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The Empty Sun. The Hollow Sun. The Electric Sun.

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  • Nothing in the Sun?


    What is in the sun?

    What if I were to tell you absolutely nothing?


    Am I telling you nothing, or am I telling you there is nothing in the sun?

    Is the sun a void?

    Amazing questions.



    • The Sun is a Converter Music Video


      Yep! I'm serious. It's a music video.



      • Originally posted by vidbid View Post

        What is in the sun?

        What if I were to tell you absolutely nothing?


        Am I telling you nothing, or am I telling you there is nothing in the sun?

        Is the sun a void?

        Amazing questions.
        the most amazing thing is that a wise guy like EWE sir does not even begin to comprehend the simplicity of my simpleton theory suggesting SCIENCE is officially a RELIGION

        what is the SUN?

        NOBODY knows for sure

        period end of story, end of the narrative ... DUH but the beginning of an understanding and a brand new narrative

        duh I doubt it

        everytime another wanker posts another SUN theory, what I AM suggesting is being revealed as true blue

        ALL of ye are ignorant to a fault

        what is the fault?

        EWE will NOT admit that the SUN is STILL a mystery
        Last edited by Raphael37; 02-12-2015, 01:54 PM.


        • [VIDEO][/VIDEO]

          ta da

          back on topic, short concise

          good video, a few things to think about


          • Electric Sun by Don Scott

            Originally posted by Raphael37 View Post

            ta da

            back on topic, short concise

            good video, a few things to think about
            Thanks for the post.

            Don Scott on the electric sun.




            • The Electric Sun (Circuits In Our Skies)


              The sun is not a hydrogen bomb in the sky.



              • The Electric Sun (Expanding Earth Theory)


                Interesting theory.



                • Coma from a Comet


                  Very interesting.



                  • These links are not about Sun, rather the Earth. I thought this was relevant due to the Sun-Earth connection via Magnetic and Dielectric Lines of Force. We don’t even know for sure what our own inner Earth’s core consists of. Let alone the Sun.
                    Earth's Inner Core Has Its Own Inner Core : Discovery News
                    Scientists Find Mysterious Magnetism in Earth's Inner Core

                    “Scientists once thought that the Earth’s core was composed of an outer core of liquid iron and a solid inner core of iron crystals that are aligned in a North-South direction. But, as it turns out, there’s also an inner-inner core, whose crystals point East-West. The inner-inner crystals behave differently also”.

                    “What demarcates this "inner-inner core" is that the iron crystals it contains are oriented on an east-west axis, unlike the iron crystals in the "outer-inner core" which organize along a north-south axis”.
                    "Doesn't matter how many times you kick the coyote in the head, it's still gonna eat chickens". - EPD


                    • Originally posted by Sputins View Post
                      These links are not about Sun, rather the Earth.
                      However, they are related via the electric sun.

                      Originally posted by Sputins View Post
                      We don’t even know for sure what our own inner Earth’s core consists of.
                      How can anyone know for sure? I don't believe it's possible.



                      • Originally posted by Sputins View Post
                        These links are not about Sun, rather the Earth. I thought this was relevant due to the Sun-Earth connection via Magnetic and Dielectric Lines of Force. We don’t even know for sure what our own inner Earth’s core consists of. Let alone the Sun.
                        Earth's Inner Core Has Its Own Inner Core : Discovery News
                        Scientists Find Mysterious Magnetism in Earth's Inner Core

                        “Scientists once thought that the Earth’s core was composed of an outer core of liquid iron and a solid inner core of iron crystals that are aligned in a North-South direction. But, as it turns out, there’s also an inner-inner core, whose crystals point East-West. The inner-inner crystals behave differently also”.

                        “What demarcates this "inner-inner core" is that the iron crystals it contains are oriented on an east-west axis, unlike the iron crystals in the "outer-inner core" which organize along a north-south axis”.

                        Originally posted by vidbid View Post
                        However, they are related via the electric sun

                        How can anyone know for sure? I don't believe it's possible.

                        thrice thumbs up

                        that is the point that I am making
                        that is why the claim I have been making for YEARS is getting clearer and clearer as the sheeple wake up

                        long ago the ancients came to the same conclusion
                        they had hit the wall too
                        they surrendered to an idea
                        ONE idea, ONE ring to rule them all?

                        Yes the empirical wizard called the scientist hit the wall in the late 1940s
                        Kurt Godel and others who followed him pointed out mortal man + finite brain power can only ever guess about certain things where infinities are involved using probabilities BUT guessing + probabilities + math predictions is NOT the same as an ULTIMATE TRUTH that any preacher/creature/teacher might ever want to lay claim too, including Eric Dollard.

                        Science also can be used to say or predict the following possibility/probability occuring one day, though it is tiny tiny tiny probability, but according to science laws it could happen.

                        I find it laughable and utterly preposterous that science claims it has slayed many religious superstitions blah blah blah ... but yet these science wanker dark lords can claim this>>>>

                        i.e. one day we might be witness to a world where TIME will reverse itself and the fried egg will hop skip and jump out of the frying pan and back into its shell and then have 'ewe' walk backwards and place the unbroken egg back in the refrigerator .... and back at the ranch, the farmhand pondering a new science asks his higher self which came first the chicken or the egghead?
                        This genius in the making was last seen stuffing eggs formerly fried, scrambled, poached, made whole again, BACK into the Ma Hen?

