They tried a gun registry (the first step to confiscation) here in Canada a few years back but it imploded from sheer top down incompetence and was scrapped for now,but the ultimate goal of all 'liberal democracies' is the eventual total disarmament of it`s citizens.America is getting a taste of that now.
No announcement yet.
Its the end of the world as we know it!
...No Introduction...
Just a very brief "resume" of our Past, Present...and Future
War, Violence among Us... a strategy that Humankind has been inculcated, experienced and suffered since the very beginnings of our times...most of you know it...but for those who don' on your own...I won't expand on this topic any further.
There have been many bright beings that has being sent to enlighten our race...but We have turned them down...We have even "refused them"...then We have accepted the "rules" from a small and dark group...and We have buried -over our race time-all of this enlightening knowledge for many Decades...
We have all accepted to "make a living" based on "acquirement" and possession/accumulation of "pieces of paper"...called "Legal Tender Notes"...printed by this "Dark Entities"... but we don't care...we have to "survive" keep living on this Planet We all have to "pay"...right?
So...Who gives a F*CK if Energy could be acquired freely?...we just "pay for it" in the meantime...right?...and if it ever happens because of some nerd guy...(which we mostly doubt it) well...what the heck...right?
We could spend our lifetime "fighting it" to be a hoax, a scam...or a very reduced amount...just a few... may "take their precious time" (from acquiring more and more legal tender notes) to look at it...
Our Civilization over Thousands of Years...have "evolved" a lot right?
No We have not...
Maybe our Sciences...our "Electronics" and other "Entertainment" fields have been developed up to a "certain point" that may seem "High Tech"...however, we are ALL still dependents of an ancient, obsolete, ridiculous means of Energy, Transport and "Very Limited" Survival...does this makes sense?...of course not.
But We have not complained about "busy" trying to "survive" acquiring "Legal Tender Notes"...right?
A nice "life" don't you all think?
In case We have to face any future Global/Massive Catastrophic Disaster ...are we ready to really "survive"?
Do We have means of transporting massive amounts of Human Beings...out of Disaster Areas to "Safer Zones" Safer Altitudes where this danger would be observed from a considerable distance?
No We don't...we will all die...just like rats in a flooded hole.
Do We have real, state of the art Super Robotic Structures to dig for survivors in case of a massive Earth quake?
No We don't.
So where is actually all our race...our civilization development...?
Very busy...acquiring more and more "Legal Tender Notes"...
Now...There would be "The End of Times"...but not for Mankind...Not for the People...Not for this Planet...but for a few, a small group that think they are a "Superior Race"...So they have gathered and suppressed vast knowledge...and have prevented from many other "exchanges" of life civilizations reach our race...landing their beautiful and silent (not farting) crafts...
Their "Slavery" to a whole Planet will collapse soon...but they will try to take Us all with
Injecting Violence, Terror, Fear...the same old tactic used for so simple...and yet so "effective"...
Will We all "swallow" that Pill over and over again?
It is completely up to all of is entirely in our hands to be or not to be...
So You all could keep "arming" yourselves with deadly weapons...providing the right "ammo"...and killing zombies...or rebels from an Anarchy State...
Or We could just watch them fall on their own caved thumbs...
It will be our future decision...our judgement, its time to "start" thinking about it...don't you think?
Or else...Let's all keep entertaining and feeding them.
This "final decision" will take Us all far...into our own Destiny.Last edited by Ufopolitics; 10-17-2013, 03:26 AM.Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci
I know exactly who you mean and their agenda,but I don`t agree that they will just give up just short of achieving their long term goals.There have been fortunes spent and even World wars fought to bring us to this point.Albert Pike wrote this in 1871:
"The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion'
That is exactly where we are today.
What makes him credible is the description of a planned second World war where Nazis are mentioned by name,in 1871:
"This war must be brought about so that Nazism is destroyed and that the political Zionism be strong enough to institute a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine. During the Second World War, International Communism must become strong enough in order to balance Christendom, which would be then restrained and held in check until the time when we would need it for the final social cataclysm."
The last 150 years were scripted and performed to perfection and everything is right on schedule.
The Beast...
This "Beast" we have fed make it stronger enough to destroy Mankind...
