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Free Energy is What?

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  • Free Energy is What?

    What FREE ENERGY is... it is a technology term - NOT an economic one.

    Free Energy is a reference to free environmental potential from the aether, neutrinos or whatever your favorite flavor is.

    If a kid puts in 10 parts work to get a kite in the air and that is what he input/leveraged, the wind, heat rising from solar warming of the ground, etc... are all free environmental input sources and that is "free energy". If these environmental sources put in 490 parts energy, that is a total of 500 parts input.

    Let's say there are losses against wind resistance on the kite, losses against the resistance of gravity, etc... and the losses are so bad that an entire half of all input energy is lost... 500 input and 50% lost, that means only 250 parts went to flying the kite. 250 in work divided by 500 total input = 0.50 or 50% efficient.

    But if we see that 250 parts were were done but the kid only put in 10 parts, that is 250 parts divided by 10 of the kids input = COP (coefficient of performance of 25!) = that is a 2500% GAIN in energy, real work done compared to what the kid had to input.

    All that environmental input is what the FREE stands for in the term FREE ENERGY. This is the meaning of term.

    There are semantics that come up regarding this that it isn't free because the kid had to pay for for the kite, etc... so it wasn't free. Well, yes, the wind was free and he didn't pay for that - so semantics are one thing and free energy is what it is and that will never change. Yes, the kid did invest something and got a 2500% return on his investment. But the fact remains, the wind blows for FREE, the sun shines for FREE, the Aether is there for FREE, etc... that is free energy. Don't confuse semantics with the core meaning of the term.

    I agree the term can be misleading, but it is up to everyone to do their own due diligence to now what it means in relation to the science itself instead of buying into the entitlement society's definition where everything you do should belong to them. That mentality is the problem - that isn't a solution.

    It's very easy to see the truth to Benjamin Franklin's quote and see how it applies to this issue: "When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic."

    Now somewhere in the last several years, there has been a serious infiltration into the whole free energy community by those that appear to be communists for a lack of a better term because they are hell-bent on attacking anyone that believes they are entitled to the fruits of their own labors. They believe they are automatically entitled to other people's work FOR FREE. The keep up the lie and constantly repeat over and over that "free energy" is supposed to be free for everyone and that anyone earning money from it is an evil capitalist pig - reminiscent of the American-hating communists.

    They're mask themselves under the guise of being some altruistic holier-than-thou saints who give everything away for free because the world is doomed to hell unless this all gets out, etc... Yawn... with good quality solar panels getting close to $1 per watt in bulk buys, solar is now cheaper than natural gas in some parts of the country and most our our energy needs can be met with completely conventional and relatively boring technologies right off the shelf.

    Anyway, much of this kind of "free energy" technology has been open sourced for years, but unfortunately these entitlement hounds wouldn't know what open source means if it jumped out and bit them on the nose.

    Peter Lindemann, John Bedini and others have been open sourcing this science before 99% of the people interested in this field ever heard of the term Free Energy.

    Borderlands open sourced a LOT of documentation and they SOLD books, videos, etc... and anyone was free to take the info and go build things and do things with it because that was the point. Borderlands earned income from those books and it was STILL open source. Being involved with some Free Energy topics doesn't mean that they should have been giving away those books and videos for free... that kind of belief is only a sign of a very sheltered and underdeveloped intelligence.

    Open source means you give the info out for free and you kiss it goodbye. Anyone can do what they want with it - use it, build it and sell it, etc... the entitlement communists think it is wrong to sell anything relating to this technology, which is completely idiotic because it means they think only someone that can build it themselves should benefit and the grandma down the street that doesn't even know how to spell soldering iron should suffer!

    EVERYONE should be able to benefit from this technology meaning, SOMEBODY HAS TO BUILD IT AND SELL IT to those that are unwilling or incapable to do it themselves. Voila - a new industry is created and the economy is better for it, jobs can be created, etc... yet these people that curse those making a living from it think it should be free no matter what. Basically, their frame of reference for the world doesn't reach past the tip of their nose.

