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Alternative energy treatment of cancer.

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  • #16
    truesearch ..OH dear the inevitable does this or that work on a personal level … as rife says himself in the video
    its no ouja board .. it must be right on , or you've got nothing,
    I also can't help but agree its linear wave technology that is being hidden here (again) as it is in free energy devices.
    To scan frequencies seems very hit and miss to me at best. As for the crocodile clip ear -rings .. great idea post the video!
    British researcher Aubrey Scoon wrote on Rife in a UK electronics construction. hobby mag some time ago. (2001) there is a simple construction at the end of the article in which it seems he could “feel” it working I wouldn't know however I post the link for your inspection
    Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Duncan View Post
      I also can't help but agree its linear wave technology that is being hidden here (again) as it is in free energy devices.
      To scan frequencies seems very hit and miss to me at best.
      Hi Duncan,

      So glad you added all that information here.
      Regarding frequencies: I believe Royal used his special microscope to film individual bacteria literally falling apart once the correct frequency had been tuned.

      Those tubes really were quite special, but the humble "toy" plasma ball ***CAN*** also be used to irradiate longitudinally, and it will destroy non-standard body growths, but as to tuning for individual illnesses ?
      Could a much longer period of longitudinal body excitation make up for not being exact of frequency ? I don't know.

      Cheers ................... Graham.


      • #18
        From the comments below the video linked to by Duncan (thank you ), on the somatoscope.

        Dr. Robert C. Beck, Physicist; who created the Beck Blood electrifier said it this way in his documentation; "a patient cured is a customer lost". All the more reason why real cures are kept supressed in favor of drugs and surgery these days

        a lot of information is suppressed because it does not fit with today's greedy corporations. There is no money is good health, only in bad health is where all the money is made. Just look over the last 40 years how bad health increased 10 fold.

        A number of my friends work in the medical field and they refuse to look at or even consider these alternative practices (so sad).



        • #19
          Thanks for all the input! There is info out there, it's a job to weed through the dis-information and dig the real treasures out

          I'm voting to stay way from the ear-to-alligator-clips if possible



          • #20
            Alligator-clips to the ears is probably not a good idea.

            However there is a new rife machine available rhat apparently uses the old technology. Don't know much about it except that it certainly is not priced in 1930 dollars.

            MOPA Master Oscillator Power Amplifier Replica for the GB-4000


            • #21
              water, water everywhere yet not a drop to drink!

              What I find very frustrating is the information is not correlated , nor is it organised and there is certainly no scientific results posted with case history’s . Here's the logic of one such remedy that I have heard of as being effective (although not for a friend of mine) .. Hydrogen Peroxide ask your medico's about this truesearch .. He'll tell you it's almost the equivalent of drinking bleach however .. here's the logic
              like it or not (probably not I suggest) cancer is a living growing entity, all be it an unwanted parasite
              it still needs the right conditions to thrive . Alter the habitat and the cancer dies. In 1931 Otto Heinrich Warburg gained a Nobel Award for his work on Cancer Growth ... He basically discovered that cancer (which of course like all living things depends on much else) grows and multiplys by what is basically a “fermentation process.” Like when brewing wine oxygen is a total anathama.
              The suggestion here is if you can radically raise the oxygen level in blood its possible to to alter the balance in favour of the bodies own Immune system. In seemed to me that in the case of my good friend who was diagnosed with prostate cancer, which had already spread into Major organs , .. as he was all ready following the standard medical chemo process which “knocks seven bells” out of the bodies own immune system his natural system had little chance to recover.. The suggested method of raising the oxygen level is the ingestion of hydrogen peroxide ...fresh Rain water really. This is outlined on the “educate yourself” website as mentioned by Bill Henderson in the audio I posted. You will find the regeim, reason and logic under the sub heading “hydrogen peroxide” you'll also find information regarding in P.J.Kelly's book.

              Educate-Yourself - Forbidden Cures

              Again having no personal experience I can do little except point out the information the suggested dose is repeated here in handy “chart form”

              Hydrogen Peroxide Internal Use - H2O2 - Drinking Hydrogen Peroxide

              Do I suggest this regime ? Not specifically I do suggest you become familiar with what's available
              for instance without going full flight at the H2o2 system .. altering water intake to “rain water” could well make a notable difference. I suggest that there is huge “extra curricula” activity involved in water about which we are generally unaware .. as our bodies are circa 75% water its obviously aye .. an important factor. To put it in very simple terms surly the ambition is to kill the cancer whilst hopefully not killing ourself s ? Each move in that direction is an advantage.
              OK the water trail lets follow the drips … First actively introducing cancer causing poisons to the body is not a good idea .. Is it ? Here I include fluoride , aluminium , and mercury. So In turn fluoride..
              It was first introduced into a populations water supply by Germany's Nazi regime . They introduced it into the concentration camps water supply, Not for the benefit of the prisoners teeth (surprisingly enough). but because it rendered them totally unable to resist what was being done to them.

