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Colman Beta Decay, New Energy Source

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  • #17
    An enormous contribution


    "Post it i here
    Please Do it !!!""

    Thank you for all your hard work ,as well as your commitment !!

    You are a wonderful man!!

    If you want to Change the world
    BE that change !!


    • #18
      Copy of the post from Overunity forum:

      I.m going to be posting something that you not talking about recently :

      But Verpies if you find the time could you please analyze it disregard the fact of its sense on nonsense
      Please do not concentrate on uranium or take uranium as possible example ( Video) -

      it is important to see it as mechanism....................
      and as the same mechanism for Colman compound as well.

      energy-dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (electron microscope analysis) of uraniu
      energy-dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (electron microscope analysis) of uranium minerals - YouTube
      start from minute:5:00 of this video.

      If electron is dispersed depends of energy level due to x-ray ( SPARK OF TK IS OUR XRAY source but any ion chamber even in coil capacitor due to high voltage )Depends from the fact that it might be as energetic to go to core of an atom or less energetic to play with K orbit of an atom and/or affecting valance electron
      We are dealing in physical hole in that atom structure- that hole is than filled with electron fro different orbit.
      As electron from higher orbit has higher energy level than it losses energy in quantum when it files the hole.
      We are than dealing with relaxation - but as energy must be conserved than whatever is atom manifestation from outside
      it is energy.
      (Most of the times when electron loses its orbit produces photon= energy= no mass. and energy is huge.)

      Than makes atom to produce at minimum Xray back at maximum Beta. Gamma.( I'm not sure if Neutron ..well if it hits nuclei.) everything depends on energy level of "destructive" hit.
      could that be applied to ferrite, even to copper ( yes)( could we deal with NMR at the same time as well?- why not)
      That energy from atom as it is in unstable stage is than affecting coil capacitor of TK
      That rood that I was pointing in TK video Aquarium- steady state generator)
      Capacitor than will be charged, If than discharging and coupling circuitry is design part of that energy is returned back to sustain instability of a compound if thatr compound is to be found in TK device.
      But if it is not than we have non TK concept.

      I'm waiting for XRF spectroscopy analyzer that should arrive shortly to my location.
      It is 100% help from seller who decided to give it to me instead of sale it to me.
      It has all software and hardware and photo multipliers and cells 2 ribbon cables have been chewed by unfriendly creatures
      Color screen and 3D representation.
      The importance of it is in fact of recording changes in compound as additional prove of transmutation and
      will give me chance to look close in to compound used in general.

      I'm also hunting for another one we will see if I would succeed That one is 240k new using cryogenic
      high purity germanium detector I have chance to cut a deal similar to previous one.

      The result might be to assign chemical parameters to no doubt for its repetitiveness
      One might ask why I'm going to so much trouble hunting Colman.

      I have seen it acting and reacting.

      energy-dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (electron microscope analysis) of uranium minerals - YouTube

      xray spectrometer - YouTube
      X-ray Electron Spectroscopy / Auger Electron Spectroscopy - YouTube
      X-Ray Photoelectron Spectrometer Tour by Roy Murray - YouTube
      YouTube MESSENGER's X-Ray Spectrometer (XRS) [720p] - YouTube

      X-Supreme8000 XRF (x-ray fluorescence) spectrometer for materials analysis used in quality - YouTube
      X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) training through - YouTube
      YouTube - YouTube

      SIMS training through MRFN - YouTube

      XPS Analysis through MRFN - YouTube

      X-ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy - YouTube

      Bragg Spectrometer, Bragg's Spectrometer Method, Working of Bragg Spectrometer - YouTube

      The MIDEX Micro X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer from Spectro - YouTube

      What is X-ray Spectroscopy? - YouTube

      spectrometer - YouTube

      Make your own CD spectrometer - YouTube

      Colman Beta Decay, New Energy Source[/li] LOOK FOR Auger Electron

      Last edited by stivep; 05-02-2013, 03:08 AM.


