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Free energy already exist

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  • I have seen with both UFO's 16 commutator segment motor design and Matt Jones' motor that you can have more energy out of a motor than in. I have seen from Matt's "simple motor" (not the same thing... uses a dual rotor and single coil) design that you can run a motor and actually charge the primaries consistently. Not a whole LOT of charge, but hey, the motor runs for free. I have seen from Thaine Heins that you can run a Lenz free generator that will actually speed up under load, and Matt has a design that will do the same thing. I have seen from my OWN work on the 3BGS that you can run a whole system on the potential difference between two power sources without drawing down on the primaries if you PULSE the system. When you start taking the best from all the folks who have contributed their time and effort here, and putting it all into one system, you start to see what is possible. That is why you will see me pop up on ALL KINDS of threads. I am always looking for that little bit of information to add to what I already have to make a good system great. So I DO believe that we can achieve some great things. I just don't think it will come from some blow hard who comes on here and claims to have all the answers because he "thinks differently". Not when that individual has no proof of concept and no working model to show...just theories.

    UFO says he knows what Inventionmaster was doing. and that he thinks the guy had something. He is a smart enough guy to have figured it out and to be able to carry it forward. UFO, I know you have a lot of folks working on the motors on your thread. To date I am not aware that you have a system that is over unity, which may be why you still pop up on other threads. Excuse me if I am wrong, but that is my understanding. I would LOVE to be corrected on that point. If I am correct, perhaps you would be willing to give us an explanation of what you THINK Inventionmaster was attempting to do, if there was really ever anything to what he was talking about.

    “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
    —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


    • Inventionmaster's idea...

      Originally posted by Turion View Post
      I have seen with both UFO's 16 commutator segment motor design and Matt Jones' motor that you can have more energy out of a motor than in. I have seen from Matt's "simple motor" (not the same thing... uses a dual rotor and single coil) design that you can run a motor and actually charge the primaries consistently. Not a whole LOT of charge, but hey, the motor runs for free. I have seen from Thaine Heins that you can run a Lenz free generator that will actually speed up under load, and Matt has a design that will do the same thing. I have seen from my OWN work on the 3BGS that you can run a whole system on the potential difference between two power sources without drawing down on the primaries if you PULSE the system. When you start taking the best from all the folks who have contributed their time and effort here, and putting it all into one system, you start to see what is possible. That is why you will see me pop up on ALL KINDS of threads. I am always looking for that little bit of information to add to what I already have to make a good system great. So I DO believe that we can achieve some great things. I just don't think it will come from some blow hard who comes on here and claims to have all the answers because he "thinks differently". Not when that individual has no proof of concept and no working model to show...just theories.

      UFO says he knows what Inventionmaster was doing. and that he thinks the guy had something. He is a smart enough guy to have figured it out and to be able to carry it forward. UFO, I know you have a lot of folks working on the motors on your thread. To date I am not aware that you have a system that is over unity, which may be why you still pop up on other threads. Excuse me if I am wrong, but that is my understanding. I would LOVE to be corrected on that point. If I am correct, perhaps you would be willing to give us an explanation of what you THINK Inventionmaster was attempting to do, if there was really ever anything to what he was talking about.

      Hello Dave,

      I am not that eager to find OU as to perfection my set to go to other threads and help them/assist them in the best I could...

      Finding/Declaring OU, here, I see it as to enter into arguments, war of measurements...and all kind of discussions that only set us behind in our real development.

      Now related to Invewntionmaster, I have posted in previous pages what he was doing...I even post designs I have been working on...and in his case relates to use the reciprocating piston action to, instead of generating a compression based on gas/fuel achieve it through electromagnetic repulsive forces...that is basically it.

      A strong permanent magnet set at piston corona (simplest design)...and instead of a head with set a heavy duty coil/core designed to project same polarity as piston head magnetic top side...then the rest we all know...pulsing that coil at TDC and allowing counterweight to pass the center gravitational axis...then it falls assisted by gravity and repulsive forces...

      This is not as simple as it reads...there must be perfect timings at all stages. or it will fail...and Inventionmaster started using "too much" currents at coil...not it was a mess/heating up, etc...reason why he did not wanted to show it on video.