              The History of Fluoride - YouTube

              The Thatcher government as Northern Island raged out of control introduced ...
              Walter Graham offers one theory about the rush to fluoridate Ulster's water. 'In 1976 Margaret Thatcher suggested fluoride for Northern Ireland. German research shows fluoride has mind-controlling properties. It made people lethargic. Remember, Mrs Thatcher has a chemistry degree. So why should she suggest fluoride for Northern Ireland?'
              Because Northern Ireland was out of control? Mr Graham gave me a knowing look"

              true or not .. I don't know, best to avoid fluoride if your ill .. don't you think.?
              That water itself may be a living forming entity itself seems a strange concept however with no comment from me here is an example of the work of Professor Emoto

              Water, Consciousness & Intent: Dr. Masaru Emoto - YouTube

              what might it do for 75% of you? Emoto himself it seems was triggered into his research by this biblical quote .. from Job
              Hast thou entered into the treasures of the snow? or hast thou seen the treasures of the hail,
              The linear wave which seems to be related to so much that is omitted from our education again comes into play regarding another of those strangely “unknown” events evaporation .. here is a possible expansion by R.L Pool

              LeeskalninPhysics2.wmv - YouTube

              Here is a film on the work of Viktor Shauberger related specifically to that amazing under rated miss understood stuff ... water.


              Strangely writing on another thread researching Mayer .. I saw it suggested there is a growing world shortage of water ??? really where does it go? It may be inside you … or a cow or bear perhaps for a few hours, perhaps in the sea or a river but essentially there must be .. (just like energy) .. just as much water on our green planet in one form or another as ever there has been.
              Its another of life’s essentials and so of course tptb will manipulate shortages and use it for control.
              Anyway I digress as regards “alternative cancer cures” IMHO paying attention to water and Its source whilst perhaps not being a guaranteed cure costs nothing and as I see it, can do no harm
              whilst many claim to various degree's it can be a benefit of merit and even perhaps a cure .. It is also allows the sufferer becoming "pro- active" .
              Last edited by Duncan; 10-02-2013, 04:43 PM.
              Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


              • #22
                You are absolutley right Duncan, the individual has to be in; " Find The Truth " MODE before they can help their body rid it's self of any illness, including cancer.
                As you probably know, H2O2, is found in the rain water in thunderstorms, where the action of Mega volt lightning, on the condensation, adds an extra 0 to the hydrogen.

                This can be used to great effect, in the human body, if you eat any grain products, such as breads or pasta, and eat take away or Pro cessed foods,Which have an Acidifying effect, overall, on your body.

                If you persist in eating these unwhole, foods,( Remember just a few short hundreds of years ago, all grains were harvested by hand with a sickle, stacked to dry, and hand thrashed. Orrr, and the Gluten content was 100 times LESS.)

                Bread was a luxury item, and should be treated this way.

                Regards Cornboy.


                • #23
                  Blue bloodied Royalty ….

                  The ancient term “Blue bloods” reserved for royalty and the very wealthy of Europe came about because the great unwashed noticed that almost without exception this upper crust of society were blue in colour … Not quite smurf's you understand but defiantly “bluish” the hoi polloi put this down to the “blood in the veins" of this top tier being blueish in tint because of inter-breeding amongst the very rich.
                  History reveals that was not the case, argyria was the cause here is a modern day example.

                  The man who turned blue - YouTube

                  Of course having viewed this the natural reaction is “I'm having nothing to do with that” also to try and separate the wheat from the chaff is not very easy the thoughts would be … Poppa smurf is dead at 62 , he's blue , and its colloidal silver “what done it” it also turned all those royalty of the past … blue. I'm having nothing to do with it!

                  Father Abraham Smurf song - YouTube
                  (sorry couldn't help that clip )

                  Well here's the case as I read it .. Paul Carrison used colloidal silver for years .. only when applied externally did this argyria effect Paul at all.
                  Paul has died at the relatively early age of 62 however a little research shows it was not connected with colloidal silver in anyway.
                  The blue bloods of “ye olden days” did not have electrolysis as a production method . Silver which was not very pure in the first place, was filed , pummelled, and crushed to the smallest particles they could manually obtain, of course only the very rich could afford silver anyway.
                  The resulting heap was soaked in water … which my Lords and Ladies eventually drank , with that particle size It's not very surprising some developed a blueish tinge . It doesn't of course apply if
                  a/ proper electrolysis is used
                  b/ Its used for a short term
                  c/ Its used internally
                  I have also seen it suggested that Paul Carrison was a paid agent and that the blue state was engineered in order to prevent the wide spread use of colloidal silver. As far as alternative cures go I consider colloidal silver as in the top half dozen. There is extensive writing available on the educate yourself website , also in the P.J.Kelly book and although I can't put my hand straight on it I know Peter Lindermann … just found it …

