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Alternative energy treatment of cancer.

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Parav View Post
    Hi Duncan,

    For some odd reason --the website address didn't register on my previous post.

    Here it is again -------

    Ok here gain it goes again

    Laetrile / Vitamin B17 Treatment For Cancer - Alternative Cancer Treatments

    Sorry for my typo errors.


    • #32
      cancer prevention

      Based on the findings from his eight-man study in 1941. Dr. Huggins was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1963 for his work proving that cancer-all endocrine cancer-is hormonally controlled." He did prove that cancer is hormonally controlled. What he did not prove is that hormones cause cancer. We may seem to be playing linguistic games here, but we're not. There is a difference between "control" and "cause." To "control" is to hold authority or dominion over the object being controlled, whereas to "cause" is to induce or instigate or bring about. These are two very different actions, especially in cell biology. This confusion is the second reason your doctor will say, "No way."

      Do not misunderstand. Dr. Huggins was awarded the Nobel Prize for proving cancer was hormonally controlled, not caused, which, we certainly agree, is a cosmic truth. However, the outcome of his study in 1941 on testosterone enhancing cancer was not the truth of his body of work. It took us a while to find the truth because it was hidden in his studies on women, not men.

      With all of the molecular, epidemiological, and historical evidence we have uncovered, we wondered who in the world could ever have thought it would be a good idea to remove a woman's ovaries (oophorectomy) to ablate her hormones and put her into surgical menopause to treat breast cancer.

      Although Beatson reported an impressive regression in the tumors, not only was it a transient effect much like chemotherapy, he reports a relatively rapid recurrence within two to three years in all three women. He thought that per*haps the thyroid supplementation he administered - he gave them 300 mg or 15 grains of Armour thyroid - had been the magic bullet that caused regres*sion. We think he might have been on to something with thyroid (IODIDE), too.

      Beatson said, "I do not think that oophorectomy and thyroid will effect a secondary deposit [of cancer], sooner or later its harmful effect will be felt and eventu*ally to such an extent as to completely overshadow any beneficial effects on the local disease in young women." In other words, surgery was no cure.''

      So why is this surgery and its follower, mastectomy, still the standard of care? Dr. Huggins is why. In 1952, sixty-two years after Beatson's experiment, Dr. Huggins published a paper on his newest area of interest-adrenalectomy, which is, simply put, removal of the adrenal glands of living people.90

      If you recall from previous chapters the importance of adrenal informa*tional feedback to the brain, ovaries, heart, lungs, and kidneys concerning the homeostatic state of your environment externally and internally, then you'll agree that adrenalectomy can't ever be a good idea.

      Although Beatson himself had concluded that the Armour thyroid (IODIDE)supplementation might have been the cause of regression, Huggins concluded that the cessation of estrogen following the removal of the ovaries was the reason for improvement.

      They used real estrogen, estradiol. In conclusion, the committee stated uncategorically that "There can be no reasonable doubt concerning the advantage of estrogens in the initiation of regression [of cancer] in post* menopausal woman." It also stated that "The younger the patient is at the time of recognition and treatment of her primary disease the longer the evi*dence of metastasis is likely to be postponed."

      While the American Meilical Association was studying replacement of a sort (not cyclic, not rhythmic), Dr. Huggins was still removing organs* ovaries, prostates, pituitaries, and adrenals. Although Dr. Huggins's patients more than occasionally died from the surgery, he still reported that when they didn't die, they often improved, briefly."

      "Improve" is an interesting word. In Dr. Huggins's 1952 adrenalectomy study, in seven cases of advanced breast cancer, two women died from the surgery, three had no improvement (got worse), and two "improved." This does not mean they "recovered." One of these women experienced "relief of symptoms," and the big "improvement" in the other one was a weight gain of a few kilograms.

      Of course, the question remains: Can removing the glands whose "inter*mittent failure gave you cancer in the first place cause any sort of improve*ment? No, but surgery and drugs make more money in medicine than natural hormone replacement.

      But no one then (or now) seemed aware of the implications of previous AMA research that took a pro-replacement stance. They just knew the Nobel Prize winner was still removing glands. That's why they kept doing it, too.