    Now if you have a generator that can put out 5000 watts nonstop and run itself, besides minor maintenance, you basically have a free energy power plant. You still had to buy the parts, but the "free" part of free energy is referring to the free potential from the environment that is being tapped and made available to do work via the generator.

    CONCEPTUALLY, if the ideal Holy Grail of free energy technologies are available, those could be used to grow all our food, make all our products, etc... and humans can just go about their business pursuing their spiritual passions or whatever floats their boat. I'm all for this theoretical utopian society and is what I yearn for, but I'm also not delusional. Our global society is nowhere nearly evolved enough to take anything like this on. The USA is geared to be the largest gas and oil producers on the planets in the next few years. The game is on at all the highest levels to entrap the globe in this oil slavery for as long as they can and they've done a really good job at it so far.

    So, when there is some global collapse of the money system and we are all in a position to sink or swim, the powers that be will wind up cannibalizing each other in their caves, and the time has come to rebuild a new society - that is when free energy technologies will be put into place to provide energy to all - for free - so we can spend our time rebuilding our communities. Until that happens, the entitlement communists can put that in their pipe and smoke it and go get a job and leave the rest of us alone that actually believe in abundance and prosperity and that there is enough to go around so everyone's lives can be enriched and operate at a higher standard of living. Until then, "free energy" will continue to NOT have anything to do with being free for all.

    I already know there are opinions that are "well, to me free energy means this or that" but I'm not interested in personally created definitions of a term that has been around for years that described one thing - free environmental radiant potential.

    Some will agree with me and some will disagree, but one thing is a fact - this is NOT my definition of it - it is the definition that has lasted the test of time well before the Johnny-come-lately entitlement crew started to spread their propaganda. I hope this gives a clear perspective for at least one other person out there.
    Aaron Murakami

    Books & Videos
    RPX & MWO

  • #2
    Sure Aaron.I agree.
    First people must change and drop money, power and material cult. I would tell that humanity has all power to solve all problems but you cannot solve problems without free will to do this. If every man who can work get job for just 3 hours a day and every job would be focused on solving real problems not just creating new car model or new type of lipstick ,then everything needed will be available for common life for eveybody and for free. People should focus on evolving spiritually also by manual work, and economy should help every single person in this process.How ? I'm not sure yet, but the small societes manufacturing goods for own and others prolonged usage from common readily available parts (like blocks ) is a good example. Economy based on hand work, as opposite to the current cheap , trashy products. Every single item should last at least a few decades or a lifetime of's a good starting point. No trash, no garbage, real work.
    Quite opposite to the today system, job should be a joy or at least good mood activity.
    However because people do not want to change souls, such move is impossible ,as it was tested badly in communism.


    • #3
      Well-stated, both of you, Aaron and Boguslav. I've lived among the poor in Latin America and the US, and now live in one of the poorest counties in Canada. Having gotten to know the politics around energy industries and so-called free energy movement, I now recognize that the poverty I've seen around me is preventable. Shrewd and powerful people exploit their forcefully maintained monopolies to fatten their own pockets and bellies, in layer upon layer of excess and promises of security to those who would collaborate with them. I too have no use for monopolistic capitalism or communism - both are just control mechanisms that benefit a few. I do think open sourcing is the way to go, but have no problem with people seeking to make a living by their labours.


      • #4
        My Two Cents...

        Hello Aaron, hello all,

        Interesting Thread...

        As I fully agree with you in all the Technical Ways and examples you have displayed in that first post...I also agree on the fact that Free Energy have nothing to do IF the person that had disclosed for Free a certain Technology, plus showing the ways on must of the "How to's"...decides, say "tomorrow"... to start selling books, or kits or any Audio-Visual means to teach others about an already Open Source Technology...

        IMO... an Open Source must not contain within: ANY NDA's nor Patents, nor any material "to be disclosed/or to be continued" long as "A Main Frame" or Abstract of the whole technology has been displayed prior.

