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Coil shorting with Ed Leedskalnin by CoolJoule

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  • Coil shorting with Ed Leedskalnin by CoolJoule

    I did some searching in the threads here and could not find anyone who has attempted coil shorting w/ E.L.'s type coils.

    nothing fancy here just using Bolt's (my son) coil shorting technique. to increase the output of a pick up coil.

    The advantages here are low drag because I can use very weak magnets.
    Low RPM the coil actually tops out increasing RPM is futile
    High output compared to the normal single coil or even two coils in series on either side of the magnet.

    Well here's the vid to get the conversation going:

    Ed Leedskalnin coil shorting

    I'm not making any claims but I can spin that wheel as most of us can, at the speed it needs w/ very few joules on the front end.
    Let me know if someone is already doing this. Open source - get the word out - make some money - whatever just make it happen...

    Kind Regards,
    Patrick A.

  • #2
    Hi Minoly,
    This is a great idea, shorting the E.L. type coil.
    The low drag feature likely means it has low Lenz reflection when shorting the coil (acts as a load).
    Can you elaborate more on your setting and possibly posting a schematics?
    I am not very familiar with the winding of the E.L. type coil and its core.



    • #3
      What do you mean by coil shorting.
      The video is very interesting, i have been following your vids on the other forum and find them fascinating, I just not sure what you mean by coil shorting, could you explain?

      Originally posted by minoly View Post
      I did some searching in the threads here and could not find anyone who has attempted coil shorting w/ E.L.'s type coils.

      nothing fancy here just using Bolt's (my son) coil shorting technique. to increase the output of a pick up coil.

      The advantages here are low drag because I can use very weak magnets.
      Low RPM the coil actually tops out increasing RPM is futile
      High output compared to the normal single coil or even two coils in series on either side of the magnet.

      Well here's the vid to get the conversation going:

      Ed Leedskalnin coil shorting

      I'm not making any claims but I can spin that wheel as most of us can, at the speed it needs w/ very few joules on the front end.
      Let me know if someone is already doing this. Open source - get the word out - make some money - whatever just make it happen...

      Kind Regards,
      Patrick A.


      • #4

        Wow minoly! Realy interesting! Thank for sharing!!!
        Im interest to replicate and explore it. Could you please explain how the coil is wound and how you short them?
        Thank again!


        • #5
          Originally posted by aaron5120 View Post
          Hi Minoly,
          This is a great idea, shorting the E.L. type coil.
          The low drag feature likely means it has low Lenz reflection when shorting the coil (acts as a load).
          Can you elaborate more on your setting and possibly posting a schematics?
          I am not very familiar with the winding of the E.L. type coil and its core.

          Hi Aaron,
          schematic not necessary with this simple idea. what is spinning the wheel is not important. It could be wind or water. I only showed the amp draw as a method to indicate the actual shorting would not cause an increase of energy needed to drive the wheel. I should have removed the coil from the wheel in the vid to show that there, of course, is an increase in speed. it's not like I'm increasing the speed of the wheel with this. it is as you note, however, a low lenz event.
          I hope I answered your question there.
          Kind Regards,
          Patrick A.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Wistiti View Post
            Wow minoly! Realy interesting! Thank for sharing!!!
            Im interest to replicate and explore it. Could you please explain how the coil is wound and how you short them?
            Thank again!
            Hi Wistiti(?)

            very simple.
            - the core is multiple strong bendable individual rods. Something that will not retain magnetism too much, yet enough to translate the passing magnet to the wire wrapped around it.

            - the wire, try what you have on hand - keep the windings even and/or bias toward the center.

            - as the magnet passes, use any method you choose to short the wires on the coil momentarily. make your setup so you can adjust the timing of when and how long this happens.

            - In the video I chose to use a reed as this is simple to see what I am doing and needs little explanation. If you look close at the reed you will see I have a tiny neo magnet at the bottom. I am using this to adjust the "reed-on-time" as well as force it back open.

            Simple and inexpensive to try

            Kind Regards,
            Patrick A.



