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Stanley Meyer Day August 24th

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  • Stanley Meyer Day August 24th

    Regardless of what website you follow or contribute to, I can think we all can agree that
    Stanley Meyer Day August 24th can be a special day.

    1. It can be a day of remembrance for those who were privileged to know him.

    2. It can be a day to post and discuss special releases of articles, pictures and stories that have not
    been seen before.

    3. It can be a day to chat with others around the world that share his dream.

    4. It can be a day of hope for a better future, a cleaner and greener environment.

    5. It can be a day of re-dedication and determination to see the principles of his inventions
    understood and applied for the betterment of the human condition.

    So basically it can be a lot of things for a lot of people. Mark you calendar and ask your
    respective webmasters to support the new August Holiday August 24th Stanley Meyer Day!

  • #2
    This new August 24 th holiday celebrates the the
    life and work of an American genius Stanley A Meyer
    So if you have something interesting, old photos of your work
    documents about Stanley Meyer or whatever this may be
    the day to log on and share. There are now at least 6 hho
    sites with people promising articles or images of their work.
    Contribute what you can and hopefully the resulting influx of
    ideas will ultimately result in fewer oil wars