      • #19
        Maximum Radiation Exposure Levels Info and related info

        For anyone who is thinking of experimenting with the Colman device, since it is claimed that it generates radiation you may want to read the following info on maximum human radiation exposure levels. I would suggest reading through the whole article and make sure you understand it all before even considering proceeding with experimenting with the Colman device.
        Radiation, how much is considered safe for humans?

        You would also need some sort of decent Geiger counter and possibly other types of detection equipment to estimate radiation exposure levels. Images Co sells a few different types of devices that may be useful and which aren't real expensive.

        Different types of radiation requires different types and degrees of shielding, so you should do your research on this as well. This may help as a starting point:
        Radiation Protection

        For radiation shielding, you can get lead sheets and a few lead lined containers of different types here (Images Co):
        Radiation Safety: Lead Shielding
        Not sure what exact type or types of radiation the Colman device can produce, so although lead shielding might help, thickness required would need to be determined and other types of shielding might be necessary as well. Not something to take lightly in my opinion anyway.

        Images Co also sells various types of Geiger counters and related equipment and accessories, but I don't know how good these devices are, but at least some of the geiger counters they sell can be calibration certified by the NRC:
        NRC Calibration Certification
        Images Co radiation detection equipment:
        Geiger Counter Index

        The above info is certainly not comprehensive, and I also can't vouch for the accuracy of all the information referenced above. I am just posting this info as a starting point. Make sure you know what you are doing if you are going to experiment with any devices that can emit significant amounts of radiation. Too much radiation exposure can potentially lead to serious diseases developing like certain types of cancer. Be safe.

        P.S. - Something very important to consider here
        Something very important to consider here IMO is that, if I remember correctly, the patent states that once you get the device reacting by applying an RF field of the appropriate frequency and strength to the tube, the reaction will continue for about a month even if you shut off the power to the RF transmitter. What are you going to do if you succeed in getting the device to start reacting? Are you going to leave the device in your house or apartment and have it generating radiation for at least a month, or what exactly?

        Even if you only succeed in getting temporary bursts of radiation to come off the device, you should also keep in mind that you are not only putting yourself at risk from radiation, but all your family and friends and all your surrounding neighbors etc. will all be at risk. This really doesn't seem to be the type of experiment that should be conducted as a home experiment at all, and even if you do use a lot of radiation shielding, can you be absolutely certain that the radiation shielding you are using is 100% blocking all radiation? Probably not, unless you are a nuclear physicist or something along those lines. At any rate, it would not seem very responsible at all for the non-qualified person to experiment with this type of device, and most certainly not in your home where you may well be putting many others at risk. Probably the only responsible way to experiment with this type of device would be to make an arrangement with a professor at a university or a scientist at a research lab to allow use of a proper radiation safety shielded and equipped lab, and get direct supervision on the experiments from a properly qualified scientist or professor. IMO, if you can't arrange something like that then you probably shouldn't be doing these types of experiments at all.

        Last edited by level; 05-02-2013, 01:46 AM.


        • #20
          I agree with that comment.
          170 lbs led box and everything inside to test - that what I have.
          in the time of experiment I control energy level
          I'm in early stage of it actually I'm on hold as glass tubes are very fragile.
          I can not legally advice anyone to experiment with it.
          The statement must be never touch it.
          As danger associated with it I "talk to myself" leaving comment here
          1. understand what is radioactivity
          2. establish what I'm heaving and why
          3. based on results take precaution if any
          4. establish energetic level as I might deal with safety level of activation
          a.Radiation protection - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
          c. in case I need it lead gloves
          d. lead apron

          5. if there is alpha than paper is OK to stop it. Alpha travels most likely few cm from source.

          6. inverse square law stays that at any distance I'm getting 1/4 of the dose (D) divided by distance unit.
          For example Trace of beta might be unreadable to Geiger Muller probe at the distance if 1m.
          Say source is point A than distance of 1m=1/4D= point B in space.
          from point A at distance of 2m=1/4D of B point in space= C point in space.
          from point A at distance of 3m=1/4D of point C in space = point D in space ...........