      That is what I believe happened...and finally a complete disappointment got him, out...with the excuse we all know...

      Ok, now, since I reveal to you the answer/secrets of Inventionmaster's design,...can I have the camera you were gonna give him?

      Just kidding man!


      Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


      • So, I read this thread, and this is what I see:

        1) This person calls himself INVENTIONMASTER, or the MASTER of invention... Already an authority figure...
        2) Tells everyone how truly simple it all is and after he has people's attention, hopes, and everyone is chomping at the bit, emotionally stretched and fully attentive (and who wouldn't be?)
        3) Backs off to "work on improvements" to watch people now subconsciously frustrated, go off on one another,
        4) Then parts company with this warning to all: "building free energy is not worth a bullet in your head so I don't recommend trying."

        Is this the REAL MESSAGE and TRUE REASON for his/her coming here in the first place?

        Ok - back to work!

        Best regards to all,

        Electrostatic charges manipulating magneto-gravitic streams...


        • UFO,
          Thanks for the info. If you can use that camera, I would be more than happy to send it to you. It is gathering dust and taking up space. The only good it will do me is as a tax deduction if I still have it at the end of the year and donate it to Goodwill!! PM me with details for sending it, and it is all yours.

          “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
          —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


          • Originally posted by LutherG View Post
            Is this the REAL MESSAGE and TRUE REASON for his/her coming here in the first place?
            Good point! My guess is he's a teenage prankster, perhaps the son of a professional suppressionist.


            • Lmfao...

              Originally posted by Ein~+ein View Post
              Good point! My guess is he's a teenage prankster, perhaps the son of a professional suppressionist.

              Ein~tein, instead of wasting your time here...criticizing FE and Inventors...You should be writing Soap Operas...or Sci Fi Adventure Books...Your "creative imagination" is really superb...
              Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


              • Why does everyone want to assume he is lying? Other than Luther G's idea it makes no sense that he would waste so much time here talking about this. He DID show a photo of part of his work. I'd like to say how I really feel about all the accusations here but I'll keep it low key because I know it won't do any good. Has anyone considered he has been completely honest here? UFO says he knows what he was planning can work if done right.

                Consider this. In the past I've said it a number of times. I've said this because I've been tracking things. People who come up with a working motor generator type setup that has the potential to generate a LOT of power (as compared to low power things with spark gaps and such that only seem to work for lighting light bulbs with 'dirty' power) seem to disappear, have accidents or suddenly claim they were threatened. I've seen this happen way more with this type of idea than any other. Michael John Nunnerly told his situation. No one is calling him a chicken or liar. We know MJN is a good and honest person. Why do we assume Inventionmaster is not? Just because he is new here?

                How many here have been shot at or have had your life seriously threatened? Until you have been in that situation you have NO F***ing clue what it is like so if you have not been there don't judge someone who just got the sh** scared out of them.

                I honestly don't have a clue if Inventionmaster has been honest here or not but to fling around accusations like what has happened here shows a lack of understanding of human psychology and a total lack of compassion. Maybe some of you think by saying these things he will want to prove your wrong? NO! He is only going to think you are a bunch of rude and ornery people.
                There is no important work, there are only a series of moments to demonstrate your mastery and impeccability. Quote from Almine


                • Ewizard, many here including myself wish he was telling the truth. But, look at the facts as they unfolded. When he first began to post, he made grandiose claims about a wonderful new idea he had just finished prototyping to produce free energy.

                  When he saw he had an attentive and captive audience who, for the most part, welcomed him and expressed interest in his idea, he began telling us how smart he was and how excellent his ideas were. Then, someone asked for pics and video of the working prototype. He made a few posts about why this would take a while and then shifted to a new post on HHO. He then stated he could not believe so many folks were interested in this one idea (paraphrasing here) and that he did not expect this kind of attention. Now he was in deep and asked to show something which he showed a partial picture of his device.

                  Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Turion offered him a free, and very nice I might add, video camera to record his invention. He blew Dave off and eventually used this lack of a camera as an excuse again. Finally, when the moment of truth grew close, he says he heard a gun shot and something hit his house to which he said goodbye to all. Someone had already told him that the only way to avoid woes like that was to share the info. After all, if the device was in the hands of more than one individual it would be pointless to suppress just one person as this would have the opposite effect by putting the device in the headlines as “the device to die for”.

