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1/ consider what t.p.t.b would do with such a state of affairs today ..after all if you want to upset a pimp take his cash
2/what caused the flashes and bangs .. here's a hint http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=73rghTkRMU0
3/Who solved the abortion ? how?
4/ what would be the "damage limitation" today ?
That youtube is saying it is 'Private' ?? Can't view it. If it's yours can you make it viewable?
There is no important work, there are only a series of moments to demonstrate your mastery and impeccability. Quote from Almine
It would seem that Google has managed to save digitally one of Steinmetz's books which was reprinted from a 1915 publication in 1971 and then again in 2003:Here a $65.00 book no less but pages are missing in this preview. However it seems a number of copies of this are for sale in links from that page.
It seems Scribd also has a number of his books in PDF available for download free (although you usually need to upload a bit there to get free downloads). I just grabbed a 700+ page book by Steinmetz that seems to be an original 1920 publication by McGraw-Hill
Next one up is by Steinmetz copyright 1900 thanks to University of California San Diego. Title : Theory and Calculation of Alternating Current Phenomenon - 562 pages (scanned).
Seems there are quite a few more even available and all of these look like scans of original books so apparently the 'PTB' didn't get them all. These scans look like they are of very old books and so far I don't see anything blacked out or edited. Maybe some valuable info can be had from these.
In scanning through some of Steinmetz's works I found a section on Mass and Energy in his "Radiation Light And Illumination A Series Of Engineering Lectures Delivered At Union College Third Edition (1918)". It seems he is still of the mindset Einstein shared that nothing can go faster than the speed of light. For a minute in reading his work it sounded like he was going to counter that concept but his end conclusion seemed to be the same as Einstein. The idea that some things can go faster than the speed of light seems to be one of the reasons people are saying lately that Einstein was wrong. Not sure that has anything to do with anything but so far I haven't found any secrets countering the mainstream thinking. I've read at least three pages.... Oh well only a couple thousand pages to go
There is no important work, there are only a series of moments to demonstrate your mastery and impeccability. Quote from Almine
Im having a deal of difficulty keeping my computer on line right now... I'm reduced to a borrowed notebook and dialup ... Ill make some sort of plan! I thought my comp was pretty bomb proof .. guess not! .... back soon
Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.
My apologies ewiz I have made the clip “public” however I recall I got a copyright reprimand the last time I made anything public from this source so I'll leave it open a few days .. then make it private again. Mike … great to see you posting … for one who's quietly injected so much into this
forum over many years .great praise indeed I actually PM'd you a few days ago roughly pointing out the way this is going … as for writing an ebook .. I had it in mind Mike but I'm actually very dyslexic and writing is a torture for me, without computer assist I would write very little, Ewiz the relevant books by Steinmetz are almost Impossible to obtain. Those that have them prize them very much.
They are also very difficult to grasp (at least for me) Steinmetz says himself “mathematics is my best language” having said that I seem to recall the relevant books are available links to them were posted on the old Eric Dollard thread by lamare (I think) they are in tuks” whatever the hell that is .
(I would surf about and look but dial up would probably mean this guys tablet getting drop kicked )
I love the enthusiasm ewiz .. but slow right down .. the people that got at what you wish to see were all very special... or perhaps I should say “different” the Giants for instance Maxwell viewed things very differently from the bulk of humanity. As a youngster I used to play quite a lot of chess actually for a small county here in the UK , My mother used to help with an evening congregation of Mentally handicapped folks that used to meet once a week, the idea was to give the parents/carers a break …. one of the youngsters was autistic .. handicapped he may have been but he could certainly stop rocking for a while and wipe me off the chess board .. if he felt inclined,
Michael Faraday likewise was very autistic and had to fight desperately to connect with what we arrogantly consider the norm. These guys viewed everything very differently and you really need to pad around just a little bit to try and work out exactly what it is your searching for .. before you start looking.