                        Science without religious archetypes, icons, and symbols is a monumental FAIL

                        That is why I realize that the swastika is what any real seeker of the TRUTH finds leading to the other side beyond which are just self serving narratives.

                        SACRED SWASTIKA SCIENCE ~ SSS ~ is here to stay
                        Let me introduce a spokesperson regarding the connection between the SSS SyStem and the SwaStikaS


                        The best quote in the video can be found starting @17:40

                        “one of the good things about the system is that the system wants to teach you about itself”
                        BUT what did Itzhak write in his book A Brief Tour of Higher Consciousness that he knew the mundane profane world was not ready to hear on TV?
                        And yet it reveals the work of Itzhak more profound because Itzhak was Jewish too.

                        He loved to meditate and this is what he ‘saw’ when meditating and it is central to his theory, his story recovered, part of the narrative recovered that effects you and me.

                        “This desire resulted in the process of creation, symbolized by the swastika within the creative center, representing a four-dimensional rotating universe.

                        It is interesting to note that if you merge your consciousness with that of the Creator, you discover within Him a rotating swastika.

                        In other words, swastika stands for both the Creator and the Creation – they are inseparable”

                        more swastika quotes by wise guys and sages found here;

                        Last edited by Raphael37; 02-18-2015, 02:44 PM.


                        • Blue Jets & Red Sprites



                          Appreciate the electrical connections through which the earth moves.
                          Last edited by vidbid; 02-18-2015, 02:02 PM.



                          • Originally posted by vidbid View Post


                            Appreciate the electrical connections through which the earth moves.
                            yes but .... at this point ... who cares?

                            remember the title of this thread?
                            which has us pondering the obvious about the obvious in plain sight .. duh duh duh .... that big thingy up in the sky ... WHAT POWERS THE SUN?

                            And we admit we don't know, SO why are you being a distraction to the OBVIOUS discussion trying to stay focused on solving an IDEA about the SUN?

                            why do you go on with your bs offering your videos to idiots who love distractions?

                            why can't you admit you are in the dark?
                            why can't humans like you admit the obvious and stay focused on an idea

                            A big idea called the SUN?????????????

                            did you watch the video by Bentov?

                            duh explain to ME+me how your electric sun explains consciousness or shut up sir

                            because IF your theory is lacking the consciousness angLE delivered by an angEL it is a sh*tty theory

                            Can the swastika be used to invoke FEAR and LOVE?
                            Would that make it valuable in controlling the masses?
                            Swastika as Dynamic Pattern Underlying Psychosocial Power Processes
                            great info not compiled by me, but Anthony Judge who judges ye not, but I do using his great research to guide ME+me

                            CONSCIOUSNESS speak to me, stop cutting and pasting more sh*t
                            Last edited by Raphael37; 02-18-2015, 03:41 PM.


                            • the simple acknowledgment that we are still in the dark about the sun is a step forward in the right direction

                              wankers cutting and pasting another stupid video are just stupid wankers posting another video without saying much

                              this forum and all the others on earth are clearly lost in space-time studying motion not admitting they do NOT know what makes the sun tic toc or is it tick talk to us....

                              What if the swastika is a technology linked to the fire stolen from the gods?

                              i.e. take the two fire sticks of Agni (x and y axis) rub them together and the z-axis child is born

                              why are humans stupid and prone to reBLEATing HIS-story?
                              the paradox of the wise guy human blind to the obvious is best explained by the good vs. evil swastikas and rotation.

                              duh duh duh

                              Last edited by Raphael37; 02-18-2015, 03:11 PM.


                              • okay duh duh duh
                                watch me get straight to the point again ye dullards

                                so far we agree that the major contending theories regarding what powers the sun are;

                                1/ NUCLEAR FISSION
                                2/ ELECTRIC PLASMA BALL
                                3/ MAGNETIC

                                okay that is fine, I am okay with the competing ideas being hashed out by the various scientists approaching what powers the sun from their POV.

                                But it does not matter who wins this empirical contest, the swastika will always be a valid symbol for the sun, which is a star, as it has been for thousands of years.
                                By the way what is magnetar?

                                IF you believe the sun is powered by nuclear fission what symbol would you use to represent the sun?
                                IF you believe the sun is part of an electrical grid what symbol would you use to represent the sun?
                                IF you believe the sun has magnetic properties what symbol would you use to represent the sun?

                                and where does the son of the sun of god, i.e. jesus christ superstar fit in all of the above ....

                                not until each of you admit you are groping, grasping, wishing it to be true, and ye give up your silly nilly stupid narratives will all of us WE-ME evolve as one unified humanity.

                                Duh I can not even get a consensus of 99 monkeys sitting on the wall waiting for the 100th monkey to arrive to admit the obvious.

                                I hate seeing the OBVIOUS, it is both a curse and a blessing.
                                Last edited by Raphael37; 02-18-2015, 04:02 PM.

