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Is it just me? I'm not seeing much evidence for either Suppression or FE?

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  • #31
    Thanks for the interesting links. Based on my admittedly amateur understanding here is apparent measurement of "OU" via o-scope and kill-a-watt meter, seems pretty thorough. (?)

    TEST #14 : Full tests and measurements with the GEGENE v1.3

    Last edited by Blargus; 06-01-2013, 08:34 AM.


    • #32
      No conspiracy to keep us sheeple dumded down and uninformed, really!
      Are you aware of the event put on by the National Press Club in Washington held this last April 29 to May 3? It was a citizens hearing on disclosure of secret government programs that we are apparently not supposed to know about. There were over 30 hours of testimony from 40 different individuals ranging from retired military officers, scientists, researchers and other high level government officials all of them came with facts and firsthand knowledge of various technologies that have been deliberately keep from us sheeple. Things like abundant energy sources, anti-gravity devices, ufo’s, etc. Naturally the MSM all but ignored this event.
      But hey what is more important learning about potentially free energy or learning about the latest trials and tribulation of some Hollywood bimbo?

      Anyway the following article is a synopsis of what took place. It is a rather long but then it was a 5 day event plus the author is a bit long winded.

      Planet Sand Box by Teri Hinkle |


      • #33
        Things like abundant energy sources, anti-gravity devices, ufo’s, etc. Naturally the MSM all but ignored this event.
        But hey what is more important learning about potentially free energy or learning about the latest trials and tribulation of some Hollywood bimbo?
        I think it is a self-perpetuating cycle because 95% of people have no interest in free energy and would rather spend the afternoon wondering why little Johnny fell down that well and who is going to save him.

        So we have a cycle whereby the media outlets must generate a profit to compete and the only way to do this is to sensationalize everything to capture peoples attention. I think it has little to do with actual news that matters like free energy and is simply a numbers game, more viewers = more profit. As such if we want to lay blame we need look no further than the nearest mirror, we have a choice.

        I'm really not into that self-pity I feel oppressed thing rather I think we all make choices which effect the actions of others. In any case I have probably talked with hundreds of average people about "free energy" and to be blunt they really don't give a damn about it. They would rather do their 9 to 5 job, go home, turn on the boob tube and not have to think about anything.

        To make matters worse over 80% of people are supposedly religious and believe everything was created by their god of choice a few thousand years ago. As such their is no room for "other" civilizations, ufo's or anything else which falls outside the realm of their beliefs. Now the big question is what happens when a truth or technology is in direct contradiction with the beliefs of 80% of the population?. In the words of T.H.Moray-- "What is the truth when the truth is unacceptable".

        It's a god damn mess is what it is and we have created a system which opposes all change because as much as we say we want to change we fear it like nothing else. We have created this mess and we will have to deal with it as best we can. I think it starts with taking responsibility for our own action or inaction instead of laying blame elsewhere, do what we can when we can and try to leave things better than when we found them.

        Last edited by Allcanadian; 06-01-2013, 03:49 PM.


        • #34
          Originally posted by Allcanadian View Post

          Why?, to prove to yourself that you are a better person than the ones we criticize, to prove there is a better way and to prove we are not willing to put our children's future at risk for our own personal needs. I would do it in a heartbeat.
          And I don't doubt that you would.

          However, I have a lot to loose. I like being able to take my kids to the park without having to look over my shoulder or worry about their well-being. Think about it, how much money is there in selling just electricity, or just gasoline? You do realize that an "OU Machine" would put alot of people out of business, Multi-Billion dollar companies out of business. You would make a lot of enemies very, very quickly.


          • #35
            However, I have a lot to loose. I like being able to take my kids to the park without having to look over my shoulder or worry about their well-being. Think about it, how much money is there in selling just electricity, or just gasoline? You do realize that an "OU Machine" would put alot of people out of business, Multi-Billion dollar companies out of business. You would make a lot of enemies very, very quickly.
            You know not long ago I thought exactly the same thing word for word 100% and I have been down this road many times looking for any excuse not to even try. However I learned an important lesson that the people who have done the most, who have given the most have fears just like you and me but they never let them dictate their actions nor their compassion for their fellow man, woman and child.

            I will not be fearful anymore, I will not tread lightly, I will not be afraid to live my life and live my dreams and if those who would oppress us are reading this read my lips...kiss my lily white ass. This is going to happen without you and me and no matter what they do, it is inevitable and they are fools to think they have the power to stop evolution.

