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Is it just me? I'm not seeing much evidence for either Suppression or FE?

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  • #46
    @Einstein I think the premise of questioning suppression is reasonable.
    I also understand your religion like stance comparison, objectivity
    seems to be reduced with overwhelming senses of faith.
    I too have wondered why with the anonymity of the web no one
    has been able to get a working device diagram to go viral.

    Lets not be coy about the ramifications of free energy.
    Energy production is a global multi-trillion dollar a year industry.
    It would transform the worlds geo-political power structure.
    The amount of power a country has is based largely on its wealth.
    Some form of purchased energy runs every machine on the face of this planet.
    The countries with more wealth (america) can buy more energy and easily
    retain an advantage over every lesser country of wealth.

    If free energy is real it could be the catalyst to shift the world into a new
    paradigm of technology. The stealth bomber did not exist for 15 years
    until it was shot down out of the sky. If you expect technology that has
    national security implications to be disclosed and discussed openly
    then you dont know the history of your own government.

    Atomic bombs have existed for over 50 years yet entire countries have been
    suppressed from being able to replicate the technology. The power
    of suppression does clearly exist.

    Is free energy real? I believe that it is. Ive never paid into a scam.
    It doesnt take rocket science to be a smart consumer.
    My observations lead me to believe that either the suppression
    capability is bigger than I could imagine or that a FE
    device is harder to make than it may seem. I assume its a bit of both.

    Einstein, maybe im off base, but it seems to me that you are stuck
    too much in the moment. You have to know that we only understand
    a fraction of what there is to know about the universe. You shouldnt be
    so despondent about the potiential of a breakthrough. 75 years of advanced
    human intelligence is extremely short timeframe to learn the secrets of the universe
    and to manipulate it to our benefit. Please dont accept the mindset that if it hasnt happened its not going to happen..

    I know for a fact consciousness is interactive on the external
    sub-atomic level, yet the technology to harness that capability
    may be 100 years away. Knowing something is capable and having
    the capability are two completely different things.

    A precisely timed mechanical device harnessing magnetism
    and gravity to gain some extra rotational force shouldnt
    be quite as hard to develop which is why I can understand some skepticism.

    @Allcanadian, Mad Scientist, Great posts


    • #47
      Free Energy Exists...UFO's Exist...

      Originally posted by Ein~+ein View Post
      Let's presume some, if not all these FE devices (or call them what you will) actually exist and function. If as ewizard claims, they're not patentable, then surely one might expect an entire underground industry to spring up, bigger than street drugs or media piracy. Many members here would be too busy to post---it would be their family, friends, apprentices, or those grateful for their help who'd be informing us of how they're working round the clock to get people and businesses off grid or off gasoline. After all, if you can let someone drive your own water-powered car themselves, or show them how your fully-functional house is off grid and how you did it, they're more likely to pay you to convert theirs. But that's not what we're seeing here or on any forum. Andy why not? Is it personal greed, ego, lack of something? I don't think so. As with ewizard, seems its more a case of circular reasoning:
      The Fact that you ignore that USPTO will NOT accept ANY Applications where the Output is over the Input, just because of "Approaching too much to MPM"...That lack of knowledge does not allow you to question others who DO KNOW it can not be patented...IT IS A FACT.
      I own Patents and have dealt in the past with USPTO...and even my own contracted Law Firm will don't even bother to take my Application and proceed with it...simple as that.

      The evidence that free energy exists is that free energy evidence is being suppressed.
      Sorry but NOPE...can not take that as a serious Statement.

      There are MANY FACTS through our whole history that demonstrates FE have being proven beyond of many Inventors suppressed in our is not only the Suppression has been that "infallible" there has been many loose ends.

