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Its the end of the world as we know it!

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  • Valid point,

    When someone says 'Overpopulation', most think, literally of 'too many people', as in wall to wall people, coast to coast. Or, they talk about 'How are we going to FEED 10 Billion people?

    Reality is, there are still many large areas around the world, HABITABLE areas, where there are relatively few people living. We humans are congregating disproportionately in BIG cities. As for feeding the worlds population, its entirely possible that we have or can develop ways to produce enough food.

    The problem is, that for each person, there is "X" pounds of chemicals being produced every year, that end up in the environment. Chemicals that either never would have occured in nature, or never would have occurred in a pure form, etc.

    How much poison can the ocean absorb, before it says 'enough'? Air, water and soil, we're dumping this s*it into the environment. Maybe we will 'end' by destroying our living space, or maybe as we ruin our planet, we will move to other planets. Personally, I think something else, such as a 'breakdown' of society, will occur first. But, we will see. J


    • Well I suppose it`s all academic now,since there is now enough raw plutonium loose in the environment to kill every living thing on Earth several times over.We just have to wait for it to dissipate equally around the globe,which it surely is.

      Food in entire northern hemisphere polluted with Plutonium

      Why I Am Leaving Vancouver British Columbia Canada - Thanks, Fukushima Japan - YouTube

      Tokyo radiation levels exceed those in Chernobyl exclusion zone

      Christopher Busby: Chernobyl-like radiation found in Tokyo - YouTube

      Massive radiation levels in Canada – covered up by government:

      Japan’s Fukushima catastrophe brings big radiation spikes to B.C. | Georgia Straight, Vancouver's News & Entertainment Weekly

      Dangerous levels of radioactivity measured in Oklahoma City dust / rain

      Oklahoma City rain at 1.62 microsieverts per hour — “Dangerous Radiation Background” (VIDEO)

      Is anybody else following this?


      • Yes

        Ihave seen where the EPA increased the 'acceptable' levelsof radiation, soon after Fuktupashima, by a factor of 100, (or was it 1000?). Anyway, there are threads on this forum and others about it, but 'whatyagonnado?'

        You can't really get away from it. I bought a case of tuna fish, right after it happened, since tuna migrate to the coast of jan, and back to the u.S., every year. Buyond that, we are all eventually going to be fuktupashima'd, and there isn't anything practical we can do about it. Jim


        • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
          Ihave seen where the EPA increased the 'acceptable' levelsof radiation, soon after Fuktupashima, by a factor of 100, (or was it 1000?). Anyway, there are threads on this forum and others about it, but 'whatyagonnado?'

          You can't really get away from it. I bought a case of tuna fish, right after it happened, since tuna migrate to the coast of jan, and back to the u.S., every year. Buyond that, we are all eventually going to be fuktupashima'd, and there isn't anything practical we can do about it. Jim
          Lol yes they increased 'acceptable' levels the same way they increase the debt ceiling,just kicking it down the road for the next generation to worry about.Unfortunately that may be the last generation we get.I`m hearing about 80% of Iraqi children are now born with serious defects,and that`s just from 'moderately' radioactive depleted uranium,which is a joke compared to what`s floating around the Northern Hemisphere right about now.This is far more serious threat than the human race has ever faced in it`s history,but like you say,'whatyagonnado?'

          Laugh or cry.


          • I try to laugh,

            as it bets the alternative. Its our own 'human nature', as much as anything, thats killing us. But I DO wonder, if its 'inevitable'. What I mean is, is it possible that anywhere in the universe, where ONE species developed 'intelligence', that they would develop ways to exploit their environment for 'short term' gain, and wouldn't have enough intelligence to realise the long-term consequences,....and even when they did, wouldn't be able to marshall the political and social forces neccesary to change coarse, in time to prevent destroying themselves.

            Here's a fantasy I have; thruout the Universe, planets DO develop 'intelligent' species, who 'improve' their lot by using energy. On every planet, they eventually settle on Nuclear energy, as the 'most efficient', or whatever. And, on each planet they encounter the conundrum ( )of what to do with the waste. When the waste accumultes enough, some 'bright guy' comes up with the idea; the 'sun' (closest star) is really just a big nuclear power plant! Lets just shoot the waste in a rocket, aimed at the sun!
            And so they do. And, he's right; the sun S just a big nuclear power plant, and the 'extra' radioactive material they shoot into it, is just enough to throw it off, and it blows up, causing a 'supernova', and so,...every supernova we see is an 'intelligent' life form, blowing itself up by its own stupidity.



            • The earth

              is the Insane Asylum for the Universe, or,....Put another way, God created Man for His/Her/Its entertainment; watching us (for God) is like when we tune in to "the Simpsons"; a LOT like that! And we've got Him/Her/It rolling on the floor!



              • You are right. When we are allowed to develop massive amounts of power, we need to be intelligent enough to use it wisely. Down throughout history, at least on this planet, power has become the start of the downfall of that society. Many societies have fallen after reaching a similar or even more powerful state the we now have. Our leaders must possess restraints in order to prevent them form exterminating, or at least diminishing our species greatly. Any civilization intelligent enough to get past the temptation to use their power on their citizens would have a greatly advanced society and possibly could have full access to the universe. If all worked together for a common goal, instead of trying to out do whoever was doing the same thing could discover all of the universes secrets. With power must also come wisdom and compassion. Good Luck. stealth


                • Originally posted by dutchdivco View Post
                  is the Insane Asylum for the Universe, or,....Put another way, God created Man for His/Her/Its entertainment; watching us (for God) is like when we tune in to "the Simpsons"; a LOT like that! And we've got Him/Her/It rolling on the floor!

