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Plasma Rocket Engine

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  • #16
    Plasma Containment

    Courtesy of RMCYBERNETICS.COM More Electromagnetism - Coils - RMCybernetics

    I think I have the solution to plasma containment: called a Penning Trap (Not Tested Yet).

    A Penning trap is a set of electromagnets or coils that will create a controlled non-uniform magnetic field. The diagram shows how the magnetic field is slightly less intense in the centre of the trap. This 'bubble' in the field lines is where anon neutral plasma can be contained. A non neutral plasma is simply a plasma that has an overall positive or negative charge, such as a collection of electrons. A charged 'particle' such as an electron would require an accelerating force to move it across the magnetic field lines. Without this external force the electrons in a penning trap will tend to spiral back and forth within the area of weakest field. The converging field lines at each end act like a 'magnetic mirror' allowing the plasma to remain contained.

    I don't know if the magnetic field can be pulsed or has to remain stable.
    Attached Files


    • #17
      Micro Plasma Thruster

      It has been awhile since I had an update. Spent the last two months learning ceramics to produce ceramic pipe fitting to isolate the Positive (center) and Negative (Copper Case) electrodes.

      I have built a "Micro Plasma Thruster" using my 5 amp 120v (600 Watt) Plasma circuit.

      Micro Plasma Thruster1 Photo by plasmahunt3r | Photobucket

      It works similar to a candle, by using the plasma arc to burn a polyurethane plastic fuel. I call the center Positive Anode "The Wick", because it's similarity to a candle.

      Micro Thruster 2 Photo by plasmahunt3r | Photobucket
      Last edited by plasmahunt3r; 09-22-2013, 01:57 AM.


      • #18
        Redo Micro Plasma Thruster

        The first test was successful, but revealed a problem. The Plasma Arc used the shiortest path from Cathode to Anode, which resulted in an uneven fuel burn.

        I fixed that problem by adding a coil to produce a magnetic field, which causes the Plasma Arc to rotate around the Anode and the Cathode. Instead of providing a separate power supply for the coil, I had the Positive go thru the coil before connecting to center Anode. So, when the Plasma Arc is energized, the same power energizes the magnetic coil. Neat.

        Here is an end view of the new Micro Plasma Thruster. Notice the white substance between the center Anode and the Cathode Case. This is Polyurethane Plastic. The Plasma Arc burns the fuel, in a circular motion, similar to an "End Burn Solid Rocket Motor". No oxidizer. Fuel Burn occurs only when Plasma Arc is on.

        Micro Plasma Thruster Photo by plasmahunt3r | Photobucket

        This is the completed Micro Plasma Thruster:

        Micro Plasma Thruster Photo by plasmahunt3r | Photobucket

        This Thruster runs on my 5 Amp Plasma Circuit.


        • #19
          Upgrade to 5 amp DC Plasma Circuit

          I did some testing, and I was able to remove the "Air Core Transformer", however, I left the secondary as a Choke Coil to choke off AC from the HV side. See attached circuit:

          DC Plasma Arc Circuit Photo by plasmahunt3r | Photobucket

          This works, because, the 50KV .001 uf Cap blocks DC, so it stops the high current side from backing up into the coil. The choke blocks the HV AC from backing up into the DC source.

          I am new to chokes, so if anyone has some experience building chokes, I would like your advice. I am currently building a new choke using a 1/5 inch PVC pipe filled with "Iron Oxide" as a ferrite source.

          This version of the circuit should work with the "Water Sparkplug" forums. It works well with aluminum electrodes but fails on standard spark plugs (Autolite and Bosch). Standard spark plugs have and internal resistance built in. I know people are trying to get "High Current Plasma Sparks". This merged version (merging High Voltage with High Current) of the plasma spark should fit the bill, if a proper spark plug can be found that doesn't have internal resistor. They can use any ignition coil driver they want.
          Last edited by plasmahunt3r; 10-16-2013, 10:33 PM.