      I'm curious how many FE (existence) & Suppression believers do not subscribe to the widespread UFO/ET Existence & Suppression belief that obviously led to the 'UFO gov't disclosure' meeting Ufopolitics and I both linked to. Combining these circular arguments creates what I'd call a spherical one: Free Energy must exist because how else would UFOs traverse the universe and UFO existence must be repudiated to prevent people from believing in free energy and keeping Big Oil viable. Isn't religious belief of that nature?
      Yes indeed UFO's and Free Energy are DIRECTLY has been broadcasted in many Documentaries, many books...along our History.

      Before in the Catholic Saint Inquisition times...UFO's were banned just because they will take Credibility off the Twisted Religious beliefs that allowed Submission, Obey and Praising their GOD's "rules" to the believers...

      In those dark eras, we have read clearly how many bright Scientists were condemned for the solely statements that the Earth was round and not a "Plate hold on by Four Mighty Elephants"...

      The Old paintings from the Vatican Walls to many canvases of famous painters...portraits the UFO's flying in the background...?

      Bible have dozen of citations of UFO's landing in our flying around as "Circles of Fire"...

      If We come closer to the "War of Currents" between Edison/Morgan/GE and Westinghouse/Tesla...we find all the animals burnt with the "Assassin AC" developed by Nikola Tesla by Thomas Alva Edison in person and in Public...

      Isn't this a Coercive way to "Suppress" something in the open?!...I mean...creating fear between the "Ignorant Audiences"?

      I am just glad we no longer have the "Method" to burn our bodies in the "Purifying Flames" of the Heavens ...otherwise from Tesla to Stanley Meyer...Gray and all of them would have burnt crispy...

      However, We still have a "Saint Inquisition" that will prosecute and execute any who could conflict their "Oil Interests"

      And Ein~tein, let me say something else...related to Inventionmaster's Thread...

      He Does have something...and I know exactly what it is based on...we could go on detail...but I will be exposing a much detailed Thread related to same principle.

      He has taken all Gas guts (except the mechanical Reciprocating Joints) out of a Generator Gas Two Stroke Engine...and replaced by electromagnetic interactions...based on whatever methods he is using...but let me say this..."it does works"...and using Counterweights...Inventionmaster did not even know what a Counterweight is...but he found out through me.

      I believe He will finally show whatever rigging he has made...but will lead to same exact deal am talking about...

      What He does not that Linear Piston weaker than stronger rotary magnetic forces...but that requires heavier CAD Engineering and Machining Precise Designs.


      Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


      • #48
        I'm about done wasting my time on this Ein~+ein. You ignore many things and twist others. Did you even read the 3 documents I uploaded? Maybe you need to talk to Duncan or Michael John Nunnerly if you want some personal stories direct from the horses mouth about suppression. Some of their stories were shared with me via PM. That's one reason MJN won't share some things. Here's one more for you from George Wiseman of Eagle Research:
        "Oil Company Suppression Thug Jailed!

        1. This is a sweet tidbit for me, having had quite a few suppression experiences that I couldn't prove.
        An oil company thug, trying intimidation to suppress our fuel saving technology, got jailed (click)! What makes this story unique is that it is documented proof of suppression.

        from the click link: (at Documented case of Suppression | )

        Documented case of Suppression
        By George Wiseman, Thu, 2013-05-09 13:57 Suppression

        It took me YEARS to be smart enough to start to record every aspect of surveillance and suppression that occurred to me, so I could tell/inform/warn others about Vested Interest suppression and the techniques they use. 'They' are very good at cloaking their activities so that there is little 'proof' sufficient to stand up in court. Not that a single person has a hope of winning in whatever kangaroo court they'd manipulate anyway... but if enough people believe the truth, a grassroots movement can unseat these malignant parasites.

        I wrote a Blog outlining some of my experiences here (click). The key aspect applicable here is that there are 'levels' of suppression and the story you'll read below shows that the Vested Interest believe that the technology is practical and marketable, by the suppression level applied.

