Steven Chu was awarded the 1997 Nobel Prize in physics jointly with compatriot William D Phillips and Claude Cohen-Tannoudji of France for "developing methods to cool and trap atoms with laser light". Chu is now better known as US President Barack Obama's former energy secretary, a post he resigned from in April to return to Stanford University. An advocate of sustainable development and renewable energy, Chu speaks to Narayani Ganesh on the sidelines of the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings with young researchers, 22 of who are from India. Excerpts:
What kind of solar energy business model would you suggest for India?
Solar energy being too expensive is not something one has to worry about. On a global scale, the Chinese made solar panels are cheaper but the difference is due to import duties pricing, shipping charges, taxes, licensing fee and so on. In a context where international prices are coming down and the technology is getting better and more reliable, you have to be concerned about installation cost and licensing fee. In the US, it also depends on where you are located. For example, the southern parts get more sunshine and in 10 years, you could get solar power generated at 8 cents an hour and that is not expensive.
Won't the utility companies — what we call electricity boards — be up in arms over consumers generating their own...... ?
For Further details and questions answering with Steven, please visit:
Solar Volts: My dream is to make renewable energy affordable for all: Steven Chu