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Running gasoline vehicles off water

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  • #31
    Originally posted by bhaas View Post
    Is anyone buying this BS?????

    I couldn't/didn't test drive the car cause I had no tabs.

    I had pics but they got stolen but gee I mangaged to save a few
    to put in my first post???

    Unless he took those pics today then he should be able to take
    fresh new pics of the whole system, unless the cell was stolen by
    MIBS last night while he was asleep.

    Seriously???? WTF???

    More BS to come I'm sure.

    Reminds me of the s1r9a9m9 nonsense years ago.

    Hell, could even be him.
    the nerve!

    First of all the vehicle had no tag not tabs

    Once upon a time like 3 or 4 years ago I used to have a nice video camera. I took pictures with it all the time until one day it broke but not before I managed to take photos of my HHO cell control device. Throughout that specific year I continued to work on/create different cell designs endlessly searching for a way to achieve the highest efficiency until I went broke from it (was having too much fun to stop) . One day when my finance situation was not so good I had no choice but to stop but I did have just enough to build either a design that may or may not work or build the most efficient/tested design that worked best. I decided to just rebuild a design that worked best because at least then I knew that I would not just be throwing away money.

    After I rebuilt the 5 cell gen that produced the best performance I wanted to take pictures of it while it was brand new, shiny, and looking great. At that particular time I had no camera because my old one was broken. I would have went out and brought another camera if I could have afforded to do so. Luckily I knew a neighbor that had a decent camera so I took the newly built 5 cell gen over to that neighbor's house and took pictures. At the time I felt confident that the camera would never be stolen so I left the camera and decided that I would offload the pictures another day because I was in a rush to test my new 5 cell gen with modifications I made to my HHO control device.

    I made the mistake of waiting weeks to offload the pictures because I was in no need for the pictures at the time but I just wanted to have good looking pictures of it on hand in case I wanted to share someday. When I went to retreive the pictures a few weeks later the f**k**g SD card was gone.

    Even today I'm still p*s*ed about it
    Those were perfect pictures

    Even today I still don't know who took the card but I have heard that I was not the only one who used the camera since then. Since it was not worth fighting over it I just walked away because it was not my camera or card to fight over anyway. S**t happens.


    • #32
      Originally posted by truesearch View Post

      Can you tell us more about your controlling circuit? I know you said you used an Op-Amp and high-power transistors. What else can you remember? Frequency? Wave-form? etc??

      I will not remember a whole lot until I pull up the schematics. I think I should still have them somewhere. After I complete my other project (without electrocuting myself) I plan to continue this HHO project.

      I was using an on the fly modifiable square wave oscillator. The frequency and other things like max amp/etc were also adjustable. I normally like to buy parts from mouser electronics whenever I go parts shopping. The latest thing I remember doing is trying to further stabilize the amperage control circuit. At the time I was also looking into purchasing and programing a chip that would monitor and control the 5 cell gen and make changes to achieve the best performance automatically based on conditions.

      At the moment I cannot remember the best frequencies but I'm sure it will all come back to me once I continue the project


      • #33

        If you locate the schematic from your original build (the one in the photo), please do post it here.



        • #34
          Originally posted by Cornboy 555 View Post
          @ Ewizard, i still strugle with the concept of water as fuel, unless you build combustion engines of a radical new design, without all the horrible oily and greasy parts, without the need for toxic coolants, ETC, ETC, ETC, terribly noisy, extreme heat producing, exhausting,(although cleaner on hho), into the air.

          I understand that this tech can be made available quite cheaply, and can be retrofitted to gas guzzlers, but i see it as a temporary stopgap, till we have self running Electric Motors.

          All the Best, Cornboy.
          I agree, I'd much rather see electric motors powering most if not all of our needs.
          There is no important work, there are only a series of moments to demonstrate your mastery and impeccability. Quote from Almine


          • #35
            I'd be happy to discuss your work and accomplishment

            Some years ago, three other gentlemen and I came to the conclusion that when we were young and ran out of gas on dates.... ( not at the times we did it on purpose and we really didn't ) lol we all remembered a increase in performance for a period of time just before the engine quit.
            We accepted among us that we were in fact running on fumes.
            So we got a old Dodge pick up with a 383 Hemi and went to build a system that converted gasoline to fumes. When done, we achieved the following:
            1) Increase in engine operating temperatures ( had to provide more cooling)
            2) Increased varnish build up in the Rochester carb.
            3) Substantial increase in performance. From 60 mph would burn rubber for over 20')
            4) Achieved over 100 mpg.