The Beast main "Breast Feeding" is precisely OIL...Oil to be transformed into "Energy" to make WAR and Destruction...then conquer more power...obtaining more control...however, once we take that "breast" away from the Beast...and we perform a "Cancer Radical Mammal Extraction" ...she will scream out loudly...but nothing will save her then.
Since the times of the Saint Roman Catholic Inquisition...Our race have been faced to each others...Heretics against Religious...Laicos versus Catholics...Christians were prosecuted...Jesus was Crucified...etc,etc.
In Modern is all about Zionists and Muslims...Jewish and Arabs...Russians and Cowboys... same sh*t...over and over...and we take it...we swallow it and Digest it all the way.
I am just asking...
Till when will we keep swallowing it?Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci
Originally posted by Ufopolitics View PostThis "Beast" we have fed make it stronger enough to destroy Mankind...
The Beast main "Breast Feeding" is precisely OIL...Oil to be transformed into "Energy" to make WAR and Destruction...then conquer more power...obtaining more control...however, once we take that "breast" away from the Beast...and we perform a "Cancer Radical Mammal Extraction" ...she will scream out loudly...but nothing will save her then.
Since the times of the Saint Roman Catholic Inquisition...Our race have been faced to each others...Heretics against Religious...Laicos versus Catholics...Christians were prosecuted...Jesus was Crucified...etc,etc.
In Modern is all about Zionists and Muslims...Jewish and Arabs...Russians and Cowboys... same sh*t...over and over...and we take it...we swallow it and Digest it all the way.
I am just asking...
Till when will we keep swallowing it?
Let's not swallow it, at all, ever again, we don't need to any more, Just by changing your way of thinking, you can take away the Power that has controlled, for ever.
Warm Regards Everybody, Cornboy.
I don't think any sane person wants violence, I don't. The lethal tools would
be for hunting and defence. Since the dawn of time man has required
weapons for defence from animals and to provide food. Mother nature has
endowed us with the ability to construct all manner of devices that can be
used for good or bad or for sport. I fail to recognize that another human being
should decide who is allowed to build or have something if that person has
never used such a device for bad before. Of course common sense should
prevail and only adults should be allowed to actually own projectors. Hell a
child can kill a whole family with a rock for goodness sake if no one can
defend themselves, the rock is a weapon, only defence is don't get attacked
with a rock, who should run away to save themselves and leave those unable
to flee to be slaughtered by rock, maybe even family.
I say if someone attacks me with a rock and tries to kill me or my family I will
stop him/her or die myself. The quicker the threat is neutralized the better.
The choice is with the attacker the defender has no choice.
I just bought a 164 cm 36 lb "take down" recurve bow with sight. I intend to accumulate
many arrows and teach myself to fast shoot without the sight. Maybe rabbit
stew next month sometime or crow who knows.("take down" just means it can be pulled apart)
NEW 36lbs Adult Recurve BOW Archery Shooting Wooden Handle Armguard Finger Guard | eBay
CheersLast edited by Farmhand; 10-17-2013, 11:52 AM.
There was no war,
BEFORE civilization. Oh, there was 'killing', and even 'murder'; Caiv vs. Abel, and there IS that 'early man' they found, with an arrow in his back. But WAR; where a GROUP of people organizsed to kill another group of people, didn't (apperently) occur before civilization.
And why would you? As Hunter/gatherers, people HAD no 'territory' to defend.
And, the whole culture of H/G'ers is oriented towards co-operation rather than competition. There was no War, no Gov't., no money, no bills or btaxes, and very little 'status'.
I equate the time before 'civilization' as being very like the 'Garden of Eden'; plenty to eat, most of the time, lots of excercise in the fresh air, etc.
Its funny that we say "act civilized" when actually, being 'civilized' means being competitive rather than co-operative, make war on your fellow humans, be shallow and self-centered, etc. Been on this earht for 100,000-200,000 years, been 'civilised' for maybe 10,000 to 14,000 years. To me, that says it all; 'Civilisation' is a 'failed' coarse of ction; it simply cannot be maintained. We need to go back to our 'level of competence' (ala Peter principle) and once again be Hunter/Gatherers. If, after SHTF, we once again start developing small 'communities' staying in one place, (defending 'territory', than we won't have learned the lesson, and will eventually be doomed to repeat the whole 'failed' experiment. Civilisation doesn't work; and largely the 'problem' with Civilization is human nature.Jim
It is an interesting situation. competition is promoted right from when we are
young. Be the winner and take the prize for yourself, almost all sport is
competition, education is competition, status is competition and most of the
competition is very serious, even sport these days is serious. When in fact sport
should be to gauge abilities in a friendly and comparative way.
