Thank you again ewizard, it is evident you have been reading. Not just one experience. It really "makes me wonder".
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Gen-E-Sys II & Liberty EN-GEN technology
I've read through quite a bit of your web site quickly to get a 'feel' for things and I am very interested. I've got a lot of things on my table right now and will for a couple months but I'm going to try working in more reading and possibly building as time allows.
I hope you will stick around despite the 'resistance' that inevitably arrives in many message threads -- especially if you are new here. I don't know stargate22 well enough to know where he's coming from. I do know there are some real 'trolls' around who are best ignored. Some will demand video proof of everything but when shown that they will claim there are hidden wires or some other thing and it gets endless. But the majority here will watch silently or may ask a few questions and generally this is a better forum than some others where there is little to no moderation. There are also some who used to be fairly positive but seem to have shifted to what I call 'negistors' which is just my word for negative people who resist all possibilities for which they don't have extensive proof.
I'll likely have some questions but need to do more reading first. BTW I have to excuse myself for not saying this earlier but I was caught up in the excitement of seeing your concept to Energetic Forum.There is no important work, there are only a series of moments to demonstrate your mastery and impeccability. Quote from Almine
The REAL message for this "thread" is the FIRST POST.
The purpose of which IS to allow people to learn exists to SHARE. Period!
First hand discussion of "subject matter" on that website is available and will be there, between myself and those that have "sense" or get the message and SHOW at least some measure of genuine interest.
The genuinely interested most likely will have read: helping hands and - work and members area and skeptic and thus be informed enough to be able to "engage" through the contact button.
By design hit and run types don't stand a chance there, nor will page skimmers, the myopic and "willfully ignorant" trolls who typically lack the "will" to go the distance and prefer hiding themselves. Although they are free to try.
Moreover, in Time those that take Time and do get a first hand look-see at what else is available can always report to SHARE what they can LEARN, here or on another thread.
"In reality" Truth stands on its own.
Gen-E-Sys II - My congratulations on your presentation, (still working my way through it) came up for air to say thanks and let you & others know that you have put forth a very “easy read” that explains (with clear mathematical examples) the advantages of levers & flywheels.
Many questions come to mind like can this technique be applied to any motor / generator combination and can the multiplication factor that we add via levers / pulleys be anything or is there a golden number we are shooting for?
Perhaps this will be answered after reading deeper . . .
Thanks again.
Thank you, I sincerely hope you and others will benefit from your effort and Time spent reading the BASIC information presented.
The question you pose is quite vague and multiple. "Any motor/generator combination ........... " covers an awfully vast range of possibilities.
There is no quick concise way to answer it. What I will say is that as you learn about and how to apply the technology you will know what gets you were you NEED to be. You will know how to match off the shelf items where possible.
The best short answer is: NO, every single part used must be correct for a particular SYSTEM, designed to be OVER EFFICIENT.
I am a "Realist" and not into Voodoo or magic, nor luck and coincidence but will say Numbers that have come up, over and over in developing this to this point have caused me pause many many times. Long enough several times to research what others have to say concerning numbers and their significance. Often enough that some thoughts on what was/is involved has been recorded in those particular designs, drawings or other notes/writings.
I look forward to your CONTACT and SHARING more with interested, good people.
Originally posted by Hitby13kw View PostGen-E-Sys II - My congratulations on your presentation, (still working my way through it) came up for air to say thanks and let you & others know that you have put forth a very “easy read” that explains (with clear mathematical examples) the advantages of levers & flywheels.
Many questions come to mind like can this technique be applied to any motor / generator combination and can the multiplication factor that we add via levers / pulleys be anything or is there a golden number we are shooting for?
Perhaps this will be answered after reading deeper . . .
Thanks again.