            It's actually kind of comical in a sense because the powers that be are quite insane and believe they have a god like status. However they will grow old and die just as surely as we will and all their BS will be forgotten just as they will be forgotten. They will have accomplished nothing and at best only delayed the inevitable ... they are self-involved fools.



            • #36
              Originally posted by Allcanadian View Post

              You know not long ago I thought exactly the same thing word for word 100% and I have been down this road many times looking for any excuse not to even try. However I learned an important lesson that the people who have done the most, who have given the most have fears just like you and me but they never let them dictate their actions nor their compassion for their fellow man, woman and child.

              I will not be fearful anymore, I will not tread lightly, I will not be afraid to live my life and live my dreams and if those who would oppress us are reading this read my lips...kiss my lily white ass. This is going to happen without you and me and no matter what they do, it is inevitable and they are fools to think they have the power to stop evolution.

              It's actually kind of comical in a sense because the powers that be are quite insane and believe they have a god like status. However they will grow old and die just as surely as we will and all their BS will be forgotten just as they will be forgotten. They will have accomplished nothing and at best only delayed the inevitable ... they are self-involved fools.

     have way to many pre-conceived notions about my character.

              Assuming I am a coward of some form.

              Assuming I have done nothing.

              Assuming I don't care for my fellow man.

              What do I benefit from being attacked here on this forum? Why in God's name would I ever really divulge what I know other than small 3-4 sentence posts on relevant subjects just to be harassed and ridiculed. Everything is belief.


              • #37
                Excellent Article!...Thanks Mad Scientist!

                Originally posted by Mad Scientist View Post
                No conspiracy to keep us sheeple dumded down and uninformed, really!
                Are you aware of the event put on by the National Press Club in Washington held this last April 29 to May 3? It was a citizens hearing on disclosure of secret government programs that we are apparently not supposed to know about. There were over 30 hours of testimony from 40 different individuals ranging from retired military officers, scientists, researchers and other high level government officials all of them came with facts and firsthand knowledge of various technologies that have been deliberately keep from us sheeple. Things like abundant energy sources, anti-gravity devices, ufo’s, etc. Naturally the MSM all but ignored this event.
                But hey what is more important learning about potentially free energy or learning about the latest trials and tribulation of some Hollywood bimbo?

                Anyway the following article is a synopsis of what took place. It is a rather long but then it was a 5 day event plus the author is a bit long winded.

                Planet Sand Box by Teri Hinkle |
                Thank You Sir!,

                • Since October of 1954 there has been no need for roads, rockets, jets or internal combustion engines as they have known how to control gravity making all of those things obsolete. Just stop and ponder on how many people have been massacred and sacrificed at the feet of the Oil God since 1954 for absolutely no reason other than greed and power. How many of our sons and daughters have been killed for their fake senseless wars for profit?
                • Documents containing data on how cars can operate solely by ambient atmospheric energy thus removing the need for fossil fuels which were in the possession of Nikola Tesla were confiscated by the FBI upon his death. FOIA demands have been made but the FBI has refused to comply. The mystery of how UFO’s maneuver and lift has in fact been discovered and kept secret.
                • Roswell was actually a downing of an et craft inadvertently by a military electro magnetic system and led to the study of trans-dimensional issues.
                • Since the 60’s there have been multiple sightings of UFO activity which correspond with unexplained missile systems launching failures at facilities where nuclear warheads and missiles are not only kept but have been either activated for tests or actual firing. These occurrences have happened worldwide. Whatever the “visitors” other intentions are they are NOT GOING TO ALLOW us to destroy the planet with nuclear weaponry. They appear to have no care that we destroy each other any more than we care if the ants at the picnic decide to destroy themselves but the destruction of the planet would have massively far reaching consequences throughout the universe and that they are not going to allow.
                • The United States is solely responsible for keeping the technology we need to free the world from hunger, war and suffering and the knowledge of it from the rest of the world. Many other countries are prepared to DISCLOSE all they know but are not allowed to by threat of the US Military Industrial Complex. Why? (to be discussed further on).
                • Most of South America does not even attempt to pretend to the people that the visitations are not real and in fact share their information with their populations.
                • We have American servicemen dying because their medical records are classified and kept from doctors who could save them only to cover up the fact that they were exposed to high levels of radio activity while investigating a landing in England years ago.