          That is only simple way of picturing radioactivity level and might not be very accurate it is just for you to understand ....... (Wesley

          That is also indicator of radioactivity in this point.
          7. if device is closed in lead box or lead bricks I might put collimator

          Collimator - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

          simple one home made or buy one cheap.
          8. If any authority ask to visit me... go ahead you not going to find anything not a single trace.

          9. understanding and learning does not bring any harm.

          10. using allowed samples of radioactive substance traced to the bureau or of allowed level is legal to say calibrate my Civil Defense instruments.

          So for me does not give harm to know how to make or where to buy
          formula you ( Wesley- any Wesley ) not buying it anyhow
          formula is 100% non radioactive so you not doing anything wrong ( Wesley)

          Since formula does not leave a trace that means it is not contaminating
          The level is controlled by magnetic field that acts as breaks in the car.
          So there is what stop action

          understand that might be someone who does not want Andrea Rossi to lose his business because of some fellow who might have it simpler and not in any way more dangerous, and not in any way who wants to do any harm to nice Andrea Rossi who once was accused of millions of dollars losses of Italian government as one who contaminated many former oil storage supposedly by preparing cheap fuel for Italians.

          The Magic of Mr. Rossi - YouTube

          Low Energy Nuclear Revolution - YouTube
          Last edited by stivep; 05-02-2013, 04:15 AM.


          • #21
            When do you think that you'll be able to show an ELECTRIC current output from your device, to prove the point of nuclear decay being a useable power source?


            • #22
              Thank you for the privilege to read your private comments

              I suppose you'll be getting bigger muscles with those Heavy Clothes.
              make sure you eat your wheaties.....

              If you want to Change the world
              BE that change !!


              • #23
                Senior Member

                Join Date: Aug 2012
                Posts: 227
                When do you think that you'll be able to show an ELECTRIC current output from your device, to prove the point of nuclear decay being a useable power source?
                Not soon.
                I do not have proper compound
                Copper and Zinc was delivered to my friend scientist as oxide.
                Taking that I can only play with black part of it that is permanently embedded in to the total compound.

                I have got yesterday
                The scintillator dual photomultipier. I have redone ribbon cable chewed by mice.- Internal color display does not work. However it work with external monitor. So far I did not try it with serial port of external computer but software works only with XP and is password enabled.

                I got to wait for powder.
                @ glass pipes got damaged copper is out from one side- fortunately black staff is still intact.

                Power amplifier:
                I do not have anything with high power to try it on range from 100-500 MHz but I'm working on it.
                All I have is 420-460MHz 50W regulated.
                Spending is big as well for all of radioactivity based toys and travel.
                But I pay only for my part. My friend for his.
                Eventually I might be refunded with it without restricting conditions by any means. That is the deal.
                I'm not obligated to keep anything secret but 180 degree opposite.

                And I operate by this conditions.

                Reasons for time taken?
                2.lack of experience in this field as no one knows what that leads to.
                3.playing with different substances takes time also getting substances even more.
                4. estimating level of "unpleasant factors" and proper safety measure.

                Honestly I was never trying to build TK but to understand how it works.
                Strange as it sounds this is the way I'm.
                Fascination with already naked woman is short as than there is nothing new left.Just action..... there is no process left anymore.Nothing to uncover, nothing more to expose, no new futures, no surprising factors
                Yes she might be very special .so what... it is like Kapanadze explained.

                Please understand that

                Last edited by stivep; 05-03-2013, 12:50 AM.


                • #24
                  @ Wesley:
                  Thank you for your explanation. I understand your goals. The reason I asked is that you had previously mentioned that you had seen some interesting results.

                  Last night I watched the video that you made, of you and Tariel in Georgia. I had never seen it before. It was quite interesting seeing their life there, the churches, and countryside, etz...