                  Was he telling the truth? Only he and God knows for sure. Does it smell like BS? Absolutely. Why do all of this? Read my previous post. I still wish the lad well either way. He may be a genious or he may be a troubled and lonely soul in need of some companionship and human interaction. Either way he's a fellow human being and I feel sorry for him whichever scenario is true.


                  • I tend to agree with uncle Charlie here, he is spot on on the timeline of how this thread unfolded. He came out with grandiose claims of what he HAD done. Then the story changed to well it's not quite ready yet then I don't like it so I'm going to do a v2. All the while praising himself on how much of a genius he is. No one may have caught it but I asked him how many mirrors he had around cause I had the feeling he liked looking at himself since he was so stuck on himself. I had definitely wished he had something because I have a generator I'd like to convert to a FE device. I am NOT going to run it off gasoline as that's pointless IMHO. I also wish him well but have to say if you're going to make grand claims you need to have something to back it up.


                    • Contradictory statements

                      My real problem with IM was all of his contradictory statements. For instance he said several times he had been electrocuted. If he had been he wouldn't be posting here. Electrocution means to be killed by electricity. I guess he means he was shocked by electricity. OK, I realize I am nitpicking but he kept claiming he was a genius but doesn't know the definition of electrocuted.

                      Then he posted several times he was afraid of electricity. He even claimed he used to wire houses but gave it up because of his fear of getting electrocuted. Now on the surface that statement might seem reasonable to someone that doesn't know anything about wiring houses. But the fact is you don't wire a house when there is electricity there. Only after the electrical inspector checks the completed job does he give the OK to the electric company to turn the power on. So there is absolutely no danger in getting electrocuted while wiring houses.

                      Now what about this fear of electricity? IM claimed over and over he was a genius when it came to understanding electrical things. Then why the fear of electricity? I was a volunteer firefighter for 26 years and I have learned there are 3 things I have great respect for; the power of fire, water and electricity. But I don't fear them. Because I have been trained as an electrician I think I understand it pretty well and I know what I need to do to keep from getting electrocuted. If he really understood electrical things he wouldn't have any fear of electricity. We only fear what we don't understand.

                      If you go back and read the posts we are never given an idea as to how this might have worked. When UFO made a suggestion IM jumped right on it and said yes that was close to what he was doing. UFO suggested he might be using a magnet on top of the piston of the small engine and using a coil to push the magnet. Now look at the picture he posted. Do you see any coil or magnet? All you see is a mess with a belt running around a flywheel covered with tape. And he claimed he ran that for several minutes before the belt came flying off. If he was using UFO's idea then why did he need the belt around the flywheel?

                      His HHO thread was not much better. He described his HHO system and then posted a picture of a totally different system. And do you really believe if he had gotten a car to run on water he would have just abandoned the project?

                      I don't understand why he came on here making a lot of claims about something he couldn't back up. Maybe it is like Uncle Charlie said, he was just desperate for some attention. Or maybe he is one of those people that come here to try and discourage those of us that are seriously looking for FE. But either way all he gave us was a lot of words that didn't add up.

                      Respectfully, Carroll
                      Just because someone disagrees with you does NOT make them your enemy. We can disagree without attacking someone.


                      • Dont Worry too much InventionMaster. Fear is an illusion. but you have to dive into it to know that. From one to another who has felt that, I cant blame anyone for not wanting to stick their neck on the block.
                        Genisis heres to new beginings.



                        • Comment

                          • I suspect he may have had some type of Asperger's syndrome or some level of autistic genius. There were a number of hints in his writing that lead me to consider this possibility. This could also explain a lot of what cifta brought up. But Inventionmaster is gone now so I think the positive thing to be gained here is that UFOPolitics had a good idea what he was doing. Maybe UFOPolitics can elaborate a bit more on this concept or maybe he will incorporate it into some of his work.
                            There is no important work, there are only a series of moments to demonstrate your mastery and impeccability. Quote from Almine

