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Blueprints for some >2KW selfruning generator ???

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  • #16
    God works in mysterious ways

    Originally posted by ksor View Post
    He isn't interfering with the scientific facts - right !
    I think you'll find that God created the rules of the universe and
    is therefore the ultimate scientist. He doesn't even violate his own rules --
    he's that good.

    Man's sciences are flawed and just another priesthood really.
    So many scientists have published bad stuff -- you have to take
    it all with a grain of salt. So many theories have been overturned
    as we learn new things (or "old" things depending upon perspective).

    Jesus walking on water probably violated no laws of physics.
    He could spin up his human magnetism via meditation and
    diminish the effects of gravity -- in some amazing electro-gravitic
    We, on the other hand, have a tough time making a box that produces
    2Kw/hr. Arc of the covenant indeed!!!


    • #17
      Originally posted by morpher44 View Post
      I think you'll find that God created the rules of the universe and
      is therefore the ultimate scientist. He doesn't even violate his own rules --
      he's that good.

      Man's sciences are flawed and just another priesthood really.
      So many scientists have published bad stuff -- you have to take
      it all with a grain of salt. So many theories have been overturned
      as we learn new things (or "old" things depending upon perspective).

      Jesus walking on water probably violated no laws of physics.
      He could spin up his human magnetism via meditation and
      diminish the effects of gravity -- in some amazing electro-gravitic
      We, on the other hand, have a tough time making a box that produces
      2Kw/hr. Arc of the covenant indeed!!!
      Argh ... in the end you turned out to be one of them too ... just stop communication !
      Best regards
      KSor, Aarhus V


      • #18
        Originally posted by wrtner View Post
        There is a thread here:

        Have a look at this:

        and also this:
        Schematics Illustrated

        and under "the attractions of magnetism", there is a pic of the Jim Watson machine
        although I find it difficult to gauge the scale of the device:
        20* Bedini

        Now I've red some of the stuff ... why so manu "dead end"-links, private/non existing videos ... it looks very odd !

        And this story of Jim Watson ... pure untrustwerthy conspirazy ...

        Now I'm reading the PDF-file "John Bedini Technology" ... again lots of dead end links and missing videos ... ... is it worth reading 130 pages of this .BEEP. ... but I'll try anyway !
        Best regards
        KSor, Aarhus V


        • #19
          Hey Ksor, you empiricist you! Heh heh.
          Start reading...
          Free-Energy Devices, zero-point energy, and water as fuel


          • #20
            Ksor, welcome to

            Hey everyone, I think what Ksor was referring to was the use of the word 'MINISTRIES' in the subtitle above and the UFO smile. You don't even need to use the word 'god' to convey religious conviction.

            Originally posted by Peculian
            Very simple: this guy/gil is an atheist, ...
            I'm not so sure. Don't let an appeal to 'science' deceive you. Whereas I'm an agnostic, Ksor's opening question sounds like that of a believer to me!!!

            1. Believers: It exists!!! I haven't seen it personally but I know it does. I'm not alone as you can see from this and other forums. I have F-A-I-T-H! Already, 'we' have uploaded nearly half a million 'Free Energy' videos on YouTube to help our brethren release themselves from the shackles of an evil corporatocracy. Nikolai Tesla is our patron saint and our high priests are The Zeitgeist Movement's Peter Joseph, Thrive: What on Earth Will it Take's Foster Gamble; and many others. We even have a long list of martyrs who've died at the hands of Big Oil S-U-P-P-R-E-S-S-I-O-N !

            2. Atheists: It doesn't exist! Those who claim so are either deluding themselves and/or others (intentionally) to make money. If you don't believe me, look at who has on its Top 5 Closest-to-Market List: Steorn and Rossi--can you believe it!?!? ? Even Rossi's e-cat webmaster/disciple has confessed openly to a loss of faith!

            After over a century of filed patents, device descriptions and schematics, countless experimenters sharing countless experimental results, not one report of a device on the market or even widely replicated that matches Ksor's request?

            It isn't suppression! If Big Energy were so effective at suppressing things, we wouldn't even know about major oil spills, the cause of the true cause of the gulf wars and climate change, or their politically sanctioned price-gouging--at least not in media reports. This and other websites on FE wouldn't exist or disappearing threads, posts and posters would be as common as in the soviet union. And what about nuclear proliferation? It exists because even the US military-industrial establishment couldn't keep it 'top secret' as everyone knows.

            Ksor, maybe some brave soul at great personal risk will PM you those plans! Don't let anyone know and guard them with your life!!!

            3. Agnostics: An atheist is a theist in disguise, just as constrained by belief as a theist. I'd label Mark Dansie an FE agnostic. I think his motto is: Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence!! For the general public familiar with the Steorn case, it would be: I'll believe it when I see it on the shelf at Walmart! Until then, tinker away but in the end, the Laws of Conservation of Energy, the Laws of Thermodynamics, and Lenz's Law will prevail at least at the macro-molecular level. At the atomic level, nuclear fusion is promising but Rossi and others clearly aren't there yet. As for 'radiant energy', 'zero point' energy, is there even any theory to support such claims?


            • #21
              Get your hands dirty!

              Originally posted by ksor View Post
              Now I've red some of the stuff ... why so manu "dead end"-links, private/non existing videos ... it looks very odd !

              And this story of Jim Watson ... pure untrustwerthy conspirazy ...

              Now I'm reading the PDF-file "John Bedini Technology" ... again lots of dead end links and missing videos ... ... is it worth reading 130 pages of this .BEEP. ... but I'll try anyway !

              Forget've already defeated what you're try to attempt...