                  I was always surprised that you did not continue the successful yoke device, especially after being with TK, and experiencing his life, and talking with him first hand. Or some other TK type of replication. But, after what you just mentioned, I think I see why. Not due to the health hazards, entirely. I was concerned as I am working many days, weeks, and months, now at close distance to the ferrite yoke devices, as well as other ferrite cores, using HF/HV, etz..

                  As you may know I'm now working on the Akula 0083 device. At least trying to understand its mode of operation, in order to further work to replicate it. I have faith in that device, or something similar to it, working as is being shown, and not being just another fake. It may be blind faith, but it keeps me headed in that direction, in any case.
                  As you said, sometimes the experiment is the goal and the objective, instead of the outcome, or a commercial venture.
                  Good luck with your tests.


                  • #25
                    Originally posted by Nick_Z View Post
                    @ Wesley:
                    Thank you for your explanation. I understand your goals. The reason I asked is that you had previously mentioned that you had seen some interesting results.

                    Last night I watched the video that you made, of you and Tariel in Georgia. I had never seen it before. It was quite interesting seeing their life there, the churches, and countryside, etz...

                    I was always surprised that you did not continue the successful yoke device, especially after being with TK, and experiencing his life, and talking with him first hand. Or some other TK type of replication. But, after what you just mentioned, I think I see why. Not due to the health hazards, entirely. I was concerned as I am working many days, weeks, and months, now at close distance to the ferrite yoke devices, as well as other ferrite cores, using HF/HV, etz..

                    As you may know I'm now working on the Akula 0083 device. At least trying to understand its mode of operation, in order to further work to replicate it. I have faith in that device, or something similar to it, working as is being shown, and not being just another fake. It may be blind faith, but it keeps me headed in that direction, in any case.
                    As you said, sometimes the experiment is the goal and the objective, instead of the outcome, or a commercial venture.
                    Good luck with your tests.
                    Colman is the yoke and Akua and possibly Tariel Kapanadze.
                    The same concept
                    Excitation of unstable nuclei due to RF in NMR.
                    Please read Verpies posts in overunity

                    Verpies:Yes, Auger electrons can be knocked out of atoms but their energy will not be higher than the absorbed photon energy (X-Ray), that caused it, thus no energy gain.
                    Perhaps a photon can get all the way to the nucleus and convert a neutron to proton (a mass conversion), causing the release of nuclear binding energy, yielding an actual gain.
                    According to the Reiss Howard paper and patent - even lower energy RF photons can affect nuclei that way

                    Sparks:Those XRF analyzers are really good at determining the isotopic contents of elements heavier than Carbon.

                    Slapper: thank you stivep:

                    wikipedia/cobalt, under characteristics, in the second paragraph:
                    The metal reacts with F2 at 520 K to give CoF3, with Cl2, Br2 and I2, the corresponding binary halides were formed. It has no reaction with H2 and N2 even when heated, but it does react with boron, carbon, phosphorus, arsenic and sulphur.[10]

                    haven't had a chance to view the referenced material so i'm not sure what they mean by 'does react with'.

                    but it looks like we could have an active state without adding any energy with just the phosphorus in the mix. i recall that there is some carbon in the mix as well?
                    so i'm curious if you've ever observed any hint of some spontaneous energy levels.

                    if this is the case the magnetic break is more of a necessity than an option. we'll want each active element to be placed between magnetic poles with the break normally on as opposed to normally off.
                    what type of electromagnet, or permanent magnet assembly would be best for this application.

                    i guess i can understand the role cadmium plays as it absorbs gamma; if that is what it does.

                    it's a real mind twister, for me, to visualize the fields developed in and around the tube. the copper and zinc would seem to produce different fields; one static and the other magnetic.
                    so can we say the copper/zinc not only help in passing energy through the mix, but also serve to polarize the direction of the particles that get released/emitted.

                    it will help to know so that we can aim to capture this energy in the most efficient way. i'm thinking washers slipped around the tube, at each copper/zinc junction that encloses the mix.

                    just posting out loud. i still haven't got around to playing with some barium titanate chunks i got in, like, over a month ago.

                    thanks for all the good posts guys.

                    take care.

