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How Electricity Is Produced

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  • #16
    Electrons move:

    Originally posted by thx1138 View Post
    "...prodding electrons down the wire." may also be misleading. I think the electrons don't change position but change their spin and/or their orbit gets distorted in response to a magnetic field. For the electrons to move they would have to either leave their orbit which would lead to transmutation of the conductor or their associated nucleus would also have to move which I think does not occur.

    The spins of the electrons at one position in the wire respond to the magnetic field and at the same time in another position on the wire the spins are unaffected and the result is voltage - a difference in potential between two points. The "voltage" is the potential of electrons to return to their previous state of spin. Current being the movement not of the electrons but of the spin positions or orbit distortion moving from one portion of the wire to the another by transmitting the changed spin position from one atom to the next. The medium of spin transmission being being the aether. Visualize two floating disks in a tub of water. Imparting rotation to one disk will eventually cause the other to move as well, the disks being the electrons and the water being the aether.

    Just thinking out loud here. But I think we need to accurately visualize what's going on to make progress.
    Every lightning bolt or spark is movement of electrons, conductivity is a measure of how easily the atoms of a material can swap electrons Batteries are charged creating ionized states to store power.

    power Ion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    I will admit "prodding" was inaccurate I would have been closer to the truth to say "twisting it like a nut along a bolt" as electricity and magnetism have an angular relationship with each other near if not at 90 degrees.


    • #17
      "...prodding electrons down the wire." may also be misleading. I think the electrons don't change position but change their spin and/or their orbit gets distorted in response to a magnetic field. For the electrons to move they would have to either leave their orbit which would lead to transmutation of the conductor or their associated nucleus would also have to move which I think does not occur.
      A little perspective may help, it is generally understood that an electric current does not involve valence electrons tied to the atoms but free electrons simply moving about between the atoms.
      Now these free electrons are moving at near the speed of light 299,792,458 m/s. To put this in perspective, if I throw a golf ball at you at 1 m/s it hurts, if I throw it at 1000 m/s your dead and if I throw it at near the speed of light you vaporize, the surface of the Earth goes molten then explodes... big difference.

      We are speaking of a free particle moving so freaking fast at such a small scale that we can never determine both it's velocity and position in the same instance. Thus we refer to it as a "cloud" because it seems to be in every position simultaneously. As such even an infinitely small variation in velocity or position represents a massive amount of Energy.

      Now can anyone recall seeing a picture of an electron?, sure I saw a picture in a magazine. Well that wasn't a free electron because obviously we cannot take a picture of something moving near the speed of light at that scale. As well we have already stated it is moving so fast we can never know it's velocity and position in the same instance, at best it is best guess.

      As well the concept of electron drift accounting for the transfer of energy is misleading because as stated we can never determine both velocity and position so how can it drift anywhere. If I had to take a guess I would say the applied Emf produces an aggregate intermittent force on all the free electrons simultaneously within a given space and we see an aggregate intermittent translation of this force down the line, down the conductor which we call an electric current. Remember we are speaking of something bouncing around chaotically at near the speed of light and it just so happens to bounce a little less chaotically in one direction.

      Last edited by Allcanadian; 10-05-2013, 05:02 PM.

