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My Asymmetric SWASTIKA NANO Machines

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  • #46
    I thought it looked like a Chinese star weapon But I think Theo has a better answer.

    When we flush it goes round like that can someone keep me from falling out of my chair? you guys are really to much

    Originally posted by TheoriaApophasis View Post
    Ill make it simple so the dumb people can understand

    earliest (NOT the later connotations) denotation of the swastika was just a solar symbol for the Absolute (NOT "GOD", but the Absolute).

    ancient greek city of Mesembria (literally meaning "noonday SUN", or "centered in the sun") is represented on coins with M E Z + (swastika)

    as such, the swastika on the coin stands for EMBRIA (the sun, the solar, the absolute).

    google images of the word "Mesembria swastika" if you want to see pictures.


    • #47
      Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
      I thought it looked like a Chinese star weapon But I think Theo has a better answer.
      Andrew Tyunyaev so formulated their views on the subject: "As you know, just north of present-day China, there was another, much more ancient civilization. This has been confirmed by archaeological discoveries, particularly in Eastern Siberia. Impressive evidence of this civilization, comparable to Arkaima the Urals, not only has not been studied and understood world history, but do not even have a proper evaluation in Russia itself. "
      As for the ancient wall, then, as the Tyunyaev loopholes in large parts of the wall are not directed to the north and south. And it clearly shows not only the most ancient parts of the walls are not reconstructed, and even in the recent photographs and works of Chinese figure. "
      In 2008, at the First International Congress "Dokirillovskaya Slavic pre-Christian Slavic Writing and Culture" at the Leningrad State University named after AS Pushkin Tyunyaev a paper on "China — the younger brother of Russia", in which he presented the fragments of Neolithic pottery from the eastern part of North China. Depicted on pottery marks were not similar to Chinese characters, but showed almost complete agreement with the Old Runica — up to 80 percent.
      Researcher on the basis of the latest archaeological evidence suggests that in the Neolithic and Bronze Age people of western part of the North China were Caucasoid. Indeed, across Siberia, up to China, found the mummy Caucasians. According to the genetics of this population was the ancient Russian haplogroup R1a1.

      54-18-01-13B This version tells the mythology of the ancient Slavs, tells the story of ancient Rus moved to the east — they headed Bohumír, and their son Slavunya Skiff. These developments are reflected in particular in Veles book that the reservation does not recognize academic historians.

      Tyunyaev and his supporters point to the fact that the Great Wall of China was built by the same European and Russian medieval walls, the main purpose of which — protection from firearms. Construct similar facilities began not earlier XV century, when on the battlefield appeared cannons and other siege weapons. Earlier XV century in the so-called northern nomads had no artillery.
      For comparison, you can also use Russian Nicholas Gate Tower (Smolensk) and the northern city wall Nikitsky Monastery (Pereslavl, XVI century), as well as a tower in Suzdal (mid-XVII century). Conclusion: The design features of the Chinese wall towers exhibit almost exact analogy of the towers Russian Kremlin.

      Who built the Wall of China? | Encyclopedia of safety



      • #48
        Originally posted by TheoriaApophasis View Post
        Youre not intelligent enough to learn what youre wrong about.

        Like telling a dog why its bad to drink from the crapper.

        Son, there is no KA in the Prakrit of the term, the BRAHMI PRAKRIT original is SUTI, or Sotthi.

        Su+asti+ka came 2500+ years later in formalized Sanskrit.

        But, thats over your head.,.....way OVER.

        If you knew how to translate EITHER Prakrit OR Pali, youd have SOMETHING intelligent to contribute...

        but you dont.
        what doesn't the wanker (you) not understand about ME+me linking the swastika to gravity and its inverse anti-gravity ...

        duh duh duh?

        are you thick in the head dude?
        why are you trying to drag the AHA down to your pathetic level?

        the swastika as an IDEA can be traced to 10,000 BC and far far beyond.

        duh duh duh ... what was it called then BEFORE Pali and Prakrit were even languages...?

        clearly whatever you have to say will not be added to these famous quotations found here.

        you appear to be just another ignorant human who wants to take a great IDEA and reduce it to their language and their words which can never be enough to explain the big IDEA.

        Please choose ONE quote found here, let us discuss your favorite swastika quotation.

        btw IF you had the intelligence to link the IDEA called the 'swastika' to the IDEA called 'TOOL MAKING' and the 'hand-axe' and the 'double-ax' and the Egyptian Neters, then you EWE and ME+me might have something to talk about that is really really profound.

        i.e. here is the teaser trailer;
        science has found out that knapping a hand-axe and the IDEA called the 'swastika' which is linked to TOOL MAKING and the evolution of language are co-dependent.
        MRI and EEG helped prove that.

