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The Empty Sun. The Hollow Sun. The Electric Sun.

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  • Originally posted by Raphael37 View Post
    cheap comments from the cheap seats
    wankers like you get change back from your two cents worth,
    a penny for your thoughts

    the world according to pali will get azzholes like you sir nowhere
    you are the dumbfook here sir

    raise your game
    BTW what do you think powers the SUN dude?

    nuclear fission?
    pali language?
    hebrew language?

    why don't azzholes like you realize that your Pali language is based on SOUNDZZZZ ?????

    and SOUND waves and LIGHT waves can be linked to what herr Pali azzhole expert?
    I have a feeling I AM wasting my time asking a dummy like you anything about energy, unless it is wasted.

    The Pali language is extinct in the 21st century because it apparently only breeds stupid humans
    Pali azzholes went the 'way of the dodo' not to be confused with the Fourth Way

    I count about 20 curse words....

    and 0 on-topic statements of any worth or value or relevancy

    Seek mental help.


    • Originally posted by TheoriaApophasis View Post
      I count about 20 curse words....

      and 0 on-topic statements of any worth or value or relevancy

      Seek mental help.
      azzholes like you show up on threads discussing the SUN, is it nuclear or electrical and your response is ?????

      I need medical help?

      Dude you apparently need help more than me.

      two facts
      you offer nothing in the controversy about what powers the SUN on a thread discussing what powers the SUN.

      in fact your only claim to fame on this topic is trying to win over the crazy guy (me) with your Pali idiot sh*t.

      duh you are a stupid little man and you do not even realize it.
      Last edited by Raphael37; 02-05-2015, 08:17 PM.


      • Originally posted by Raphael37 View Post
        two facts
        you offer nothing in the controversy about what powers the SUN on a thread discussing what powers the SUN.
        Physics professor Ephraim Fischbach decided to use the decay of radioactive isotopes as a source of randomness.

        Intrigued, they checked out long range observations of silicon-32 and radium-226 decay, both of which showed a slight but definite variation over time. Intriguingly, the decay seemed to vary with the seasons, with the rate a little faster in the winter and a little slower in the summer.

        nuclear engineer Jere Jenkins noticed the decay rate of the short-lived isotope manganese-54 dropped slightly during a solar flare. In fact, the decrease began a good 36 hours before the flare occurred.

        The seasonal fluctuations suggested the Sun could be involved somehow, and the solar flare connection confirmed it. The scientists speculated that solar neutrinos, the nearly massless particles created as byproducts of the sun’s fusing of hydrogen atoms into helium, might be causing these variations. The fact that these neutrinos pass straight through the Earth with ease fit well with the fact that the decay rates were changing even at night, when the entire planet was between the radioactive isotopes and the Sun.

        Once the researchers conclusively ruled out environmental influences, that left the Sun as the only possible cause of the decay variations. They also found that the amount of change varied in time with the Earth’s orbit – the effect was greater when the orbit brought the Earth closer to the Sun and thus into contact with more neutrinos.

        They found the decay rates recurred every 33 days, which didn’t quite fit with the Sun’s known surface rotation length of 28 days. But the neutrinos wouldn’t be coming from the surface – they would be coming from deep inside the core. Unlikely as it might seem, the sun’s core must be rotating a little slower than its surface, apparently once every 33 days.

        The Sun is changing the rate of radioactive decay



        • Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
          [COLOR="Blue"]Physics professor Ephraim Fischbach decided to use the decay of radioactive isotopes as a source of randomness.


          Our current day idiot science doesnt even know what a neutrino is.

          Atomist "scientists" think its a particle, but thats impossible.

          They are the after effect longitudinal force-pulses in the Ether.

          little pinch-points in the ether as the result of enormous energy (Sun, radiation, etc).


          • Originally posted by TheoriaApophasis View Post
            Our current day idiot science doesnt even know what a neutrino is.
            the "little neutral one" u get by playing with two "slots"

            Originally posted by TheoriaApophasis View Post
            They are the after effect longitudinal force-pulses in the Ether.
            scalar/longitudinal waves penetrate the earth - "when the entire planet was between the radioactive isotopes and the Sun"



            • Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
              Physics professor Ephraim Fischbach decided to use the decay of radioactive isotopes as a source of randomness.

