pali expert, what can a dummy like you extract from the language linking the swastika to the sun:

                  Youre an idiot, no such passage exists in the Prakrit Pali

                  been translating same for just over 20 years now.

                  I have a pali search engine as well, as for the term SOTTHI (suti, or suasti *swastika*) , no such passage exists linking same to the Sun.

                  Not a single one. All references to same are as per liberation and the Soul

                  Again, youre an idiot, and know not of that which you speak.


                  • #99
                    sorry Al but the obvious is lost on you.

                    the obvious which I am TRYING to point out.

                    YOU claim the sun is powered by nuclear fission and you provide links.
                    Others like Eric Dollard who this website shows respect and honors, claims the SUN is hollow and 'electric' in its origins.

                    Who is correct?

                    YOU DON'T KNOW and neither do I, DUH can we agree on that?

                    YOU DON'T have the technical equipment to figure it out, neither do I.

                    I really don't care how the SUN is powered, I am not that invested in either theory, I AM interested and invested in seeking a truth.

                    Because which ever team wins NUCLEAR vs ELECTRIC, the swastika will be there to accept the honors as a viable symbol representing the sun as it has for thousands of years...

                    Last edited by Raphael37; 02-05-2015, 09:25 AM.


                    • Originally posted by TheoriaApophasis View Post
                      Youre an idiot, no such passage exists in the Prakrit Pali

                      been translating same for just over 20 years now.

                      I have a pali search engine as well, as for the term SOTTHI (suti, or suasti *swastika*) , no such passage exists linking same to the Sun.

                      Not a single one. All references to same are as per liberation and the Soul

                      Again, youre an idiot, and know not of that which you speak.
                      No you sir are the idiot.
                      How many times must you repeat the LIE that you are a Pali expert
                      Can I see your dippy-ploma?

                      Talk is cheap on forums.
                      And you are evidence of azzholes who rise to the occasion.

                      This thread is not about the Pali translation of the 12,000+ year old swastika, DUH, DUH, DUH.

                      It is about the controversy regarding the SUN.
                      Is it ELECTRIC or NUCLEAR powered?

                      Are you too stupid, too much of an idiot to join in the conversation?

                      Okay you win the swastika is what you say it is.
                      What a self-anointed dummy like you wins I have no idea.

                      Now mister winner/loser please TRY to tell me what you as a Pali expert + your swastika insights can tell me about the SUN, SURYA and GANESHA and a narrative that was designed to teach dumbfooks like you?

                      eh stupid human, what else have ewe got besides a Pali POV?

                      rise up
                      raise your game stupid human

                      Last edited by Raphael37; 02-05-2015, 09:38 AM.


                      • Originally posted by Raphael37 View Post
                        SURYA and GANESHA

                        Im sorry that you are an idiot, however as is the case, the Gnesh and Surya post date Prakrit by approx. 900 years.

                        Dont comment on Brahmi' Prakit, a topic of which you have no study whatsoever.

                        As for ALL passages of the term SOTTHI, they were provided 2 pages ago....

                        suggest you re-translate them, however learning Pali would take you about 10 years.

                        You have nothing intelligent to contribute on the topic whatsoever.

                        Your sexual fixation on the swastika is not a noble topic for anything pertaining to energy, nor the sun, hollow or otherwise.

                        Likewise, said metaphysical principle-attribute symbolism is beyond your kin as well.

                        Lux et veritas
                        Last edited by TheoriaApophasis; 02-05-2015, 09:30 AM.


                        • Originally posted by TheoriaApophasis View Post
                          Im sorry that you are an idiot, however as is the case, the Gnesh and Surya post date Prakrit by approx. 900 years.

                          Dont comment on Brahmi' Prakit, a topic of which you have no study whatsoever.

                          As for ALL passages of the term SOTTHI, they were provided 2 pages ago....

                          suggest you re-translate them, however learning Pali would take you about 10 years.

                          You have nothing intelligent to contribute on the topic whatsoever.

                          Your sexual fixation on the swastika is not a noble topic for anything pertaining to energy, nor the sun, hollow or otherwise.

                          Likewise, said metaphysical principle-attribute symbolism is beyond your kin as well.

                          Lux et veritas
                          no sir it appears that your IGNORANCE is holding you back.

