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The Empty Sun. The Hollow Sun. The Electric Sun.

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  • #76
    A New Term: Quackademia

    Getting back to business, I decided to go back and look at the video
    The Sun is not a Nuclear furnace raging at millions of degrees. It is Electric and Cold! - YouTube
    and re-watch it. While watching it, I noticed the comments posted by the individual who uploaded the video. He noticed that the comments were mirrored from another YouTube video, but after visiting the original site, I couldn't find the comments. I'm impressed by them and thought I would share them here.

    Originally posted by 77GSlinger
    Published on Jan 28, 2013
    The nuclear furnace myth of the Sun, which was created to support energy baron profits and control, is exposed by Eric Dollard for the sham it is. This invalidates all tokamak fusion reactors based on the idiotic theory that the sun is a nuke furnace. Meaning, that 48 billion dollars of taxpayer money has been wasted on this fraud called nuclear fusion.
    This is how the racket is run folks, TPTB fund all of this worthless quackademic psyence in order to keep you paying for energy, which should be pracitically free in all applications.

    Their slave system of backwards explosion based technologies insures them that we keep paying for their fuels, fighting their dirty lying wars and enriching the subhuman filth who profit from these demonic world destroying activities.

    The Sun's energy comes from the Creator's still magnetic light Universe and not another dimension. The Magnetic light Universe controls all motions of our Electric Universe which gives form to Atoms, Suns, Galaxies and everything else in Creation. The magnetic Universe is dimensionless, zero temperature and zero curvature. It is the fulcrum from which sex divided electric conditions of male and female spiraling wave forms create the illusion of the 3d Comsic Light Cinema which man calls the Electric Universe, aka "Maya".

    The many absurd claims about the Sun's temperature being 30 million degress in the corona and 15 million degrees inside are therefore false. Since there is no heat in space it is impossible for the Corona to be 30 degress, let alone 30 million degrees. The quacks who claims these high temps reason that it is the mythical process called "nuclear fusion", which generates the x-rays which orginate in the Sun. However, your dentists use electrical methods to create x-rays which do not require these insane temps quackademicians dream up to make them appear to know something about the Sun. Nuclear fusion is fraud concocted by the mythematicians of quackademia and does not even exist!

    Heat does not travel to the Earth through the immense cold of space, it is created here as the electric wave forms coming from the sun strike matter creating an Actinic effect on Earth, moons and planets of our Solar System, which we call heat and light.

    For a detailed analysis of the True Nature of our Sun and all stars see: chapter 47 of my free online book Free Energy and Free Thinking

    Free Energy and Free Thinking

    Chapter 47: The Actual Electric Sun vs. the Solar Nuclear Furnace "theory" of quackademia

    The Electric Sun vs

    Viktor Scauberger speaks on the true properties of our Sun:

    Page 78, "Living Energies" by Callum Coats

    And this is perhaps the moment to drop
    Viktor Schauberger's bombshell! Viktor considered
    the Sun to be a cold, dark body,
    expressing this view in the introductory
    remarks to "Questions for Science" in his
    book Our Senseless Toil published in 1934, in
    which he states:

    Since the very beginning of time the Sun has
    stood above everything, staring down in icy
    silence at the frenzied activities of humankind,
    who regard it as a fiery orb. How could it be otherwise,
    such is their direct mental approach
    towards life! The closer we approach this source of
    light and heat, the colder and. darker its face will
    become. The nearer we are to it, the brighter the
    stars will be and as its light diminishes, heat,
    atmosphere, water and life will also disappear.....

    We shall therefore examine the two
    claims of darkness and cold more closely. Let
    us begin with the aspect of darkness, for
    there is some evidence to support his view
    that, without any atmosphere, no stars would
    be visible."

    "Living Energies" by Callum Coats in pdf.

    Mirrored by Robert Arnett Otey

    from: The Sun is Not What we We Have Been Told.... Eric Dollard reveals 3 secrets about the Sun - YouTube


    • #77
      The Primer Field Plazma.

      Ag 2 Au suggested this: "The Primer Field".
      See his seperate thread here:

      Among other things they show a "Sun-like-Plazma", complete with 'solar-like-flaires'.

      This seems to strongly support the Electric Universe Theory, The Electric Sun.

      Everyone likes a nice Sun-Like-Plazma display!