        The day you link the IDEA called the swastika to what 'gravity' is, and the evolution of consciousness will be the day you and ME+me are seeing eye to eye.
        password is ZEN >>

        dude stopping bugging ME+me with your PeePee or Prakti Pali drivel.
        It is remedial nonsense.

        those are languages which were given birth long after the hand-axe technology ruled the earth for 1.5 million years....

        duh duh duh
        your POV is rather self absorbed



        • #49
          Originally posted by TheoriaApophasis View Post
          Ill make it simple so the dumb people can understand

          earliest (NOT the later connotations) denotation of the swastika was just a solar symbol for the Absolute (NOT "GOD", but the Absolute).

          ancient greek city of Mesembria (literally meaning "noonday SUN", or "centered in the sun") is represented on coins with M E Z + (swastika)

          as such, the swastika on the coin stands for EMBRIA (the sun, the solar, the absolute).

          google images of the word "Mesembria swastika" if you want to see pictures.

          plate from 5000 BC with the letters MNEME or MZE3W?

          I will make it MORE simple for the simpleton

          MESEMbria or MEZEMbria?
          Before words like MEZ or MES mesmerized folks like ewe, did you know that the swastika in addition to being a SOLAR symbol was also a symbol for the MOON and the POLE STAR and the above Samarra bowl with a swastika in the center was a model of the Milky Way in addition to an atom too?

          look to the north ... the Great Pyramid is oriented to the north too...btw

          in other words, it has been linked to STELLAR, LUNAR, and SOLAR CULTures as having great significance.

          Do you have anything to add TheoriaApophasis?
          Your entire presence on this thread is about taking possession of the origin of the word SwaStiKA, when it is the IDEA behind the word (which had MANY names) that should be important.

          If you really have anything to contribute to ME+me genius, please show us.
          Can you contribute to this IDEA here;

          the IDEA being passed forward >>> gravity+swastika+intelligent+design <<< feel free to add your genius

          the challenge is up to you to raise your game punkster
          Last edited by Raphael37; 01-18-2015, 06:12 PM.


          • #50
            Originally posted by Raphael37 View Post
            [IMG]the challenge is up to you to raise your game

            Just as soon as you learn how to translate ancient Greek.....son.

            which Ive been doing for nearly 20 years now.

            you confuse memory with recollection, and the term in Greek is APOPHASIS

            ie as referent to anamnesis, or retroductive (knowledge by means of) intuition.

            A form of via negative 'recollection'.

            And MEZ, is in fact MIDDLE, the same term is also IN ENGLISH, idiot.

            Mesoamerica(n) or Meso-America(n) (lit. "mid/middle America")

            MEZ, Meso, ie middle


            • #51
              Originally posted by TheoriaApophasis View Post
              Just as soon as you learn how to translate ancient Greek.....son.

              which Ive been doing for nearly 20 years now.

              you confuse memory with recollection, and the term in Greek is APOPHASIS

              ie as referent to anamnesis, or retroductive (knowledge by means of) intuition.

              A form of via negative 'recollection'.

              And MEZ, is in fact MIDDLE, the same term is also IN ENGLISH, idiot.

              Mesoamerica(n) or Meso-America(n) (lit. "mid/middle America")

              MEZ, Meso, ie middle
              so what is your point?
              here is mine.
              you have not walked the middle path for 20 years.
              that is clear as night and day.

              I love it when forum wankers like you gift wrap your offerings with venom.
              PhDUH let me inform you the wanker who knows Greek and who is bearing a gift of insight where MEZ means MESo-America or MESo-potamia does in fact ME+me no harm.

              You only confirm my work in how the archetype takes precedence over language.
              geez thanks

              because guess what .... the two codes I have recovered are in fact both MEZ or MES codes.

              137-6 = MEZo-potamia

              137-9 = MESo-america

              And then the '69' yin/yang pattern became clear to ME+me and these are the writings recovered thus far.

              Yes one day your kids kids kids will appreciate what I offer, but wankers like you lost in a game of semite semantics will forever be battling your shadow higher self.

              You apparently see the world through Prakrit/Greek sunglasses?

              Like I said when you are ready to raise your game, it will become apparent in your response.