                No presidents after Dwight D. Eisenhower have ever been allowed to know and Mr. Eisenhower tried to alert a lazy, sleeping nation to the inevitable consequences of our apathy as he left office; Avalon Project - Military-Industrial Complex Speech, Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1961

                President Kennedy tried to warn us of all that he had uncovered even though he was kept from the whole truth. Senator Innue in 1987 attempted yet again to implore us to pay attention; “there exists a shadowy government with its own air force, its own fund raising mechanism and its own ideas of national interest free from all checks and balances and free from the law itself”. During the hearings Senator Gravel made the comment that representative government does not work. It would certainly appear to be that way if the parallel shadow government is not known to exist. It would in fact appear that the people are solely to blame for not maintaining their role in their own governance of over sight and vigilance to keep their representatives in check even though most of our top political officials are with few exceptions, also kept out of the loop because as we have been told, they come and go and have neither the clearance nor the need to know. Who does have the need to know? We the people have the need to know that’s who. Why is it so imperative that we know, that we know everything? The underlying motive for keeping us in the dark is why we need to know.

                So what did develop after and because of the worst decision in history? Why were the bankers so wet dream giddy over the creation of the Military Industrial Complex? Because all of the following was not only made possible but easily accomplished:
                • The promise of funding and cooperation with the banking cartel ensured the permanent existence of the Army and Air Force in peace time or war. It allowed for the funding and creation of the CIA (American version of the German OSS or the Russian KGB)
                • It provided for the creation of BLACK, BLACK, BLACK budget projects to further the goal of de-population and ultimate total control over the entire globe and all remaining members of humanity under a system of robotic type slavery.
                • According to testimony at the hearings, “the black budget classified world has gone so far ahead of the rest of us we may with justice look upon them as a separate society. They are very far ahead indeed and are able to come and go further into space than we have been allowed to know. They answer to private financial and international powers who consider themselves above all law which is as we have slowly discovered over at least the last ten years is how the world operates. Not to answer to these private financial power brokers would be in effect to negate the need for their very existence under our Constitutional Republic form of government”
                • It created a shadow government completely outside any law which controls and directs all of what we think is our government.
                • It turned the greatest and most honorable military force on earth into a global killing machine taking its orders from the worst of the worst dregs of humanity in history.

                There is very good reason the Military Industrial Complex does not want any of the truth to come out. They have been weaponizing the technology gained from the “visitors” and they are quickly running out of earthly enemies to fight. That is what the Star Wars program and others are really all about. They want space war. They don’t care what the intentions of “visitors” are they see them as potential enemies to justify their further existence.

                Thanks Much!

                It is the Disclosure Project 2013 by DR Steven Greer...I followed the whole thing back in 2003...

                Warm regards

                Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                • #38
         have way to many pre-conceived notions about my character.

                  Assuming I am a coward of some form.
                  Assuming I have done nothing.
                  Assuming I don't care for my fellow man.

                  What do I benefit from being attacked here on this forum? Why in God's name would I ever really divulge what I know other than small 3-4 sentence posts on relevant subjects just to be harassed and ridiculed. Everything is belief.
                  I will try to keep this short and concise --- I was not referring to you nor implying anything about you and if anything it was about my experiences not yours. To be honest I have no idea how in the hell you came to the conclusion this was all about you. I was agreeing with you.

                  Last edited by Allcanadian; 06-02-2013, 12:07 AM.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Allcanadian View Post

                    You know not long ago I thought exactly the same thing word for word 100% and I have been down this road many times looking for any excuse not to even try. However I learned an important lesson that the people who have done the most, who have given the most have fears just like you and me but they never let them dictate their actions nor their compassion for their fellow man, woman and child.
                    It's all in this paragraph.

                    Given that you were quoting/replying to me, I could only think it was about me. Sorry, logical response.

                    Given that you said I have fears, I could only think it was about cowardice. Again, just a logical response

                    Given that you said this was a word for word explanation of your reasoning to not try, well.....

                    My point is that I would not benefit. My family would not benefit. Infact anyone close to me would be placed in a dangerous situation. This is not cowardice, this is respecting other's lives.