      "Doesn't matter how many times you kick the coyote in the head, it's still gonna eat chickens". - EPD


      • #78
        I feel that the knowledge of how the sun works, and what light actually is, are very important topics. And also has something to do with what we are trying to do and achieve on these forums, in replicating and using the same ideas and to put them to work for us, for creating devices of similar nature.
        Although not new, this information (below) comes from a book called OASPHE, written back in 1850, or so. Before NASA, corporate business, or any other institutions tried to pull the wool over our heads.

        "Neither light, nor heat, nor attraction of gravitation cometh from the sun to the earth. Heat decreaseth in force in proportion to the square of the distance from the place of generation; nevertheless, an allowance of decrease must be added thereunto of one to the hundred. Light decreaseth in proportion to the divisibility of rays, as will be mentioned hereafter. Though a man see the light of the sun, as he seeth a horse in a field, yet there is no such thing as travel of light in fact; nor is there any substance of light. But that which is called light is polarity of corporeal needles in solution, caused by the lines of vortexya. In experiments on earth, the flash requireth a certain time to polarize these infinitesimal needles, and for convenience sake such lapse of time is called the travel of light. When the flash continueth, as in the case of the sun center, the master's infinitesimal needles remain poised from the sun center outward, even to the earth, and may be compared to telegraph wires, with a battery at each end. But there is no travel in any sense whatever. Daylight is not, therefore, made by the sun, nor by the photosphere of the sun. Daylight is the condition of things polarized within the master vortex. Night is manufactured by the earth coming betwixt the master's focus and the outer extreme. So that both night and day continue all the time; and we realize them both alternately in consequence of the axial motion of the earth. As in the case of night, or of any darkness, when the needles of atmospherean substance are disturbed in polarity, or when the lines of needles are cut, as in eclipse, there is no direct manifestation of the earth's vortexian currents, and such is the cause of darkness. For which reason nitrogenous plants grow rapidly at night, whilst the ripening of certain fruits and grains require the light of day. For by this vortexya are seeds and grains and fruits charged with it. Whereof when man eateth, or, as in breathing air, these things go into dissolution, as hereinafter mentioned, the heat is eliminated, and lodgeth itself in man. Or if certain herbs be piled together, and they commence dissolution, their heat is evolved, and is called spontaneous combustion."
        End of quote.

        "Vortexya": is the name of the FORCE OF A VORTEX.

        The explanation above is stating that so called "Sun light" is produced on Earth by the polarization on photonic needles, alining and being polarized by the Sun to produce light. And that light is not coming from the sun to our planet, but is created here on Earth.
        I feel that the reason that we are not teaching this as valid theory in the school today, is to distract us from being able to use this knowledge as a base to work with, to discover how to create light, heat, and magnetism in a similar way.

        I realize that this is still a very contrivertial subject, so please don't criticize me for it. Only trying to help, bringing in old facts, as new ideas.

        Most of us are aware of what the current main stream scientific theory about this subject is teaching, as well as the "Big Bang Theory", so, there is no need to repeat that again, here. Neither are anything but a figment of their imagination.

        Last edited by Nick_Z; 03-02-2013, 05:50 PM.


        • #79

          Kudos for the OP.

          Big Bang theory is a garbage hypothesis. It's inevitable that mainstream scientists who want to save their faces should throw it into a trash very fast. Before people like me increase exponentially within few years.

          Big Bang theory is built upon the Theory of Relativity and Newtonian mechanics that consider our physical universe is close system believing gravity is major force that influence its mighty power in macroscopic scale. But the real problems is they do not know what's gravity about, they have vague understanding about what's energy, what's property of inertia, on and on.

          Black Holes does really exist? I stupidly believed in for few decades because I was a copy cap like other billions. The definition of Black Holes is an artificial construct that contains infinity within. Infinity is abstract meaning humans made to simplify stuff. It's big big amount of something. A Black Hole has infinite density at so tiny space and lights can not escape from it.

          What conditions need to create infinite density in physical universe? I mean seriously. A complete opposite is the concept of number zero. Number zero does really exist? I thought it many times and found it out that it's also abstract concept in human mind. But people believe in non-existence value of number zero in reality. It's a dangerous trait of hive mindset. The serious problem is as long as the hive intelligence that is distorted from reality, entire civilization will suffer for long time.