I suggest you just try and grasp a few very simple pictures I'm going to draw first the reason is … I'm quite a simple fellow .. no Bsc Needs must then that I must process and simplify everything before I can transmit it and as
“What one fool can do … another can” Silvanus P Thomson
I don’t want complications and It doesn’t take higher maths. Its my Intention here to write a clear simple explanation of how all free energy machines work that anybody can understand with just a little bit of effort, I'm quite happy to knock the edges off to keep it simple … after that you can drill down as much as you want to into the theory. Or simply build a working machine. I would suggest this … Its such simple logic .. its silly .. Identify the information that tptb go out of their way to obfuscate or destroy . Make a mental note of it.
Attempt to link the different systems together .. after all the fact that an undetected energy source exists has odds of millions to one .. the odds on there being two or several are then many billions to one .. ergo they all have a common base … I will tell you now that the common base lies in series resonance, Its not my Intention to become heavily involved in maths because Its really quite a simple concept. However consider this … Most mathematics can be graphically represented, It also so happens that many electrical events have a mechanical equivalent . The action of the simple pendulum in mechanics is identical to the action of a parallel resonant tank circuit. If you look up both of them you will find the formula to be the same. (of course the units are different)
However it is the In depth study of series resonance that t.p.t.b are at such pains to hide, the reason being parallel resonance decays in harmonic progression whilst series resonance is the Inverse increasing... focused on a central point in overtones.
Perhaps some practical examples can help you see the difference .. but do remember accurate simple information on series resonance is not easily had.
Parallel resonance................ Series resonance The Resonant tank circuit // Series resonant circuit
Normal sea waves // The Tsunami
The simple pendulum // a perfectly flicked whip
The perfectly flicked whip is implicit in the vision of the dog playing with its toys in the Bessler verses … just to connect the events very loosely together there is a young hansom EPD and Chris Carson... (yet another free energy casualty) demonstrating a linear wave …. (1of6) Part 1 of 6: Eric Dollard Tesla Longitudinal wave Energy SBARC Ham Radio with Chris Carson - YouTube
Its a good Idea to go though these again as I try to explain in rather simple terms what he is saying for the next page or so...It is perhaps a little too static for you to understand the implications of what they are trying to explain by “faster than light “ or “Instantaneous” In the way they are trying to convey it... let me draw a mind picture for you ….
Imagine you wished to ring a bell at the top of a tower the rope being attached to the clapper.
Normally you would swing the the rope back and forth .. a sinusoidal wave would travel up the rope which obviously takes time and consumes a lot of energy.
As kiddies at the swimming bathes you no doubt played about flicking each other with towels . Practising to get the timing of that flick “just so” … I remember doing it quite well …. and when you got it just so … an imperceivable flick of the hand would result in the bulk of the towel remaining perfectly static whilst delivering a fierce stinging blow to the victim out of all proportion to the energy you supplied … Its also of course very satisfying when you get it right which isn’t to often ! ring your bell like that and assuming the “perfect flick” there is now no time loss... no energy wasted in the action of the rope .. the trouble is rather than ring the bell your far more likely to give it such a clatter it smashes, .. so I guess you'll now try to search “whip action”
trust me.. Its been sifted you'll find some “cracking good stories” however if you search something like university thesis's or papers then perhaps …. That change from one form to another is implicit in the working of the universe … outside earth’s atmosphere there is no such thing as transverse waves.
Regardless of which electrical persuasion people have been trained in it is almost impossible for one to talk to another .. even though the subject may be the same . For Instance the language of a heavy power HV grid engineer is very different from an RF engineers, they are trained differently .. Its Intentional … In half a page or so I can explain what was happening on Tesla's line to an RF guy (in fact I will) but its little use if no one else can see it.
