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"inertial dampener" to displace inductive resistance

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  • "inertial dampener" to displace inductive resistance

    In Sci-fi inertial dampeners take accelerative kinetic force that would otherwise harm the passengers by diverting some of that stress to the ship itself. It has occurred to me that it would be possible to displace the inductive resistance of passing a magnet near a coil. Magnets have range based in good part to their size. In short using the sum zero rule to use a smaller stationary magnet to filter the output of a passing larger magnet and placing enough of the smaller magnets around the path of your rotating magnet you can balance your rotor to only have to counter ye olde cogging forces of the smaller magnets. When the rotor magnet passes a filter magnet not only does stress get diverted to the stator the filter acts as a lens to aim flux at the next stage in the magnetic circuit.

    The picture included represents an example of how one might capitalize on the concept. The center shaft is capped with magnets to make it one long magnet while the magnet cap aims the flux at the filters so by spinning only the cap and not the whole shaft you can potentially operate a large generator with minimal force.
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  • #2
    Ok I just realize I worded that poorly

    I shouldn't post right before bed. What I meant to convey was...
    As I understand it when a rotor magnet passes a stator coil the emf causes a mirror bemf that reacts opposition to the emf point of origin ie the rotor.
    My theory here is that if you put in a screen of smaller magnets with small fields, that don't reach the coils between the rotor and stator. When a rotor sweeps by a coil the field passes through the smaller magnets acting as a one way door and an extension of the rotor field. But, the screen in effect becomes the new point of origin with regards to the field extended by the rotor and as I said, the bemf reacts to the point of origin. If said screen where attached to a separate axle then it would rotate in the opposite direction as the rotor in response to the bemf while the rotor itself would largely be unimpeded. In fact if that is true then the screen rotor can power the center rotor through gearing and generate electrical output.

    any comments?
    Am I full of it?
    Am I way to late for that to be interesting?
    Is there anything to it?
    did someone already cover that?
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