        You have mentioned something very truth in a previous thread here (I do not recall exactly which)...but you mentioned a very clear statement that more or less read like this:
        "When your life turns around in order that all the majority of the time...your work dedicated to research and development of a certain field, has become the main/major part of your time...then it is very obvious and understandable, you will be forced to sell your info...whether through your books, or your material in any form.."

        I agree with you there 150%

        Now, Free Energy on the "Political/Economical" side...I see it differently:

        You have mentioned "Communism"...or Socialism...versus a "Capitalism..."abundance" etc,etc...
        Must of People understand this Two Terms at large...but only a few could really enter here in Great Detail on "Both Worlds"...and that goes to EITHER the ones who have lived in one or both...and I am not saying You are in the "First Group" I am not saying you are in the "Second Group" either...

        I am in the Second Group...As I was fully educated on a Socialist Country...till I was 22 Years Old...then I have lived in Capitalism up to now...and I am in my earlier Fifties now...(I will NOT say my exact age...)

        Unfortunately Capitalism System is a Serious Killer of Free Energy...and understand it includes ANYTHING related to FE...from Inventors, to Inventions to "Patents" (another Invention to "Protect"...but NOT your Intellectual Property but to have direct access to yours, actually what Patents really "protects" are the "National Security" of Governments)

        Did You Guys know what State Departments are leveled above (Meaning, who are "The Real Boss behind") the Prime Chief Examiner and the whole USPTO Department?

        For those of you who does not know...they are the DoE (Dept. of Energy) and the DoD (Dept. of Defense)...¿ ?

        From here is very simple to "filter" that ANY device(s) that could "endanger" our National Security...will be seized by any of this Departments.

        The USPTO "Controls and Manipulates" through the PCT (Patent Commonwealth Treaty) ALL other Countries that are "Members" of this International Institution...and included in those Countries are also Socialist Countries...¿what?...Yes, for real.

        How far this could go?

        Let me put it this way...a very simple "Real Story"

        A VW Engine built in Germany, that Powers its Train through a called "Blue" TDI (Turbo Diesel Inter-cooled) is NOT Allowed to enter U.S Territory...simple as that
        We get here the "Non Blue" Version...actually we have since 1999 that both versions exist.

        Why?...simple, it makes 70 MPG...

        Further On...that same Engine is built HERE, Yes in U.S....But guess to go where?
        It is Exported to South America and Europe (Under License of its German Patents, affiliated to the PCT...)

        No matter How much money you have...the DOT will not allow it to come in US Territory.

        Free Energy is not only an "Enemy" of the Capitalist Countries...BUT, it is a Menace and a Main Target to ALL Oil Exporter/Producing matter what System they abide...Socialist or could be Iran...or Venezuela...or Russia (even though Russia is now "Capitalist")

        Now, people, think...if just to drive a small VW that makes 70MPG represents a "National Security" threat ...just because it "exceeds the Established Quota" by 30 extra gallons...

        What could We All expect...of say tomorrow...developing an Engine that requires ZERO Input of ANY recharging, no fuels, no water...nada?

        And I am going above to the "extremes" ...understanding that I am passing through Stan Meyer's Water based Car...or burning Salt Water (Kanzius)...or Tesla Works, or Kapagen...or the so many we all know off?

        My Conclusion/Expectations related to FE:

        To my concept...Free Energy will not be successful (meaning reaching Global levels) until all those "Powers in Control" cited not collapse completely...hope it is through Money...or whatever other reason/cause will bring them down...

        But that is the reality we all have as of now.

        Sorry for such long post...hope did not deviate from the main issue...

        If I did...please forgive me.

        Kind Regards

        Last edited by Ufopolitics; 03-19-2013, 02:16 AM.
        Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


        • #5

          Thanks for all the thoughtful comments.