              Bring your best insights about the swastika, its potential APPLICATIONS to this blog here>>

              OR you can post them here at this blog discussing the location of the world's oldest swastika found at MEZine Ukraine>>

              yes yes yes I know
              I AM MESmerizing


              137 Mystic

              p.s. yes I noted how you finally got around to explaining why you picked a name like Theoria-APOPHASIS
              (EWE appear to be the apophasis-expert who is all in a fluff)

              So are you going to get around to telling us all about your therio concerning APOPHASIS?
              Start a thread, this is for folks who want to let go of wankers like you and your self anointed POV.

              I have a feeling your name should be Theoria-APHASIA.
              Last edited by Raphael37; 01-20-2015, 03:36 PM.


              • #52
                Originally posted by Raphael37 View Post
                you have not walked the middle path for 20 years.

                You arent intelligent enough to know what the Hades youre talking about son.

                There is no "middle path", the term in the original Prakrit is Mahja, or Romanized as MAJJHA,

                as meant the opposite of all antinomies, ie the Absolute.

                Mah±niddesa-Att. 2.466 Majjhattat± cittass±ti na sattassa na posassa, cittassa majjhattabh±voti attho “The middle-soul is mind recollection; neither being nor purisha; the middle-soul become aim is the mind”

                Paµisambhid±maggap±ĽI 1.168 Majjhassa kati lakkhaş±ni? Majjhassa t˛şi lakkhaş±ni. Visuddha˝ citta˝ “The medium has three signs. A purified mind…”

                Paµisambhid±magga-Att. 1.237 Majjhimabhłto thirabhłtatt± “Having become the middle, is fixation in the Soul”

                J±taka-Att. 3.15 abhinibbutasabh±v± majjhatt± “Higher purification within ones True-nature is the middle-soul”

                Paµisambhid±magga-Att. 1.224 majjhattassa kathayato adukkhamasukhavedano
                “Being in the middle-soul there is feeling of neither pleasure nor pain”

                Abhidh±nappad˛pik±µ˛k± Majjhatte majjhattasabh±ve pavatt±
                “The middle-soul is turning towards the True-nature of the middle-soul”

                Cariy±piµaka-Att. #270 majjhattabh±va˝ kittetv± tena tasmi˝ attabh±ve attano
                “The middle-soul become means the Soul has become itself (the Soul)”

                CłĽaniddesa-Att. #51Majjhattat±ti cittassa majjhe µhitabh±vo.
                “The middle-soul is the middle of the mind become fixed”

                S˛lakkhandhavagga-abhinavaµ˛k± 2.335 majjhe µhitatt±
                “The middle is Soul-fixed”

                Ive been translating Prakrit Pali for over 20 years, son.

                Sorry youre not smart enough to differentiate connotation with DENOTATION.


                • #53
                  Culture and Tools

                  Well Well, sounds like something I never heard. If you guys keep talking about this I might learn something.

                  Even though I don't generally consider the debts of the translation I would have to say it is very key to learning what is being said by any ancient text.

                  Also I have learned in the past 40 years that learning to translate takes long.

                  Together we should learn many things. The first thing I learned was who is making the same mistake and who is teaching the mistakes.

                  Once we look at WHO is teaching the mistake, such as certain schools or universities, we can see why the mistake is often intentional.

                  I have learned to look at the reason why people say things. This helps me to be a better judge when deciding which version of any translation might be more correct.

                  Age does not always prove right or wrong but it sure helps to have more time looking at all these details.


                  Originally posted by TheoriaApophasis View Post

                  There is no "middle path", the term in the original Prakrit is Mahja, or Romanized as MAJJHA,

                  as meant the opposite of all antinomies, ie the Absolute.

                  Mah±niddesa-Att. 2.466 Majjhattat± cittass±ti na sattassa na posassa, cittassa majjhattabh±voti attho “The middle-soul is mind recollection; neither being nor purisha; the middle-soul become aim is the mind”

                  Paµisambhid±maggap±ĽI 1.168 Majjhassa kati lakkhaş±ni? Majjhassa t˛şi lakkhaş±ni. Visuddha˝ citta˝ “The medium has three signs. A purified mind…”

                  Paµisambhid±magga-Att. 1.237 Majjhimabhłto thirabhłtatt± “Having become the middle, is fixation in the Soul”

                  J±taka-Att. 3.15 abhinibbutasabh±v± majjhatt± “Higher purification within ones True-nature is the middle-soul”

                  Paµisambhid±magga-Att. 1.224 majjhattassa kathayato adukkhamasukhavedano
                  “Being in the middle-soul there is feeling of neither pleasure nor pain”

                  Abhidh±nappad˛pik±µ˛k± Majjhatte majjhattasabh±ve pavatt±
                  “The middle-soul is turning towards the True-nature of the middle-soul”

                  Cariy±piµaka-Att. #270 majjhattabh±va˝ kittetv± tena tasmi˝ attabh±ve attano
                  “The middle-soul become means the Soul has become itself (the Soul)”

                  CłĽaniddesa-Att. #51Majjhattat±ti cittassa majjhe µhitabh±vo.
                  “The middle-soul is the middle of the mind become fixed”

                  S˛lakkhandhavagga-abhinavaµ˛k± 2.335 majjhe µhitatt±
                  “The middle is Soul-fixed”

                  Ive been translating Prakrit Pali for over 20 years, son.