          Our universe has to be a complete, homogeneous close system that has beginning and inevitable end in future. Mainstreams scientists love this absurd belief system that is separated from the Nature. Honestly our level of understanding of Nature is at primitive stage. One example modern astronomy has collected observed data of our universe little over half century. And then they really created theory of everything - Big Bang cosmology - that explains billions years old structure.

          Scientists fail to predict local weather few weeks ahead. Blah blah blah excuses. They do know how our Sun generates energy, how Earth and other planet are affected by Sun's activities. It's bizarre. Without being able to explain a tiny world, Earth properly, they insist that their Big Bang theory must be right because scientists said so?

          Is it really possible matter of plasma that is under electromagnetic force mostly, which is 10^38 to 10^41 times stronger than gravity, can be compressed into a tiny space to form a Black Hole? I'm skeptical about Neutron stars' existence too. To me it's nonsense.

          Electric charge or magnetic fields do affect gravitational field around objects. Electrogravitics has been secretly developed under U.S military. Colliding magnetic fields reduce weight of sold objects. There has been experiments and physics papers on the net too.

          They hypothesized stars main energy source caused by nuclear fusion reaction inside the star assuming gravity creates up to infinite density if the conditions are right. So our Sun became a big nuclear fusion reactor in space. Mainstream scientists and energy corporations boldly started projects to create artificial suns for solving global energy problems. They have wasted huge amount of tax payers money and resources in world wide over decades. It's possible to contain and condense plasma using magnetic fields but it consumes huge energy to do it. How to stabilize millions of degree I wonder.
          They kept insisting one day nuclear fusion power plant become reality. When?

          Well two decades ago, cold fusion was discovered by two scientists. Scientific community literally killed the seed of cold fusion technology just because it's unacceptable phenomena in their universe because they were pushing hot fusion reactor.
          Any energy generation technologies that produce usable energy under not too hot temperature must be faked or unstable by them.

          When I found Electric Universe last year, I saw a small sign of hope. Most of them still are stuck in conventional laws of physics. What I like them is they at least try to accept limitation of modern sciences and bring common sense and logic in physics and astronomy, which should give more clear answers than generate problems and confusions.

          Practical scientists and engineers seems to fed up by stupid mainstream paradigm nowadays. | A voice for the Electric Universe is a great site for studying Electric Universe theory in general.

          Most professionals scare mathematics, physics 101. Majority of scientists, engineers are good at repeating established theories endlessly. I thought scientists are open-minded bunches for many years. They have intelligence and ability to study, investigate new theories to solve big problems what we are facing. But they are the gatekeepers and voluntary oppressors who keep truth from spreading. Why do people need to pay over $40 for getting a physics paper on established journals? I don't get it. All scientific papers should be open for general public as is.


          • #80
            Solar pics, article.

            Nice solar pics

            It's the sun, as viewed from a back garden in High Wycombe: Amateur customer captures solar streaks in incredible detail | Mail Online

            Amateur solar-photographer Dave Tyler, 71, used a 5-inch refracting telescope equipped with a hydrogen-alpha solar filter
            "Doesn't matter how many times you kick the coyote in the head, it's still gonna eat chickens". - EPD


            • #81
              Even with their fusion theory of the sun, it will ONLY allow for elements up to iron to be created by their model. Iron is 26 on the periodic table and there are over 100 known elements - so, where do the other 75+ elements come from with this model?

              And if we are "star dust" as mainstream scientist claim, why are their only about 200 known supernova? The rate of observed supernova is about 1 every 30 years. There should be 100's of millions visible with the universe being "billions" of years old - but this is NOT SO. At the observed rate of supernovae generation and known number of supernovae, the universe is only about 6000 years old! Just as the Bible clearly states.

              The mainstream scientists will claim that the elements heavier than iron come from supernova. So this all came from 200 supernova in a universe with 70 sextillion stars? This is laughable since this comes out to pretty much 0% of stars are supernova and they generated all the heavy elements.

              The fact is the all the scientific data supports Biblical Creation and a young universe - not one billions of years old or even millions of years old.

              The universe did not evolve as the theory goes. It was all created in 6 days by the God of the Bible.

              The heavier elements all formed out of water just as stated in Genesis 1:1-10.

              Originally posted by I_Like_Science View Post
              If a stars energy source is not from fusion, what gives us the particles heavier than helium?