I have to disagree a bit with you Jim (or maybe I am agreeing)because co-operative groups of hunter
gatherers would indeed encroach on others "ranges" of hunting and gathering.
Even with animals this happens, even Meerkats do it but only when things get
tight and food gets light on. Better not to risk a fight with another of your
own specie. After all people will need to intermingle groups to stop inbreeding.
One family alone cannot continue to proper healthily into the future.
However I am no fan of all the competition, I fell for it, but I taught my son
not to fall for it.
I get frustrated right here with family trying to compete in every way, ie. I'll
come up with a good plan to execute a task safely and well which requires
co-operation and others deliberately sabotage the effort by not co-operating
someone always wants to think their idea is best. I have a lot of time to think
on the problem or task and run through scenario's in my head before I put
forward a plan.
What usually happens is I put forward a plan which requires that I do one
thing while someone does something else and another person assists both.
But they won't even allow me to finish explaining before the "why not do it
this way ?" questions start, usually I can explain any "why not" because I
already thought of it while they were watching tv, and then the
"but that sounds like too much trouble", so I need to explain as well why a
certain thing must be done or when or how. This goes on till they get upset
and start calling me a smart arse, they get offended because I thought about
the problem.
Sometimes I give in to their ways and the results are usually failures and I can
see the reasons why the failure happens in real time and try to call a reset
back to the logical plan. It's too late because they are in competition mode.
Now the real problems start when an expensive (time and resources) project
is a failure and it was done their way but protested by me and the failure is
clearly as I predicted. They instigate competition rather than co-operation
then see me as having shamed them, or they feel stupid when they are really
just egotistical, competitive and in their rush to try to prove me wrong they
hurt their own pocket and ego. That's when people turn dark and aggressive.
Really it is not because I am smarter it is just because I think about it for a
long time and run scenarios or dry runs in my head to foresee problems as is
the civilized way.
It can be anything from getting a pair of crud covered pigs into a trailer
without even needing to touch them to erecting a shed. People here want to
rush headlong into things and deal with the problems as they arise so the
finished result is a compete bodge job. Of which I am usually embarrassed to
have taken part in. Often they even try to lie and turn into being my fault.
I got tired of it once and recorded the conversations, then when the problems
were discussed and lies were told to make it look like my fault, I brought out
the recorder and proved they were lying to try to shift blame, one of me and
several of them. I said I'm tired of this it's about time to grow up stop the lies
and co-operate.
There must be at least ten or more expensive stuff ups I warned them of and
they just keep on doing it. It almost like if I say the only way to do it
correctly then it can't be done correctly because I said it and they won't do it
because it would be showing faith in my problem solving and thinking skills.
It really sucks when I want to help, it's my family but they choose to have
bodgy stuff and waste time and resources rather than take any advice from a
younger person.
It's like they want de-evolution, the younger folks can't know more than the
older folks. If that was the case people would get dumber and dumber. I think
we can actually see that is happening.
Since I have a busted back and shouldn't work anyway I got jack of it and
just stopped doing everything and let them do everything their way.
Well it didn't take long for things to turn to crud. It is painful to watch all the
hard work I did maintaining the property go to waste as the weeds take over
the paddocks and the yard, the drain they build wrong floods the shed ect. ect.
They just cannot talk through something without getting offended when I point
out why their idea will cause a future problem, they live in denial until the
problems bite them on the ass. It's typical of many people these days.
Now if I see a problem not dangerous I just point it out and say do it your
way but when such and such happens don't get angry with me just because I
tried to warn you, I'm just trying to help, it's your property not mine.
I honestly think they just have a mental block and don't even listen to what I say or consider it to be able to understand it.