        Here's an expose where a fast thinking man, with some connections, got a lucky enough to have proof to expose the fuel saving suppression. They have generously and bravely allowed us to publish their experiences. I've had MANY people tell me stories like this, but few are documentable and none would give me permission to share. In all aspects, Dell and Jay are remarkable people.

        I first learned of this particular suppression event via a man who has set himself up with his own business selling his version of my HyZor Technology. He and I enjoy a fun research collaboration that is advancing on-board electrolyzer technology to an efficiency and practicality well beyond anything else on the market. His business is doing quite well and has several distributors. One of his distributors is the man who wrote this narration, Dell.

        I contacted him and asked if he'd share the case details with me and allow me to publish them. He agreed and this is what he has written so far. I will continue to add to this Blog as he reveals more. (my comments in parentheses).

        "Hi George,

        I don't want you to feel like we're ignoring you but we felt like we should let the law run its course before we made any statement. So I'll bring you up to date at this time (May 9, 2013)...

        This incident happened on April 3 (2013) when (to) our salesman who is the brother-in-law of my partner who works for the mines about 270 miles east of Reno.

        Jay noticed that there was buses carrying workers from the town to the mine site and he thought this would be a good customer for our diesel unit.

        He contacted the manager of the local bus operation and they got an appointment with the home office in Sacramento California which is about 120 miles west of Reno. I made up five diesel presentation manuals for Jay to take with him to the presentation.

        What we didn't know was the bus company is probably the largest bus operation in the United States. We didn't hear anything from the bus company after about three weeks and they said they were looking in to the possibility of using our product on their buses.

        Jay left his house which is about 15 miles north of Reno on April 3 on his way to Carson City which is about 30 miles south of Reno. As Jay came out of his driveway to go on to 395 he noticed two cars setting at the entrance to the freeway. Jay noticed the two cars as they followed him past Reno and on towards Carson City.

        About halfway between Reno and Carson City one of the cars forced him off the road breaking his mirror on the driver side and scraping the side of the car and then blocking his exit. A black Hummer pulled in behind him and blocked his rear exit.

        A big thug got out of the car and came up to the driver side of Jay's car and said open this window or I will break it out. Jay ran the window down and the thug was holding one of the presentations in his hand. Jay had written his name and phone number by hand on the bottom of the presentation and the thug pointed to it and said is this you? Jay says yes.

        The thug said this stops now and here and you will not take this public and we know where you live. Then the thug took the presentation and slammed it up against Jay's chest.

        Jay's father is a retired police officer and the most highly decorated in northern Nevada with many connections to the law department. Jay went straight to the DA and filed a complaint.

        Within five hours they were able to lift this guy's fingerprints off the presentation which revealed his residence his name and who he works for. He lives in Richmond California and works for UNOCAL which stands for Union oil Company of California.

        In 2005 Chevron bought UNOCAL. Jay got the license number of the car the thug was driving. Now this is where it starts to get interesting.

        The car was a rental car from enterprise rentals. When the police called up enterprise and ask them about the car they said it'd never left the lot that day. The police decided to go down to enterprise and check it out and what they found was the car back in the paint shop but it had not been painted yet. And lo and behold there was evidence on the side of the car.

        The police charged the thug with attempted manslaughter with a vehicle and reckless driving. They had him arrested and extradited to Nevada upon arrival he was put in jail.

        Jay has a couple of buddies in the sheriffs department and when he asked them about this guy he was told they could not talk about the case. Don't know what that's all about but it is definitely spooky.

        We believe this guy acted on his own as he was the northern Nevada and California sales representative for the oil company and probably saw $250,000 disappear yearly. That's all we have at this time if anything new turns up I will forward it to you. You have a good day now."

        ~ Dell

        I will continue my conversation with Dell and update this Blog when there are further details. As you can see already, it's a dangerous business when Vested Interest thugs have feel like they can intimidate people at will.

        This is not the world I want my grandchildren to grow up in and I will do everything in my power to fight for our freedoms, in this case against Vested Interest that values money over people and resources. They'd rather the world die from pollution than cut back on their established moneymaking investments.