          I'd like to point out a distinctions about capitalism because it has a bad wrap and I believe unjustifiably. First of all, I have spent a lot of time being proactive fighting directly against major corporations that abuse their position - the most recent was that I defeated AT&T and I won - without an attorney. I have zero tolerance for their criminal acts so I don't turn a blind eye to their ways but here is where I see the issue and it really doesn't have anything to do with capitalism.

          "Democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where 51% of the people may take away the rights of the other 49%." Thomas Jefferson

          The USA is a REPUBLIC and not a democracy. In a democracy, the MONEY wins the votes and therefore, those with the most money will come into power.

          The 1983 American Heritage Dictionary had the last authentic definition of fascism: "A system of government that exercises a dictatorship of the extreme right, typically through the merging of state and business leadership, together with belligerent nationalism."

          The underlined part tells the whole story and anyone sophisticated enough understands there is absolutely no difference between the democratic and republican parties of the United States - the followers and supporters have different ideas but the money strings behind them both are the SAME. One is the left path to hell and the other is the right path to hell. Take your pick.

          Essentially, our lobbying system is where the corporate dollars come in and dictate what our govt does. This is no secret. To stop this, we need laws that first of all overturn Citizens vs United that says corporations are people. And we need laws that completely get corporate money out of politics.

          So with our "democratic" mob rule system, those with the most money will get into power and those with the most money can use that money to decide what the government policies and laws will be in their favor through lobbying.

          And compensation for LABOR is non-taxable and only PROFITS are taxable. But with the loopholes in place, the tax burden has shifted from the companies who make the most money and should be paying the most taxes to the labor forces who make the least.

          Our tax system has become so convoluted that most people don't understand that if you're working at McDonald's getting whatever hourly wage, you are NOT making a profit - that is compensation for labor. If you buy an HHO cell at wholesale for $100 and you resell it for $200, you make a $100 profit and that profit is supposed to be taxable. So there is a difference. In the past, only profit makers would pay taxes on profits. Imagine the revenue generated if GE payed taxes on all its profits with no loopholes! I personally paid more money in income taxes last year than GE did - why? Because they actually got some money back!

          There are more issues, but these are the issues and they have nothing to do directly with the concept of capitalism in and of itself.

          1. Operate as a Republic.
          2. Ban 100% of all corporate donations to political campaigns.
          3. Redo the tax system to take it back to what was intended where only profit makers paid taxes on profits and laborers got to keep everything they earned.

          Those are the issues - not capitalism and the entitlement communists that believe they are entitled to my work and label me as a capitalist pig are completely ignorant of history, the political system as it is or economics. Now why would a "capitalist pig" be for laborers not paying taxes on their wages? lol

          So taking things into perspective, we should be able to see that capitalism is not an issue but rather is responsible for generating more wealth and prosperity for more people in the last hundred years than in all times before combined. We just have to get the corruption and conflicts of interest out of the system.
          Aaron Murakami

          Books & Videos
          RPX & MWO


          • #6
            Right on the spot, Aaron...

            Yes Aaron, I also agree with all you have written above...
            There was just "one item" missing there...The US Federal Reserve is private, it became private since 1910...(read The Creature from Jekyll Island)...that includes US National the Dollar Printing Factory...

            To my understanding, everything got f**ed since then...

            Auditing to the Feds plus its abolition must be done.

            Bankers Families are the Real Owners of this Country ever since...
            And they have expanded to International Levels...since two of those main families are from outside US land.

            If We overlook this main issue...we will not understand the roots of all present wars, confusion, market collisions, Economic Crisis, Oil prices...etc,etc

            This "People" are behind everything you have mentioned above...they just keep a very low we do not "notice" their presence...

            Related to "Communism"...

            Communism has never existed as a Social Science in real is just an is a "Dream" that has never come to reality in any Country in our whole Planet...
            There are "Socialist" Countries...that would say "We are in the first stages to become a Communist Country..."...but it is completely False....they will never arrive there.

            USSR, Western Germany, and all the Socialist Block of related Countries...were never Communist as being ruled by its direct laws...and still, Socialism did not work...

