truesearch ..OH dear the inevitable does this or that work on a personal level … as rife says himself in the video
its no ouja board .. it must be right on , or you've got nothing,
I also can't help but agree its linear wave technology that is being hidden here (again) as it is in free energy devices.
To scan frequencies seems very hit and miss to me at best. As for the crocodile clip ear -rings .. great idea post the video!
British researcher Aubrey Scoon wrote on Rife in a UK electronics construction. hobby mag some time ago. (2001) there is a simple construction at the end of the article in which it seems he could “feel” it working I wouldn't know however I post the link for your inspection
its no ouja board .. it must be right on , or you've got nothing,
I also can't help but agree its linear wave technology that is being hidden here (again) as it is in free energy devices.
To scan frequencies seems very hit and miss to me at best. As for the crocodile clip ear -rings .. great idea post the video!
British researcher Aubrey Scoon wrote on Rife in a UK electronics construction. hobby mag some time ago. (2001) there is a simple construction at the end of the article in which it seems he could “feel” it working I wouldn't know however I post the link for your inspection