Hams Rf guys .. in a nutshell … you would never consider a HV grid as an antenna ..but of course it is ! principles don’t change just because Its big or at high voltage & current . Further more for ease of explanation it can be regarded as effectivly “an open line feeder” This of course means that at some point along the line the it must become “series resonant”. (not a concept your encouraged to consider with antenna's) because of sympathetic resonance huge amounts of power flow into the system (you are steered well away from this source and would regard it as antenna noise) to put this in crude electrical terms and we are by enlarge limited to one dimension in our picture so
Power = VI cos φ so in two situations No real power is transferred one where voltage lags the current by 90deg and one where voltage leads the current by 90deg. This is a typical di pole wave pattern I'm sure your only to familiar with … http://www.radio-electronics.com/inf...ave_dipole.gif
from an electricians point of view . This picture is ridiculous … real power is VIcos φ so you are intentionally transmitting … “No power” … of course your pushing maximum power transfer into your feeder (real watts) why corrupt the matter at the antenna ? It is of course because you are beaming into another dimension unfamiliar to electricians .. in pictures which I'm sure your only to familiar with .. Its drawn at 90 deg in isometric, you perhaps didn't realise it at the time you were being taught but you are now in a different dimension mathematically that’s why it must be drawn in isometric. . You have been taught to seek unity SWR in order that the antenna (a spacial size relationship) can transition into a state that any present day electrician would consider as “Zero power” for a moment how ridiculous it would be for an electrician to be actively set a circuit at VI cos 90 deg …. It makes no sense whatsoever. However “The proof of the pudding is in the tasting” It works , over a 100 years or so its been experimented on, Improved … look at the genius of the yagi beam (if your lucky enough to own one) natural directional amplification from element to element.
Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.
There is however another “No real power” situation where voltage lags the current by 90 deg
This is the system that had to be viciously stamped out …. This is the system Tesla used to transmit on after Steinmetz had carefully explained how huge amounts of power were entering his useless grid system and why it had to be “detuned”.
Is it any wonder that young Tesla now a pariah amongst the stinking rich and bone Idle..because By god he'd given them one hell of a scare.. Studied this new phenomena Steinmetz had taught him about, fanatically ?.
The next little bit is quite easy for an RF guy to visualise (if you’ve followed so far that is) As you know if your transceiver is tuned correctly it is automatically also tuned and resonant to receive.
One operation is simply an automatic reversal of the other. Consider the poor SW listener who must build an antenna tuner in order to get anything like a decent response.!
You consider the speed of light ewiz .. There is no light in space … there is no transverse wave .. without adapted windows astronauts would see nothing, It is the use of glass that reduces the Michelson/Morley experiment to Farce, and that it is of course what the” tongue in cheek” “stone telescope” at coral castle is indicating. No one has seen electricity, no one has seen an atom and certainly not an electron … we each draw a picture in our heads (or have it drawn for us) of what might be going on. If the bits seem to fit why we weave a bit of maths and theory around it, My perception of what a “Scalar” is or indeed what a sine wave is composed of may be very different from yours It is omissions …. hidden information … corruptions we seek in the information that is presented. I have already pointed out that from an electricians point of view .. transmitting a transverse wave from an antenna has already demanded a move into a different dimension
because of that its displayed like this typical example from the front of an old book
of course I'm telling you nothing new … so far,though perhaps something you hadn’t particularly thought about. so lets move up a gear …. The Americans tend to draw in 1st angle projection whilst here in the UK we tend to draw in 3rd angle projection … what I try to point out here of course is apart from the dimension I have just pointed out to you .. There is yet another not ever considered by radio guys themselves. You would have to spin the picture 180 deg to see it , Its effectively the “J” operator of all you actually see … the mirror image .. If that wave is how you wish to visualise .. Its the wave under and behind what you actually see here, The opposite .get the picture?
Where is it? The days seem to be gone when Radio amateurs actually build anything, if the soldering Iron comes out now its probably to steal to plug to put it on something else, Once upon a time it was sort of a “badge of office” to build a rig and use it . Luckily most still engage with SWR and their antenna tuner's ….. In a few words …. at one end of the SWR meter is unity … no (real) power is transmitted into the Aether VI cos 90 deg
anywhere near the centre of the SWR meter .. the power is reflected back at the transmitter and will destroy the output .. usually with a pop and a few wisps of expensive smoke from your linear amp.
At the other end of the scale is” infinity” again No(real)power is transmitted into the Aether VI cos-90deg although your transmitter current will be huge, It is this Dimension that the abundance of free power is obtained from. Not surprisingly it is the dimension we are trained to short out, tune away from and learn nothing about. You are right now (mentally at least) dipping your big toe In Morays “sea of energy” I hope its to your liking and your ready for a long swim.!
Of course as you would expect everything is reversed .. Instead of transmitting maximum voltage and minimal current into the Aether you will transmit maximum current and minimal voltage into the earth. although of course there's still no (true power) just a reversed situation.