        Thank you Dell and Jay.

        May the blessings be

        There is no important work, there are only a series of moments to demonstrate your mastery and impeccability. Quote from Almine


        • #49
          Originally posted by jdodson View Post
          Lets not be coy about the ramifications of free energy. Energy production is a global multi-trillion dollar a year industry.
          It would transform the worlds geo-political power structure. The amount of power a country has is based largely on its wealth. Some form of purchased energy runs every machine on the face of this planet. The countries with more wealth (america) can buy more energy and easily retain an advantage over every lesser country of wealth.

          If free energy is real it could be the catalyst to shift the world into a new paradigm of technology. The stealth bomber did not exist for 15 years until it was shot down out of the sky. If you expect technology that has national security implications to be disclosed and discussed openly then you dont know the history of your own government.

          Atomic bombs have existed for over 50 years yet entire countries have been
          suppressed from being able to replicate the technology. The power
          of suppression does clearly exist.
          Military secrets don't stay secret. It didn't take the Russians long to steal the A-bomb plans. If free energy exists, it won't remain secret for long. Think about it. Do you honestly think energy poor nations of this world such as Germany, Japan and China would not cry foul at the hypocrisy of being told to reduce CO2 emissions while their hegemonic WWII adversaries arrogantly ignore emissions targets while effectively, quietly, yet violently suppressing any and all attempts to disseminate plans for clean, affordable free energy globally?


          • #50
            Nope...not that "simple"...

            Originally posted by Ein~+ein View Post
            Military secrets don't stay secret. It didn't take the Russians long to steal the A-bomb plans.
            "Military Secrets"...will stay secret and unbreakable for as long as there will be born a superior technology and already proven...then the old one would be given out...

            If free energy exists, it won't remain secret for long. Think about it.
            Free Energy is NOT a "Formula" like the one to make Coca know...and still, that "coke formula" has not "leaked out" since the come? just an "apparently so simple" Corn Syrup and Water......
            Free Energy could be born in MANY Scientific Fields...Chemical, like a battery that "recharges itself" (search Arie DeGeus)...or Water Engines (Meyer/Kanzius, etc)...Physical and within that...Electrodynamics (Tesla/Gray/Johnson,etc)...Solid State (Tesla/Smith/T.H.Moray/Sweet,etc)...Electronics...Mechanical Engineering...and then some more...

            Do you honestly think energy poor nations of this world such as Germany, Japan and China would not cry foul at the hypocrisy of being told to reduce CO2 emissions while their hegemonic WWII adversaries arrogantly ignore emissions targets while effectively, quietly, yet violently suppressing any and all attempts to disseminate plans for clean, affordable free energy globally?
            Excuse me?!!...please, allow me to laugh out loud...Poor countries like Germany, Japan, CHINA?...You definitively have to do some research/study on this who is- right now-...saving the European some countries like Spain, Greece...from collapsing economically...

            Go and buy ANY Products out there...and you will note 85-90% is China made in the US territory...

            But, I, suddenly forgot who builds the more luxurious, higher engineered and top ranked vehicles in the World...Mercedes Benz, BMW and Porsche...and VW? you remember by any chance?

            I, suddenly forgot who is the biggest Importer of Automobiles into US?...Isn't it Asian Imports, mainly Japanese ones?

            See, you are "seeing" Free Energy like a "Political Countries Frontiers Situation" and you are completely wrong judging it like can not relate to FE Suppression from ANY Political, Religious, or Social Science/Ideology/Economical difference...Therefore..."No Countries" here please...


            THE GLOBAL/INTERNATIONAL MONETARY BANKING SYSTEM (This System is "TOP RULED" by Four, yes Four as in 1,2,3 and 4...Families, seating right on top of that Pyramid...Morgan,Rockefeller, Bilderberg and the Rothschilds ...and "Owners" of the Private Federal Reserve ...and yes, also...the United States National as private as Federal Express...(The World on

            Out of those Four Families...Two of them (Bilderberg and Rothschilds) are located outside US...

