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Free energy already exist

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  • Second Thoughts about Perpetual Motion Devices after having responded to that other thread here on Perpetuum Motion

    I think it's worth noting why they're considered hypothetical. According to Newton's law, an object in motion stays in motion unless acted upon by an opposing force. Does this therefore limit perpetual motion to the subatomic and cosmological realms where such forces do not need to be overcome? The definition I've given says nothing about what force applied to overcome resistance and maintain motion in our earthly realm is acceptable. Gravity definitely is as the Wikipedia illustration I uploaded suggests, and one would think solar and wind too, but who's to say an electric motor is not perpetual motion when it fits the definition perfectly? Anyone come up with another definition?

    As for the solar-powered toy, I'd consider it a PM device, a FE device, but not an OU one for reasons I've stated. But that's just MHO.


    • Everything opposed by a reaction called friction would stall soon or later. It's fortunate because world would explode if this regulation would not be here.
      However atomic particles seem to run forever in atom, and planets the same in solar system. We need only a "wheelwork of nature" running for a period much longer then our lives to tap into it's power, that's how easy is perpetual motion.
      Last edited by boguslaw; 05-18-2013, 08:37 PM. Reason: fix


      • The main thing I think is not conveniently understood is "what free energy means".
        Free energy for me can be energy that comes from the electric company that I don't pay. For others, free energy can be energy that comes from natural phenomenons like wind, solar, etc... and there are other different examples also.

        And how you can define it?
        Excess energy? +100% Efficiency? Vacuum tapping phenomena? A battery that outputs more energy that it contains?
        There is evidence that there isn't a clear concept of what it is. So much more complex will be to develop a solution.

        Also a device won't last forever. If you live 50 years, and the device works 51 years, for that person the device will be a perpetual motion one. But there isn't a device such like that. The question is how to use energy in a more efficient way. Well, you can decrease the losses or recicle the energy.

        Perpetual motion is in its nature an oximoron. It will last 10000 years, but in some point in time it will stop by another force action or by the wear. Nothing lasts forever.


        • @boguslaw

          Newton's famous the laws of motion has serious flaws. One of them is direct violation of cause and effect he assumed which is "Gravity acts between parties without any active agent with infinite speed." Newton should put the second law which defines force in first place, then the first law is followed by. Even though the order gets right, his theory of motion is imperfect.

          For example, the third law is "action and reaction in opposite force." When an object in circular motion, another force appears that right angle to the rotating plane, torque.

          Eric Laithwaite discovered weight loss property of gyroscope and spent few decades to understand it. As soon as he disclosed the discovery that shakes Newton's theory, the established scientific community virtually erased him. What does it tell?

          Also Newton had simplistic understanding about inertia of mass. Average gas burning car needs 50 hp to reach 50 mph (100 km/h). To maintain 50 mph, it only requires 20 mph. That's it. Then the question is what happens to the 30 mph? Air resistance and all friction are a lot smaller than 30 mph.

          Nature always seeks out for maximum energy efficiency IMHO. Why our heart pump blood in pulse motion not constant pushing and pull like engines human use? I wonder. Because constant pushing creates waste of excessive energy.

          Applying this simply principle it's easy to cut down fuel consumption below 50% in most cars by reprogramming ECU. I doubt it auto makers will ever do it for car owners. Some cars shut off multiple cylinders during cruise mode. They know it works but applies it conservatively to keep the profit go.

          First law
          An object at rest will remain at rest unless acted on by an unbalanced force. An object in motion continues in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.
          This law is often called
          "the law of inertia".

          Second law
          Acceleration is produced when a force acts on a mass. The greater the mass (of the object being accelerated) the greater the amount of force needed (to accelerate the object).

          Third law
          For every action there is an equal and opposite re-action.
          The proper order of Newton's three laws are:

          First law
          Acceleration is produced when a force acts on a mass. The greater the mass (of the object being accelerated) the greater the amount of force needed (to accelerate the object).