              • #82
                The sun is not a fusion reactor, nor is it visible from space, nor is it hot or glowing.

                Even before the 1920's (actually dating back to at least 1669), alchemist such as Fulcanelli (really the famed French physicist Jules Violle) knew the true nature of the sun. So who was Jules Violle? He was famous for his measure of energy using his specially made calorimetric machines. So he is a famous physicist and well known for heat measurements.

                Here is his quote directly from Fulcanelli's "Dwellings of the Philosophers"

                "Ancient alchemists, who had, according to traditional sources, more knowledge than we are willing to grant them, assured us that the sun is a cold star and that its rays are dark (See The Cosmopolite or Nouvelle Lumiere Chymique (New Chemical Light), Paris, 1669, p. 50 ). Nothing would seem more paradoxical nor more contrary to appearances, and yet nothing is truer. A few moments of reflection allow us to become convinced. If the sun were a globe of fire, as we are taught, it would be enough to approach it, even a little, to experience the effect of a growing heat. Precisely the opposite occurs. High mountains remain crowded with snow despite the heat of summer. In the elevated regions of the atmosphere when the sun reaches its zenith, the cupolas of hot-air balloons are covered with frost and the passengers suffer from intense cold. So, experience demonstrates that temperature goes down as altitude increases. Even light is only visible to us in as much as we are placed in its field of radiation. If we are outside the radiant beam, its action ceases for our eyes. It is a well-known fact that an observer looking at the sky from the bottom of a well at noon sees the starry night sky.

                Whence, then, do heat and light come? From the simple shock of cold and dark vibrations against the gaseous molecules of our atmosphere. And since resistance increases in direct proportion to the density of the environment, heat and light are stronger on the surface of the earth than at great altitudes because the strata of air are also denser. Such is, at least, the physical explanation of the phenomenon. In fact, and according to hermetic theory, the opposition of the vibratory movement, the reactions are nothing more than the first causes of an effect which translates into the liberation of luminous and fiery atoms from atmospheric air. Under the action of the vibratory bombardment, the spirit, freed form the body, takes on, for our senses, physical qualities characteristic of its active phase: luminosity, brilliance, heat.

                Pretty much in agreement with Eric Dollard's secondary radiation theory.

                So this is really very old news.

                Ecclesiastes 1:9 "The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun."

                Last edited by SilverToGold; 03-24-2013, 03:11 PM.


                • #83
                  Originally posted by Berg View Post
                  2/26/2013 Addendum to this Thread: I realize now that this is a controversial subject, and as such, it will attract trolls. Just remember, don't feed them. I made that mistake, and almost ruined this thread, and I apologize for that. I should have taken action sooner to block that individual.


                  Geez I hope you don't block me when I suggest that the 'solar swastika' is the KEY to unraveling the truth about the SUN?

                  i.e. go here for starters:

                  The Attractive – Repulsive Magnetic Swastika and the Great Pyramid | Alternative Thinking 37

                  4 AGES ModEL – Solar Wind – Magnetic Field – the Atom – Precession of the Equinoxes | Alternative Thinking 37

                  NAZI BELL – Viktor Schauberger – Hans Jenny – Roger Penrose – Jay Harman – Crop Circles all ‘resonate’ on Twistor Theory | Alternative Thinking 37

                  Egyptian – Cretan – Labyrinths – DNA – I Ching – Swastika | Alternative Thinking 37

                  The SIRIUS MYSTERY – the SEED PATTERN – SWASTIKA – WINDMILLS of the MIND – SOUND is KEY | Alternative Thinking 37

                  NANO World APPLICATIONS for the SWASTIKA – the true blue AVATAR | Alternative Thinking 37

                  Like I said, those links are just for 'starters'.




                  • #84
                    Originally posted by Raphael37 View Post
                    Geez I hope you don't block me..
                    Hi Raphael!

                    I'm aware that the Nazis misappropriated the Swastika symbol and that its existence predates them by several thousands of years.

                    By the term "block," I mean that any user here can place any other user on his or her Ignore List.


                    Last edited by Berg; 03-24-2013, 05:26 PM. Reason: updated


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by Berg View Post
                      Hi Raphael!

                      I'm aware that the Nazis misappropriated the Swastika symbol and that its existence predates them by several thousands of years.