Instead of transmitting a sine wave .. you will be transmitting linear waves if things were absolutely perfect you would be projecting a current that reversed in zero time at the antenna perhaps not surprisingly this is exactly the reverse of what you strive for at the moment. Your antenna impedance is going to be totally different of course .. so the shape will be different .. a ball (just like Nikki's) and not a wire like your horrible thing … opposite do ya see?
If you have grasped all .. or even most of that, with a little thought and engineering you can easily rebuild Tariel's machine. I hope you can see why such pains are taken over the size of his the earth cable. ? And why people bumbling about have really no chance of hitting and holding the resonant spot in another dimension that they know nothing about by chance, either mechanically or electrically.? (wow all right a page and a half).
In order to grasp the concepts of “free energy” whatever your electrical background you must do some cross boarder raiding … before you can invert the concepts you need a rudimentary understanding of them .. particularly
1/power factor leading and lagging
2/maximum power transfer
3/Standing wave ratio
luckily Its all standard text with nothing hidden a little time on you tube should do it for you. … Its the fact that we are about to Invert the theory that’s novel!
We really don't have to meticulously measure weigh and mathematically work out everything Poor old Tesla didn't have scope's and signal injectors, semi conductors .. spectrum analyses and all the rest of the paraphernalia and so he had to … He however knew what he was aiming at... Steinmetz had told him …. now I'm trying very hardest to tell you!
EPD what a class act ! Love the guy to bits who else could possibly introduce the J operator and vectors into a different dimensions by way of a formula and the comment … “and if you don't understand that I may as well go and talk to my pet coyote” what a star! Following the amount and complexity of the maths that follows which is added to by eager participants and gets ever more complex page after page ..one wonders if the basic concept is being understood by anyone other than a handful of by now I'm sure very dizzy although no doubt brilliant mathematicians who have managed to chase the infinitesimal to some spot adjacent to one cheek of their rectums.
Hundreds and hundreds of pages getting ever more complex … Wow and I really do love Eric to bits and quote him all the time … But maths is after all just another language, if after several hundred attempts if the simple message and the basic principles have not been conveyed to many of a huge audience then surly the medication isn't working.? Surly the whole object is to demystify and simplify the subject not go ever further into the morass. ?
In infants school I remember all sorts of things being done to keep us young children occupied and curious from finger painting to stick the tail on the donkey … believe it or not they even gave us some Mercury to play with in those not so enlightened days. At one point for a short while the concept of “mirror writing” was introduced as I'm sure it has been to you at some stage .. most of we youngsters had not realised at that stage that our refection was reversed,
The teacher went on carefully working from the prepared curriculum (yes we were conditioned then to) And then I put up my hand and asked a question that led to me walking around with an empty chalk box on each hand for the rest of that day and the next .. (It was the generic punishment for disrupting the class with to many questions … or being caught with your hands in your pockets)
The question I asked Miss Ellsmore all those years ago was … If my image is switched left to right then why am I not also upside down ? Of course google can answer that in seconds now.
To bring the brilliance that EPD, Stan Mayer, Puharich, Ibpointless2, Marcus Reid, Hector Torres,MJN, Dan Combine, Leon Hatem, John Hutchinson, and oh so many more that I would fill the page quickly along with the grim determination of others like David Bowling who comments above, under one umbrella and to do it in such a way that a determined twelve year old can understand the concept …Then that’s the ambition of this thread, That I may be killed, maimed or injured in the attempt I accept … I've walked that path before, However I sense tptb have realised themselves that things have to change and very quickly, Every watt that is burnt from a fossil base is injurious to life itself, and for all the squirming and manipulation so are solar panels .. wind farms.. Nuclear power and all the other deviations... they are mere distractions It is essentially a benevolent universe however there .. is now extreme interference with the natural course of events .. We are after all supposed to love our humanity and help each other, tptb I think now understand that their children and grandchildren are going to have to live in the mangled twisted wreckage of this world that is spinning quickly out of control. The power system is just one manifestation of a very deep evil that permeates all. It was founded with good intent by Tesla, a quirk of fate back then opened another door, lies and filth murder and intimidation have been the staple diet since then...