                    Selfrunning Free Energy devices up to 5 KW from Tariel Kapanadze

                    for more go to page up there

                    Can't a photon be blue shifted by matter. I forget the name some type of scattering which is quite the opposite of flurescense. And from whence did this energy gain come from? Is there any chance that electrons have actual orbital momentum a form of inertia which when altered generates photons?

                    Quote from: slapper on May 02, 2013, 06:46:43 PM
                    so can we say the copper/zinc not only help in passing energy through the mix, but also serve to polarize the direction of the particles that get released/emitted.
                    Verpies :Well yes, copper and zinc emit beta particles predominantly from the poles of their nuclei, so when their spin axes get polarized by a magnetic field - so does the the direction of the particles that get released/emitted.
                    Selfrunning Free Energy devices up to 5 KW from Tariel Kapanadze

                    This is the operating principle behind βNMR spectroscopy.

                    Read all material from the top of this theme.
                    As we do not know what TK did we may only assign that the most proper place ( if any) to hide Colman Compound is coil capacitor of steady state aquarium presentation of TK
                    Look at shiny center of that coil ( red color coil )



                    • #26
                      Yes be aware of the radioactivity. What level of dose does this thing put out and how/can it be shielded. But I don't think that should scare people tooo much as long as precautions are taken. Lets not forget the radiation we are exposed to on a daily basis from cell phones etc. I recently stripped a rear projection television and the thing had a plastic/lead shield behind the viewing screen to block the X-rays put out by the CRTs. I personally don't think we should be scared of this thing, just be aware.
                      Do you think you have the correct phosphorus??
                      Thank you for doing this..most of us dont have the fancy gear for monitoring radiation
                      You can find out what the tube emits and then determine shielding.
                      What is the wall thickness on the glass tubes you are using? Seems like we want to get thicker glass to replicate this since the tubes seem to be so easy to break


                      • #27
                        Join Date: Jan 2012
                        Location: Taos NM
                        Posts: 46
                        Yes be aware of the radioactivity. What level of dose does this thing put out and how/can it be shielded. But I don't think that should scare people tooo much as long as precautions are taken. Lets not forget the radiation we are exposed to on a daily basis from cell phones etc. I recently stripped a rear projection television and the thing had a plastic/lead shield behind the viewing screen to block the X-rays put out by the CRTs. I personally don't think we should be scared of this thing, just be aware.
                        Do you think you have the correct phosphorus??
                        Thank you for doing this..most of us dont have the fancy gear for monitoring radiation
                        You can find out what the tube emits and then determine shielding.
                        What is the wall thickness on the glass tubes you are using? Seems like we want to get thicker glass to replicate this since the tubes seem to be so easy to break

                        software is free.

                        Understanding Spectroscopy is of help as it gives not only information about compound but transmutation prove after initial testing.
                        another prove of activation and impact nature made by radio waves.

                        Radioactive Sample Analysis - Gamma Spectroscopy
                        Radioactive Sample Analysis - Gamma Spectroscopy - YouTube

                        some more info:
                        1.As NYW group progress( Aidas Arunas/T-1000 Wesley/stivep)
                        Thanks to Aidas there is a lot of progress in NMR/transmutation of Yoke.
                        would not that be without the biggest brain in this- Arunas.
                        He is marvelously brilliant thinker.
                        As information are preliminary there is time needed for details.
                        Suffice it to say is that while I'm working on Colman they are working on yoke but not yoke as one - yoke as effect in ferrite.

                        And the got into revelation.
                        In the essence we all working on the same

                        I'm just afraid to say number( power) to do not look silly but I'm in big WOW.