                  Sorry youre not smart enough to differentiate connotation with DENOTATION.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
                    Well Well, sounds like something I never heard. If you guys keep talking about this I might learn something.

                    Even though I don't generally consider the debts of the translation I would have to say it is very key to learning what is being said by any ancient text.

                    Also I have learned in the past 40 years that learning to translate takes long.

                    Together we should learn many things. The first thing I learned was who is making the same mistake and who is teaching the mistakes.

                    Once we look at WHO is teaching the mistake, such as certain schools or universities, we can see why the mistake is often intentional.

                    I have learned to look at the reason why people say things. This helps me to be a better judge when deciding which version of any translation might be more correct.

                    Age does not always prove right or wrong but it sure helps to have more time looking at all these details.


                    the two of you retards can debate the meaning of the word 'swastika' blah blah blah according to the Prakrit, Greek, Pali CULTures

                    However I am retired, and if you do not mind I prefer to debate the merits of the swastika as an 'intelligent design' .... but the two of you appear not to be intelligent enough to see what is in plain sight.

                    what do I mean by 'intelligent design'?
                    here are some of my rough notes.

                    As long as the two of you continue to debate mundane BS, whilst ignoring a discussion that is far more profound and unifying, the both of you will be evidence of how 'we the sheeple' cannot, simply refuse to discuss what is in plain is called cognitive bias.

                    Theoria-APHASIA is quite the dummy pretending to be a wise guy
                    ignore the wanker
                    Last edited by Raphael37; 01-21-2015, 03:40 PM.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Raphael37 View Post
                      I prefer to debate the merits of the swastika as an 'intelligent design'

                      Go for it there Adolf.

                      Likewise, Ive seen your tinfoil hat "blog"

                      Atlantis trash
                      alien trash
                      white lighter trash.

                      You are the wise one, fore shure.


                      • #56
                        Mud Slinging

                        Hi There

                        I was only poking fun. While I know all symbols and signs have more than one meaning with many perverting the purity, I think we need to address the crude first. Like it was used in Germany. It turned out bad, don't you think?

                        Or is that a wrong assessment?

                        You can not give us the other meanings that you claim are pure and holy until you have dispelled the obvious.

                        What say you? Don't go off into wonderland till you address Hitler's use of this symbol. You see where I grew up that symbol was Hitler's murdering signature.

                        Tell me why Hitler used that symbol first.

                        "I have been to Alice in Wonderland" already in the 60's when I was introduced to India's peace pipe, so dazzling me is out, you are to late.

                        I am sure that all symbols hold other meaning for people.

                        What have you got to say about Germany's misuse of the symbol?

                        Are you a German?

                        Let's get right down to WHY you are promoting a known OCCULT symbol.

                        Sacred Geometry is a wonderful science. Is that what you are looking at?


                        Originally posted by Raphael37 View Post

                        the two of you retards can debate the meaning of the word 'swastika' blah blah blah according to the Prakrit, Greek, Pali CULTures

                        However I am retired, and if you do not mind I prefer to debate the merits of the swastika as an 'intelligent design' .... but the two of you appear not to be intelligent enough to see what is in plain sight.

                        what do I mean by 'intelligent design'?
                        here are some of my rough notes.

                        As long as the two of you continue to debate mundane BS, whilst ignoring a discussion that is far more profound and unifying, the both of you will be evidence of how 'we the sheeple' cannot, simply refuse to discuss what is in plain is called cognitive bias.

                        Theoria-APHASIA is quite the dummy pretending to be a wise guy
                        ignore the wanker
                        Last edited by BroMikey; 01-21-2015, 08:17 PM.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
                          Let's get right down to WHY you are promoting a known OCCULT symbol.

                          Christians think anything NOT Christian is "occult"

                          That trash doesnt fly with anyone that has more than 5 brain cells.


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by TheoriaApophasis View Post
                            Go for it there Adolf.

                            You are the wise one, fore shure.

                            yes on this thread I AM the wise one.

