My goal is to build a Plasma Rocket Engine and I am posting here to share results as I learn and to share information with other experimenters.
****** Warning ******
This project is experimental and the circuits contain LETHAL amounts of Electrical Current. Also, UV light is created which may permanently damage your eyes. Please do not attempt to replicate without proper safety precautions. I am not responsible for any injury or death that may result from your own experiments.
A Plasma Rocket Engine is different from an ION engine. A Plasma Rocket Engine uses plasma energy to heat up a gas (or vaporize a solid) and electrically propel that gas out of the engine. It is basically an electric engine. It has many other uses, such as burning waste or purifying water.
A solid fuel commonly used on Pulse Plasma Thrusters is Conductive Teflon. Teflon vaporizes at a low temperature. The teflon is vaporized, electrically charged by a spark plug, and accelerated via a rail gun setup to create thrust.
There are two main methods to create the plasma. One is to use a high current to create a hot plasma. The other is to use RF in 2-50 MHZ range to heat up a gas (similar to Magnetic Induction Heating).
I am starting with high current to create my plasma. The first challenge was to create a high Current Plasma Arc by tying together High Voltage with a High Current Capacitor Discharge. The three Plasma Arc Circuits I am attaching is how I accomplish this.
The first circuit showed how to obtain 3 electrodes by using a 50KV isolation capacitor.
The second circuit expanded on the first circuit by splitting the Neutral Electrode in two (by wire) and adding a Capacitor Discharge Circuit. This worked.
The third circuit expanded on the second by adding an air core isolation transformer along with the Capacitor Discharge Circuit. This worked too.
**** Test Result *****
Capacitor Discharge Circuits were dissapointing. They worked but I only get a pulse. To be really useful, I need a continous Plasma Stream.
**** Test Result ****
I got Continous Plasma by modifying the third circuit. By dropping the capacitor discharge circuit and directly connecting the AC to the air core isolation transformer, I get a Continous Plasma Discharge.
I still use the 50KV capacitor to drive the isolation transformer, but instead of merging the arc with the discharge capacitors, I directly connect the transformer to same AC source. Now I get to add the AC Current to the HV arc. WOW!!!!! The AC current I use is limited by the AC start Capacitor.
**** Update ****
What is really of significant importance, is the current limiting 30Uf AC Start Capacitor. This AC capacitor can be placed before (or after) the light dimmer switch. Wherever it is placed, it limits the current to the circuit by Capacitor Reactance.
Capacitor Reactance = 1 / ( 2 * Pi * Frequency * Uf / 1000000)
So a 30 Uf cap on a 60Hz circuit would be:
1 / (2 * 3.14 * 60 * 30 / 1000000) = 88.46
120Vac / 88.46 = 1.366 Amps.
So the 30 UF circuit limits the current to the coil and Plasma Arc to 1.366 Amps.
I had limited myself to a 30Uf capacitor, because, when I used larger caps, I blew out my ignition coil. But since I am now splitting my circuit between the Ignition Coil AND the Plasma ARC, I think I can upgrade to a larger value Current Limiting Start Cap. The limiting factor is now the 600 Watt light dimmer. I think I can pick a larger start cap and go as much as 4 Amps, unless I upgrade to a 1000 watt dimmer.
*** UPDATE ***
I changed to a 108Uf Start cap which puts the circuit at nearly 5 amps. The result was a larger plasma ball and burning sparks coming off the electrodes. More current = more powerful (and hotter) plasma.
****** Warning ******
This project is experimental and the circuits contain LETHAL amounts of Electrical Current. Also, UV light is created which may permanently damage your eyes. Please do not attempt to replicate without proper safety precautions. I am not responsible for any injury or death that may result from your own experiments.
A Plasma Rocket Engine is different from an ION engine. A Plasma Rocket Engine uses plasma energy to heat up a gas (or vaporize a solid) and electrically propel that gas out of the engine. It is basically an electric engine. It has many other uses, such as burning waste or purifying water.
A solid fuel commonly used on Pulse Plasma Thrusters is Conductive Teflon. Teflon vaporizes at a low temperature. The teflon is vaporized, electrically charged by a spark plug, and accelerated via a rail gun setup to create thrust.
There are two main methods to create the plasma. One is to use a high current to create a hot plasma. The other is to use RF in 2-50 MHZ range to heat up a gas (similar to Magnetic Induction Heating).
I am starting with high current to create my plasma. The first challenge was to create a high Current Plasma Arc by tying together High Voltage with a High Current Capacitor Discharge. The three Plasma Arc Circuits I am attaching is how I accomplish this.
The first circuit showed how to obtain 3 electrodes by using a 50KV isolation capacitor.
The second circuit expanded on the first circuit by splitting the Neutral Electrode in two (by wire) and adding a Capacitor Discharge Circuit. This worked.
The third circuit expanded on the second by adding an air core isolation transformer along with the Capacitor Discharge Circuit. This worked too.
**** Test Result *****
Capacitor Discharge Circuits were dissapointing. They worked but I only get a pulse. To be really useful, I need a continous Plasma Stream.
**** Test Result ****
I got Continous Plasma by modifying the third circuit. By dropping the capacitor discharge circuit and directly connecting the AC to the air core isolation transformer, I get a Continous Plasma Discharge.
I still use the 50KV capacitor to drive the isolation transformer, but instead of merging the arc with the discharge capacitors, I directly connect the transformer to same AC source. Now I get to add the AC Current to the HV arc. WOW!!!!! The AC current I use is limited by the AC start Capacitor.
**** Update ****
What is really of significant importance, is the current limiting 30Uf AC Start Capacitor. This AC capacitor can be placed before (or after) the light dimmer switch. Wherever it is placed, it limits the current to the circuit by Capacitor Reactance.
Capacitor Reactance = 1 / ( 2 * Pi * Frequency * Uf / 1000000)
So a 30 Uf cap on a 60Hz circuit would be:
1 / (2 * 3.14 * 60 * 30 / 1000000) = 88.46
120Vac / 88.46 = 1.366 Amps.
So the 30 UF circuit limits the current to the coil and Plasma Arc to 1.366 Amps.
I had limited myself to a 30Uf capacitor, because, when I used larger caps, I blew out my ignition coil. But since I am now splitting my circuit between the Ignition Coil AND the Plasma ARC, I think I can upgrade to a larger value Current Limiting Start Cap. The limiting factor is now the 600 Watt light dimmer. I think I can pick a larger start cap and go as much as 4 Amps, unless I upgrade to a 1000 watt dimmer.
*** UPDATE ***
I changed to a 108Uf Start cap which puts the circuit at nearly 5 amps. The result was a larger plasma ball and burning sparks coming off the electrodes. More current = more powerful (and hotter) plasma.