          • #20
            Originally posted by plasmahunt3r View Post
            *** Magnetic Containment Question - need help???? ***

            In NASA studies regarding plasma rocket engines (VASIMR), they indicated the heated plasma will be contained in a magnetic field. I don't understand how this works.
            The NTRS site is down but these people are talking in terms of superconducting magnets:
            Our Engine | Ad Astra Rocket

            Maybe the magnetic field needs to be huge.


            • #21
              This search may help. It represents "VASIMR" in the title and "Magnetic" in the text of the abstract:

    |Abstract&Ntt=vasimr|magne tic&Ntx=mode%20matchall|mode%20matchall

              Thwe advanced search is very good:
              NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) - Advanced Search


              • #22
                Upgraded circuit to 11AMP DC

                I changed out the AC start capacitor to a larger size (233-280 UF). Based on the capacitor reactance formula, the current should be around 11 Amps.

                Since the AC start capacitor had a range of 233-280, I used an average of 256 for my current calculation:

                Capacitor Reactance = 1 / ( 2 * Pi * Frequency * Uf / 1000000)

                So a 256 Uf cap on a 60Hz circuit would be:
                1 / (2 * 3.14 * 60 * 256 / 1000000) = 10.367

                120Vac / 10.367 = 11.575 Amps.

                So the 233-280 UF circuit limits the current to the coil and Plasma Arc to around 11 Amps.

                Here is a picture of the upgraded circuit working.

                Plasma-10Amp-DC1_zpsfa2d1ccc.jpg Photo by plasmahunt3r | Photobucket

                It is still not powerful enough to vaporize aluminum, but I am noticing pitting on the aluminum electrode ends. So some aluminum is vaporizing over time, but not at a rate fast enough to support combustion. Those aluminum pits are the occasional sparks I see fly off the electrodes while the circuit is running.

                I also sprayed water into the plasma arc and the water spray looks like sparks emerging from the plasma arc. Still needs more current to combust water.


                • #23
                  Upgraded circuit to 13 Amp DC

                  I changed out the AC start capacitor to a larger size (270-324). Based on the capacitor reactance formula, the current should be around 13 Amps.

                  Since the AC start capacitor had a range of 270-324, I used an average of 297 for my current calculation:

                  Capacitor Reactance = 1 / ( 2 * Pi * Frequency * Uf / 1000000)

                  So a 297 Uf cap on a 60Hz circuit would be:
                  1 / (2 * 3.14 * 60 * 297 / 1000000) = 8.935784

                  120Vac / 8.935784 = 13.43 Amps.

                  So the 270-324 UF circuit limits the current to the coil and Plasma Arc to around 13 Amps.

                  Although, this is a powerful arc, it is still not powerful enough. Since I am plugging into a 15 amp household outlet, I have reached the limit of this circuit. I could probably squeeze out another amp, but it won't make a difference. I can see that I am probably going to need more than 30 Amps to do the job. The 14ga wire to my AC outlet plug is starting to get warm.


                  I have started working on a new circuit design, that utilizes two blocking capacitors, and then can use a separate DC power supply to provide the amps. It shows promise, but still needs tweeking.

                  I tried one attempt, using a 1500 watt 120/240 step/up transformer to charge two 1800uf capacitors in parallel to 324 volts. The DC circuit is a totally different circuit from the HV side and ties together with the HV at the Plasma Arc. The blocking capacitors isolate the voltages until the HV arc starts. It partially worked.

                  When I turned it on, the capacitor discharge had a loud pop and a large white pulse. The cap discharge sounded like a gun shot and I was expecting my neighbors to call the cops.

                  I was intending for the step transformer to continue providing power for the Plasma Arc, but the fuse blew. This design has promise to provide the Amps, but needs tweeks. The Plasma Arc is essentially a short of the DC circuit.

                  Since it uses a different DC source, it gives me options for providing the Amps:
                  A. Could use an isolation or step/up transformer
                  B. Could use two car batteries is series.
                  C. Lithium batteries provide 20 times their current rating for a short period of time. This means a 4 Amp drill battery could provide 80 Amps for a short period.
                  D. I have a microwave transformer. I could cut out the secondary and replace it with as much 10ga wire I can fit into it. From the heater element coil on the transformer, 1 turn should get about 1 volt. If I can fit 20-30 turns of a heavier guage wire onto the secondary, I can get some volts and some serious amps.
                  Last edited by plasmahunt3r; 10-29-2013, 02:11 PM.


