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Alternative energy treatment of cancer.

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  • Alternative energy treatment of cancer.

    Apologies if some subscribers deem this topic inappropriate for an Energy Forum, but it is about a man who has devoted his life to so many of *our* Truths - Lloyd Pye - his shocking aggressive cancer diagnosis, plus recent RF hyperthermia treatment in Germany.

    Let this page open and load.
    His cancer blogs starts near the bottom - from June upwards - and bring us up to date.

    Cancer illness and its treatment is so very important to all of us, and as Lloyd has already written about so many things 'Everything You Know is Wrong', his cancer journey provides new information we all Need to Know.

    Cheers .................. Graham.

  • #2
    Thanks for the word on Lloyd Pye, Graham. I'll be remembering him in my thoughts and prayers. One need not look too far outside the standard medical model conditioning "box" to realize there are many protocols and technologies developed to help the body defeat cancer over the years. The truth will prevail.


    • #3
      Hello All, check out they have a very reasonable explanation, of what can cause Cancer, in a lot of instances.

      Regards Cornboy.


      • #4
        Proven to work and subsequently suppressed.

        The Science and Politics of Cancer, G. Edward Griffin (2005) - YouTube

        Cancer is murder plain and simple.


        • #5
          Of course the original successful energetic treatment of cancer in the US by Royal Raymond Rife was suppressed too,

          and then likewise the similar work of a French proponent Antoine Priore,

          neither of whom used Chemotherapy at all, but a single radionically induced cancer cell death method, like a directable longitudinal emission which did not harm human cells and maybe even envigorated them.

          ie. not the RF field hyperthermia success being reported by Lloyd Pye in Germany.

          The nearest piece of Rife-Priore like equipment available to us everyday mortals today is the "toy" plasma ball, and yes it !!! CAN !!! help, but I am not writing more here.

          Cheers ........... Graham.


          • #6
            Patrick has an interesting mention in his e-book:


            Well worth checking out.


            • #7
              If one listens to the gods-in-white-coats you will be told their methods are the only ones that work and of course you must never look too closely at their actual cure rates. But have no fear because these medical researchers are working their little fingers to the bone trying to find a cure so just ignore the fact that after many decades of research they still have not come up with anything of real value. The reality here is that all our current cancer treatment and research has nothing to do with trying to find a cure but rather to keep milking this cash cow for all it is worth.

              However anyone that dares to step outside conventional medical box soon discovers that there are numerous ways to treat cancer, Hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, hemp oil, just to name a few. All of these have been shown to be effective at curing, not just controlling, cancer. Naturally the medical community comes down like a ton of bricks on anyone that would dare publicly promote such unproven and “dangerous” treatments. Now the fact that these treatments would literally only cost pennies per treatment rather then compared to the thousands of dollars for chemo that wouldn’t be affecting their decision, would it? They couldn’t be that cold-hearted, could they?


              • #8
                Originally posted by Mad Scientist View Post
                If one listens to the gods-in-white-coats you will be told their methods are the only ones that work and of course you must never look too closely at their actual cure rates. But have no fear because these medical researchers are working their little fingers to the bone trying to find a cure so just ignore the fact that after many decades of research they still have not come up with anything of real value. The reality here is that all our current cancer treatment and research has nothing to do with trying to find a cure but rather to keep milking this cash cow for all it is worth.

                However anyone that dares to step outside conventional medical box soon discovers that there are numerous ways to treat cancer, Hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, hemp oil, just to name a few. All of these have been shown to be effective at curing, not just controlling, cancer. Naturally the medical community comes down like a ton of bricks on anyone that would dare publicly promote such unproven and “dangerous” treatments. Now the fact that these treatments would literally only cost pennies per treatment rather then compared to the thousands of dollars for chemo that wouldn’t be affecting their decision, would it? They couldn’t be that cold-hearted, could they?
                YES! They could! There are also so many brainwashed by the medical educational system (which is largely controlled by big Pharma) that they simply don't know better. I've seen the whole system up close and personal over many decades (working around and in hospitals, doctor's offices, pharmacies) although never as a health care professional (rather in management, computer field tech etc.) for anyone who thinks this is just conspiracy talk or nonsense -- think again. It's not just a bunch of Internet ranting. It's real and pure evil being done for the almighty dollar.