              • #22
                Originally posted by stargate22 View Post
                Forget've already defeated what you're try to attempt...
                I don't get you - please explain
                Best regards
                KSor, Aarhus V


                • #23
                  Originally posted by ksor View Post
                  I don't get you - please explain
                  I think it means you've become an atheist---you've lost your faith in FE.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Ein~+ein View Post
                    I think it means you've become an atheist---you've lost your faith in FE.
                    How do you know what he think it means ?

                    Best regards
                    KSor, Aarhus V


                    • #25
                      Here you go. Not quite 2000 watts but close. Easy build. Lasersaber is known good builder.

                      Working A-F-P Part 2 "Dr Lirpa Sloof" technology exposed! - YouTube

                      There is no important work, there are only a series of moments to demonstrate your mastery and impeccability. Quote from Almine


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by ewizard View Post
                        Here you go. Not quite 2000 watts but close. Easy build. Lasersaber is known good builder.

                        Working A-F-P Part 2 "Dr Lirpa Sloof" technology exposed! - YouTube

                        Ha, ha, - what a pile of crap ... how should I be able to make anything at all from such a waste of time viewing that video ????????

                        I've now red the PDF-file "John Bedine Technology" ... and here too, what a bunch of dead-end links, non existing videos and other crab ... total waste of time reading this 130 pages !

                        I wonder what kind of people use time writing such a pile og crab ... what do they gain from it ?

                        What is the purpose of all this writing and babling non sence, never coming to anything usefull !

                        I simply don't get it ... now I need my medicine !
                        Best regards
                        KSor, Aarhus V


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by ksor View Post
                          Ha, ha, - what a pile of crap ... how should I be able to make anything at all from such a waste of time viewing that video ????????

                          I've now red the PDF-file "John Bedine Technology" ... and here too, what a bunch of dead-end links, non existing videos and other crab ... total waste of time reading this 130 pages !

                          I wonder what kind of people use time writing such a pile og crab ... what do they gain from it ?

                          What is the purpose of all this writing and babling non sence, never coming to anything usefull !

                          I simply don't get it ... now I need my medicine !

                          Lasersaber and Ewizard are serious players.

                          You think that you know best.

                          Don't waste our time.
                          Last edited by wrtner; 02-27-2013, 10:49 PM.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by wrtner View Post

                            Lasersaber and Ewizard are serious players.

                            You think that you know best.

                            Don't waste our time.
                            I did say NOTHING of the seriousness of Lasersaber and Ewizard !

                            What I said was, that the videos and the PDF-file is NOT worth seeing/reading when you'r after something like "How to build" ... and that was what I asked for in the first place - remember ?

                            ... wasting your time, you said ... I'm feeling you'r wasting MY time by refering to such useless material, when I asked for some blue-prints for an "installation for >2kW"

                            The only thing I gained was that this "Watson-version" should fit my needs ... but the inventor disappeares in a most conspirazy way and all the "How to build it" did too ... what's left is some toys showing some af the principles but useless for "heavy duty" purposes
                            Best regards
                            KSor, Aarhus V


                            • #29
                              We don't owe you anything!!


                              If you didn't have such a terrible attitude I would take the time to teach you how to use the search function of this forum. There is already a thread on this very forum where one of our members has built his version of a Watson machine. He has had it running for as long as a week while it kept the primary battery charged. All he needs to do now is solve some minor mechanical issues. But you see we on this forum don't really owe you anything like you seem to think we do. So maybe if you can figure out how to work the search function instead of putting down what people have offered you in good faith you can just look for yourself.

                              Just because someone disagrees with you does NOT make them your enemy. We can disagree without attacking someone.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by ksor View Post
                                ... and here too, what a bunch of dead-end links, non existing videos and other crab ... total waste of time reading this 130 pages !
                                Those over at Big Oil whose job it is to prevent anyone from making an FE device will take that as a complement. Heck, they're probably demanding bonuses!!

                                BTW, you don't work for Chevron, Shell or Exxon-Mobil, do you?

                                All kidding aside, .... ( Sorry, I couldn't help myself--you seemed so taken) ... apart from solar, wind, or geo-thermal you won't find any cost-effective energy solution to significantly reduce an average N.A. home's energy costs. There are innumerable claims--just claims.

                                In fact, did you notice the thread with over a million views and more that 8 thousand replies? On page 293 of that thread, a senior forum member wrote:
                                Don Smith's tesla coil wireless power transmission setup
                                I have done a fair bit of experimenting with Don Smith's setup of having a tesla coil transmitter surrounded by other resonantly tuned receiving coils and I am not seeing more power out than is being supplied to the transmitting tesla coil.

                                If I have more than one receiving resonantly tuned coil, the power coming from the transmitter tesla coil is divided between the receiving coils, and if I have only one resonantly tuned receiving coil, the output power is less than the power I am supplying to the transmitter tesla coil. Based on my own experiments (I have done very careful input and output measurements), Don's theory that each receiver coil can pull off a duplicate of the transmitter's power without draining power from the transmitter, and that if you have multiple receivers you can get more total power out than is being supplied to the transmitter, does not appear to be correct.

                                If anyone has done or is doing experiments with this setup and you believe you are seeing more power out than being supplied to the transmitter, I would be interested to hear exact details about your setup and exactly how you are doing your measurements. My own experimental results just do not seem to support Don's theory for this type of setup.

                                This was the response from another senior member:
                                Lots of things Don Smith said were just not correct. Considering what he was supposed to know it seems like a straight out lie to me about the multiple receiver thing. As yet I don't see that anyone has proven him to be correct on that simple point. Which calls into question everything he said that is not so far proven to be true. That's the way I see it.

                                Not a very promising result for such a lengthy thread, is it?