                  • #24
                    have you thought about electro-static containment? From the Fusor groups online, and from Eric Dollards math, I gather that electrostatic containment might work better. It might require a complete redesign, but it's just a thought. I too am working on space flight technologies and right now am trying to figure out ways to combat reentry heating on a capsule that uses Hiddink style pulsed capacitors.

                    I don't know if you're doing this for fun or if like me you have a goal of private, personal spaceflight but I am finding that the technical problems are solvable, where as the bureaucratic problems are proving impossible. I've been contemplating a move to a NON OST signatory state, simply because I cannot design around a world full of politicians and lawyers.

                    The legal side of space flight is a muddy mess...


                    • #25
                      Plasma Dual Coil

                      I finally got a Plasma Arc hot enough to burn 1/4 inch aluminum electrodes.

                      Set up two isolated circuits and tied together at two electrodes for the Plasma Arc. The Plasma Arc burned aluminum (on the positive electrode).

                      The left circuit is a dual ignition coil setup with two blocking capacitors.

                      The Plasma electrodes are the Arc is in the middle.

                      The right circuit is a step-up transformer to produce 318V DC (no load) and charges two 450V 1800 Uf capacitors. Both circuits tie together at the plasma electrodes.

                      Here is a picture of both circuits producing the Plasma:


                      Here is a pic of the melted electrode. The positive aluminum electrode formed a mushroom shape on it's end and radiating some aluminum wiskers. I am amazed that electrons have enough force to flatten out the aluminum positive electrode end. This result shows that electrons are moving (forcefully) from negative to positive.


                      So what temp did I reach? I found a .mil document that reads: Ermakov, et al16 embedded a thermocouple into an aluminum
                      particle, and measured ignition temperatures of ~2000-2100 K, concluding that ignition occurs due to the
                      failure of the oxide shell integrity, but not necessarily due to melting

                      2000-2100K = 3140-3320F. Not bad

                      *** WARNING ***
                      This circuit contains lethal amounts of current, temperatures at the Plasma Arc that exceed 3000F, and UV light from ARC is intense & dangerous
                      *** End Warning***

                      Here is the circuit for the isolated Plasma Arc. The left side is the High Voltage Side and can run standalone if a high voltage source is needed. The right side is the High Current DC side and can serve as a power supply for other circuits. Both circuits come together at the Plasma Arc Electrodes. The High Current DC side is an open circuit until the High Voltage initiates the Plasma Arc. The Plasma ARC closes the DC circuit and allows the Capacitors to discharge into the ARC, maintained by the Step Up Transformer. The step-up stansformer is an "Autotransformer" and has no polarity; so both sides are connected to AC Hot wire. Also, while I limit the current from the transformer, the instantaneous discharge from the two parallel 1800Uf capacitors exceed the planned current for an initial burst of power. This power burst sounds like a gunshot when the Plasma Arc starts. I am not sure how to calculate this added current.


                      I think the initial joule calculation for each electrolytic cap at start of Plasma Arc is:

                      If I charge 1800UF cap to 318 volts (318 * 318 * 1800 / 2,000,000) = 91.01 Joules per Capacitor """Over 50 Joules is FATAL""" . I don't know the time period of discharge.

                      On the DC side, the current limiting capacitor from the transformer must "NOT BE ON THE NEUTRAL SIDE". Cut off non polarized European plug and replaced with 3 prong USA AC polarized plug to ensure correct operation.
                      Last edited by plasmahunt3r; 11-29-2013, 12:14 AM.


                      • #26
                        Need Help: Magnetic Induction Heater Circuit

                        In order to use RF to produce plasma, I decided to use a crystal controlled oscillator to get frequency control of my RF Induction coil.

                        I plan to use 13.56 Mhz for the plasma oscillator, but the RF Power MOSFET's I need are $90 each. So I decided to test the circuitry at 32.768 Khz, where I can use lower cost MOSFET's and IGBT's to work out the bugs.