                  Colloidal Silver Generators | "A Closer Look" by Peter Lindemann

                  After all really the only reason the vast majority of folks will be reading about alternative cancer remedies is because the standard road which most us would tread is not working.
                  Simple logic dictates … this isn't working, I must try something (or a combination of some-things) else.
                  In that light I present colloidal silver Its relatively cheap and records a high success rate if made with care. Again the onus is on research and your own decision. .. I hope it helps
                  Last edited by Duncan; 10-02-2013, 04:35 PM.
                  Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                  • #24
                    I have used colloidal silver for over 20 years, not everyday, but when I feel a cold, flu or sinuses coming on.
                    For a cancer cure or prevention you can use the DR. Budwig Diet.
                    1 cup organic, low fat, cottage cheese
                    2-5 tablespoons of flax seed oil
                    1-3 tablespoons of freshly ground flaxseed(use coffee grinder)
                    Optional. You can add garlic, red pepper or Champagne for flavor
                    Make it very soft, and eat everyday. Good Luck. stealth


                    • #25
                      Colloidal Silver
                      I'm not a big fan of ingesting colloidal silver. If a person is to ingest silver, it might be better to use ionic silver, whose particles are smaller and less likely to build up in tissues. That said, it is a powerful germ killer. You can put it in your swimming pool; the Ukrainians were mopping and wiping down public places with buckets of it during their strange "influenza" scare a few years back. There are old stories of people boiling a silver dollar in a pot of water to keep whatever's cooking germ-free. As for the blue bloods, I thought it was silver ingested from silver plates and cutlery that kept them from getting sick. I wasn't aware they drank it in solution. I learned something new!

                      Alkalyzing the Body
                      I wholeheartedly agree with cornboy55 about staying away from acid-forming foods, especially grains. Like he said, anything with gluten has been hybridized and GM'd to have huge amounts of spongy, springy, but undigestible gluten. Tastes great, but produces an inflammatory response. Lemon water will alkalyze the body. That is, squeezing half a lemon in a quart of water - goes into the body as an acid, but becomes alkaline in the GI tract. A friend drinks natural apple cider vinegar (1 tsp) in 1 quart of water to alkalyze the body. Once you alkalyze the body, your potential for oxygen transport goes way up. Your thinking becomes clearer, and your energy level will rise quickly. And cancer doesn't like it either.

                      Ozone is the great unmentionable in medical circles. Any MD prescribing ozone or using it on patients (ourside Alaska and a few other places in the US and Canada) will probably get their licence revoked. Naturopaths can use it, but there aren't that many around doing so. Ozone is 03, 04...all the way to 032. It forms naturally with lightning, and it quickly cleans the air. Drinking ozonated water has been anecdotally reported by users to have reversed tumor growth, when all else has failed. Cancer can only thrive in an anaerobic environment. You hyperoxygenate the body, and things happen. Some clinics practice autohaemotherapy, where blood is withdrawn, ozonated, and often passed thru a UV filter, then placed back in the body. This is done with medical grade ozonators fed by pure oxygen - different from the simple table-top ozonator for ozonating water. There is also rectal, auricular (ear) or vaginal ozone insufflation which allows the ozone to be absorbed readily into the body thru blood vessels close to the tissue surface. Cancer cannot survive in an oxygenated environment.

                      Vitamin B17
                      Amygdallin (Vit B 17) is found in many different types of seeds, most notably, apricot or peach kernels, apple seeds, among others. Laetrile, the popular supplement made from ground apricot kernels is high in amygdallin. Vitamin B-17 can also be bought online (as can apricot kernels). Here's a good site on B 17. For those who maintain that apricot kernels are poisonous, how is it that the Hunza people in the Himalayan foothills can snack on them throughout the day and remain healthy and cancer-free? Read Greg Mortensen's book, Three Cups of Tea, and you'll see his casual references to Hunza people often snacking on apricot kernels.


                      • #26
                        Some don't like injesting colloidal or ionic silver, but I make my own and know what the PPM is. Electrolysis is the most common way to make it, and the method I use. My grandfather placed a silver dollar in his apple butter kettle when making apple butter to purify and sterilize the apple butter. I only use .999 or .9999 pure silver, anything less can produce unsatisfactory results. It will only work if it can be absorbed into the bloodstream. It has to be a micron size, although it will kill sinuses if inhaled into the nostrils and let it stay there for 4 minutes. When you take it, use a plastic spoon, as any metal will contaminate it, and also keep in a dark place or use a dark bottle, just like hydrogen peroxide. You can purchase it at any health food store and ionic silver at most. Most precious metals have antibiotic properties, silver, copper and gold. If you don't want to use colloidal silver, you can use oil of oregano or raw honey. Both are great antibiotic germ killers. Good Luck, stealth


                        • #27
                          The original nexus...

