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Is it just me? I'm not seeing much evidence for either Suppression or FE?

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  • #76
    Originally posted by Mad Scientist View Post
    Speaking of “Star Wars” type weapons and 911. ... What is interesting is if you were watching closely you see that this huge chunk of material slowly turns to dust right in front of your eyes.
    The 'dustification' hypothesis is Dr Judy Wood's. She lectured on this at last Nov's Global Breakthrough Energy Movement Conference in Holland. I think she's got a book called Where did the Towers Go: Evidence of Directed Free Energy. I have to admit, she makes the most compelling case for the Free Energy and Suppression and seemingly no one's refuted her claims yet.

    What's interesting about 9/11 is that Noam Chomsky who has got to be America's #1 foreign policy critic, with incriminating evidence against just about every US administration since Washington, doesn't subscribe to the 9/11 conspiracy theory. Nor did the late C. Hitchens who argued for the public trial of Henry Kissinger for his crimes against humanity.

    I didn't know until this week that Bush was also targeted that morning prior to arriving at a primary school.


    • #77
      Yes I am obviously aware of Judy Woods she is the one that has the video that I spoke of. She also has some aerial photos showing the area where the building stood and was completely disintegrated yet areas right next to it are essentially untouched. No one has apparently tried to disprove her claims. It is hard to claim that the massive amount of dust that these building produced was simply a result of their collapsing. It is much easier to simply ignore her and pretend that she doesn’t exist.

      It is hard to believe that these other “gentlemen” could still believe that burning kerosene was the cause of the collapse. But I wouldn’t find it hard to believe that this is what they were told to believe, or else!


      • #78
        Originally posted by Mad Scientist
        The real world’s history is nothing close to the fairy tails that we were taught to believe in school or those from the MSM.
        I didn't know fairies had tails.

        Don't overlook what can be gleaned from a careful analysis of MSM---source of much of the incriminating evidence Chomsky cites, and certainly no Big Oil bootlicker as I pointed out.

        As for FE tech, if and when OU devices start shipping en masse such as Rossi's E-cat, the MSM and the general public will take notice but before then, it's not any more newsworthy than the 500,000 'Fake Energy' clips on YouTube.


        • #79
          Originally posted by Ein~+ein View Post
          I didn't know fairies had tails.

          Don't overlook what can be gleaned from a careful analysis of MSM---source of much of the incriminating evidence Chomsky cites, and certainly no Big Oil bootlicker as I pointed out.

          As for FE tech, if and when OU devices start shipping en masse such as Rossi's E-cat, the MSM and the general public will take notice but before then, it's not any more newsworthy than the 500,000 'Fake Energy' clips on YouTube.
          You have viewed over 500,000 youtube videos? Do you have a life off of the computer?


          • #80
            Originally posted by Ein~+ein View Post
            If America's enemies really wanted to do big-time damage, they wouldn't repeat 9/11. They'd do a direct hit on the oil cartel/banking cartel/hegemonic military-industrial economy (call it what you want). They wouldn't need suicide bombers, nuclear weapons or any other weapons. All they'd need is a few top notch hackers--heck, they could probably even recruit willing Americans, FOR FREE! Even some if not all members of Anonymous might willingly conspire with them to locate and mass distribute detailed plans for working OU devices.
            You do have a brain. Now put 2 and 2 together. You will see the suppression, of other things besides FE, such as wars for profit, and printing a nation's money supply.


            • #81
              The greatest thing about this debate, regardless of who is right and who is wrong, time will be the victor.

              What we have today is a stones throw away from caveman technology.
              What the future holds...We haven't even begun to touch.

              Back to suppression... Civilization itself is a ponzi scheme. Without young people there would be no one to take care of the old people.
              Also every country is a pyramid. The power of the few is granted while standing on the backs of the many.

              Energy. Would be the greatest tool for the "few" to keep the "many" enslaved.
              Energy costs money, the "few" at the top already have money, energy to them is already free.
              Why would a master ever willingly give up their power to a slave? Last time that was proposed it took a war to get it accomplished.