          Second law
          An object at rest will remain at rest unless acted on by an unbalanced force. An object in motion continues in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.
          This law is often called
          "the law of inertia".

          Third law
          For every action there is an equal and opposite re-action.
          Suppose car represents conventional energy technology, aircraft can be free energy technology. This is how I look at Free Energy. Only difference is energy efficiency and resource management in bigger perspective.

          Theoretically ground to air transportation eliminates surface structure whatsoever. The way things run in present world is disgusting nowadays.

          How miracle becomes part of daily life? A new theory makes 5% of the whole process. 95% is engineering and development of a machine. I came to the conclusion that there are alternative theories in science that explains Free Energy. How do we achieve the 95% of manifestation in physical reality?


          • If you really want to get technical...overunity is an oxymoron.
            I cant imagine how anything could ever be more than complete or unified.
            I assumed the common accepted definition of OU was the same as PM and FE.
            If you didnt understand solar energy you would think the toy magically spins by itself. That was the portrayal I intended to make with the solar toy comparison to OU.

            What is a closed system? Gravity to a degree affects all atoms. Apparently so does consciousness. I can make electricity flicker with my mind. If some fields have the ability to affect everything, is a system is ever closed?

            We do not know the nature of every field that exists. How does consciousness transmit energy to inanimate objects? Whats the source of this energy that causes objects to be reactive internally. What kind of field would carry that energy and how does it travel through walls unaffected? Is it part of the electromagnetic spectral field? When will main stream science acknowledge the very real existance of telekinesis?

            Only those who push the boundaries will be the ones to break through.


            • Originally posted by freepenguin View Post
              How miracle becomes part of daily life? A new theory makes 5% of the whole process. 95% is engineering and development of a machine. I came to the conclusion that there are alternative theories in science that explains Free Energy. How do we achieve the 95% of manifestation in physical reality?
              Those are very actual questions.
              Theory always based on Practice, mean, even looking at some processes or events one trying to figure out how it works, how "it could be if..."; purely made up theory is a fantasy.
              And at the end the Practice is a judge in the court, getting verdicts is Theory worth something or not.
              But the good Theory can withstand a trail though (lack of evidences), but it's just a matter of time, and MORE practice, to put the dots.
              So, to "achieve the 95% of manifestation in physical reality" need more practice, means more votes "for" the Theory, and when Practice says "yes" nobody can stop the manifestation.
              But here (this thread) we see a contradiction - first it was proclaimed FE (theory) , and only now we see attempt (practice) to prove it. Wrong way.
              Get your Practice first (based on YOUR "theory") and come up with Physics' theory later; can't go wrong this way, cuz you have an Ace - Practice, and you have a Trump Ace when you get confirmation in Theory.
              And based on Theory proven by Practice ones changing Reality.

              "Only those who push the boundaries will be the ones to break through".
              Very well said.


              • @freepenguin
                For me cars and aircraft are almost the same because they run on oil, but I understand that you mean that aircrafts have no friction because they fly and they're more efficient because they eliminate losses compared with cars (friction). But as you know, an aircraft depends in the amount of fuel they store to flight more or less distance. So examining that point of view, they cannot run 1 year on fuel, because fuel can be seen as an open system. The amount of fuel you burn you cannot recicle to maintain it in a closed system.
                The fuel need to explode in the motor to generate kinetic force. So it dissapears, and we are interested to look in a source that have one of these options:
                1) You can recicle it in a closed system.
                2) You can tap it almost indefinitely and it needs to be time-independent. Solar energy is time dependent, because you can tape it only at day and in a clear day. Vacuum energy is so vast that we can look it as "perpetual" energy. For our purpouses it won't finish never. Of course, it can finish but it would take trillions and trillions of years. Other examples are gravity.

                Anyone will always have some kind of losses. But one point of view is to say 80% losses and other point of view is to say 5% losses. But losses will always be there. Friction, heat, counterforces....

                How do we achieve the 95% of manifestation in physical reality?
                Simple: keep it as simplest as possible. The more simple and easy, the better. Then you will have all the time you want to overcomplex it. It will take time or money or both. If you want to do it fast, take time learning how you DON'T need to do it.