      Most startling, estrogen with progesterone resulted in "a decreased inci*dence of mammary cancer and 52 percent of the rats treated this way were completely cancer-free even six months later, whereas all of the untreated rats had already succumbed." In the ones that did develop cancer, the num ber "of active centers was small." We have calculated the appropriate dose for human women based on the same dose in women by mg per kg of body weight. The equivalent dose of estrogen in a 150-pound woman is 3 mg, ascending in graduating doses to 7 to 10 mg twice a day, and the progesterone dosage is huge. The progesterone levels were equivalent to 600 to 1,000 mg in a 150-pound woman--or pregnancy levels."'

      More importantly, Huggins knew. He even published it in the rat study, and then he attempted rhythmic replacement later the same year in women. His paper; published in the Journal of the American Medical Asso* ciation in 1962, is entitled "Estradiol Benzoate and Progesterone in Advanced Human Breast-Cancer.""' His findings were the same in humans as they were in rats: The replacement of estrogen and progesterone, cycli*cally, in a rhythm in the high doses that would normally occur in youth, pre* vented and treated cancer better than anything else ever tried. Imagine our surprise, we thought no one had ever known before.

      When he accepted the Nobel Prize in 1966, he had the perfect forum) to correct the mistakes of all the researchers and doctors who were removing glands and inducing surgical and radiation menopause following his earlier papers. Instead, he just recapped his studies, and chose not to elaborate on the ramifications of his later work. We can't tell you why.

      We're knee-deep in irony again. If a single man was truly responsible for the last sixty years of the agony of hormone ablation for cancer, and now for the "witch hunt" surrounding estrogen that prevents all of us from saving ourselves, it was the very same Dr. Huggins who published the first beautifully simple pieces of science that really laid out the template very clearly and confirmed the premise-the way to deal with cancer is to be too young inside to have it happen to you.

      Dr. Huggins created the standard of care we all must live with today, because he never spoke up. We will find out why.



      • #33
        Originally posted by Parav View Post
        Ok here gain it goes again

        Laetrile / Vitamin B17 Treatment For Cancer - Alternative Cancer Treatments

        Sorry for my typo errors.
        Parav .. Thank you very much I am still digesting parts of this , had I read this a few years ago things could have been very different!
        Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


        • #34
          Nanosecond pulsed electric fields cause melanomas to self- destruct

          Hi all,

          This thread started me on a search. Found this paper. Surprised never made the news. More surprised it was even published considering by National institute of Health.

          Too technical for me. Maybe someone here can make it practical?