              Slavery never actually ended. Only when every man has equal power will slavery be ended on this planet.
              As it is today, millions of people making minimum wage living near poverty will continue to serve rich people their coffee in the morning.

              The rich are the "masters" and the poor are the "slaves".
              It is a very open ended form of slavery (the poor can choose not to work)
              But it is slavery none the less (by not working the poor will starve and die)

              Instead of calling it slavery, we call it society lol.

              Within this planet there will always be some form of control.
              None of us will ever have complete freedom here. We have to share this
              planet with one another, which means in certain ways we must control each other.

              Which means one way or another we will always suppress each other.

              Free Energy. Would reshape the pyramid. Those at the far end of the bottom would probably become obsolete, having their jobs replaced by A.I. machines.
              Those in the middle would gain more geopolitical power bringing them closer to the few at the top.

              There is a power structure within each and every country. FE may be more beneficial to certain countries but their own structure of power will still be reshaped.

              Society operates around currency.
              We need currency to receive service.
              We need service to get what we want.

              What if an FE AI machine could give us anything we wanted?
              Cut our hair, cook our food, transport us.

              Why would we ever need money?
              Last edited by jdodson; 06-16-2013, 06:36 AM.


              • #82
                Originally posted by chainmailleman View Post
                You do have a brain. Now put 2 and 2 together. You will see the suppression, of other things besides FE, such as wars for profit, and printing a nation's money supply.

                Like I said, the American MSM is obviously far from the Pravda you think it is. I honestly doubt many Americans would be shocked to learn about the Bush/Cheney connections with Big Oil.

                I don't need to watch 500,000 video clips to test whether they're OU or not? You guys are all doing that for me. Like I'm saying, IF and WHEN someone discovers or replicates an OU device or an efficient energy source, it'll either:
                1. be fake;
                2. be suppressed;
                3. go viral;
                4. be ignored, overlooked, believed to be fake, forgotten; or
                5. just quietly generate energy for the sole use of its inventor and/or close friends.

                The fact FE scams represent a multi-million dollar industry ensures the likelihood of either 1, 2, or 3. It's akin to the likelihood of someone discovering a huge untapped source of gold in California or northern Canada. Not impossible, but not very likely.


                • #83
                  Originally posted by jdodson View Post
                  Slavery never actually ended.
                  No, it actually did end (apart from criminal behaviour). It seems your another one of those attempting to redefine vocab to suit one's own agenda. Why did slavery end in the 19th century? Simple. We went from exploiting black people to black coal until we hit upon 'black gold'. When you consider that 3 large spoonfuls of crude oil contain about the same amount of energy as eight hours of human manual labor--slavery is just too damn expensive! When we fill our car with gas, we're pouring into the tank the energy equivalent of about two years of human manual labor. But perhaps in replacing slaves and animals, crude oil has refined us as a species. Overall, we're much more humane to each other, even to animals and oil freed children from what you like to call 'slavery' until their early to mid 20s!

                  Only when every man has equal power will slavery be ended on this planet. As it is today, millions of people making minimum wage living near poverty will continue to serve rich people their coffee in the morning.
                  "Equality is neither achievable nor desirable." -Renee Girard, in commenting on the prophetic nature of this Biblical quote from Jesus:
                  "Do not think that I came to bring peace on the earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. "For I came to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; and a man’s enemies will be the members of his household." - Matthew 10:34-36

                  In India and China and other non-Christian countries, people simply accept their 'caste' or place in the pecking order.


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by Ein~+ein View Post
                    I didn't know fairies had tails.

                    Don't overlook what can be gleaned from a careful analysis of MSM-
                    Certainly not. We can easily see how they distort, lie, or totally ignore what they do not like.

                    Remember the plane/missile that was flown into the pentagon on 911? A CNN reporter happened to be in the area at the time and reported live from the scene saying that there was a small hole in the building and very little debris in front of it. Then a year later when the same reporter was asked to describe what he saw he said there was a large hole in the building and lots of debris scattered all over in front.

                    So which is the real story? His first hand impression or the “official story” that he latter reported?

