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Free energy already exist

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  • You don't have a video camera?!

    90% of digital cameras have a video mode.
    99% of cell phones have a video mode.

    I'm calling B.S.


    • Another major reason why I'm pursuing this new design is because I don't want just a little free energy. I'm aiming to get completely off the electrical grid and have my entire home ran on nothing but free energy. Sure this design will give me some free energy but it's bulky, noisy, and will not be as efficient as the new and much more improved one.

      Sorry to switch around the design midway but after witnessing the final results of the new one (assuming it will work flawlessly) you'll be glad I did.

      I believe that anytime a new piece of technology is released it should be at it's best from the very beginning


      • Originally posted by Ruphus View Post
        99% of cell phones have a video mode.

        I'm calling B.S.
        I'm sorry that I cannot afford a cellphone

        However once I've eliminated something called an electric bill

        I'll then be able to afford more things.

        BTW I'm not so desperate for a video that I'll go knocking door to door trying to find someone with a video camera at least not yet anyway.


        • The whole reason why I'm building this in the first place is to completely eliminate high electric bills. Forget about saving on electrical bills because I will get rid of the whole thing completely regardless of who believes it works or not. I believe that some people here don't realize that I'm really not trying to prove anything but mainly just share progress and results as I go


          • Quack quack

            Originally posted by wayne.ct View Post
            As the saying goes, if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck it is probably a duck.
            Funny I about wrote something along the same lines a day or two ago. I find it real hard to believe that in today age of technology someone doesn't have money for a cellphone, doesn't have a video camera or know anyone with a cellphone that could video it in action, has no money to spend on inventions but is going to start on a newer better design, blah blah blah. I don't have a lot of money either but I have all of the above. Anyone who is a "techie" has all of the above, at the very least knows someone with a cellphone, C'MON!!!!!!

            My situation? I have a butt load of gel cell batteries. I work for a company that will upgrade battery backups after so long and the old batteries are "pitched" at this point I have mostly 7ah, some 12ah and a few 200ah. I have a craftsman 2500w generator I acquired from a death in the family that I would like to convert in to a FE device. I have a couple hundred I could spare to get started just trying to figure out where to start. I started acquiring batteries before acquiring the generator with the goal of solar at the time until I figured out what a joke that whole scene is. My 2¢, not worth a whole lot, but absolute truth


            • Originally posted by admsjas View Post
              I find it real hard to believe that in today age of technology someone doesn't have money for a cellphone, doesn't have a video camera or know anyone with a cellphone that could video it in action, has no money to spend on inventions but is going to start on a newer better design, blah blah blah.
              First off different people like me don't get many friends which makes it allot harder to find things to borrow ("Most people where I am don't care to here about inventions and ideas they can't understand") makes for a lonely life but I find ways to keep myself amused such as projects like these

              One day I plan to get a nice phone (soon I hope). Would like to have one that does HD video and camera and with good battery life.

              I did mention that I am taking parts from other machines I already have and only trying to buy what I absolutely need which is like $39. Sadly I'll have to downgrade certain machines including my vehicle in order to obtain the other parts I need but I will do so in the name of science & technology.

              I will achieve the perfect FE generator system


              • admsjas,
                Go to:

                This is my thread. The very first post will show you how to build a small device that will restore 99.9% of the batteries your company iws throwing away to BETTER than new condition. That is NOT the purpose of the device nor what we are attempting to do on that thread, but is an UNWANTED SIDE EFFECT of the device we ARE trying to perfect.

                Do you or do you not have a working device that puts out more energy than it takes to run? If so, no one cares how pretty it is or how much noise it makes. All we want is proof so it can be replicated. I would fly to anywhere to view such a device and then be one of your most loyal supporters. At this point though, I have to agree with those who believe you are full of hot air and the more you put off showing proof, the fewer folks are going to pay any attention to you. We have seen this too many times.

                You are rapidly losing the faith that folks were willing to put in you, and that is the real shame of this. It gives ALL the people who are working so hard to come up with answers a real black eye when someone like YOU "claims" to have an answer and then comes up with excuse after excuse as to why they can't or won't show proof.

                It's time to put up or shut up.

                “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                • I can only assume the negative comments here are from those who are disappointed that things didn't happen to their expectations. Can people not show a little understanding that Inventionmaster is an experimenter / builder who like most of us does not always have the success they want the first time around. Really guys cut him some slack here. Just where do you find he has lied? He has maybe been excited to share what he is planning without having exact times or equipment in place when and where he wanted. I think it is very rude to treat someone this way at this point.

                  It makes me wonder if you have considered the consequences of your actions in making such accusations. He might consider it's not worth sharing anymore and if he does have something real (which I still believe is possible) then you've just shot yourself in the foot. You'll never get the benefit of his knowledge. But then maybe some have considered those consequences and maybe that is exactly why the negative remarks. Maybe the intent is to drive him away because your real agenda is not wanting free energy to be available to all.

