Originally posted by bhaas
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First of all the vehicle had no tag not tabs
Once upon a time like 3 or 4 years ago I used to have a nice video camera. I took pictures with it all the time until one day it broke but not before I managed to take photos of my HHO cell control device. Throughout that specific year I continued to work on/create different cell designs endlessly searching for a way to achieve the highest efficiency until I went broke from it (was having too much fun to stop) . One day when my finance situation was not so good I had no choice but to stop but I did have just enough to build either a design that may or may not work or build the most efficient/tested design that worked best. I decided to just rebuild a design that worked best because at least then I knew that I would not just be throwing away money.
After I rebuilt the 5 cell gen that produced the best performance I wanted to take pictures of it while it was brand new, shiny, and looking great. At that particular time I had no camera because my old one was broken. I would have went out and brought another camera if I could have afforded to do so. Luckily I knew a neighbor that had a decent camera so I took the newly built 5 cell gen over to that neighbor's house and took pictures. At the time I felt confident that the camera would never be stolen so I left the camera and decided that I would offload the pictures another day because I was in a rush to test my new 5 cell gen with modifications I made to my HHO control device.
I made the mistake of waiting weeks to offload the pictures because I was in no need for the pictures at the time but I just wanted to have good looking pictures of it on hand in case I wanted to share someday. When I went to retreive the pictures a few weeks later the f**k**g SD card was gone.
Even today I'm still p*s*ed about it
Those were perfect pictures
Even today I still don't know who took the card but I have heard that I was not the only one who used the camera since then. Since it was not worth fighting over it I just walked away because it was not my camera or card to fight over anyway. S**t happens.