They are the asleep crowd who do not even care where money comes from or how the system actually works.
eg. A spray tank was fitted to a small trailer, the tanks graduated markers for the
capacity was hard up against the sideboard so there is no way to know
accurately how much water is put into it to mix with the chemicals. I like to
be precise and only mix what I need, I said it needed to be removed and
turned around so the markers can be read, their solution was just fill it right up
every time. The chemical becomes ineffective when left mixed it should be
mixed and used in reasonable time. It's expensive stuff and not to wasted or
used inappropriately. I want no part of it and refuse to use it. Which of
course make me the problem again.
However when someone else comes up with a good logical plan I agree with it
rather than try to deny it. I'm not in a competition. It can be lonely being a
If the SHTF I'll need to leave them behind as a threat to my well being.
It is the attitude they have that has ruined this world. Rip and tear, wreck,
waste and throw away. Just buy another one.
Giving people like that free energy would be a big mistake. I know it for sure.
I don't drink alcohol so I rant instead.
..Last edited by Farmhand; 10-17-2013, 05:47 PM.
Umm sorry for the rant guys, but i guess the whole purpose of the rant was to
convey how much denial and competition are harmful. Recognition and co-operation
is much more productive. Feel free to ask me to delete it or the majority of it
if it is deemed too far off topic.
Basically the end of the world as we know it can't come quick enough. The
biggest problem I see is the old, disabled and sick, most don;t get nearly as
much and and quality of treatment as they should now, but with the collapse
of society they will be the first to suffer the most. Lack of medications and doctors
to visit, ect. ect. I am kind of one of them but I'm not so bad I can't survive
as long as I have plenty of rest time for my spine pain.
Truth is a lot of my pain is caused by medical denial, incompetence, relentless
travel to get that and no treatment except pain drugs anyway. My problems
are not life threatening, but so many are. As far as getting reasonable medical
treatment goes it's almost impossible even in a free system, I am now seeing
private specialists at full cost on a pension to try to get some diagnosis and
treatment. They keep wanting to give me lots of dangerous drugs but I don't
want that, I want treatment for the injury that happened over 4 years ago. If all
the medico's deny or fail to investigate my issues I won't get treatment. It's
bizarre and disturbing. I don't care for money but I have to take legal action
for compensation due to harm caused by the medical systems negligence in
order to get treatment that should have just happened over 4 years ago.
And I am living in the so called "Lucky Country" Australia. pffft. Our pollies and
government system is just as broken as any anywhere is. The cause is the
same everywhere. Some countries mask it better than others with lots of
resources and not many people, like Australia. But it is still broken beyond repair.
An orderly change to a fair and just system with the people retaking the
power is the best way but not the only way.
Any time a politician says that the president of the united states is the most
powerful man in the free world or similar they should be sacked immediately.
The president like our prime minister is a public servant he has no power but
to serve, a servant could hardly be described as powerful, that is bizarre as well.
CheersLast edited by Farmhand; 10-18-2013, 04:19 AM.
yes time and again we assume the change to be bitter survival weapons and conflict.. like the song says “It ain't necessary so” there are power systems in place which try to arrange that very scenario
we have just seen America toying about with its debt obligation internationally.. not for the first time , I wont insult your intelligence by explaining exactly what this well known cheat and liar is saying here
Nixon Ends Bretton Woods International Monetary System - YouTube
A pillar of intentional stability …
anyway who would want or buy such a worthless thing ? Sold by the biggest debtor nation in the world backed with lies and deception? Here is the next move.... and what a move it is
John Perkins, Part 1 at the VFP National Convention - YouTube
Tie the Dollar to oil .. and so fuel … energy by extension this rot has gone around the world. There is of course “free energy” however because of this trickery its introduction will collapse the Dollar and throw the world into chaos .. A decent way out of this inevitable conflict condition is then the direction I was really considering as I opened this thread.
We need a currency based on our individual benefit to fellow man whilst missing out the obvious pit falls we have suffered again and again at the hands of the “elite” at the same time the Dollar and the American people need a dignified and safe exit. Like everyone else I see what “should be” but can't conceive how it might be arranged .Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.
No worries, on the rant, and IMHO, no need to delete. On specifics of your rant, some thoughts for what they are worth; Firstly, some 'pyscho-babble' I picked up, from a support group. "Who's behavior can I change? I can't change my spouses, childrens/parents, neighbors, friends or co-workers. The ONLY persons behavior I can change, is MY OWN. But, if I DO change my behavior, others will change theirs, in responce.