                  I really don't understand that behavior here. It seems childish. If he is scamming people here or just is dreaming it will become obvious eventually but it hasn't hurt anyone to have read along here a little. We know UFOPolitics is a smart guy and seeing that he figured out Inventionmasters plan it seems reasonable that it is a valid concept. So instead of screaming like a baby about a change in plans just sit back and watch. Did you not get the impression of Inventionmaster's personna in his first post? This change does not surprise me at all. In fact I think it shows a very intelligent mindset and one that is not here just to fulfill your expectations but rather to build the best possible energy device.
                  There is no important work, there are only a series of moments to demonstrate your mastery and impeccability. Quote from Almine


                  • Originally posted by ewizard View Post
                    I can only assume the negative comments here are from those who are disappointed that things didn't happen to their expectations.
                    I can only assume ewizard is the bleeding heart type who falls for any sob story by pulling out a wallet and handing out cash to strangers, no questions asked. Read the OPs first statements again:

                    Free energy is possible as I have rebuilt a generator to produce free energy providing 120v with a frequency of 60hz and a max load of 3500 watts and 30 amps. I have been working on free energy designs since the age 12 and I am now 28. I have designed far more complicated things then this free energy device. I have a special ability when it comes to technology.

                    If more power is needed (higher wattage and amperage capacity) then I would simply build more of these things and wire them up in parallel. So far I only have one unit because thats all I can afford to build at the moment but it was still cheaper to by a used generator and modify it to power itself then to pay high electric bills.

                    Right now I'm in the process of creating (if I can afford it) a nice looking body for it (generator) and adding in a wattage meter and cool looking switches (a total cosmetic make over).
                    Now read the last few posts and see if it makes sense. It's people like you scam artists love to prey on... better not post your contact info.


                    • Personal thoughts: ("I fail to understand why so many people want to stick with primitive technology").

                      I have repeatedly stated that I will not asked for money to complete this alpha FE project so there is nothing to scam. People claim that others have maid false claims of such devices well I have to say that I've never read any false claims simply because I don't really read anyone else's claims because I'm not interested in how others failed in there experiments (not unless they wanted to know a way to make it work).

                      Now I feel as if I'm being stoned to death while my face is being dragged through the dirt just because I come up with a way to make what I'm building extremely more efficient WTF?

                      People should be extremely happy about this particular change because after it's finished it will be something that everyone will want


                      • Originally posted by Ein~+ein View Post
                        I can only assume ewizard is the bleeding heart type who falls for any sob story by pulling out a wallet and handing out cash to strangers, no questions asked. Read the OPs first statements again:

                        Now read the last few posts and see if it makes sense. It's people like you scam artists love to prey on... better not post your contact info.
                        LOL - you've certainly got me pegged wrong. And I don't think you have much insight into Inventionmaster's personality. I'll just say I always try to stay on the positive side of things until proven otherwise or until I have to open my wallet. At this point it's not costing anyone a penny to just listen.
                        There is no important work, there are only a series of moments to demonstrate your mastery and impeccability. Quote from Almine


                        • When I first try to explain a brand new design I normally have a difficult time putting the words together as I mostly invent things on a deep subconscious level. You'll have to understand a little more about the human brain or advanced ways of meditation to understand.

                          Anyway a little theory on how this new design will work

                          Let's see how to explain it more

                          I take a storage of electrons (something that holds allot of electricity).

                          I then take something that will keep this storage of electrons charged even under heavy load (some after market premium products).

                          Then I take something that will amplify some of those electrons in storage and send it out to the thing that will power the device that is responsible for maintaining an adequate charge even under heavy load.

                          After this happens I'll be left over with allot of power that I can amplify to suit any needs. Basically after I have the basic FE part of the unit built, when I want more energy I just simply add more units of power amplifiers to the FE system which makes it upgradeable.


                          • Originally posted by inventionmaster View Post
                            Personal thoughts: ("I fail to understand why so many people want to stick with primitive technology").

                            I have repeatedly stated that I will not asked for money to complete this alpha FE project so there is nothing to scam. People claim that others have maid false claims of such devices well I have to say that I've never read any false claims simply because I don't really read anyone else's claims because I'm not interested in how others failed in there experiments (not unless they wanted to know a way to make it work).

                            Now I feel as if I'm being stoned to death while my face is being dragged through the dirt just because I come up with a way to make what I'm building extremely more efficient WTF?

                            People should be extremely happy about this particular change because after it's finished it will be something that everyone will want
                            I think it's partly that so many things have come and gone that did not work out that people turn negative because they are clinging to past bad experiences and don't want their hopes crushed once again. I've learned to try to stay "in the moment" and look at each situation as a new and individual and not related to any past experiences. But unfortunately a lot of people do not have that sort of understanding and as a result want to start squealing like a baby at the first sign that something didn't happen the way they expected. Don't let it bother you and in the end if you show them what you have you will be exonerated from any negative accusations. I suspect there are a lot more people here just watching this thread who are not saying anything as they are smart enough to know that's the best choice at this time.
                            There is no important work, there are only a series of moments to demonstrate your mastery and impeccability. Quote from Almine


                            • I agree that they are probably more than just me who are watching this thread ~ maybe "hope-against-hope" that some legitimate will come of it.

                              But . . . 6-pages and still nothing significant



                              • Originally posted by truesearch View Post
                                But . . . 6-pages and still nothing significant
                                Never expected to get very much attention here (more people want free energy than ever I realized). Mostly anticipated a little advise here and there. I still say that many are way to quick to use the word impossible.

                                I don't believe in such a word. The only word I believe in is success. No matter what anyone tries to do if you follow the right steps and do what it takes than anything can be achieved

                                Sometimes you have to look at everything that's in front of you and beyond order to find the answer. Always think outside of the box and always meet difficult challenges with more creativity.....always and eventually you will stumble upon a solution
                                Last edited by inventionmaster; 05-28-2013, 08:44 PM.