                      Hello Berg,

                      Which Nazis?
                      Ever hear of the NAZIrites or the AshkeNAZIs?

                      Actually the oldest swastika currently on record is from about 10,000 BCE.
                      Mezine, Ukraine
                      Imagine 10,000 years before the Christian era the swastika appears as part of a very significant quadrangular pattern.

                      In fact it is a pattern that is hinting at the ASYMMETRY that exists between the four forces of nature, something realized/proved in 1956.
                      i.e. parity violation/weak nuclear force/beta decay

                      So how did mindset of 10,000 BCE synthesize this IDEA?
                      How was it carried forward?

                      Well there are some Freemasons who are familiar with Buddhist Jaina Cross, which is in fact the swastika.
                      Remember the ultimate source of the swastika has never been located.

                      Gandhi himself provided his interpretation of what the Buddhist Jaina Cross symbolized in respect to 'creation' itself.

                      The above definition by Gandhi is as simple as 1, 2, 3, and 4, as these next two images illustrate.

                      The most important thing to take note of are the four lines 1, 2, 3, 4.
                      And this will become very clear when I show you images from the NANO world where the swastika geometry capable of bending/polarizing light seems to be a mechanism that 'just is' part of the how the universe verks!

                      So after studying those images which were taken from a book published in 1896, i.e. The Swastika: The Earliest Known Symbol & its Migrations by Thomas Wilson
                      The Swastika: The Earliest Known Symbol & its Migrations

                      But now let me present an image/data of the NANO Light Mill, leading edge technology.

                      This next image was taken off of a science website!

                      Compare the image on the right with the Jaina Cross above.
                      Note the lines indicating 1, 2, 3, 4

                      Eins Zwei Drei Vier!

                      This NANO Light Mill gizmo is amazing in what it can do.
                      It can be used to unzip your DNA in fact and make solar harvesting more EFFICIENT!

                      Such tiny, controllable light-powered motors could have myriad biological applications, not least of which is manipulating DNA in vivo, using the motor to unwind and rewind a double helix. They could also lead to improved nanoelectromechanical systems and better solar harvesting devices.

                      Nanoscale Light Mill Spins a Motor with a Beam of Light | Popular Science

                      NANO World APPLICATIONS for the SWASTIKA – the true blue AVATAR | Alternative Thinking 37
                      At this link I go into more detail regarding APPLICATIONS err *APPS* for the 12,000+ year old swastika, a mechanism found on ALL levels of scaling.

                      I provided a list of 21 Swastika APPS that can be applied to BOTH the relative and quantum scales!
                      The NANO Light Mill is APP #6.

                      We can now safely add the NANO Swastika Light Mill to this exclusive list of symbols or ideas with which we can associate the swastika.

                      1/Stellar Cults that worshiped the imperishable, immortal, circumpolar northern constellations along with the center, the Pole Star
                      2/Lunar Cults
                      3/Solar Cults
                      4/Nano Cults

                      Understanding the swastika, accepting all it offers is KEY.

                      Two questions that should get an adaptable adept closer to the simple truth are:

                      Question #1
                      Why in the east/Orient do the Buddhists associate the swastika with the SEAL of the heART?

                      Question #2
                      Why in the west/Occident do those who study mysticism in the form of Qabalah and the Tree of Life associate the number #1 sephiroth called KETHER with ideas like the CROWN, the SPHERE, the POINT, the MIND and the swastika?

                      So a merger of the east with the west using the swastika as mediator would lead to a balancing/merger of the heART and the MiNd?


                      Last edited by Raphael37; 03-25-2013, 02:13 PM.


                      • #86
                        Originally posted by Raphael37 View Post
                        Which Nazis?
                        Actually, I was referring to the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei Nazis.

                        As for the NAZIrites, unless you were referring to the Rothschild and State of Israel connection, I don't know.

                        As for the Ashkenazi and Khazar Empire connection, I'm aware of it.



                        • #87
                          Originally posted by Raphael37 View Post
                          Hello Berg,

                          Which Nazis?
                          Ever hear of the NAZIrites or the AshkeNAZIs?

                          Actually the oldest swastika currently on record is from about 10,000 BCE.
                          Mezine, Ukraine
                          Imagine 10,000 years before the Christian era the swastika appears as part of a very significant quadrangular pattern.