                        The basic steps are:
                        A. Crystal controlled CD4069 IC to produce 32.768 Khz
                        B. This frequency is passed to a MOSFET Driver IC MIC4420ZT (5 pin TO-220)
                        C. The output pin of MIC4420ZT is used to run a Toroid Gate Drive Transformer.
                        D. I built the Gate Drive Transformer on a .75 inch Toroid, 7T primary, 13T secondary. This transformer passes 12.5 VAC to the gate of the IGBT. The Gate Drive Transformer is used to provide isolation between the low voltage frequency driver from the high voltage power amp.
                        E. The IGBT forms a Class E power Amplifier. Every time it turns on, it charges the Choke Coil. When the IGBT turns off, the Choke Coil discharges into the Induction Coil and the series resonant tank capacitor.

                        Even though, I confirmed that I am running the IGBT at 32.768 KHZ, the induction coil is running at 57 Khz (without a load). When I insert a rod to be heated in the coil, the frequency drops to around 26 KHZ.

                        From this I conclude that the Induction Coil Frequency is based on the Inductor, the Series Resonant Tank Capacitor, and the load (item to be heated). The shunt capacitor has little effect on the frequency (it does alter the frequency a little).

                        Here is the circuit I am using for Magnetic Induction Heating:

                        I need precise frequency control. I can see that using a tank circuit is NOT the best way to maintain precise control of the frequency. I get precise control up to the IGBT, but the resultant frequency of the Induction Coil is hard to control.


                        I might try a half bridge (or possibly a "H" bridge) circuit. I could use some help. Anyone out there a Ham Radio expert? Someone with some RF experience would be useful.
                        Last edited by plasmahunt3r; 01-08-2014, 06:49 AM.


                        • #27
                          Tune to the load.

                          Hi Plasmahunt3r,

                          I worked on induction heaters for a while. Whenever you change the load you have to adjust the circuit back to resonance again to match the driving signal. Our machines had meters on them to show us when we had the best transfer of power to the load. You would adjust the circuit to resonance by changing the value of the 2.2 uf cap. In the real world we had a series of caps that could be selected in combination until we got resonance. You would do this by putting a .1 uf and a .2 uf and a .5 uf and a 1 uf and maybe also another 1 uf and a 2 uf. Wire all of them so that one end of each is connected to ground and the other end is connected to a single pole switch. The other side of each of the switches would then go to the induction coil. By selecting different combinations of values of the caps you should be able to get the circuit into resonance with your load in the induction coil.

                          It is not a problem to get the driving signal to stay on frequency but if the circuit output is not tuned to resonance then you will not get a good transfer of power. Ham radio guys (I am one) have to retune their antenna matching circuit any time they make a large change in the transmitting frequency. We have to do this in order to get the most power to go into the antenna and not be reflected back into the transmitter. I hope this info is some help to you.

                          Respectfully, Carroll
                          Just because someone disagrees with you does NOT make them your enemy. We can disagree without attacking someone.


                          • #28
                            Other RF Plasma Options

                            Thankyou citfta. Your suggestion on multiple tuning caps is an option if I stay with inductively coupled RF plasma.

                            I want to look at other options.

                            First of all, the gate drive transformer maintains the 32.768 KHZ frequency. I am looking in to why gate transformer maintains the frequency and the Induction Coil doesn't maintain the frequency. The difference, is how the circuits are wired.

                            The gate drive IC I am using (MIC4420ZT), is a MOSFET Half Bridge. On the positive pulse, the capacitor charges through the primary coil, and on the negative pulse, the capacitor discharges through the primary coil, simulating AC through the coil. I don't see why I cannot use a similar approach to the induction coil, by creating a half bridge and use the capacitor as an energy storage/blocking capacitor (not as a tank capacitor).

                            Also, I need to consider another option. Instead of Inductively Coupled Plasma (by using an Induction Coil), maybe I should consider Capacitively Coupled Plasma.

                            The switch to Capacitively Coupled Plasma, would involve eliminating the Induction coil and leaving the capacitor. The choke coil will still charge like normal when the IGBT is on, but then pass AC through the capacitor when the IGBT is off. It is hard to find circuit example where people have done Capacitive lyCoupled Plasma. I can only find Youtube examples of it working.