To .tptb … one day your going to have to change and you know it … the sooner the better so why not right now?
On with my agenda... Of all the free energy devices none seems to catch the imagination quite so much as a car running on water. It is after all a huge tax on most of us .tptb particularly hate the water car simply because its portable … thousands possibly millions can witness one machine the huge mental blockage that is the Mountain (free energy) can be taken to Mohamed … The people who have seen an honest open display then know beyond any shadow of a doubt that the whole command structure is a tissue of lies … I propose to explain this system first … there is a little Maths .. but its not to hard to comprehend .. It also has the huge advantage of being in this dimension. This basically means if I write something here and my presentation is bad and you .. don’t understand it....why it will be on you tube or a school web site because it will be a very basic well known concept if you don’t know it you can quickly learn It .. science/ maths 101. The water fracture system is actually obsolete .. despite the fact that very few of us got to use it or understand how it works because its obsolete the complexities of the handling of the gas and its subsequent combustion is pretty much irrelevant,.. apart from perhaps some specialist areas , rather like going to school and being taught about Thermionic valves .. their day is “by enlarge” … done! The mathematics at the core of a Theoretically perfect “energy free” fracture is however very im
POST http://www.energeticforum.com/water-...tml#post111774
there proved to be huge connotations to this observation as time went on. If you don’t understand it straight off . Joseph Fourier is your man and its the transforms you should be Interested in, to put it very simply given two sine waves F1 and F2 (and it matters not if F2 is a reflected standing wave) and Introducing them to one another (the electrical word is heterodyne) results in the original F1 and F2 also the algebraic sum of (F1+F2) and (F1-F2) These two resulting frequencies say F3 and F4 will interact again and so on ad infinitum
So nat'ralists observe a flea
hath smaller fleas that on him prey
and these have smaller flea's to bite'em
and so proceed ad infinitum Dean Swift
In every case in creation that I know of with the exception of one .. the resultants quickly interfere with each other, this effectively wastes energy and distorts the sine wave causing more interaction .. the whole thing quickly becomes chaotic .. the energy is gone …. as MJN pointed out a disgusting number of years ago its at F X6 … the waves heterodyne the result has its own time and space … those heterodyne and again the result has its own time and space there is no interaction so no distortion …. and no waste of energy … Its a harmonic progression so were you to start at 100Hz (for example)
the progression would be …. 100 ,200,400,800,1600, What I point out here is key to the number of sides on a snow flake, the number of facets on Prof' Emoto's water crystals , and is projected directly out of the Bible with the power of a hammer
Have you entered the storehouses of the snow, or have you seen the storehouses of the hail, job 38:22
so If you haven't got a clue what has just been written or your just lazy … take a deep breath .. and go and find out. However don't get to buried in Fourier there are satanic connections, a deal of what should have been known many years ago is omitted from his work. Tis a “storehouse” and so is Moray's sea of energy and so is Tesla's Aether “a rose by any other name” … it is our storehouse it belongs to humanity .. not Morgan, Not Kissinger, not any of the Bilderburger's … they are trying to arm wrestle with the creator … It simply isn't cricket chaps! And I think you know who will win. If I have advice for you its .. Amend and be bloody rapid … true and honest “action this day”
for anyone else inclined to read and understand what I have written I hope you start to see the contents of the storehouse …
Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.
In your post #22 you talked a lot about lead and lag which reminded me of the little ditty we learned in electronics class about ELI the ICE man which is of course a way to remind us that voltage leads current in an inductor and current leads voltage in a capacitor. And since I am also a Ham operator I understand fairly well the concept of SWR.
From your discussion if I understand you correctly you are saying we should be connecting with the aether or whatever you want to call it with a capacitor instead of an inductor. We should be trying to transmit maximum current and minimum voltage. Of course what we are really trying to do is receive the maximum energy and not transmit but I am just trying to follow your analogy. And you also are stating we will get more energy from the ground than from the aether.
If I have made any mistakes in my post please correct me as I am seriously trying to follow and keep up with what you are posting. And also thanks for taking the time to try and explain this subject in a way that more of us can understand. I get totally lost trying to follow Eric although I have great respect for him. I barely passed college calculus and that was way too many years ago.