                Get your Practice first (based on YOUR "theory") and come up with Physics' theory later

                But you need an idea first. After you practise and finally you can extract the physics beyond it.
                Idealize, practice, theorize.
                As you say, lots of people here first theorize a lot over something that it's misunderstood, then they practise only a few (in 90% of cases), and idealize almost nothing. The results? Anyone can imagine them.


                • Originally posted by Stealth View Post
                  One of my experiences. In 1979-80, I was working night shift in a large industrial park. It was summer, June-July, and we were working outside on a yard, moving material with an overhead crane. There were 7 of us. All of a sudden one boy asked what that large light was in the sky over top of the main power lines and substation supplying power to the park. We all turned and stared at it a moment, when someone said it was a helicopter checking the power lines. We were not more than a couple hundred yards away, so then someone asked why it didn't make any noise. All of a sudden, I was there alone. Everyone else had vanished. I suppose I was too interested to run so I just stood there. It was a long vessel airplane fuselage looking object. It hovered silently for a couple minutes then started turning slowly around, like it was suspended on a string. Then, when it had turned 360 degrees, it shot off in a flash of light. In a couple seconds it was out of sight. I have seen many aircraft, but I have never seen anything accelerate that fast. stelath
                  OFF TOPIC: (but a good bump to keep this thread alive while Inventionmaster is finishing up some things).

                  Gosh Stealth that is amazing but you can't just leave us hanging. What happened to the people that disappeared? Or are you saying they just ran off and left you standing there in awe?
                  BTW I've read explanations for those craft that appear to do a sudden 90 degree turn followed by extreme speed and then disappear off in the distance.
                  IIRC it involves a large energy burst that pulls a distant point in space near the craft somewhat like creating a wormhole and then going into that wormhole and popping out on the other side at some far distant point. From the observers point of view it looks like a sudden 90 degree turn followed by extreme speed when actually the craft may not be going that fast but it is traveling very far in a short amount of time. In essence it is far faster than speed of light travel.
                  There is no important work, there are only a series of moments to demonstrate your mastery and impeccability. Quote from Almine


                  • Boguslaw: Everything opposed by a reaction called friction would stall soon or later.
                    Ein~+ein: Air, water, the lava under the earth's crust?
                    Boguslaw: We need only a "wheelwork of nature" running for a period much longer then our lives to tap into it's power, that's how easy is perpetual motion.
                    Ein~+ein: Agreed. Just a thought but perpetual motion may be feasible in the form of a cyclical action dependent on more than one natural law such as that of a geyser, the daily opening and closing of a flower. I responded to a thread on gravity-based free energy that didn't seem too well thought out. Perhaps if coupled with floatation and-or temperature-induced expansion or contraction forces. Months ago, FE claims investigator/skeptic Mark Dansie reported positively on PESN about a floatation FE device based on Archimedes principle considered overunity.

                    @AetherScientist: Airplanes encounter friction. Stick your arm out your car window while cruising at highway speed and you'll know what I mean.


                    • Originally posted by Ein~+ein View Post
                      @AetherScientist: Airplanes encounter friction. Stick your arm out your car window while cruising at highway speed and you'll know what I mean.
                      Not with the ground, but I think the friction with the air is less than friction with the floor. Also, the wings of the planes are engineered to produce small amount of friction.

                      But more or less friction, as I said before, will be present in almost all systems.


                      • Originally posted by AetherScientist View Post

                        But you need an idea first. After you practise and finally you can extract the physics beyond it.
                        Idealize, practice, theorize.
                        As you say, lots of people here first theorize a lot over something that it's misunderstood, then they practise only a few (in 90% of cases), and idealize almost nothing. The results? Anyone can imagine them.
                        Agree. But an Idea can't just fell from the sky; the new Idea is a result of hard work - learning, studying, practicing, developing, etc. I call it "immersing" in subject; New always comes from Old (it took for Rossi a quarter of century, for Adams, Smith, Bedini - whole life).
                        Although nowadays we see an architect, plumber, student, amateur easy building a OU at home. Probably something is changed in mentality, I guess a noosphere is open for everyone now, just "open your mind".
                        And it's good - the Knowledge growing up Exponentially; world has to be changed!
                        But let see another FE project here based on ... i did not get it yet on what it based; hope we will see soon.