                            so I asked you raise your game, by inviting you to discuss the bigger picture and you played the Hitler card?

                            afterall that is what this thread is all about ...
                            linking the SWASTIKA to E-MODE and B-MODE gravity waves

                            ... and you continue to throw me a life line from the anchor you are attached too called IGNORANCE?

                            It seems once you wander from your field of expertise you ended up in Stupid-ville where Hitler is used to win or end a debate?

                            the fact you are focused on taking ownership of the 12,000+ year old word/idea 'SWASTIKA' and bring it down to the level of regurgitating NAZI propaganda spewed by ignorant humans like yourself suggests to ME+me that you are not familiar with the GOD wins law?

                            Is it GOD wins Law or Godwin's Law?

                            Godwin's law (or Godwin's Rule of Nazi Analogies)[1][2] is an Internet adage asserting that "As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1"[2][3]—​ that is, if an online discussion (regardless of topic or scope) goes on long enough, sooner or later someone will compare someone or something to Hitler or Nazism.

                            Promulgated by American attorney and author Mike Godwin in 1990,[2] Godwin's Law originally referred, specifically, to Usenet newsgroup discussions.[4] It is now applied to any threaded online discussion, such as Internet forums, chat rooms and blog comment threads, as well as to speeches, articles and other rhetoric.[5][6]

                            In 2012, "Godwin's Law" became an entry in the third edition of the Oxford English Dictionary.[7]

                            There are many corollaries to Godwin's law, some considered more canonical (by being adopted by Godwin himself)[3] than others.[1] For example, there is a tradition in many newsgroups and other Internet discussion forums that once such a comparison is made, the thread is finished and whoever mentioned the Nazis has automatically lost whatever debate was in progress.[8] This principle is itself frequently referred to as Godwin's law. It is considered poor form to raise such a comparison arbitrarily with the motive of ending the thread.

                            Godwin's law applies especially to inappropriate, inordinate, or hyperbolic comparisons of other situations (or one's opponent) with Nazis – often referred to as "playing the Hitler card".

                            what the above suggests is that you LOSE and are a LOSER

                            raise your game or fookoff
                            Last edited by Raphael37; 01-24-2015, 01:14 PM.


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by TheoriaApophasis View Post
                              Go for it there Adolf.

                              Likewise, Ive seen your tinfoil hat "blog"

                              Atlantis trash
                              alien trash
                              white lighter trash.

                              You are the wise one, fore shure.
                              LIAR LIAR
                              what Atlantis trash are you talking about?
                              LINK please?

                              LIAR LIAR
                              what aLIEn trash are you talking about?
                              LINK please?

                              LIAR LIAR
                              what white lighter trash are you talking about?
                              LINK please?

                              So I want to discuss linking the SWASTIKA to B-MODE and E-MODE gravity waves and you want to discuss what exactly?

                              I must admit it sounds like you are focused on little ole me plus the wild card, i.e. your level of ignorance


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
                                Hi There

                                I was only poking fun. While I know all symbols and signs have more than one meaning with many perverting the purity, I think we need to address the crude first. Like it was used in Germany. It turned out bad, don't you think?

                                Or is that a wrong assessment?

                                You can not give us the other meanings that you claim are pure and holy until you have dispelled the obvious.

                                What say you? Don't go off into wonderland till you address Hitler's use of this symbol. You see where I grew up that symbol was Hitler's murdering signature.

                                Tell me why Hitler used that symbol first.

                                "I have been to Alice in Wonderland" already in the 60's when I was introduced to India's peace pipe, so dazzling me is out, you are to late.

                                I am sure that all symbols hold other meaning for people.

                                What have you got to say about Germany's misuse of the symbol?

                                Are you a German?

                                Let's get right down to WHY you are promoting a known OCCULT symbol.

                                Sacred Geometry is a wonderful science. Is that what you are looking at?


                                dude get your facts straight before you venture into the unknown called the TRUTH.

                                this thread is about discussing obvious links between GRAVITY WAVES and the SWASTIKA ... duh maybe that is why Hitler used it?

                                JEHOVAH = YHWH = GOD = SWASTIKA

                                I bet where EWE came from JEHOVAH = GOD?
                                it appears that where ever you were raised they left out a couple of steps in the evolution of the idea....

                                let me ask you straight-out, are you too stupid to comprehend such an idea?
                                well are you?

                                does it matter if I am german, or does it matter more if you have a valid library card and can comprehend simple ideas?

                                which is more important?
                                Last edited by Raphael37; 03-07-2015, 11:26 PM.

