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Undersea hydroelectric Dam

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  • Undersea hydroelectric Dam

    Hi everybody

    It has being a while that I donīt post one of my ideas.
    Here is another one; An Undersea hydroelectric Dam.
    With new electrolysis using high frequency I believe that we can install a hydroelectric turbine undersea.
    If the electrolysis decomposes 50% of the water, hypothetical with 100% efficiency, we could evaporate the other 50% of the water with the heat produced by combustion of the hydrogen.
    Deeper we go more energy will be produced with same volume of water. Energy for electrolysis and for evaporation is constant at any depth.
    If we design a system to use, for example 2 cubic meters per second, at what depth we will achieve overall efficiencies of 50%.?
    Hydro turbines can achieve 80% efficiency. At 100m we can produce 1.5 MW. At 1000m we have 15MW.
    Isnīt this a viable setup?

    Undersea hydroelectric Dam.jpg