            Free Energy must be nested within a new, a more civilized/advanced Social Science than all the ones that have ever, existed so far in our Planet...either in Reality or in Theory.

            Our Level of Human Consciousness MUST reach very high parameters...for Us to develop and teach others in a completely Free Environment... all about Free Energy Technologies in a Global scope.

            We must get rid of all our fears, stress and depressions.

            We must get rid of all ambitions for power and money. (We must understand that Money is a "virtual" thing...we have set a value that it really do not have at all...just pieces of paper...they call it "Legal Tender Notes"...but it is a Scam.)

            We must lower our Ego, our personal "I"....and think more into Teams, into Groups of Blazers who fight for the same cause...

            We must feel like we are One...

            Then Free Energy will become stronger by the minute...and will spread faster than light.


            Last edited by Ufopolitics; 03-19-2013, 11:47 AM.
            Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


            • #7
              tax system

              Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
              Yes Aaron, I also agree with all you have written above...
              There was just "one item" missing there...The US Federal Reserve is private, it became private since 1910
              The fed is part of the tax issue I bring up. The IRS and the Federal Reserve were founded in the same year. IRS is there to simply collect money to pay debt on the money they're printing out of thin air. Restoring pre-IRS tax system absolutely includes banning the Fed and giving money printing back to congress. If we're going to print money out of thin air, we might as well do it with 0% interest attached.
              Aaron Murakami

              Books & Videos
              RPX & MWO


              • #8
                All energy is free; nature does not ask for money. Man ask money for natural resources which are [as like always were] free as the air we breathe (another energy manifestation).

                We humans claim work worth money. Beavers not. And the later have no IRS problems, or retirement needs...

                I know how it sounds but like Einstein (not big fan though) said once, solutions to problems are not found using the same thinking that created the problem in the same place. And this is what I personally call thinking outside of the box. We all need at least one novel idea.

                Recently I found something that dares to deal with the problem and I would like to share it with you: it starts at page 357 of this document.

                You may like it or maybe not and in this case, don't shoot a messenger which is trying to think differently.


                • #9
                  Well, its called energy is free but every source of energy generally needs some type of man made equipment to take benefit of the it so known as free energy sources.

                  Rainwater Tank Adelaide


                  • #10
                    My take on "Free Energy" is like the term for America , "Land of the Free"...

                    ... meaning that nothing in the US is free... try to go anywhere without any money!

                    ... that what this movement is also about, is taking away the corruption, illegal trusts, and monopolies that now control energy.

                    In the US nearly every electric service utility is now privately owned. This was not true in the past, when many municipalities built their own generating plants and systems (selling energy for a significantly lower price than the privately owned ones did).... but then later sold them off to the big regional energy corps like FirstEnergy or Entergy or Edison who could then start charging whatever they wanted for power without anyone pointing to how cheap it SHOULD be... selling something a society and culture cannot do without.

                    Funny how those who claim to love free market economics never seem to complain about that

                    Not only the electrics. Also the oil corps. Oh sure there are several of them. But they are collaborating behind the scenes to insure there is no competition.

                    Q: When was the last time we saw "gas wars" (lol not wars of aggression for oil, but competitive price wars at the pumps)?

                    A: 4 or more decades. This is called "a price fixing trust"... and it is illegal. And they also use the oil commodities markets to control price. These creeps havn't budged in market share in so long, most of us have not been alive to see it. In a truly free market, this is simply not plausible.

                    Freeing energy from the corruption and illegality will make it cheaper for all, especially the working poor and small business who have to pay a higher percentage of their discretionary budget for it than others; and the way forward is new energy technologies that allow us to make it ourselves... DE-CENTRALIZED cheap, clean, and safe energy production. There is already solar pv to do this, and there will be more techs involving hydrogen from water for 24/7 operation and energy storage (including efficient electrical, chemical catalyst, and combination of the two methods of disassociation). What will make it do-able for more people, is more people doing it: When the Economy of Scale kicks in, the price of manufacture drops significantly.