              Intrigued, they checked out long range observations of silicon-32 and radium-226 decay, both of which showed a slight but definite variation over time. Intriguingly, the decay seemed to vary with the seasons, with the rate a little faster in the winter and a little slower in the summer.

              nuclear engineer Jere Jenkins noticed the decay rate of the short-lived isotope manganese-54 dropped slightly during a solar flare. In fact, the decrease began a good 36 hours before the flare occurred.

              The seasonal fluctuations suggested the Sun could be involved somehow, and the solar flare connection confirmed it. The scientists speculated that solar neutrinos, the nearly massless particles created as byproducts of the sun’s fusing of hydrogen atoms into helium, might be causing these variations. The fact that these neutrinos pass straight through the Earth with ease fit well with the fact that the decay rates were changing even at night, when the entire planet was between the radioactive isotopes and the Sun.

              Once the researchers conclusively ruled out environmental influences, that left the Sun as the only possible cause of the decay variations. They also found that the amount of change varied in time with the Earth’s orbit – the effect was greater when the orbit brought the Earth closer to the Sun and thus into contact with more neutrinos.

              They found the decay rates recurred every 33 days, which didn’t quite fit with the Sun’s known surface rotation length of 28 days. But the neutrinos wouldn’t be coming from the surface – they would be coming from deep inside the core. Unlikely as it might seem, the sun’s core must be rotating a little slower than its surface, apparently once every 33 days.

              The Sun is changing the rate of radioactive decay

              All of the above is interesting BUT the very last paragraph puts the entire rant into question....

              They found the decay rates recurred every 33 days, which didn’t quite fit with the Sun’s known surface rotation length of 28 days. But the neutrinos wouldn’t be coming from the surface – they would be coming from deep inside the core. Unlikely as it might seem, the sun’s core must be rotating a little slower than its surface, apparently once every 33 days.
              stop the press ~ the official NARRATIVE is still in question!!!

              I thought NASA's data suggests the SUN rotates about once every 37 days at the poles and once every 26 days at the equator.

              Resulting in a model basing on a SHEARING effect


              You might want to read this first before responding.

              I have a wealth of knowledge to draw from that supports ONE idea.


              this is a great great video too
              best explanation I have seen

              The above IMAGE + VIDEO might help lay the groundwork of where ME+me genius is headed, that ONE idea....

              Last edited by Raphael37; 02-09-2015, 04:41 PM.


              • Originally posted by Raphael37 View Post
                I thought NASA's data suggests the SUN rotates about once every 37 days at the poles and once every 26 days at the equator.
                Sun-a "plasma globe" except powered by fission not fusion.
                Sun's apparent rotation is 28 days because its "surface" revolves at different speeds.
                "Unlikely as it might seem, the sun’s core must be rotating a little slower than its surface, apparently once every 33 days." - Inconclusive, the sun-aether interaction points are unknown (core/surface/N/S).



                • Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
                  Sun-a "plasma globe" except powered by fission not fusion.
                  Sun's apparent rotation is 28 days because its "surface" revolves at different speeds.
                  "Unlikely as it might seem, the sun’s core must be rotating a little slower than its surface, apparently once every 33 days." - Inconclusive, the sun-aether interaction points are unknown (core/surface/N/S).

                  do you have a link for your claims

                  I can give you plenty for mine

                  But does it matter?

                  Do you know what a NARRATIVE is?

                  WHAT IS IT'S NARRATIVE?

                  Apparently the sciences and religion can NOT agree on its narrative.

                  What is its NARRATIVE?

                  After thousands of years we still do NOT know.

                  Last edited by Raphael37; 02-09-2015, 09:12 PM.


                  • Originally posted by Raphael37 View Post
                    do you have a link for your claims
                    A thermonuclear weapon is a nuclear weapon design that uses the energy from
                    a primary nuclear fission reaction to compress and ignite a secondary nuclear fusion reaction.