          • #35

            Aljhoa you end your post “we will find out” who will? In my frustration I think if the “we” are the people researching here (some of them in a life and death struggle) I would say we have by enlarge all ready “found out” many have “found out” far to late.
            By the tone and linguistics of your post I assume your a part of this medical Industry moulded by a drugs monopoly and their cartels directed as is your medical “education” by the Rockefeller and other filth of their Ilk AMA. BMA and all the “societies”
            You ponder why one of your colleague's continued to “hack and slash” and did not reveal the truth I would suggest some didn't take a Hippocratic oath but rather a Hypocrisy oath. Also threats, murder,intimidation and money seems a universal communication.
            Aljhoa it may seem as if I am directing vitriol at you, That's not the case I'm sure you mean well and you have posted with good intent all about these hack and slash "drug puppets", after all its what you've been taught. Even then It seems you are at least starting to wonder why some of them are practising to deceive.
            As I read the information Parav was kind enough to post what immediately came to mind is this is “free energy all over again” In other words like free energy there are systems running like Ruggero Maria Santill's water fracture .. they are operating in three European airports I know of and municipalities in America .. for the general public ? Of course not.
            The first thing I notice about anything connected with cancer is its very very in fact breath takingly expensive.
            Hardly surprising then that the industry doesn't want to kill the milch cow … or rather it does .. but not whilst there's any possible drips left to be extracted from the udder.
            This then Is why I opened on this thread with Dr Royal Raymond Rife not because he claimed a cure, and not because of anecdotal observation, Neither did I open with Dr Royal Rife because he's at the very top of the medical system himself. Holding honorary doctorates apart from the many earned in his medical studies. No Aljhoa I opened with Dr Royal Raymond Rife because he proved it. Not only did he prove it, he himself demanded that it be demonstrated and recorded under the full rigour of the very highest medical inspection and under the supervision of major medical universities. unlike Buggles or whatever.
            Those results are still available and would hold up to any inspection . Aljhoa we are not talking fudge fluff and babble here “showed improvement” and the sort of spiel you seem to demonstrate very well … nor are we talking of these six or eight unfortunate folks your “machete man” has been at … all be it with detailed yet “fudged” reports.
            No .. Rife went into an “end of life hospice” .. let me expand on that Aljhoa .. that’s basically where you and your ilk have thrown in the towel … failed, can do no more.
            In this worst of all possible conditions Rife picked up the gauntlet . He welcomed all official medical inspection .. In fact insisted on it.
            Most of the patients were advanced cancer sufferers but certainly not all. Some had other terminal ailments. Royal made no distinction but simply altered the treatment frequencies accordingly. No injections , no pills, no invasive surgery , in fact by enlarge it seems patients were unaware treatment was taking place it only took three minuets every third day anyway .
            Indeed as they quickly recovered those with common afflictions were treated en mass in a day room whist reading the newspaper.
            Again Aljhoa I am not referring to half a dozen or so unfortunate folks the likes of this Huggins and his Ilk might talk about … with the fudge of word play... nor do we need to talk of “cosmic reality”
            hormones or drugs.
            No not half a dozen bodies “sixteen” and the “cosmic reality” is they were all very close to death.
            Rife set about the job in hand … he basically retuned each and every one back to health inside one month!!! ONE MONTH .. the language he uses is simple “I got rid of it” I'm sure we know what “It” is without lots of forked tongue twisting syllables . Yeah I got rid of it .. go home get on with your life .. that would certainly do me!
            This then Aljho is the blueprint of the "ideal" l … not long words and fudged meanings .. a proved, simple, painless, 100% effective, quick, economical remedy . Without the hack and slash, In fact exactly what Rife demonstrated under all the spot lights the medical system could throw at him.
            This is then a very good starting point to return to. IMHO John Bedini and Dr Bob Strekker were very nearly there .
            They lacked the money and knowledge specific to those phenomenal Microscopes. however John did manage the fracture of cells by means of frequency heterodyne.
            IMHO had John crossed the boarder into Canada and asked Gaston Naessens and the Somatoscope to join the soup that was John Crane,John Bedini, Bearden and Bob Strekker then Rifes technology would be back amongst us right now. Although perhaps it would have been halted by t.p.t.b yet again .
            It is clear to me now that it is the power and use of the “linear wave” that is being obscured by tptb over and over again quite apart from the finance.
            Oh but for a little money … the laboratory facilities, The good will of a few people in the various fields to contribute their best efforts this is easily achievable.
            Exposing the evil of “the powers that be” and keeping it at bay whilst the brilliance of Rife is exhumed .. that is the main obstacle surly?
            In fact isn't that the case in all these thing's ? a very small number of super rich very powerful people .. people who have “never washed a pot,” by stealth cunning and evil manipulate and control the rest of us?
            However Aljhoa I respectfully suggest that just as a starting point you ignore the disgusting people you quote who you acknowledge are “economical with the truth”... From whatever platform. They would probably lie just as well from a train platform.
            Ignore the long words with double meanings. They might roll off the tongue … (if they don’t fall through the fork). however straight talk (just like Rife uses) is good enough for most folks.
            The truth is writ large here it is ... close on ninety years ago Rife was doing it far better than this Rockefeller, AMA , Drug industry propelled, very expensive, chimps tea party we have at the moment.
            Aljoha I respectfully suggest you actually watch this video and try to take in the full implications
            The sooner we can duplicate this with the optics in place the sooner we can escape the total nonsense and deception you indicate in your post.
            The high frequency control systems with phase locked loops and all the buttons and bells are in place, (far more so than in Rife's era) just the will , the support and keeping the controlling filth out of the equation... IMHO that is all that’s required.
            Last edited by Duncan; 10-04-2013, 09:14 AM.
            Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


            • #36
              Hi Duncan,

              Your posts share an excellent grounding.

              Separately I shall mention the humble toy plasma ball once more, and I can do no more than suggest that everyone buy one.

              If you hold (alternate) your hand on one for a while you might get a headache ?
              After several times you don't ?
              Those who experience this will come to understand why, but I ain't saying !

              There could even be other surprising body related effects which medical 'professionals' could similarly achieve, though only via slash and burn techniques ?
              Again there could be those who will come to understand why, but again I ain't saying !