                          In fact it is a pattern that is hinting at the ASYMMETRY that exists between the four forces of nature, something realized/proved in 1956.
                          i.e. parity violation/weak nuclear force/beta decay

                          Thank you Raphael37 for the link and the short explanation ..... quite instructive

                          So a merger of the east with the west using the swastika as mediator would lead to a balancing/merger of the heART and the MiNd?
                          also called a mash up
                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • #88
                            Check out YouTube video: The Electric Sun by Don Scott

                            3 Secrets About Our Sun by Eric Dollard (5 of 12)





                            • #89
                              Originally posted by vidbid View Post
                              What is TRUTH?

                              TRUTH = the pile of data to be interpreted
                              TRUTH = the story or narrative that the ship of fools on the Ark agree on.
                              TRUTH = the direction we all agree to take after interpreting this pile of data, until a better interpretation comes along attempting to reinterpret the same pile of data in a new light, understanding, wisdom.
                              TRUTH = the evolution of consciousness

                              Science which claims to be in pursuit of an empirical TRUTH has become the NEW religion trying to script a narrative, waiting to crown its emperor King.
                              (Kurt Godel proved by going crazy that mortal man living a finite life will never be able to fully understand what infinity is ~ in China the swastika is a symbol for infinity btw)

                              But what is a religion?

                              Religion can be defined as; when a bunch of folks sit around a pile of data that has been collected and they ALL derive different narratives from the same data.
                              POV appears to play a role in how we see the world.

                              Some religious observers who effect the observation interpret the data/TRUTH and call it christianity, some call it islam and some call it judaism and some call it ___________?
                              And everybody who is a blank gets to fill in the blank in a just universe

                              But it appears SCIENCE has finally joined the big boys in the Vatican and Nepal.
                              Yes the religion called science is showing signs of splitting into two sects, again.

                              at issue
                              Electrical Sun which is hollow vs. Nuclear Sun comprised of gases

                              Wow wow wow does that mean I can finally re-introduce the true blue messiah that comes with useful applications in the here and now, identified in the nano realm?

                              While the Electric Sun religion does battle with the Nuclear Sun religion to claim the ultimate CROWN defining the sun once and for all ...

                              please and thank you follow the yellow brick road ....

                              In the images below note the YELLOW highlights.
                              take note of the similarity between the Jain swastika cross (image taken from a 1896 publication) defined by those 4 lines and the 21st century summary of B-mode and E-mode gravity waves, which are critical to any future GUT or TOE.

                              Does the reader know what that means???

                              In the images above note the YELLOW highlights.
                              take note of the similarity between the Jain swastika cross (image taken from a 1896 publication) defined by those 4 lines and the 21st century summary of B-mode and E-mode gravity waves, which are critical to any future GUT or TOE.

                              Does the reader know what all of that means to the bigger picture beyond this forum???

                              In the meantime cinder-fellas PhDUH little ole' me +ME will continue to put together a narrative that is being recovered that clearly links the swastika to what gravity is and ideas like entanglement and what an intelligent design would default to, here are some of my notes;

                              I must ask, are you folks too ignorant to even acknowledge that after thousands of years we have still NOT come to an agreement on what the SUN is?

                              Are you to ignorant to even admit that you are ignorant?

                              This fella who said the following was NOT ignorant;
                              “This desire resulted in the process of creation, symbolized by the swastika within the creative center, representing a four-dimensional rotating universe.

                              It is interesting to note that if you merge your consciousness with that of the Creator, you discover within Him a rotating swastika.

                              In other words, swastika stands for both the Creator and the Creation – they are inseparable”
                              -Itzhak Bentov
                              Time to raise your game fellas.
                              TRUTH wants to give you a hug, but you need to make the first move.

                              What is the Buddha credited with saying?

                              “Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth”
                              – the Buddha


                              Last edited by Raphael37; 01-11-2015, 01:40 PM.


                              • #90
                                please read the previous comment and comment fellas

                                SCIENCE (especially theoretical physics) is a RELIGION until we figure out what the SUN is.

                                IF commenting please state which SUN theory 'sheepish ewe' believes in.


                                Is the SUN nuclear, electric, magnetic, or maybe it is powered by lithium crystals?

                                Or maybe the SUN is hollow and am I full of **** trying to link the solar swastika to an IDEA worth recovering...