            SO YES ! Things CAN BE DONE that are out of the norm when we put more than one mind together.

            Look forward to speaking with you about your work on your hydrogen project.



            • #36
              Originally posted by truesearch View Post

              If you locate the schematic from your original build (the one in the photo), please do post it here.

              Well.... I think that this one was the latest one I was working on but not sure. It is just an experimental circuit from 2 years ago. I think this particular circuit controlled the amperage. After digging around for schematics I realized that I may have never completed a full schematic as I used to keep other parts of the design in my head. Back then I had to back off the project midway because all the parts/experiments were driving me broke. I really hate that I had to stop because I was producing such good results.
              Attached Files


              • #37
                Originally posted by RichL View Post
                Some years ago, three other gentlemen and I came to the conclusion that when we were young and ran out of gas on dates.... ( not at the times we did it on purpose and we really didn't ) lol we all remembered a increase in performance for a period of time just before the engine quit.
                We accepted among us that we were in fact running on fumes.
                So we got a old Dodge pick up with a 383 Hemi and went to build a system that converted gasoline to fumes. When done, we achieved the following:
                1) Increase in engine operating temperatures ( had to provide more cooling)
                2) Increased varnish build up in the Rochester carb.
                3) Substantial increase in performance. From 60 mph would burn rubber for over 20')
                4) Achieved over 100 mpg.

                SO YES ! Things CAN BE DONE that are out of the norm when we put more than one mind together.

                Look forward to speaking with you about your work on your hydrogen project.

                Funny thing is I had already planned to build such a device that did the same thing. I got the idea about the fumes thing because you can also start an engine by pouring gas on a towel and pressing it against the intake while someone else turns the ignition

                It's a way some mechanics test for a bad fuel pump. The HHO stuff is super healthy for engines from my experience. It not only cleans out the engine but it also runs cooler.

                I'm certain that anyone with a carburetor and access to timing adjustments would experience a much easer time running the vehicle off of nothing but hydrogen.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by inventionmaster View Post
                  Funny thing is I had already planned to build such a device that did the same thing. I got the idea about the fumes thing because you can also start an engine by pouring gas on a towel and pressing it against the intake while someone else turns the ignition

                  It's a way some mechanics test for a bad fuel pump. The HHO stuff is super healthy for engines from my experience. It not only cleans out the engine but it also runs cooler.

                  I'm certain that anyone with a carburetor and access to timing adjustments would experience a much easer time running the vehicle off of nothing but hydrogen.
                  The humble morris minor

                  is probably one of the most Iconic images of the days when Britain used to have a car industry , (In fact any bloody Industry) although of course to American cousins it is rather more on a par with a shift stick roller skate
                  One of the things William Morris was obsessed with from an engineering point of view was fuel economy. It seems that at the time (William a venerable gent even then) was not aware that like now fuel efficient vehicles is the very last thing corporations and so their servants .. world governments wanted . Otherwise the TS3 engine and the Pogue carburettor would still be with us & so would Stan..... of course William was nobodies fool and soon got the message and towed the line.
                  Production of the super efficient TS3 stopped in the USA and UK .. Patent rights are now tied up with rich patent expert and jumper … Bill Gates in order to ensure it goes …. no where. whilst preaching ... charity (about right )
                  Even at the time of production the Morris Minor was extremely frugal achieving some 60 or so MPG . Like RichL I have also noticed that extreme burst of power as engines run out of petrol … be it a lawn mower … or a car. And of course we are not the only ones, I was told rather more years ago than I care to think about , by a design engineer working on the Harrier Jump Jet ..( In fact the guy who put the Jump into the Jet design) that on the test track at Cowley the fuel economy and tuning of the now ancient Morris Minors were taken to the extremes, If he's to be believed and I see no reason not … it seems that the mileage achieved around the track was in excess of 200 MPG . Intrigued I asked how that was done. In retrospect the answer was Ludicrously simple. William Morris ensured the petrol tank and all the feeder pipes were totally air tight, and also metal (to resist compression) he also ensured the filler cap was airtight. Owning the factory he obviously had limitless supplies of filler caps …. he had each drilled with a tiny hole …. the holes getting almost imperceptibly smaller with each cap he tried …. working against vacuum the carburettor was of course starved (just as you describe) In a controlled fashion, it was then adjusted to “Pivot” on that point. he was then able to engineer and stabilise the very state of affairs you witness.
                  The state of vacuum in the top of the tank was then (apparently) adjusted by very fine engineering of a needle valve. I’ve Never tried it or experimented with it RichL but your post triggered the memory of that conversation long ago … so I thought I'd share it with you. I guess really it needs a different thread … and so Inventionmaster I have to apologise for drifting … yet again .. thanks for your forbearance. But at least the ambitions are common trying all ways to break the energy strangle hold and as I think I have said before I care not which, or what system. the fissure in the Dam wall has started. All of the guys from UFO to Ibpintless EPD Bedini oh so many I can't possibly mention Hutchinson Marcus Ried .. It goes on and on every one who writes and projects truth for the sake of the future of our race and not for a profit motive (which does exactly the reverse) .. helps .. Unlike UFO I think Its very close and very soon, I seem to smell it like the rain … I hope so.
                  Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                  • #39