                Another perfect example is MMS and what is being done now to suppress it once big Pharma saw it's potential to unravel their insane profit plans.

                Google 'Jim Humble and MMS'.
                There is no important work, there are only a series of moments to demonstrate your mastery and impeccability. Quote from Almine


                • #9
                  Originally posted by GSM View Post
                  Of course the original successful energetic treatment of cancer in the US by Royal Raymond Rife was suppressed too,

                  and then likewise the similar work of a French proponent Antoine Priore,

                  neither of whom used Chemotherapy at all, but a single radionically induced cancer cell death method, like a directable longitudinal emission which did not harm human cells and maybe even envigorated them.

                  ie. not the RF field hyperthermia success being reported by Lloyd Pye in Germany.

                  The nearest piece of Rife-Priore like equipment available to us everyday mortals today is the "toy" plasma ball, and yes it !!! CAN !!! help, but I am not writing more here.

                  Cheers ........... Graham.

                  Some interesting products made by this company who are gaining an excellent reputation:

                  What is PEMFT Therapy? - Magnacare UK Ltd.



                  • #10
                    Check out on Aviso Water therapy and testimonials

                    Blackchisel is only in this field

                    MMS and DMSO

                    Ozonated and structured water

                    A combo of all these will surely give lease to a life free cancer

                    Healing ways natural and traditional faith healing.....

                    Frequency also plays a role same as magnetic and water therpies

                    Go back to nature



                    • #11
                      ... It might make you mad ... But

                      Oh such a subject GSM .. so much suffering and seemingly all pretty much unnecessary and quickly reversible even now .
                      This thread is of course in exactly the right place medical treatment like energy, food, water and the air that we breath is essential to life. There fore tptb (the powers that be) aim to control it , by doing so they control us. It is not a finance thing … these people control finance, If they want more of your money and effort they just roll the printing press.

                      George Carlin on "the American Dream" - YouTube

                      So Where to start with Cancer ? The Giant for me here is Royal Raymond Rife head and shoulder's above other contenders. It is recorded that he entered the Ellen Scripps Terminal Hospice filled with patents in the last stages of life. With the sanction of the highest medical authorities in the land and under the directorship of two medical universitys .. each and every patient was returned to Robust health in one month !!!. The Technology and indeed Rife himself was effectively destroyed by the AMA in the guise of Morris Fishbein. The very sad tale of Royal is told in his life story which although quite a long film I recommend .. If there is one film I could wish every school child to see .. It would be this one
                      you'll find the link to “ The Royal Rife story” about half way down this page

            ,The Royal Rife Story, Royal Rife-In His Own Words

                      You May wonder what Happened to “Morris Fishbein” as a person who on reflection .. has whilst representing the Rockefeller foundation and the AMA probably caused more misery, pain , suffering and death than all the mass murders and torturers in history.
                      Why of course .. They put up a statute and named a university hall after him … the faculty of .. wait for it ….. medical History , gotta love the “land of the free” very Ironic
                      I wonder if it has the Joseph Goebbels cafeteria for hungry students ?

                      home of the fishbein centre

                      You may wonder what happened to this “de – facto” mass murderer .. well This next video although perhaps a little further “down the food chain” also seems to demonstrate a very effective cancer cure that was suppressed by Fishbein .. This time Fishbien is exposed, as Harry Hoxey vigorously defends his corner, Morris is forced to admit as a medical student he failed anatomy and had never practised a days medicine in his life. As for an effective cancer cure .. judge for yourself. IMHO .. were it my own case .... I think I'd at least like the option.