Just because someone disagrees with you does NOT make them your enemy. We can disagree without attacking someone.
In your post #22 you talked a lot about lead and lag which reminded me of the little ditty we learned in electronics class about ELI the ICE man which is of course a way to remind us that voltage leads current in an inductor and current leads voltage in a capacitor. And since I am also a Ham operator I understand fairly well the concept of SWR.
From your discussion if I understand you correctly you are saying we should be connecting with the aether or whatever you want to call it with a capacitor instead of an inductor. We should be trying to transmit maximum current and minimum voltage. Of course what we are really trying to do is receive the maximum energy and not transmit but I am just trying to follow your analogy. And you also are stating we will get more energy from the ground than from the aether.
Hi Carroll thank you very much for writing without some sort of something coming back I have absolutely no idea if what I am saying is doing the job the leading and lagging memory jog is nice to know as well,
I was taught one a little differently CIVIL still horses for courses. Anyway I now realise if a Ham doesn't get the gist I'm hitting the ball to hard over the net … so let me be at it a different way. Electricians are like you taught lead and lag , obviously if feeding a resistance load the voltage and current are together and in phase, power is as you would expect the product of VxI just simple ohms law. With AC and inductive or capacitive circuits things alter radically as you have pointed out.
The voltage and the current are no longer together .. they are displaced by an angle which you will have learnt as cos obviously it could be either lagging or leading. It also follows that there must be two points (if you like when voltage is lagging current completely and when voltage is leading current completely) when you can push either maximum voltage and minimum current into a load or maximum current and minimum voltage … As power needs voltage and current in either of these situations no “real power” can be transferred . This term “real power” is part of the conditioning of electricians … other bits of hype and gibberish include … watt-less component and Kvar. Reactive current .. and so it goes on , we are taught that this angle between voltage and current is to be avoided. Because it cant transfer any power .. I hope you can see that. (I would draw or find a link but I'm reduced to dial up at the moment)
Of course if your a radio Ham then your all to familiar with tuning an antenna but for the sake of everybody else I'll try and simplify the whole thing … There is a transmitter it is eager and willing to throw “real power” into anything its properly matched to. There is then a box called an antenna tuner unit if you open it you will find it contains nothing more than adjustable coils and capacitors
its object is to fool the transmitter that it is in fact transmitting into a resistive load and it can transfer “full power” there is then another much smaller box called an SWR meter its job is to monitor the Power factor or as the Hams call it … Standing wave ratio … you may at this point be wondering why electricians are not taught in terms of SWR or SWR meters are not marked in “power factor” It is to disguise the fact that hams are actually Broadcasting what an electrician would call a “watt-less component”... look at the picture I have posted of the front of the book .. the current and voltage are totally out of phase. Ergo there can be no real power transferred as electricians would normally know it.
Of course there is power transferred or your radio would not work. However it is in a different dimension … It would be wouldn't it ? Electricity is flying !
Imagine drawing a graph .. start off with a square … top right quadrant both vectors are positive ,
top left quadrant the vertical vector is positive and the horizontal negative, bottom left the horizontal vector is negative and the vertical is negative bottom right quadrant horizontal vector is positive and the vertical vector negative. any spot in any quadrant can be easily identified …. have you ever played battle ships with graph paper ? Perhaps not
anyway the reason the “electromagnetic wave” has to be drawn in Isometric is because of course Its a different dimension which cant be drawn on a flat piece of paper.
There is obviously also the other end of the scale where SWR is infinity .. the lead and lag situation is exactly the reverse .. still no real power is transferred … you are in yet another different dimension …. This is the dimension Tesla transmitted into, this is the dimension RCA eradicated.