                    • #40
                      If this isn't evidence of suppression I don't know what is:
                      Attached Files
                      There is no important work, there are only a series of moments to demonstrate your mastery and impeccability. Quote from Almine


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by ewizard View Post
                        If this isn't evidence of suppression I don't know what is:
                        It isn't, and you don't. There's good reason they don't grant patents to every trickster who happens by and then later sells their patents to unsuspecting victims. Who do you think is going to take the heat? Like I said, the FE Scam industry is a multi-million dollar a year racket. Unlike Inventionmaster, the pros (or shall we call them 'cons') even fool unwary electrical engineers. Notice how tachyons are lumped in with 'free energy' and everything else hypothetical:
                        B. Subject matter of special interest in TC 2800
                        1. Perpetual motion machines; classes 310 and 290
                        2. Anti-gravity devices
                        3. Room temperature superconductivity; class 310
                        4. Free energy- Tachyons, etc.
                        5. Gain-Assisted Superluminal Light Propagation (faster than the speed of light); class 702, 359
                        6. Other matters that violate the general laws of physics; classes 73, 290.
                        7. Applications containing claims to subject matter which, if issued, would generate unfavorable publicity for the USPTO, class 84, 702.
                        8. Reexamination proceedings involving patents in litigation and:
                        The court decision/verdict is subject toreview by the Supreme Court
                        The court decision includes high monetary awards ·
                        The technology and companies involved would likely generate high publicity

                        Can anyone tell us though, whether the few FE devices that have actually made it to market have patents? I'm thinking of the water-powered... (no, sorry to disappoint anyone, not a car, just a) flashlight?
                        Re: 'UFO Disclosure'
                        I did a Google search for the string and got 1,710 hits. Huff Post provided even more than your link did.
                        @ Duncan
                        Re: "Makes you want to sort of try and shout at them "no it doesn't not when things are in spin" and everything is to some degree or another."

                        Interesting science--gravity's affect on rotating vs non-rotating masses. Anytime someone dismisses 'establishment' science in order to promote their own science and then says how remarkable it is when in fact, no one outside of free energy circles is remarking on it, I tend to get a bit suspicious. But that's just me. BTW, General Relativity predicted the affect given several names a century ago.


                        • #42
                          No, you are the only one I've ever seen who has chosen to incorrectly interpret it this way. "Buyer beware" is still a standard modus operandi. The Patent system is NOT in place to protect the public from scams. The head of the Patent office is a former Exxon oil executive. The patent memo I posted has several purposes. One IS the suppression of free energy as free energy would 'generate high publicity' and would cause a big change in the economy. About 40% of the cost of gasoline is taxes that go to the federal government. If gas usage took a sudden dip the government would be in trouble until they shifted the tax burden elsewhere. That would be a difficult shift although in the long run a good one.

                          Maybe you should start here: Directory:Suppression - PESWiki

                          You shouldn't have gotten me started
                          Now you need to read this: 3 documents on many killed inventors:
                          click here
                          There is no important work, there are only a series of moments to demonstrate your mastery and impeccability. Quote from Almine


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by ewizard View Post
                            No, you are the only one I've ever seen who has chosen to incorrectly interpret it this way.
                            To prove me wrong, you're going to have to prove the existence of those FE devices that 'establishment' science simply dismisses and no one else here has. Your belief in FE is inseparable from your belief in suppression--it's circular reasoning. It even affects your understanding of gasoline tax.


                            • #44
                              Let's presume some, if not all these FE devices (or call them what you will) actually exist and function. If as ewizard claims, they're not patentable, then surely one might expect an entire underground industry to spring up, bigger than street drugs or media piracy. Many members here would be too busy to post---it would be their family, friends, apprentices, or those grateful for their help who'd be informing us of how they're working round the clock to get people and businesses off grid or off gasoline. After all, if you can let someone drive your own water-powered car themselves, or show them how your fully-functional house is off grid and how you did it, they're more likely to pay you to convert theirs. But that's not what we're seeing here or on any forum. Andy why not? Is it personal greed, ego, lack of something? I don't think so. As with ewizard, seems its more a case of circular reasoning:

                              The evidence that free energy exists is that free energy evidence is being suppressed.

                              I'm curious how many FE (existence) & Suppression believers do not subscribe to the widespread UFO/ET Existence & Suppression belief that obviously led to the 'UFO gov't disclosure' meeting Ufopolitics and I both linked to. Combining these circular arguments creates what I'd call a spherical one: Free Energy must exist because how else would UFOs traverse the universe and UFO existence must be repudiated to prevent people from believing in free energy and keeping Big Oil viable. Isn't religious belief of that nature?


                              • #45
                                Good point Einstein, however it can and probably is used also to contradict the existence of free energy. Anyway if truth is not comfortable then where is the truth ? In such case the most perpetuated and glorified lie become the truth and you can't find the real one...

                                The only way to uncover the truth (the real one) is to find irrefutable explanation for it.

                                In ancient Greek there was an idea that movement is impossible (Zeno of Elea - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia and Surely we can rebut this idea simply by moving.