              I'm taking a break from the forum for a while - need to do some hands-on work without distraction.

              Cheers .............. Graham.


              • #37
                Graham -- I'm expanding on it .. right now .. there is a machine sort of..
                indeed take a look .. one of these relics rebuilt .. basically driven by Tesla coils over a wide band .. driven into tuned antenna (at least thats how I read it so far)


                This then looks to be a foundation for the expeiance your having with the "plasma ball" It would agree with electrostatic observation and the linear wave .. pity we can't improve on the plasma ball
                Last edited by Duncan; 10-04-2013, 11:11 AM.
                Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                • #38
                  Hi Duncan.

                  Yes - came across those before with the nested circular antennas having specialised mathematical derivation.
                  How they managed to fabricate them so neatly is amazing.

                  Got your plasma ball ordered yet ?

                  Cheers ............. Graham.


                  • #39
                    Fido and Tiddles

                    yeah me got my ball (and balls) so far as soon as Bob Beck says in the Dollard video .. lots of dogs and cats cured of cancer with this machine instead of being put down and vets travelling miles with the sick animals to someone who ownes the machine .... well where the hell are humans in this food chain?
                    bugger Fido and tiddles
                    Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
                      cancer prevention

                      Based on the findings from his eight-man study in 1941. Dr. Huggins was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1963 for his work proving that cancer-all endocrine cancer-is hormonally controlled." He did prove that cancer is hormonally controlled. What he did not prove is that hormones cause cancer. We may seem to be playing linguistic games here, but we're not. There is a difference between "control" and "cause." To "control" is to hold authority or dominion over the object being controlled, whereas to "cause" is to induce or instigate or bring about. These are two very different actions, especially in cell biology. This confusion is the second reason your doctor will say, "No way."

                      Most startling, estrogen with progesterone resulted in "a decreased inci*dence of mammary cancer and 52 percent of the rats treated this way were completely cancer-free even six months later, whereas all of the untreated rats had already succumbed." In the ones that did develop cancer, the num ber "of active centers was small." We have calculated the appropriate dose for human women based on the same dose in women by mg per kg of body weight. The equivalent dose of estrogen in a 150-pound woman is 3 mg, ascending in graduating doses to 7 to 10 mg twice a day, and the progesterone dosage is huge. The progesterone levels were equivalent to 600 to 1,000 mg in a 150-pound woman--or pregnancy levels."'

                      More importantly, Huggins knew. He even published it in the rat study, and then he attempted rhythmic replacement later the same year in women. His paper; published in the Journal of the American Medical Asso* ciation in 1962, is entitled "Estradiol Benzoate and Progesterone in Advanced Human Breast-Cancer.""' His findings were the same in humans as they were in rats: The replacement of estrogen and progesterone, cycli*cally, in a rhythm in the high doses that would normally occur in youth, pre* vented and treated cancer better than anything else ever tried. Imagine our surprise, we thought no one had ever known before.

                      Dr. Huggins created the standard of care we all must live with today, because he never spoke up. We will find out why.

                      Taken from:
                      Sex, Lies, and Menopause - T. S. Wiley, Julie Taguchi, M.D., Bent Formby, PhD - Google Books

                      The following is a list of hormones found in Homo sapiens. Spelling is not uniform for many hormones.
                      List of human hormones - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                      What you are about to read may rock, even dismantle, the very foundation of your beliefs about your body, and how it attempts to heal any illness. The title, Cancer Is Not a Disease – It’s a Healing Mechanism, may be unsettling for many, provocative to some, but encouraging for all. This book can help you achieve a profoundly life-changing revelation if you are sufficiently receptive to the possibility that cancer is not an actual (deadly) disease. If truth be told, you may indeed arrive at the conclusion that cancer must be an elaborate and profoundly logical, predictable attempt by the body to heal itself and stay alive for as long as circumstances permit; circumstances that, as you will discover, are most likely in your control and very much on your side.