            A famous statement from one of the earlier Rothschilds :

            "Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes its laws."

            - Mayer Amschel Rothschild

            Did You know that Rockefeller sold to "The Fuhrer" (Adolph Hitler)...a Fuel "Additive"...that without such chemical...German/Nazi Fighter Planes would never get off ground?...That was on WWI...and the Company that sold that fuel additive...was "Standard Oil'...and was not "located" on US Territory...

            Realize that with those Planes were killed thousands of American Soldiers...right?

            Ask Rockefeller if He cares...

            I recommend a nice book...The Creature from Jekyll Island

            Read it...then comeback here and talk to me...


            Last edited by Ufopolitics; 06-04-2013, 02:22 AM.
            Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


            • #51
              Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
              "Military Secrets"...will stay secret and unbreakable for as long as there will be born a superior technology and already proven...then the old one would be given out...
              Think SR74 Blackbird. When we were first told about it, and now marvelous it was, it was already a decades old aircraft and the only reason we were told about was that it was considered obsolete.

              I recommend a nice book...The Creature from Jekyll Island
              Here we have a bunch of bankers that got together very secretly and created the federal reserve system as a means of gaining control over the country. By substituting the use of their worthless fiat paper money in place of our hard currency.
              Are you aware the republic that represented the United States was bankrupted? And that it was restructured into the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA which is now a corporation and we the people are now just mere workers for that corporation!

              This name was carefully chosen to fool the people.

              Federal; To make people think is was part of the government.
              Reserve: To make people think is was conservative in nature.
              System: To make people think it had nothing to do with the banks.

              Ever wonder how it is we can change political parties every few years and yet the overall policies of the government never change all that much? You don’t suppose that it might something to do with the real corporate leaders of the country not wanting any real change to their control system?

              The government can’t keep a secret, yeah right, this has only be going on for around 100 years, and only now are a few of the sheeple slowly starting to wake up to the fact that something is not quite right.


              • #52
                Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
                Free Energy is NOT a "Formula" like the one to make Coca Cola...
                Yes, thanks to inventors/suppressionists who've ensured no one would be able to figure out their secret recipe. Didn't Stan Meyers deliberately try to lead people down the wrong path in replicating his results? And he wasn't the only one apparently.

                Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
                Excuse me?!!...please, allow me to laugh out loud...Poor countries like Germany, Japan, CHINA?
                So, are you also disputing that these countries remain net energy importers?
                Top 10 net importing countries as of 2004 (MBD)
                1. United States of America- 12,100,000
                2. Japan- 5,300,000
                3. China- 2,900,000
                4. Germany- 2,400,000
                5. South Korea- 2,200,000
                6. France- 1,900,000
                7. Italy- 1,700,000
                8. Spain- 1,600,000
                9. India- 1,300,000
                10. Taiwan- 1,000,000

                As for your 'Banker Gang of Four' as 'Supreme Supressionists' theory, like I said, you pretty well have to believe that or the quest for Free Energy is going to look even more futile than Newton's belief one could alchemically turn lead into gold.

                BTW: Hitler was only a corporal in WWI.


                • #53
                  seems about right!

                  Originally posted by Mad Scientist View Post
                  Think SR74 Blackbird. When we were first told about it, and now marvelous it was, it was already a decades old aircraft and the only reason we were told about was that it was considered obsolete.

                  Here we have a bunch of bankers that got together very secretly and created the federal reserve system as a means of gaining control over the country. By substituting the use of their worthless fiat paper money in place of our hard currency.
                  Are you aware the republic that represented the United States was bankrupted? And that it was restructured into the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA which is now a corporation and we the people are now just mere workers for that corporation!

                  This name was carefully chosen to fool the people.