                    Also do you recall that a week or so before Rumsfield reported at a press conference the pentagon had managed to lose a “few” trillion dollars and they had no idea where it went. Then just for grins take a guess what part of the building contained the only people and records that could shed some light as to where that money might have gone.


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by Ein~+ein
                      Don't overlook what can be gleaned from a careful analysis of MSM
                      Originally posted by Mad Scientist View Post
                      Certainly not. We can easily see how they distort, lie, or totally ignore what they do not like.

                      Remember the plane/missile that was flown into the pentagon on 911? A CNN reporter happened to be in the area at the time and reported live from the scene saying that there was a small hole in the building and very little debris in front of it. Then a year later when the same reporter was asked to describe what he saw he said there was a large hole in the building and lots of debris scattered all over in front.
                      You're catching on.

                      Now, all you need to do is apply those very same critical thinking skills to the FE/Suppression argument to realize it's circular reasoning. Note how instead of presenting links to working OU device inventors, sales agents, schematics, prototype demo videos, or customer testimonials all anyone has presented here has been evidence of suppression. For a forum dedicated to Renewable Energy but largely featuring Free Energy, doesn't that seem a bit odd?


                      • #86
                        Originally posted by Ein~+ein View Post
                        For a forum dedicated to Renewable Energy but largely featuring Free Energy, doesn't that seem a bit odd?
                        You are not a troll. This shows your true intentions. You are a shill. I am beginning to see that you are creating straw topics to reel people in and sway the majority opinion. You have produced absolutely no counter evidence for anything, just useless blabber. When someone links a video, it's automatically null and void because youtube happens to be the world's largest online video library, but you missed that little detail I guess. You really need to just leave this forum. You have done nothing but post bull**** since you joined a little over 6 months ago (and look at all the posts too, easily several a day) and you have been pissing off alot of the forum regulars by calling them names and attacking their characters.

                        You are what is called an "Armchair Physicist". You have never conducted a real experiment in your life, you hold no real world credentials, and you probably got a C+ in Elementary Physics.

                        Quit it and leave.


                        • #87
                          spot the doctored fake....

                          WTC2 collapse - YouTube

                          cutter - YouTube
                          Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                          • #88
                            Originally posted by chainmailleman View Post
                            I am beginning to see that you are creating straw topics to reel people in and sway the majority opinion. You have produced absolutely no counter evidence for anything, just useless blabber.
                            Well, if my 'useless blabber' and 'straw arguments' are such a threat to majority opinion, without you to alert them of trolls and shills, their feeble minds owe you a debt of gratitude:

                            I'd love to quit, but the pay's too good.


                            • #89
                              Seems evidence that evidence is being suppressed is itself suppressed:
                              Gary Vesperman on Energy Invention Suppression
                              « Mafia and/or Federal Government Censors Continue To Corrupt Or Remove Our WordPress Team’s Key Blogs While Two Out Of Our Team’s Four Members Repeatedly Undergo Poison Gas Murder Attempts; Other Than Google, Jim Humble’s Organization and Perhaps Facebook As Well Internet Connected America Has Yet To Help Us If They Can (2-25-2013)Suppression of Great New Truth Is the Norm It Seems (August 30, 2010) »

                              Without Doubt Gary Vesperman Is #1 In the World on the Topic of Energy Invention Suppression (3-2-2013)

                              Correction: I wrote the FE Scam industry was worth millions. That should be in the billions if you include taxpayer funded 'green initiatives' under the Obama admin until the No More Solyndras Act put a stop to it. But it begs the question just how many otherwise successful venture fund managers have followed in the wake of John Doerr falling for similar too-good-to-be-true promises without hiring engineering detectives to ferret out the probable from the impossible?


                              • #90
                                There is a conference at the University of Missouri (Mizzou) in a month,
                                Welcome to the ICCF-18 Conference: “Applying the Scientific Method to Understanding Anomalous Heat Effects: Opportunities and Challenges.”
                                IMO, the most compelling observations of anomalous heat events have been by the NRL team, where RF generation was observed to accompany anomalous heat excursions; see data below for different runs (from ICCF-17).

                                The origin of the anomalous heat is not known at this time; it may be nuclear (LENR), but this has yet to be determined.
                                Attached Files