It is from this dimension that all COP machines obtain their power .It is this dimension Hector Torres and UFO tune their machines to. And yes you do have it right .. and yes the basic picture you have formed is “good enough” this dimention that hasn't been used for a hundred years or more is not the electromagnetic wave ,It is the elecrostatic wave now … listen carefully again to what EPD says in all six of these video's … particularly listen for SWR and “plate current” … of course you have it right .. you just don't quite believe it !Part 1 of 6: Eric Dollard Tesla Longitudinal wave Energy SBARC Ham Radio with Chris Carson - YouTube
You don't know the frequency combination which automatically produces limitless power .. yet
against amazing odds it is sometimes stumbled upon by accident . Here is an example from one our members who watched in amazement as it happened in front of him. http://www.energeticforum.com/renewa...tml#post215834
you will notice Carroll that I commented at the end of that thread … the last comment before it went dead … a long time ago …. I now know that specific frequency relationship …
I think I have already pointed out that all the electrical trades have been separated and that is obviously intentional , the mental vision each is taught is a carefully crafted bastardisation of the truth. Hence I said at the out the out set it would be essential to do some “cross boarder raiding” you have started comprehending electrician speak … and so the bits start to fit together ,
Perhaps the way HV grid guys are “conditioned” is nearer the mark … they have a picture of the feeder line being fed with a current in a spiral much like a spring and interacting with the return current very much as Leedskalin portrays things … It is however important to realise it is the same event we are considering. It is no chance EPD is an adept RF guy and at one time as a “day job” worked on high voltage and heavy current in a ship yard, the anomalies could hardly be missed. I would presume he started thinking along exactly the same lines you are doing right now! You are forming the right picture … you have grasped the basic concept .. now start drilling down !
See if you can simplify what you are starting to understand and help others to see too..
Nice to have you aboard Carroll
King regards Duncan
I play no musical Instrument …. I had a plastic xylophone once and a kiddies tin whistle . Still I presume here to preach music! It of course follows the same progression as any other frequencies just as I have already gone into … and Fourier’s prattle points out. Harmonic progression in even numbers
The Musical relationship was originally conceived of by Pythagoras he of course (of all people) would be aware of the Irregular number result of his concept
By extension it follows no Sine wave can be “perfect” either … at least mathematically that is.
I cant really stress the importance of staying away from the spiral of complex maths and formula's that wont work ..
Its why Euclid and his dependence on shape and pictures is in the title.
I am I know moving along apace .. I want the nuts and bolts of this … out of me and on to the forum as quickly as possible …before anything happens...
Real music cannot be played on a digital machine in fact the case for anything digital being a total corruption could well be made and is probably why Eric will have nothing to do with a computer. … a piano keyboard (for example) is very much a digital machine ….. Hundreds of years ago on very old organs each grouping of notes could be manually adjusted by the player
using pulls and stops … manually crafting hundreds if not thousands of pipes to fit the spectrum making such a superb machine was a very special skill that we have no hope of duplicating today …. It is no accident that this was the “day Job” Bessler did … he would have been acutely aware of frequencies and their relationships to each pipe he was beating and crafting into shape.
So what of the keyboard today ?
Well of course it is a compromise that originated in the mind of Isaac Newton as he considered the tuning of church bells, It is he that conceived of the scale we are now familiar with.
Were It not for Isaac every octave would require a separate keyboard .. The downside is of course perfect harmonies cannot be produced … there is no analogue human feel, touch, or tuning in the sound you hear, the notes inside an octave are a “forced fit” although each octave progresses harmonically. It is all rather like an old radio with variable capacitor tuning that is slightly off tune there is a slight hiss … and you know with just a touch .. it could be perfect.
But of course it never can be.... Its annoying, Of course we have got used the corruption … we know nothing else.
However a very few of these old and powerful instruments still exist and have been kept in working order.
Some of the instruments had been carefully duplicated and rebuilt in the “new world” given the right atmospheric conditions and a player who “balance” on tuned perfection. The effects can be stunning . Someone acutely aware of frequency interaction is of course EPD listen to this clip as he describes the situation I have portrayed here, There is a huge difference between perfection and “something like” listen to the relish and the the pains Eric goes to in order to experience the real thing. The Science of Music by Eric Dollard (3 of 12) - YouTube
Like balancing a ball on top of another ball its a difficult state to attain, Its supposedly impossible mathematically … but it can be done … Ah but there's much more to come which I'm not sure Eric has seen himself Its certainly been well hidden … if he has .. he has opted not to enlarge on it just yet.. But I'm going to
Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.