                  Federal; To make people think is was part of the government.
                  Reserve: To make people think is was conservative in nature.
                  System: To make people think it had nothing to do with the banks.

                  Ever wonder how it is we can change political parties every few years and yet the overall policies of the government never change all that much? You don’t suppose that it might something to do with the real corporate leaders of the country not wanting any real change to their control system?

                  The government can’t keep a secret, yeah right, this has only be going on for around 100 years, and only now are a few of the sheeple slowly starting to wake up to the fact that something is not quite right.
                  This say's it all...
                  EndGame HQ full length version - YouTube
                  Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                  • #54
                    I am personally in contact with a number of people on the energy arena that have been suppressed.

                    The most well known is John Moray son of Thomas Henry Moray.

                    Bless him, despite the horrendous experiences he is still carrying on his Fathers work and pushing the history.

                    Ein~+ein, have you ever investigated his story?

                    The Sea of Energy DVD documents his childhood to adult story of suppression of one of the most exotic technologies discovered yet.

                    A nuclear battery that produces only alpha radiation via fusion not fission exicited by resonant harmonic frequencies.

                    The huge amounts of energy comes from radioactive decay.

                    Demonstrated to many top scientists of the day.

                    Even suppressed by the patent office themselves for not having a prime mover.

                    It's a very dark and interesting real life conspiracy story.




                    • #55
                      Originally posted by soundiceuk View Post
                      The most well known is John Moray son of Thomas Henry Moray.
                      "In the 1920s, Thomas Henry Moray demonstrated a "radiant energy device" to many people who were unable to find a hidden power supply. Moray called his device a solid state detector or the Moray Valve consisting of a large antenna connected to a complex series of high voltage capacitors, transformers, and semiconductors. By supposedly stimulating the existing oscillations of radiant energy from space the device supposedly ran for several days producing 50 kilowatts of power. The demonstrations attracted newspapers and scientists from Bell Laboratories and from the Department of Agriculture but none could attest to how the device actually operated nor could evidence of fraud be found. The device was eventually destroyed by his assistant Felix Pridgt, whom apparently was angered that Moray would not sell his device to corporate interests. In the 1930s Moray developed advanced semiconductors and transistors." - PESN
                      "In the 1930s, Thomas Henry Moray reported that he and his family had been threatened and shot at on several occasions and his lab ransacked to stop his free energy research and public demonstrations." - Wikipedia

                      Evidence that FE Suppression predates WWII?

                      Strange how neither the US military, the Nazis or even a certain physicist who'd persuaded the US gov't to research another free energy form were convinced.

                      BTW: What's the suppression / FE evidence that early BEVs were comparable to their gasoline counterparts when even contemporary BEVs have such limited range?


                      • #56
                        Strange how neither the US military, the Nazis or even a certain physicist who'd persuaded the US gov't to research another free energy form were convinced.
                        I would agree it is very strange that those of the greatest wealth and influence would be so uninterested in any technology which could empower and help so many people in need. It makes one wonder what their true motivations are however I think we all know what they are.

                        As well we could apply a scientific principal, extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. Now if all these people and institutions claim to be good people and want to make the world a better place then why is our planet such a mess and why is nothing really getting any better and why are they doing nothing substantial to improve anything?.

                        As such one can only presume their claim is false and they are only motivated by profit. Unfortunately their is much more profit in dependency than self-sufficiency and sustainability.



                        • #57
                          Originally posted by Ein~+ein View Post
                          "In the 1920s, Thomas Henry Moray demonstrated a "radiant energy device" to many people who were unable to find a hidden power supply. Moray called his device a solid state detector or the Moray Valve consisting of a large antenna connected to a complex series of high voltage capacitors, transformers, and semiconductors. By supposedly stimulating the existing oscillations of radiant energy from space the device supposedly ran for several days producing 50 kilowatts of power. The demonstrations attracted newspapers and scientists from Bell Laboratories and from the Department of Agriculture but none could attest to how the device actually operated nor could evidence of fraud be found. The device was eventually destroyed by his assistant Felix Pridgt, whom apparently was angered that Moray would not sell his device to corporate interests. In the 1930s Moray developed advanced semiconductors and transistors." - PESN
                          "In the 1930s, Thomas Henry Moray reported that he and his family had been threatened and shot at on several occasions and his lab ransacked to stop his free energy research and public demonstrations." - Wikipedia

                          Evidence that FE Suppression predates WWII?