                      WHEN HEALING BECOMES A CRIME by Kenny Ausubel - YouTube

                      There are of course quite well known alternative cancer alternatives and teachers . One such is Bill Henderson . What would be his take on the AMA . BMA and what place do the “Societies” that we suckers run marathon miles in silly costumes in the hope of helping .. here's a short audio which takes a little time to start .. which really “tells it like it is” uninformed boobs helping the ... well listen to it yourself ..


                      So just for a personal view IMHO .. The best of these so far shown technologies is/was Rife. Unfortunately with the destruction of Rife a very determined destruction of the equipment took place . The superb microscopes he built seemed an insurmountable impediment. One of the remaining units John Bedini made a long and expensive attempt to recover .. That frustrating episode of Johns life is told here, with video's and radio interviews. Its a great pity he could not prevail.

                      My Work on Rife

                      I.M.H.O This story isn't played out quite yet … although we do not have the superb microscopes of Rife, You will recall the technology originally came from Germany. That Technology didn't stand still. Another Medical researcher Frenchman Gaston Naessens required such a Microscope.
                      He called it the “somatoscope” here shown in this short video.

                      Gaston Naessens - The Somatoscope - YouTube

                      Gaston was put on Trial basically persecuted and hounded out of France . He found some sort of relief in Canada.
                      He also of course managed to discover his own cure for “cancer” speaking for myself .. I can see this scope is the equal of any Rife produced. Given the will , the money and the acumen to hold tptb
                      at bay … a marriage of this somatoscope and the electrical heterodyne principles of Rife and the frequencies he has left as a legacy … well you see the possibilities I'm sure, But until trickery .. greed.. murder .. intimidation and money manipulation are removed and power returned to,.. and used for benifit of humanity... soon I hope! human pain and suffering will probably remain a controlled closed shop industry ... I should never really make light of cancer under any circumstances however I hope there are some leads and information here that can help anyone in need
                      Last edited by Duncan; 09-30-2013, 12:14 PM.
                      Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                      • #12
                        Not sure if this is a good place to ask or not, but here goes:

                        My question is (since the "Rife" treatment was mentioned above) about the measurable "good" (ie cure) that can be had from using a computer/pc to generate the desired frequencies for treatment. I completely realize that a real/Rife generator would be "best" but since I can't afford to buy (or build) one is it worth the effort to use a computer to generate the frequency output (via sound-board)? Or would I be wasting my time and effort??

                        I am a Type-1 insuline dependent diabetic and I have found that Rife believed his instrument was capable of curing this chronic ailment.

                        However, I haven't been able to understand if a computer-generated frequency is any good? And also, HOW to go from my computer audio-output to my body?? I don't like the idea of baring the wires from an audio-output-cable and clipping it to my skin (or ears) with alligator-clips



                        • #13
                          Originally posted by truesearch View Post
                          I don't like the idea of baring the wires from an audio-output-cable and clipping it to my skin (or ears) with alligator-clips
                          LOL - I think your family would call the doctor if you did !

                          Please be aware that RR Rife's genuine equipment reflected a longitudinal emission via a 45 degree electrode in a manner more akin to something Tesla would have done.
                          Also, this is quite different to the supposed power audio amplifier Rife frequency driven field coil arrangements folks are being persuaded to sit between today.
                          These equipments are not the same, and thus cannot perform the same function. Even the tumour 'melting' RF heating mentioned in the first post, though clearly successful, is a completely different technology as well.

                          (Do you not think everyone would be making their own audio driven coils if these really were capable of destroying cancer cells in the same way that RR Rife's phanotran tube equipment did?)
                          Chapter 1 What is a Rife ray tube and how does it work.

                          Cheers ................ Graham.
                          Last edited by GSM; 09-30-2013, 05:18 PM.


                          • #14
                            I understand the point you make with the longitudinal waves.

                            But that original Rife construction from your link doesn't look like a DIY project that I'm capable of completing

                            Thanks for sharing your knowledge.



                            • #15
                              Check energy science forum Blackchisel

                              Check also using audio transmission into copper or crystal / metals

