@Einstein I think the premise of questioning suppression is reasonable.
I also understand your religion like stance comparison, objectivity
seems to be reduced with overwhelming senses of faith.
I too have wondered why with the anonymity of the web no one
has been able to get a working device diagram to go viral.
Lets not be coy about the ramifications of free energy.
Energy production is a global multi-trillion dollar a year industry.
It would transform the worlds geo-political power structure.
The amount of power a country has is based largely on its wealth.
Some form of purchased energy runs every machine on the face of this planet.
The countries with more wealth (america) can buy more energy and easily
retain an advantage over every lesser country of wealth.
If free energy is real it could be the catalyst to shift the world into a new
paradigm of technology. The stealth bomber did not exist for 15 years
until it was shot down out of the sky. If you expect technology that has
national security implications to be disclosed and discussed openly
then you dont know the history of your own government.
Atomic bombs have existed for over 50 years yet entire countries have been
suppressed from being able to replicate the technology. The power
of suppression does clearly exist.
Is free energy real? I believe that it is. Ive never paid into a scam.
It doesnt take rocket science to be a smart consumer.
My observations lead me to believe that either the suppression
capability is bigger than I could imagine or that a FE
device is harder to make than it may seem. I assume its a bit of both.
Einstein, maybe im off base, but it seems to me that you are stuck
too much in the moment. You have to know that we only understand
a fraction of what there is to know about the universe. You shouldnt be
so despondent about the potiential of a breakthrough. 75 years of advanced
human intelligence is extremely short timeframe to learn the secrets of the universe
and to manipulate it to our benefit. Please dont accept the mindset that if it hasnt happened its not going to happen..
I know for a fact consciousness is interactive on the external
sub-atomic level, yet the technology to harness that capability
may be 100 years away. Knowing something is capable and having
the capability are two completely different things.
A precisely timed mechanical device harnessing magnetism
and gravity to gain some extra rotational force shouldnt
be quite as hard to develop which is why I can understand some skepticism.
@Allcanadian, Mad Scientist, Great posts
I also understand your religion like stance comparison, objectivity
seems to be reduced with overwhelming senses of faith.
I too have wondered why with the anonymity of the web no one
has been able to get a working device diagram to go viral.
Lets not be coy about the ramifications of free energy.
Energy production is a global multi-trillion dollar a year industry.
It would transform the worlds geo-political power structure.
The amount of power a country has is based largely on its wealth.
Some form of purchased energy runs every machine on the face of this planet.
The countries with more wealth (america) can buy more energy and easily
retain an advantage over every lesser country of wealth.
If free energy is real it could be the catalyst to shift the world into a new
paradigm of technology. The stealth bomber did not exist for 15 years
until it was shot down out of the sky. If you expect technology that has
national security implications to be disclosed and discussed openly
then you dont know the history of your own government.
Atomic bombs have existed for over 50 years yet entire countries have been
suppressed from being able to replicate the technology. The power
of suppression does clearly exist.
Is free energy real? I believe that it is. Ive never paid into a scam.
It doesnt take rocket science to be a smart consumer.
My observations lead me to believe that either the suppression
capability is bigger than I could imagine or that a FE
device is harder to make than it may seem. I assume its a bit of both.
Einstein, maybe im off base, but it seems to me that you are stuck
too much in the moment. You have to know that we only understand
a fraction of what there is to know about the universe. You shouldnt be
so despondent about the potiential of a breakthrough. 75 years of advanced
human intelligence is extremely short timeframe to learn the secrets of the universe
and to manipulate it to our benefit. Please dont accept the mindset that if it hasnt happened its not going to happen..
I know for a fact consciousness is interactive on the external
sub-atomic level, yet the technology to harness that capability
may be 100 years away. Knowing something is capable and having
the capability are two completely different things.
A precisely timed mechanical device harnessing magnetism
and gravity to gain some extra rotational force shouldnt
be quite as hard to develop which is why I can understand some skepticism.
@Allcanadian, Mad Scientist, Great posts