                            I think I could use a pipe as a hollow electrode if I remove the induction coil from the Class E power Amp and connect a pipe to my circuit (at 13.56 MHZ frequency). In this case, the pipe would be an antenna with the gas to be energized, passing through the center. I don't know how much current I would need to supply for this to work. Goal is to heat the plasma gas (>3000F), not just ionize it.

                            Any ideas or suggestions???
                            Last edited by plasmahunt3r; 01-27-2014, 03:05 PM. Reason: Remove possible copywritten image


                            • #29
                              I have some news on chokes.

                              I had a problem with the Class E Power Amp portion of my circuit. An IGBT (or a MOSFET) transistor would fail after a while. I did some research on switch mode power supplies, and found that I should include a second winding on the choke to stop the choke from magnetically saturating, causing the primary current to rise excessively, destroying the transistor.

                              The 'extra' winding of a forward converter's transformer ensures that at the start of a switch conduction, the net magnetization of the transformer core is zero. If there were no extra winding, then after a few cycles the transformer core would magnetically saturate, causing the primary current to rise excessively, so destroying the switch (ie transistor).
                              The diode on the secondary that is connected between the 0V line and the junction of the inductor is often called the 'flywheel diode'.

                              This "Bifilar" dual winding choke, is wound exactly like the toroid's found in "Joule Thief" circuits. Twist the end of one coil with the beginning of the other coil. The connection of the two coils go to the positive source. You can verify the coils with an induction meter. Each Coil read 2.3mH independently. When the two output wires are connected together (trying to read both coils simultaneously), the net inductor reading is "ZERO".

                              Here is an updated circuit showing new choke coil. Also, I added a diode (parallel to gate transistor) to shorten "Turn-Off Time" of transistor:


                              Here is another explanation of the auxiliary coil choke:

                              The core of the transformer has been magnetized by the magnetization current. The remnants of the core magnetism would cause the core to saturate within a few switching cycles. So it has to be demagnetized after each switching period. Various techniques have been used for this purpose. During the shutdown phase the magnetizing current is fed back via Flywheel Diode through the auxiliary winding. The number of turns used for the auxiliary winding is usually the same as that used for the primary winding. This means that the same time is required for demagnetization as for magnetization. The circuit can therefore be driven at a maximum duty cycle of 50%


                              • #30
                                Testing Results of Class E Power Amp

                                I have been trying different component values and placement for the Class E Power Amp stage. Basically "Trial and Error". I hate the error part, because each error cost me a $4.00 Transistor. Adds up after a while.

                                First of all, the Shunt Capacitor's purpose is to limit the voltage rise from the choke, while the transistor is in the "OFF" state. The .039 Uf Shunt Cap works fine. I tried a .005uf Shunt, and it blew the transistor. Another $4. If the Shunt Capacitor is too large (1uF), the induction coil doesn't heat. I read somewhere, that you can run without a Shunt Capacitor, but the voltage rise may be 8 times the input voltage. The transistor would have to be able to handle that greatly increased voltage rise from the choke inductor.

                                The placement of the "Tuning Capacitor" matters.

                                Originally,I had it following the inductor and the frequency readings were 57Khz with "No Load", and reduced to 29Khz when the steel rod is placed in the center.

                                I thought in series resonance, the sequence doesn't matter. This is incorrect.

                                Place the "Tuning Capacitor" before the induction coil. Now the frequency is stable at around 26 Khz and only reduces .3 Khz with the steel rod load. Heating seems to be about the same. By careful sizing of tuning capacitor, I can match the crystal driver frequency.

                                Also, the input current matters. This circuit is based on 4 amp circuit by using an AC capacitor to limit current (Capacitor Reactance from earlier posts). If you increase the current available to 8 amps, then a larger value transistor is required, and all component values will have to be retuned.

                                Here is an updated circuit of the Class E Magnetic Induction Heating Circuit:

                                Last edited by plasmahunt3r; 01-20-2014, 01:27 AM.