                    OOOOOOOOOOH Duncan, my first ever car, what memories, even had leather seats, 850cc engine and the back seat it all comes back



                    • #40
                      Could not agree more

                      "I seem to smell it like the rain …"

                      Thanks for the bit of History on those "hideous" cars !!
                      Imagine what that little dumpling with wheels would have gotten for mileage if it were wrapped in early C type or XKE skin?

                      If you want to Change the world
                      BE that change !!


                      • #41
                        Back in time!!!

                        Originally posted by Michael John Nunnerley View Post
                        OOOOOOOOOOH Duncan, my first ever car, what memories, even had leather seats, 850cc engine and the back seat it all comes back


                        Hello Micheal, i had one too as my first on road car,( had plenty of off road paddock bashers before ), But cheap and worn out from aussie roads, and probably not greased, the brass spiral machined lower caster bushes on the left, let go, in the middle of an intersection.

                        Memories Indeed,

                        Warm Regards, Cornboy.


                        • #42
                          zee flash !

                          Inventionmaster I’ve just written another post .. but I’ve slipped so far off topic that its disgraceful !
                          In all fairness to your thread and subject I'll go and open another thread .. and rejoin yours when I've blown some of this pent up information among the unsuspecting members. (if I'm still welcome of course) The arrival of MJN has triggered a memory .. which in turn has joined every conceivable “free energy”.. machine in a lose inter-connected web including UFOs … I now have such a problem trying to communicate what my mind is now seeing … I shall open another thread .. and ask for some help from other members ... keep half an eye on this Mike because your own work is key ...
                          I hope to be back soon
                          Best wishes Duncan
                          Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                          • #43
                            Cannot wait to see your new thread Duncan. I have a 1965 Sunbeam Tiger that I will always
                            feed with petrol as long as they keep selling it to me but I also have a 1968 Datsun roadster that I want to convert to something experimental.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Duncan View Post
                              Inventionmaster I’ve just written another post .. but I’ve slipped so far off topic that its disgraceful !
                              In all fairness to your thread and subject I'll go and open another thread .. and rejoin yours when I've blown some of this pent up information among the unsuspecting members. (if I'm still welcome of course) The arrival of MJN has triggered a memory .. which in turn has joined every conceivable “free energy”.. machine in a lose inter-connected web including UFOs … I now have such a problem trying to communicate what my mind is now seeing … I shall open another thread .. and ask for some help from other members ... keep half an eye on this Mike because your own work is key ...
                              I hope to be back soon
                              Best wishes Duncan
                              Hi Duncan

                              well my work has taken a side track when I found something unexpected and has gone to patent, only because it was paid by another, can't afford patents these days



                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Duncan View Post
                                and so Inventionmaster I have to apologise for drifting … yet again .. thanks for your forbearance.
                                No need to apologize. I enjoy it whenever anyone shares any info on things that are effectient as it helps to tune my thoughts