                      (NaturalNews) Hormone issues have increasingly become more a focus of health discussions over the last couple of decades. It's almost as though hormones didn't even exist for some time until connections made to hormone imbalances were linked or associated with cancer.
                      Balance your hormones naturally with these food remedies



                      • #41
                        Went to the funeral of a colleague's wife yesterday - died at age 65 from cervical cancer. Probably could've been cured, but they trusted the system, and as far as I'm concerned, it failed to keep her alive. The irony was I sat behind 2 doctors and their families at the funeral. Did they know her chemo wouldn't work? Maybe the older one did. Maybe the younger one still believes in the system. Anyway, maybe this'll help someone out:

                        Baking Soda and Topical Iodine to Kill Cancers
                        Gotta check out this video of Dr. Tulio Simoncini - the Italian doctor who has been treating cancer as a fungus successfully with baking soda and water. Hang in there with the video until you see the slides at 3:00. Pretty incredible stuff:
                        1- Sodium bicarbonate, a natural way to treat the cancer - YouTube
                        Cancer and sodium bicarbonate - YouTube

                        Vito Johnston's recipe for curing his stage 4 prostate/bone cancer
                        BAKING SODA Kills CANCER,2of2 Matches NC Dr 30years ago.Cured his CANCER 5 days YT=VitoVerns CH - YouTube

                        Topical Iodine to Kill Skin Cancer
                        Cancer Is A Fungus - Testimonial #2 (Ear cancer cured) - YouTube
                        Cancer Is A Fungus - Testimonial #1 (Basal cell carcinoma cured) - YouTube

                        God bless,


                        • #42
                          Just learned yesterday a friend with cervical cancer died only after a 2days check up in the hospital
                          but never too late with your great info link
                          thanks Bob


                          • #43
                            yeah I second that ... stage four .. two years on and counting bravo Vito!
                            Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                            • #44
                              Glad to share what I've found, as I'm sure you all are too. If one person is helped, it's all worth it.

                              Thinking about the title of this thread: Alternative Energy Treatment of Cancer...

                              I'm convinced there is a simple energetic way to strengthen the body's ability to defeat cancer. For me, it's just a matter of finding the right "build" for an apparatus that can put out or harness the proper energy/energies. The Rife machine is a case in point, as is Lahkovsky's Multiwave Oscillator.
                              Vtech (blackchisel) has a great thread on the MWO over on his site, • Index page

                              I am convinced there are other beneficial energy-related setups as well. Take the Tesla Energy Light for instance - see this interview with this internationally renowned Lyme Disease specialist, Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt on his experience with it. The intro is interesting, but he speaks directly about the lights at 2:30 and following:
                              Dr Dietrich Klinghardt reports Tesla Energy Lights observations - YouTube

                              Check out this interview with the EE who led in the development of the light as a tool for healing through "subtle energy activation":
                              Original Inventor using Tesla's Coil Speaks - YouTube

                              Here is a YT query link to more videos on the Tesla Energy Lights and their effects:
                              tesla energy light - YouTube

                              Could it be that the plasma ball and the Tesla Energy Light function in a similar way?

                              Recall that Tesla often spent hours under his special lamps, and credits them, I believe, with his needing very little sleep, due to their regerative stimulating effects.

                              At 5:00 the inventor of the Tesla Energy Light speaks of the light as "an amplifier of your intentions." Our intentions are actually scalar energies. The lamp is somehow helping to amplify them. I believe a similar process is at work in the Tenscam device for promoting physical healing:
                              What are CAMS units and how do they work | Tenscam

                              Notice the Tenscam employs the following:
                              Schumann resonance
                              Scalar Energy

                              My theory is it has a simple Schumann res circuit resonating through a coil. To produce scalar energy, this coil must be series-wound bifilar or caduceus (probably a caduceus, also known as a Tensor coil, I believe - hence the name Tenscam?). The coil might be wrapped around a quartz crystal for scalar energy amplification purposes. I believe the practitioner is asked to focus their intentionality (scalar energies) for healing through the device onto the patient, using the Tenscam.

                              So I ask -- is there a way we can build similar kinds of units for our own "subtle energy activation."

                              Food for thought....
                              Last edited by Bob Smith; 10-07-2013, 11:46 PM. Reason: Clarification


                              • #45
                                Now here's a thought. What if we took a Schumann res circuit (available cheap on Ebay) and fed it into a small caduceus coil. The neat thing about the caduceus is that it has multiple frequencies of possible resonance and harmonics. Interesting info here:

                                What if we added a secondary to it. If the caduceus is done properly, there shouldn't be any secondary reflection between the secondary and primary (caduceus). What if a resonant coil were added? Hmmm... is this starting to sound like the Tesla Magnifying Transmitter?

                                Just a thought...