                  Lol I see humanity more as a cosmic scale shakespearean tragedy with a typical shakespearean finale.


                  • Well something is coming up the pike more quickly than anticipated.... I hope some of you have been taking measures.

                    DHS Insider: “Preparations Have Been Finalized to Respond to a Crisis of Unprecedented Magnitude Within the United States”


                    • Thanks Xenophanes, for posting those important links, the globalist families that control us, i feel, will soon be thrusting forward with their agenda of one world government.

                      The collapse of the paper money exchange system, is inevetable.

                      What will you accept as payment for your toil in the future?

                      If you are not growing your own food, and have electricity produced by your own affordable means, OPPS, gota be a slave.

                      Warm regards, Cornboy.


                      • Originally posted by Cornboy 555 View Post
                        What will you accept as payment for your toil in the future?
                        Bitcoin!!! A one world currency...



                        • Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post
                          Bitcoin!!! A one world currency...

                          Sounds good Matthew, but after reading up on it , it sounds like it is subject to all the normal interferences, all be it cyber , of paper money.

                          When it comes down to the lowest common denominator, (take away the internet, etc,) only what you have to offer to someone else in exchange is your labour, or teaching ability, or your Productivity.

                          Regards Cornboy.


                          • Sorry in was meant to be a "One World" JOKE. LOL

                            Although what is not apparent in BitCoin is its future. The same open source platform can and will be structured to do Crowd Financing, Stock trade, and lending. You could call the open source banking system.

                            ]Keiser Report: Warty Debtnuts in Pool of Fraud (E539) - YouTube Watch the last half.

                            It will demolish the known banking system within the next 6 -10 years, I am sure of it. Because the banksters are dumping their own personal money into it while trying to eliminate it through any means necessary.

                            They are scared to death!!

                            Most likely if the banks go down so will most large scale buisness's. But never fear Mobile Internet is secure as long as you can charge your batteries. Peer to Peer wide area networking is a very black market and very viable technology that is under the suppression of the cooperate and government thumb. Just try searching for it Google hates it. But none the less it is possible today with cracked phone to use all smart phones not only as a phone/PC but as HUB in a wide area network. With expansion all smart phone could act this way and not only could they transfer communication but they can also start to support the faster processing and storage for an Internet like structure.

                            With these 2 things in mind all I can say support your local hacker.

                            Last edited by Matthew Jones; 12-28-2013, 01:37 PM.


                            • Just not sure,

                              about this whole 'One world Gov't.' thing. I KNOW there are lots of people saying there is this secret conspiracy to have a World Gov't., but there is also a LOT of resistance, by ndividual Gov't's, to surrendering THEIR sovereignity (sp?).
                              The U.S. has been able to (more or less) resolve the issue of 'states rights', but periodically disputes develop. The European Union has similar problems, with citisens AND Gov't.s resisting the European Unions edicts. Now MULTIPLY that; Imagine the people of a country, or its leaders, (any country) accepting 'other' people telling them how to run theit country or economy.

                              Its human nature; no one likes 'someone else' telling them what to do, and it only works, to the degree it works, when their is this 'common good' concept. Unless there is some IMMEDIATE, terminal threat to humans, I can't see people willingly accepting a 'one world government'.

                              And (again, Human nature) our human mechanism of 'threat assesment' is all screwed up. Witness the guy who's sitting on his couch, eating pork rinds and drinking liters of soda, smoking cigarettes, and saying he won't travel abroad, cause of terrorism. Numerous studies point to a flawed threat perception process in humans. Hence, I say IMMEDIATE threat; we can clearly 'SEE' a threat, and yet do nothing about it, if we deem it a long way off, such as dieing of Cancer many years hence, as a result of smoking.

                              Look at the whole thing with the 'baby boomers' and Social Security; the 'threat' was clearly recognised in the 60's, and measures could have been taken then which would have meant minimal hardship. But, because the threat was a long time in the future, no one was willing to take the little hits now, we 'put it off' until it threatens to bankrupt the system. THIS is 'human nature', and people do this all the time.

                              I just don't see 'One World Gov't.' as being any kind of sollution for the problems we are facing, nor do I see people turning to it AS a 'solution'.

                              I 'fall back' to my underlieing premise; it all started to 'go wrong' when humans decided to stop being hunter/gatherers, and began to 'settle down' in one place, and everything devolves from that.

                              Adapting the "Peter Principle" to species, when humans were Hunter/Gatherers, we were at our 'level of competence', and by making the decision to 'settle down', we inadvertently promoted ourselves BEYOND our level of compentence.Jim


                              • Oh well I'll cultivate my food and hunt and gather things like information and ability.....
                                That hunting for food is dangerous. Last year here in NC 2 hunters shot the same deer, somewhere in the process of gathering up the deer they shot each other, DEAD.

                                That hunter gatherer stuff is far to dangerous.