And of coarse, the quote "Insnity consists of doing the SAME thing, over and over, and expecting different results!" goes hand in hand with this. Its not bout guilt, or even responsibility. Its simply true, that IF you change YOUR behavior, (the only persons behavior you CAN change) OTHERS will behave differently, in responce.
And your right, the one major 'downside' of the H/G lifestyle, is in times of famine.Thats when you have to rely on one of the STRENGHTS of the H/G lifestyle, which is MOBILITY. As you aren't tied down to one piece of property, or even region, you can move to the coasts, where there is (hopefully) always fish. And seaweed, etc. Just as, instead of building an insulated permanent structure, and then heating it in winter, and cooloing it in suller, you just MOVE with the seasons; higher elevation in the summer, and lower in the winter.Both of which require a lot of paying attention to the signs in the environment; 'reading' the weather, and the 'signs'. 'Seeing' a drought coming, and moving to new territory, etc.
Duncan; I see currency as BEING the problem. So, to me, itsa not a NEW currency, thats like any of a # of proposed 'solutions' to our problem, which try to preserve the status quo, at least in my mind. To me, the status quo is unsustainable, long term; CIVILISATION is a 10-14,000 year old 'failed' experiment; it doesn't work. But hey, thats just what I think. Jim
If one has
a fair amount of people, and a lot of time, or a lot of people, and a fair amount of time, one shouldn't underestimate the value of a trench/mound, as a defensive measure. (Back to basics) You dig a 5'x5' trench, and pile ALL the dirt on one side, and mound it as a 5'x5' mound, running parrallel to the trench.
So, a defender cannot drive a car, or motorcycle, or horse, or even goat drawn sled accross it. They must cross a 5' deep, 5' wide ditch, and then climb 10 virtually straight up, while defenders on top of the 5' wide mound have a stable position from which to shoot arrows, throw rocks, dump hot oil or steaming water, whatever, right down on the heads of the attackers.Jim
Remote viewing is very real, and was funded by the U.S. government through 4 administrations, to the tune of around 20 million dollars. What they did was take a scientific approach to psychic intelligence gathering, actually copied from the Russians who were doing it first. They started with studying the late Ingo Swann, a man considered to be one of the best natural psychics in history, and studied his processes while being on target. They then made a protocol to follow, in which they could train viewers to gather intelligence in a systematic way.
I think the killshot prediction is interesting, and could very well happen, although it's a shame remote viewers can't view dates or give a specific time frame. If they could have given a time frame along with the Japan earthquake viewing, they could have perhaps saved some lives, for those that heeded the warning. I am still amazed at how accurate Dames was on that, as I heard the original broadcast on c2c radio. I believe it is going to be just like he said, "worse than Chernobyl", being a gift that keeps on giving...
Just a tidbit I found interesting, is that Ed Dames states that after the killshot occurs, aliens or another intelligent race comes to help rebuild.
Mother Shiptons prophecy -
"And before the race is built anew, A silver serpent comes to view And spew out men of like unknown. To mingle with the earth now grown Cold from its heat and these men can Enlighten the minds of future man. To intermingle and show them how To live and love and thus endow The children with the second sight A natural thing so that they might Grow graceful, humble and when they do The Golden Age will start anew."
One of those CRAZY ideas,
That I could only share here. It requires a LITTLE engineering, but might be worth the effort, (what do you think?)
Need to maek an 'arbor' (I THINK its called); you chuck it into a handheld drill.
On the end, it has a place where you can temporarily attach a DVD/CD disk. To make it so you could quickly remove one disk, and attach a new one would be worth some effort.
Once you've got that, you need; one of those knife sharpeners, that consists of 2 steel rods, coated with an abrasive; there set into a wood block, at an angle to each other, and you run the knife blade in the created "V".
And, you need a clay pigeon 'thrower'; has an arm, with a spring, and a 'catch', with a rope pull to release. (Hence, "PULL!" says the shotgun holder.)
Now, put the 'arbor' in a drill, attach a 'blank' (or old/useless) disk on the end, turn it on, and use the knife sharpener to put a razor edge on the disk.
Make about 20-50 of them. Load your clay pigeon thrower, and God help anyone who try's to play "catch" with it!
Just a CRAZY idea, right?Jim