                          Originally posted by SilverToGold View Post
                          Proven to work and subsequently suppressed.

                          The Science and Politics of Cancer, G. Edward Griffin (2005) - YouTube

                          Cancer is murder plain and simple.
                          Thanks for posting S>G a very good communicator !Nexus the Australian Mag well known to free energy researchers if for nothing else then The Robert Adams /Aspen release. here is the original article that seems to have triggered the investigation and of course in total agreement with Bob Smith

                          apricots cure for cancer B17 - YouTube
                          Last edited by Duncan; 10-03-2013, 05:53 AM.
                          Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                          • #28
                            addendum ..

                            what if I were to pose this as a question … not that I disagree with silver to gold's sentiments I don't and as I posted above this guys a very good communicator. A phrase he used in his documentary caught my attention , It referred to the “electrostatic charge” exhibited by cancerous cells.
                            Now there certainly would be ways to influence that ! Including of course the Rife tubes and the magnetic proximity. I thought to look a little deeper into G. Edward Griffin's Video's in order to see if there was perhaps a little more detail on this aspect. I came across this presentation

                            A World Without Cancer — the Story of Vitamin B-17 by G. Edward Griffin - YouTube

                            Its very good in its way … as a piece of direct informative communication . However what this video also seems to say is … This is pretty much a 100% cure . (if used at the right time of course)
                            In other words he puts the case strongly enough that its almost possible to say ..”well that's pretty much made everything else obsolete and pointless” or .. is he simply over egging the cake to flog some books DVDs or some such ?
                            Don't get me wrong here .. I really want what this man says to be right .. particularly the virtually 100% cure rate .. if he doesn't speak with forked tongue … all take B17, end of problem . The thread can happily end here.
                            I some how doubt its quite that simple, The next question obviously is how accurate is any of the information ? How good is the research ? Unlike Rife and the Ellen Scripps clinic episode where everything is indisputable because Rife insisted it be so .. this is a horse of a different colour, In passing Griffin's mentions some very influential men .. but no clinical results under tested conditions (understandably perhaps) so whilst I'm not ready to shout “liar liar pants on fire” I would very much like to hear of any sort of definitive data. Or indeed successes or failures (I'd much prefer successes obviously)
                            Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Duncan View Post
                              what if I were to pose this as a question … not that I disagree with silver to gold's sentiments I don't and as I posted above this guys a very good communicator. A phrase he used in his documentary caught my attention , It referred to the “electrostatic charge” exhibited by cancerous cells.
                              Now there certainly would be ways to influence that ! Including of course the Rife tubes and the magnetic proximity. I thought to look a little deeper into G. Edward Griffin's Video's in order to see if there was perhaps a little more detail on this aspect. I came across this presentation

                              A World Without Cancer — the Story of Vitamin B-17 by G. Edward Griffin - YouTube

                              Its very good in its way … as a piece of direct informative communication . However what this video also seems to say is … This is pretty much a 100% cure . (if used at the right time of course)
                              In other words he puts the case strongly enough that its almost possible to say ..”well that's pretty much made everything else obsolete and pointless” or .. is he simply over egging the cake to flog some books DVDs or some such ?
                              Don't get me wrong here .. I really want what this man says to be right .. particularly the virtually 100% cure rate .. if he doesn't speak with forked tongue … all take B17, end of problem . The thread can happily end here.
                              I some how doubt its quite that simple, The next question obviously is how accurate is any of the information ? How good is the research ? Unlike Rife and the Ellen Scripps clinic episode where everything is indisputable because Rife insisted it be so .. this is a horse of a different colour, In passing Griffin's mentions some very influential men .. but no clinical results under tested conditions (understandably perhaps) so whilst I'm not ready to shout “liar liar pants on fire” I would very much like to hear of any sort of definitive data. Or indeed successes or failures (I'd much prefer successes obviously)

                              Hi Duncan,

                              Here is pretty well all you need to know concerning B-17(Laetrile) -It pretty well hits all the nails on the head concerning the pros and cons of it.
                              It is a wealth of information on B-17 and other protocols as well.

                              Laetrile / Vitamin B17 Treatment For Cancer - Alternative Cancer Treatments



                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Parav View Post
                                Hi Duncan,

                                Here is pretty well all you need to know concerning B-17(Laetrile) -It pretty well hits all the nails on the head concerning the pros and cons of it.
                                It is a wealth of information on B-17 and other protocols as well.

                                Laetrile / Vitamin B17 Treatment For Cancer - Alternative Cancer Treatments

                                Hi Duncan,

                                For some odd reason --the website address didn't register on my previous post.

                                Here it is again -------


