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Free energy already exist

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  • When I first started on the generator today things weren't looking so good and I almost thought that I would have to admit defeat.

    However after testing different configurations/positions things are looking great (promising results).

    I'm not absolutly 100% sure if I'm reaching full speed yet but what does happen is once I hit the power switch.......

    1st: It tries to spin but does not!

    2nd: I put my finger on the pulley or flywheel and aid the spin to get it going.

    3rd: Once its going (slow start off) it starts spinning faster and faster.

    4th: It continues to gain more and more speed.

    5th: After reaching high RPM's it starts to vibrate heavily but no longer shakes since I've mounted it down to a wooden board.

    Now the wooden board floats away on vibration.

    Personal thoughts ("I wonder if the board running away on vibration has anything to do with zero or center gravity if it does then how can I use such a force and for what purpose").

    Anyway I'll now have to mount the board down to something to stop it from running off. After that I'll be able to focus on more testing.

    Like any other projects I become involved in, the tougher the job gets the easier succeeding in any project becomes as I become more and more creative until success is reached


    • Originally posted by inventionmaster View Post
      Personal thoughts ("I wonder if the board running away on vibration has anything to do with zero or center gravity if it does then how can I use such a force and for what purpose").

      It sounds like your device is not balanced very well and the unbalanced rotations are what's causing it to "float" away.
      I would ASSume it has nothing to do with zero gravity or center gravity just plain old excessive vibration, but since we have yet to see a video of it in action that's only an ASSumption
      Last edited by admsjas; 05-26-2013, 11:59 AM.


      • I was able to get it to spin pretty well without any oil. After adding some oil it now spins much better and no longer needs any assistance starting by finger. Amazing what a difference a little oil makes. Tomorrow I'll be doing a little stress testing.


        • Originally posted by inventionmaster View Post
          Tomorrow I'll be doing a little stress testing.
          how about making a video of this generator? theres been alot of talk but no action.


          • Know what.....

            I think this project is boring me. I think I'll take everything I have and build a far more advanced/powerful FE generator that will produce far better results. By using a few vehicle parts and adding a couple of other things I'll be able to achieve something that will be upgradeable up to around 20,000 watts or more continuous power enabling me to have a system that not only works well (extremely efficient) but something that is also far more durable and much more quite.

            I believe that any other genius will already know what I'm going to do as it's not a difficult thing to do. Although if you don't know what you're doing than it can be extremely dangerous (you could lose a hand from rotating parts or die from electrocution). I might be able to get my hands on one of the main parts I need sometime next week so I can begin.


            • Could you please make a video of it in action, so we can admire your ingenuous creation?
              ...also... if I were you, I would first finish this (smaller) project before going on a bigger one. You can learn a lot of things that will "serve" you on the big project and maybe also save some money this way... just my humble opinion...
              Last edited by kapierenundkopieren; 05-27-2013, 10:25 PM.


              • I am starting to have good results but I am bored so I think I will tear it apart and build something else. WTF? Good luck to anybody following this.


                • Zardox,

                  You have to read between the lines. In other words "I have let my big mouth and ego get me in way over my head so now I need some excuse for how to get out of this mess." In the beginning of this thread we were led to believe there was a working system, but as the thread progressed it became pretty obvious it was all a pipe dream. The truth almost always comes out in the end. I predict we will see the same end in the other thread too about running a car on water.

                  Respectfully, Carroll
                  Just because someone disagrees with you does NOT make them your enemy. We can disagree without attacking someone.


                  • Have a look at Electrical Energy | Free Energy Research

                    The free energy is all implosion and harmony.


                    • Originally posted by inventionmaster View Post
                      Free energy is possible as I have rebuilt a generator to produce free energy providing 120v with a frequency of 60hz and a max load of 3500 watts and 30 amps. I have been working on free energy designs since the age 12 and I am now 28. I have designed far more complicated things then this free energy device.
                      I missed something here. I thought all IM was doing was prettying it up for the camera?


                      • Originally posted by citfta View Post

                        You have to read between the lines. In other words "I have let my big mouth and ego get me in way over my head so now I need some excuse for how to get out of this mess." In the beginning of this thread we were led to believe there was a working system, but as the thread progressed it became pretty obvious it was all a pipe dream. The truth almost always comes out in the end. I predict we will see the same end in the other thread too about running a car on water.

                        Respectfully, Carroll
                        OK you got me!


                        In my case it is never whether doing something is possible or not. Having the resources to achieve success is really the toughest challenge

                        This generator is not as quite as I would like it to be and it being as old as it is it does have a few problems. I hate working with defective equipment A new generator would have been so much easier to convert because all of the parts would have been brand new and in tip top shape

                        I do not have a video camera I do have a nice camera that is close to SLR quality but it is only good for pictures.

                        I could try and fix the problems I'm having with this old thing (seems there is a bad component in the circuitry) but I think it would be stupid to even try when I could build something that would be far more efficient using most of the parts I already have. I just need a couple more things to do this and I may be able to get what I need next week.

                        This new design is going to kick ass!


                        • A few more details regarding the new design:

                          Of course it will be a system that powers itself but the thing that separates this system from the rest including the first one is the large amount of power that will be left over to multiply.

                          The only downfall of this design is reaching the max upgradeable capacity of around possibly 20,000 watts or more might be a little expensive. The parts that I'll be collecting from various machines are mostly new and still in tip top shape (mostly).

                          Another good thing is that it will weigh allot less so if people wanted to buy this new more efficient upgradeable design (after sufficient proof that it works) the shipping would not be nearly as expensive.


                          • Originally posted by Zardox View Post
                            I am starting to have good results but I am bored so I think I will tear it apart and build something else. WTF? Good luck to anybody following this.
                            Sorry but as I work on projects the tech in my head becomes more advanced by the week. I choose to build what it has evolved into (in my head) rather than keep it so primitive. Besides this new design will provide a whole lot more juice

                            Personal thoughts ("I just pray to God that I don't get electrocuted by this new one. As long as I follow all of my electrical training and do everything right I'll be fine ("I think")).

                            Anyway I'm building it no matter what and I'm very exited about it as it has an immense amount of potential.
                            Last edited by inventionmaster; 05-28-2013, 01:13 AM.


                            • I'm very disappointed

                              I have been following this thread since the day it was started and it looked like there might be something new, interesting and important being discovered. Unfortunately, the person who started this thread, who gave himself the handle of inventionmaster is an invention knave and it seems he is dishonest as well. In the future I hope people think about how they say things and choose better words to describe their inventions and successes. In this case, Mr. Big Mouth made statements that he can't prove or back up. My advice to this idiot is shut up and get out of the way until you learn how to test your THEORIES before you open your trap. Learn to use qualifying statements like "I think I may have a design that will produce XXX amount of free energy." Otherwise, you look like an idiot, sound like an idiot and smell like an idiot. As the saying goes, if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck it is probably a duck.
                              There is a reason why science has been successful and technology is widespread. Don't be afraid to do the math and apply the laws of physics.


                              • Originally posted by wayne.ct View Post
                                if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck it is probably a duck.
                                My earlier test results showed I was getting more power output then what I was putting in. That does not seem like a duck to me

                                BTW this is definitely something new, interesting, and important being discovered but I can't just openly prove it without revealing exactly how it works. I'm willing to give hints in the beginning and as I go I'll release more and more info about it but it is not at the moment open source. Maybe one day soon I might make it open source but not at the moment.

                                However if interested in something that actually works (I do have a few witnesses) then please do feel free to continue to watch this thing unfold
                                Last edited by inventionmaster; 05-28-2013, 01:36 AM.