                        2.Conformation by member of Russian Academy of Science to Andrea Rossi cold fusion.
                        О демонстрации ядерных процессов для альтернативной энергетики. XLII Зигелевские Чтения 23.03.13 - YouTube!

                        It is important to remember that I state that Andrea Rossi is "most likely"
                        using thermal phenomenon associated with Colman patent 1956
                        Why is that important.
                        If it is proven than Patent rights of Rossi might be in jeopardy of being revoked.
                        The secret of Rossi is in secret additive "looks like" that is similar if not identical
                        in nature to Colman.
                        Additional benefit is that device than "might" be so simple to build comparing with Rossi to take approx 2 hours to assemble if components are handy.
                        3.Perpetual Motion Test Could Amend Theory of Time
                        by: Natalie Wolchover

                        Perpetual Motion Test Could Amend Theory of Time

                        read comments below the article.

                        Space-time crystal
                        Space-time crystal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                        Time Crystals Could Upend Physicists Theory of Time
                        'Time Crystals' Could Upend Physicists' Theory of Time | Wired Science |

                        the same article but read the comments at the end.

                        Death-defying time crystal could outlast the universe
                        Death-defying time crystal could outlast the universe Forums

                        Quantum Time Crystals

                        Difficulties around the idea of spontaneous breaking of time translation symmetry in a closed quantum mechanical system are identified, and then overcome in a simple model. The possibility of ordering in imaginary time is also discussed
                        [1202.2539v2] Quantum Time Crystals

                        Physics - Crystals of Time

                        Researchers propose how to realize time crystals, structures whose lowest-energy states are periodic both in time and space

                        Update as of 5/3/2013 time 21:32 Video
                        Video & Audio: Frank Wilczek. Time Crystals - Metadata

                        Last edited by stivep; 05-04-2013, 01:30 AM.


                        • #28
                          a k u l a 0 0 8 3- Free Energy1150W part2
                          a k u l a 0 0 8 3- Free Energy1150W part2 - YouTube

                          You must see all 37 videos horrifying,

                          Event: breath taking
                          CONGRESSIONAL REVIEW ON UFO - link is below the picture frame of my video you tube video and here as well. !!

                          SHOCK AND SHOCKING - shock is going to be your feeling after watching series of 37 Videos
                          WORTH YOUR TIME. Videos are marked by hours - not days of publishing time- as this is happening now

                          Citizen Hearing on UFO Disclosure April 29th, 2013 - pt2
                          Citizen Hearing on UFO Disclosure April 29th, 2013 - pt2 - YouTube

                          Citizen Hearing on UFO Disclosure April 29th, 2013 pt1
                          Citizen Hearing on UFO Disclosure April 29th, 2013 pt1 - YouTube!

                          all video access:

                          TheTruthAmongstUs - YouTube

                          Last edited by stivep; 05-07-2013, 10:48 PM.


                          • #29

                            There is no longer congressional evidence of UFO

                            channel I was referring to is EMPTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                            TheTruthAmongstUs - YouTube

                            no more SHOCK AND SHOCKING SHOCK...

                            from other news:
                            Romero ...............
                            after unexpected visit !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Romero made statement:
                            T H I S W A S A B I G F A K E, S T O P R E P L I C A T I N G
                            THIS IS MY LAST POST
                            World will be the same

                            Romero's Self-Sustaining Dynamo Drama

                            And that might happened to everyone of you including me
                            if they push for it.

                            That what greed is doing with people

                            WHEN THEY COME FOR YOU:

                            the good thing is that if you are being told that you black or withe or zebra or idiot or just trash....
                            you will admit that they are right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Very next morning you are back to what needs to be finished.



                            • #30
                              Precise recipe of Colman Compound in practice + assembly
                              done based on Colman patent + some of effects+ testing components used in experiment+ connection of testing apparatus.

                              Revolution has begun Free Energy exposed part 6

                              Revolution has begun Free Energy exposed part 6 - YouTube

                              Last edited by stivep; 06-30-2013, 05:17 PM.

