REM Its the End of the World R.E.M. - YouTube
Since the year 2000 computer “melt down” apocalypse end of the world, and the planet X/ Nibiru cobblers which I'm sure we all waited for with baited breath … I know I did .. shaking in my shoes in the local Boozer along with many others who were blissfully unaware of the “end is nigh” significance of the 21st of Dec.
Well here's the next “cobblers” to consider. Seems one of the more obscure arms of the USA military some time ago formed an “elite” group of see'ers (sort of see the future clairvoyants) one or two of which it seems has turned renegade .. (if you can believe that) .. seems America goes into any country it feels like and extracts anyone it feels like on a whim .. so I cant see this guy being allowed to blab cobblers on American territory unless sanctioned to do so.
Anyway this latest load of balls is called ….” The Kill shot”
SOLAR FLARE to END HUMANITY in 2013 - REMOTE VIEWING with Major Ed Dames The Kill Shot - YouTube
Certainly the you tube production isn't done with a web-cam with in some guys back bedroom .. is it? Lots of money gone into this “spoof” … I don't think I'll lose to much sleep over American “Remote viewers” They don't seem to have "viewed" much past their ring pieces .. if recent history is anything to go by.
Perhaps its time for the “end of the world boxed set” part 0ne .. Like Rocky
year 2000 apocalypse … planet x … Nibiru and all the other none events …. Unless you know different
Since the year 2000 computer “melt down” apocalypse end of the world, and the planet X/ Nibiru cobblers which I'm sure we all waited for with baited breath … I know I did .. shaking in my shoes in the local Boozer along with many others who were blissfully unaware of the “end is nigh” significance of the 21st of Dec.

Anyway this latest load of balls is called ….” The Kill shot”
SOLAR FLARE to END HUMANITY in 2013 - REMOTE VIEWING with Major Ed Dames The Kill Shot - YouTube
Certainly the you tube production isn't done with a web-cam with in some guys back bedroom .. is it? Lots of money gone into this “spoof” … I don't think I'll lose to much sleep over American “Remote viewers” They don't seem to have "viewed" much past their ring pieces .. if recent history is anything to go by.
Perhaps its time for the “end of the world boxed set” part 0ne .. Like Rocky
year 2000 apocalypse … planet x … Nibiru and all the other none events …. Unless you know different