                        • @promt
                          Yes, of course. To get an idea you need to build, test, try... to get new ideas. But with detailled and deep observation also you can get information to start with. But agree about the hard work required to get the goal.
                          Even Tesla, worked day and night time to get his goal. I read somewhere in the net that he spent 150 hours without sleeping/eating working and studying. Of course, this is not usual because he used some techniques to accomplish that.
                          Anyone needs to perseverate and work hard to get anything in life.

                          I'll post a poll to check how many years the people is working on ou. I'm over than 5 years.


                          • @AetherScientist
                            Spent way more than 5yrs, beginning from Johnson/Brady mags motors; been working with Mike.
                            Yes it would be interesting, but it's really does not matter how long, the matter what a RESULT is !
                            But I think it would be even more interesting to know what builders will do with theirs findings; say
                            "I've developed a working, replicable, scalable OU unit, that now powering my home (shop, garage); what I would do with it:
                            - will start production of it by myself;
                            - will sell it to big company;
                            - will keep it for myself, give it to family members and friends;
                            - do not know yet".
                            Anyway thank you for nice conversation, have to leave for a few days.


                            • Stealth, Thanks for clarifying that. I've known people that say they were abducted by UFO's and had 'lost time' and a lot of people who described seeing them in enough detail that I don't doubt they were seeing something not normal or of this planet. I've seen a couple things myself that couldn't be explained by any normal phenomenon. I even talked to the 'Fire in the Sky' abductee Travis Walton in person who is the main person in that book - which later became the movie by the same name. A group of lumberjacks if you aren't familiar with the story - lots online about it as it was probably one of the better documented stories. I believe he was being truthful with me. Between that and all the credible witnesses brought out in Greer's 'Disclosure project' it's hard to imagine nothing unusual is going on as the government would seem to want us to believe.
                              There is no important work, there are only a series of moments to demonstrate your mastery and impeccability. Quote from Almine


                              • Originally posted by ewizard View Post
                                I've known people that say they were abducted by UFO's and had 'lost time' and a lot of people who described seeing them in enough detail that I don't doubt they were seeing something not normal or of this planet.
                                I don't know but last year, a 50+ yr old who I was training told me with a straight face and in a matter of fact manner how ETs were dealing with world heads of state and were about to dramatically affect Earthly affairs. Needless to say, I heard he didn't last long as he couldn't focus on the responsibilities of the job. Twenty yrs ago, he'd've been locked up as a potential threat to himself and others... but now we simply excuse such behaviour (at our peril) as the unfortunate result of an excess of entertainment coupled with a lack of social interaction.

                                FREE ENERGY SECRETS FINALLY MADE PUBLIC?!?!?!?!
                                At least that's what I make of this recent announcement from Thane Heins:
                                In order to accelerate the market adoption of the Regenerative Acceleration Generator innovation as a means to help remove the "need" for Geo Engineering / ChemTrail spraying and as a matter of self-preservation we have decided to give the IP away for "free."

                                We are now working with several motor manufacturers so the motor integration should be ready soon...

                                If you are interested in a ReGenX IP license please let me know or contact our IP licensing lawyer directly so we can provide the details.

                                Kind regards

                                Let's petition him to post all his secrets online so that all of us can freely access them and his assistance at replicating his results. If he sets up a PayPal 'donation' box, I'm sure he'll earn millions from all those so grateful for his contribution to 'greening' the planet and saving us on needless fuel costs and the environmental devastation oil extraction now causes. I'm sure he could even find it in his heart to share some of that wealth with Big Oil as they in turn suffer the same fate many other industries have.