                    Thermonuclear weapon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                    Originally posted by Raphael37 View Post
                    WHAT IS IT'S NARRATIVE?






                    • Originally posted by Raphael37 View Post
                      Originally Posted by Raphael37 View Post
                      WHAT IS IT'S NARRATIVE?

                      that your tinfoil hat is too tight.

                      maybe its powered by the Alien servants of Xenu


                      • Originally posted by TheoriaApophasis View Post

                        that your tinfoil hat is too tight.

                        maybe its powered by the Alien servants of Xenu
                        Ah the parrot who reBLEATs nonsense ... Pali want a cracker?

                        Who knows the truth?
                        I know a dummy like you sir does not.

                        Maybe Maurice Cotterell's version based on NASA data has some validity?
                        Who knows?
                        He has written books sharing his thoth thoughts.

                        Clearly many scholars do not know the truth ... duh did I spend $$$ to be wrong yet armed with a PhDUH?

                        nope, but there are plenty of dopes who did, and who own dippy-plomas giving their ego something to do, defend the dummy that is you

                        The featured star of this website suggests the sun is hollow.
                        Have any of you hot dogs/wieners taken Eric Dullard on?

                        Hey Pali dumbfu*k?
                        Have you taken your pathetic act to Eric Dollard?

                        Go here;

                        Btw I cancelled my satellite some time ago, the thought of employing a wanker like ewe to stand on my roof as an act of charity was misplaced
                        Last edited by Raphael37; 02-11-2015, 03:30 PM.


                        • Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
                          A thermonuclear weapon is a nuclear weapon design that uses the energy from
                          a primary nuclear fission reaction to compress and ignite a secondary nuclear fusion reaction.

                          Thermonuclear weapon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia






                          dude I can bury ewe with links too, did you notice I did not

                          now show me you can think for yourself and are not just another fool cutting and pasting stuff he knows very little about.

                          go back to those videos and highlight for me the important points you want to make about your 'pet helical SS theory' ....

                          ... and this is also important to remember, please explain if your *brand new theory regarding the structure of the solar system AND apparent rotation can help us define IF the sun is nuclear, electrical, magnetic or .... ___________ ? (the theory still to come)

                          And how does gravity being defined as 70% pushing + 30% pulling fit into your vortex scenario?

                          fair enough?

                          Last edited by Raphael37; 02-11-2015, 03:22 PM.


                          • the TRUTH appears lost on ALL of you.

                            the fact I want to debate what powers the SUN, still not resolved, now needs to account also for a brand new theory that needs to be tested regarding the topography of the solar system...and maybe the universe at an even larger scale?

                            some of YOU have theories, some do not, some just follow, cut and paste.

                            I have a theory too.
                            But a theory that provides APPLICATIONS should be heeded.
                            And the Swastika RMF (rotating magnetic field) theory comes with APPLICATIONS that benefit humanity in the here and now, that is a wow.

                            BUT wankers like the Pali expert who till now have put NOTHING on the table are wankers .... just offering up his dumbfu*k ego not far removed from a parrot reBLEATing what it has been told.

                            And all of these wise people agree with ME+me thus the reader can conclude you sir are claiming to be an expert, but clearly a stupid one.

                            Did you know the swastika addresses the proverbial paradoxical stupid/expert hybrids that beget each other ... ?

                            Pali want a cracker?
                            ...sorry ya dope, but the swastika narrative being recovered clearly trumps what a dummy like you is offering to share in the here and now, your ignorance is deafening.
                            Last edited by Raphael37; 02-11-2015, 03:17 PM.


                            • [VIDEO][/VIDEO]

                              does it matter what the folks in the east think or promote?

                              what is the archetypal message east to west in building the world's biggest icon representing an idea, or ideal, with a solar swastika on the breast of the Buddha ...


                              duh I say


                              • Originally posted by Raphael37 View Post

                                your 'pet helical SS theory' ....

                                your *brand new theory
                                Why is it a theory?

                                Why this segment shows incomplete and simplified solar system trail?