                          To link the swastika to fertility rites is not a sexual fixation ... (you really are quite stupid I AM is realizing)
                          Why would you bring up sexual fixation?
                          That dumbfook statement by you sir clearly exposes how blinded you have become to simple realities visible in plain sight.

                          (shiva linga comes to mind)
                          Anybody studying the origins of man and woman and an allegorical place called Eden or lalala land would need to factor in 'fertility', the idea of seeds, a serpent with a forked tongue, and of course the pricks and c*nts needed to pull off the entire sha-bang.

                          you are apparently content to play a game that revolves around your expertise for which there is NO evidence azzhole.

                          2017 ~ Intelligent Design ~ The Temple Of Man ~ Master Builder’s Grid ~ the Swastika and the Gravity of the Situation
                          here is the evidence suggesting the swastika is an 'Intelligent Design', sent by heaven, taken possession by ignorant dumbfooks like you sir who are out of their element.

                          dude you do NOT need to stay stupid forever.
                          the swastika as a representative of the system we are a part of, can teach you about itself, it wants to teach dummies like you sir ... just open up your closed mind.

                          2017 ~ Intelligent Design ~ NANO World APPLICATIONS for the SWASTIKA ~ the true blue and red AVATAR

                          Is cognitive bias holding EWE back herr Pali expert?
                          POV can be a problem for flat-landers sir.

                          Back to the issues as I see them regarding an emerging religion called science.

                          What powers the sun (it appears that many scientists will need to return their PhDUHs ) and why don't self-anointed forum PhDUH azzholes admit they are ignorant of what the swastika offers to a bigger picture?

                          Hey azzhole does your Pali text give earth bound wankers any clues to what powers the sun?

                          fiat lvx
                          2017 ~ Intelligent Design ~ Geometry ~ Consciousness and Entanglement ~ 137-9 Mesoamerica Code ~ FIAT * LUX
                          Last edited by Raphael37; 02-05-2015, 10:56 AM.


                          • The following text/chart came out of a 1904 publication, Annie Besant was the author of the book called ....

                            "A STUDY IN CONSCIOUSNESS"

                            Hey Al does the 'aether' play a role in your theory?

                            Where does plasma come in exactly...?

                            The reason I ask is because I have done my homework regarding the assignment given me.

                            Intelligent Design a Nobel Prize ~ The Importance of Asymmetry and How Einstein Made Asymmetry, the AEther, the Atma, and the Swastika Disappear

                            Last edited by Raphael37; 02-05-2015, 10:32 AM.


                            • Originally posted by Raphael37 View Post
                              Hey Al does the 'aether' play a role in your theory?

                              delusional and pathetic fool, the Ether as "air" ie animus syn. with Atman (Pali Attan) is metaphysical "air", not literally air, fool.

                              same term in english as in Pali and sanskrit,

                              Atman, soul, animus, the breath of animation, ie the Soul

                              Atma (root prakrit, Pali Attan, : Soul), Atmosphere "AIR" Atma-spheros (sphere of the air(s)....).

                              I see metaphysical symbolism is easily lost on weak minds.


                              • Originally posted by TheoriaApophasis View Post
                                delusional and pathetic fool, the Ether as "air" ie animus syn. with Atman (Pali Attan) is metaphysical "air", not literally air, fool.

                                same term in english as in Pali and sanskrit,

                                Atman, soul, animus, the breath of animation, ie the Soul

                                Atma (root prakrit, Pali Attan, : Soul), Atmosphere "AIR" Atma-spheros (sphere of the air(s)....).

                                I see metaphysical symbolism is easily lost on weak minds.

                                cheap comments from the cheap seats
                                wankers like you get change back from your two cents worth,
                                a penny for your thoughts

                                the world according to pali will get azzholes like you sir nowhere
                                you are the dumbfook here sir

                                raise your game
                                BTW what do you think powers the SUN dude?

                                nuclear fission?
                                pali language?
                                hebrew language?

                                why don't azzholes like you realize that your Pali language is based on SOUNDZZZZ ?????

                                and SOUND waves and LIGHT waves can be linked to what herr Pali azzhole expert?
                                I have a feeling I AM wasting my time asking a dummy like you anything about energy, unless it is wasted.

                                The Pali language is extinct in the 21st century because it apparently only breeds stupid humans
                                Pali azzholes went the 'way of the dodo' not to be confused with the Fourth Way
                                Last edited by Raphael37; 02-05-2015, 04:24 PM.