                          Strange how neither the US military, the Nazis or even a certain physicist who'd persuaded the US gov't to research another free energy form were convinced.

                          BTW: What's the suppression / FE evidence that early BEVs were comparable to their gasoline counterparts when even contemporary BEVs have such limited range?
                          First FE, FREE ENERGY, depends on your meaning, something for nothing really does not exist, there is always an input in some way or other, be it human work, sun and other radiation, tidal movement, wind, chemical etc etc and so it goes on. Suppression has always been and always will be since man existed on this planet, it comes from greed/domination AND OR the need to survive.

                          When suppression comes as a threat, not only to you but also your family, then things start getting very nasty. The last threat I had was directed via my wife in a very subtle way by a presumed ex SAS "by his looks" now retired and works I pressume for MI5 or maybe MI6. This was after I started the thread about none electrolytic splitting of H2O and why I do not post any more about this, it is an item that goes back many years and has a lot of history. Take it from me, it is all very real when a person really has an item that can do a lot of damage to those in power, they will stop at nothing to protect themselves, that invention as far as I'm concerned is shelved, but I have other ways of doing it, but I have a very big problem, when I worked for Marconi I signed the official secrets act which F U * * E D me for life.

                          I'm 62 years old and would like to retire in three years time and enjoy myself, so I keep my nose clean and work on other things such as synthetic fuels and other related items, I also help others here and on other forums, I write patents when others pay for them, other inventions are locked away and my children will inherit them and possibly the world has changed, I doubt it, but one can only hope.

                          So there you have it, a first hand example, believe what you will, it is no problem for me, I would like the rest of my life a little quieter and without worries.



                          • #58
                            Originally posted by Michael John Nunnerley View Post
                            Suppression has always been and always will be...
                            Yes, but name any other suppression campaign that's been this effective, this long, with so little violence, and so few even knowing about it. Look at how P2P destroyed the music industry and texting led to the Arab Spring--the one thing computer (networks) are extremely good at is file copying/sharing so isn't it ironic that the suppression campaign is just as effective, if not more so in the online era? Inventionmaster just reported being shot at and now you admit to having placed your family in danger. BTW, Michael J Nunnerley isn't your real name, is it? I'm sure you're aware anyone can Google that name.


                            • #59

                              I can see your point and it makes perfect sense to compare a few hundred million anonymous teenagers copying music and games to a relatively small group of known people threatening a trillion dollar energy industry.
                              As always your logic is infallible.

                              Last edited by Allcanadian; 06-05-2013, 11:32 PM.


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by Allcanadian View Post

                                I can see your point and it makes perfect sense to compare a few hundred million anonymous teenagers copying music and games to a relatively small group of known people threatening a trillion dollar energy industry.
                                As always your logic is infallible.

                                Glad you get the point. Like a secret recipe, once the COMPLETE, DETAILED plans for a working OU device get posted online, and successfully replicated by members here and on other forums, it'll go viral and by that point, there's not much the trillion dollar industry can do--they'll be in pitiful damage control issuing dire warnings about fire or electrocution risks. Many here claim they've already replicated OU devices but as Farmhand suggests, they're incapable or unwilling to share either in the hopes of making millions or in fear* for their lives as MJN and IM report. This is why I'm saying, if suppression exists, it's been extremely effective.

                                *Ever note how the terms bravery and cowardice don't mean what they used to? Culturally, we've gone from heroes to superheroes to superstars.