            • #7
              Originally posted by Sawt2 View Post
              What do you mean by coil shorting.
              The video is very interesting, i have been following your vids on the other forum and find them fascinating, I just not sure what you mean by coil shorting, could you explain?
              When the magnet is approaching/passing the coil core, touch the two wire ends together and let go...
              Patrick A.



              • #8

                Thank you Minoly!
                I surely give it a try. It's open new horizon...!


                • #9
                  The setup looks similar to a youtube video I saw not long ago, "the angus effect" was the title. Sorry I'm not at a computer for a direct link but a quick seach will bring it up. U shaped coils seem to use both sides of the magnet and reduce the expected drag due to lenz law.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Ruphus View Post
                    The setup looks similar to a youtube video I saw not long ago, "the angus effect" was the title. Sorry I'm not at a computer for a direct link but a quick seach will bring it up. U shaped coils seem to use both sides of the magnet and reduce the expected drag due to lenz law.
                    Yes, Mranguswangus is doing a nice job on youtube. I subscribe to his channel. I really enjoy his videos.

                    While he uses the word "shorted", he is not shorting the coils in this way. He is actually connecting the leads together for a prolonged period of time to act as a load. I believe he is working on RPM recovery under load. I think the technique I show here will go a long way with his setup.

                    So, a bit of semantics here. Let me know if you have a better term than shorting. This is the term used for many moons to momentarily short the pick up coil. you need look no further than the small gas engine to find it. although the gas engine is only using it to produce a small spark. and we are using it as a generator.

                    Kind Regards,
                    Patrick A.



                    • #11

                      Hi Minoly, I've never tried coils ,with connected cores ,but do plan too
                      You can short any coil and collect the spike.
                      I've searched many times ,and got no results.
                      You can't short it when it creates drag, that will give the best output ,you have to settle for something less


                      • #12
                        Mr2tuff2 made the video I was referring to. He has a much cleaner setup than wangus and actually puts loads on his coils. As long as there is a load present the lenz drag of the core is reduced so I'm not sure if pulsing the short would matter unless the wheel had a continuous string of magnets around it.


                        • #13
                          minoly, Thanks for sharing that excellent video. A couple questions ... Just curious as you mentioned 'Bolt' is your son. Is that the user 'bolt' that's on Doug Konzen's yahoo group who also goes by the name silvertheau? (sp?). I always enjoy his genius input on how things work. I know that group has covered a lot of info on coil shorting.

                          Have you tried this with neo magnets? From what I understand neo's are a lot stronger up close but ceramic magnets while weaker can reach further in distance. I've never dug into why that is and it may not be relevant to this method but it's has always baffled me how that can be. I've got both ceramic magnets and neo magnets and can confirm just by feeling the force they have that this is true.

                          Is your coil core just plain iron wire like garden wrap wire?
                          There is no important work, there are only a series of moments to demonstrate your mastery and impeccability. Quote from Almine


                          • #14

                            I built this same setup many years ago starting with the reed switch which may be biased with a magnet. Then I found a joule thief(self-oscillating boost converter) circuit worked much better. The gain here is the fact that the current in the coil is lower on average which means the opposing magnetic field (Lenz effect) is smaller. The induced current and it's inherent magnet field are the reason the rotation is opposed.

                            The best setup was a low power cmos 555 timer driving a small fet to short the coil however unlike the self-oscillating boost converter it must be tuned to the most efficient frequency/time constant for any given rpm.

                            I found it is much more efficient than a standard generator setup because conversion takes place on the fly in the stator coils and the bridge rectifier is not needed only a single blocking diode.
                            Less is more in this case.



                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Ruphus View Post
                              Mr2tuff2 made the video I was referring to. He has a much cleaner setup than wangus and actually puts loads on his coils. As long as there is a load present the lenz drag of the core is reduced so I'm not sure if pulsing the short would matter unless the wheel had a continuous string of magnets around it.
                              Hi - thanks for the follow up.
                              I remember seeing those as well, and yes it's much better seeing an actual load.

                              - perhaps I should do a side by side w/ a load. My coil is so small I would have to find something that will run off of .5 volts.... to show if one puts out more watts that the other.
                              I'll have to think about it more.