Good morning Duncan, or good afternoon to you. I am trying to follow as best I can. I was schooled in industrial control electronics many many years ago. Since then I have worked in several fields just not long in that one. Last year I spent 6 weeks and a lot of money chasing a free energy rabbit out of the Canary Islands. This year I am staring at a half finished 30' dia. grid tied wind turbine in my pasture and hoping for a free energy solution that does not involve climbing a high tower and welding over my head. My patient wife has helped chase many rabbits for over 25 years but she thinks rightly that the wind is a sure thing. Please hurry for all our sake.
Hi Duncan
I am loving the ride. I am pondering the importance of the X6 frequencies. Is it really that simple?
I can't quote biblical passages as you have done but I remember one about a man who when finding a gem of such great quality that he sold all he had to obtain it. I am thinking that this thread might turn out to be that gem.
I have played guitar for going on 40 years. I play by ear and no nothing about music other than what I like. I only bring this up to point out that by bending strings you can create whatever tone your mind can concieve of within the range of that instrument of coarse. The same would apply to any stringed instrument. Also wind intruments that use ones breath has virtually infinite variables to its range. Maybe I am missing the point that you and EPD are making regarding the old organs being the only instruments capable of making the pure tones but I am willing to learn.
Ah well .. That’s spurred me on a little bit …. I don't know if this can be perfected quickly enough to save you welding overhead up a shaky tower .. It sounds a horrible business …. I have I hope explained the concept of water fracture ,, in all its variation … and the harmonic progression of the waveform. You should have a pattern of that in your head … probably something like an inverted V with each arm going upwards rising in frequency through the harmonic range , each progression in its own time and space heading towards the tip which is of course infinity.
I have been at pains to point out the musical aspect and Isaac Newtons part in “the scale” also Eric’s obvious delight in an analogue instrument played beautifully. Ah Zardox it is the mix of harmonics through the scale .. here's the point of it all .. the crux
One Other quote Isaac is famous for learnt by most school children is “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction” I can't help but wonder if he pondered on what may be the opposite of natural harmonic progression .. being another one of life’s genius's I cant help but think very probably.
This original musical concept as a progression is now gone …. It is omitted from Fourier’s work.
Indeed we only have a passing relationship with it in this day and age …. It is the overtone
perhaps those who have built model air craft or built a high frequency transmitter or receivers of any sort have seen “overtones” in action and had a platonic relationship with them . Like Driving in a foreign country on the other side of the road take a deep breath and …. turn the inverted V you have visualised … back around the right way … be very careful how you start .. after all you have only just learnt how to drive and fracture water properly …. now everything’s backwards … lets take a look around, first have a glance through this PDF on crystals www.northcountryradio.com/PDFs/070302007.pdf
do you see they can be harmonically tuned ? This is when they are parallel resonant
do you also see they can be overtone tuned ? This is when they are series resonant opposite you see?
The progression through the overtones is obviously exactly the opposite to harmonics which I have just explained.
that is 3,5,7,9, exactly the opposite … do you see? Now instead of there being a frequency separation of F x6 six is the focus on 6 the opposite do you see? … the progression of overtones .. is cumulative and focused on 6
This is the unwelcome quest that repeatedly visited Tesla's grid … at a point of series resonance which inevitably occurred at some point, The dam holding back the sea of energy of which Moray talks was breached … the untamed energy thundered into Tesla's system in an uncontrolled fashion and caused havoc.
Steinmetz mathematically resolved the progression and used some very drastic methods to “detune the grid” … as the progression is focused on a centre can you see what is the centre of that string of numbers? 6 the opposite do you see?
“if you only knew the magnificence of 3.,6,9 you would hold the key to the universe”..N Tesla
unless your playing Nit wits you surly must have put two and two together now or at least three and nine and realise I have just given you that key.
You are now starting to see I hope how Tesla could tune a system series resonant attract energy from the sea of energy just like Moray did and drive his Pierce Arrow around at speed.
I also hope you start to see how every electrical COP+1 machine is tuned to and tapping into this long hidden source of power.. in one way or another
Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.
oooouch, sorry Duncan, I'm a little bit handicapped and my brain does not allow me to read complex English statements..what is your point exactly , please ?