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Requiem for the frogs

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  • Requiem for the frogs

    over the years as I have studied “free energy” things have changed out of all recognition. I have built various machines with varying degree's of success and failure It is perhaps unfortunate that those that perform have always involved some degree of “tuning” in other words not an effect that can be reproduced by rote, or which lends itself to mathematical explanation.
    I've also kissed a lot of frogs and got no Prince . I'm sure I started with the same the same intention as many others … use the Internet as a study tool … resolve the worlds so called “energy crisis” … end global warming and mass starvation … get very rich .. and all in my spare time.
    Wow it doesn't take very long to get dis abused of all those ambitions does it? The list of murdered ,Threatened ,imprisoned inventors is seemingly endless.
    Still even from my P.Ms I can see there are plenty of youngsters prepared to pick up the cudgels.
    The Internet however is a very different place to the mechanism that was in place a mere 20 years ago. The users have increased over a hundred fold for a start. The Intentions of British scientist Tim Berners-Lee which was to make available to the public .. an open . Free, platform for data exchange free from any “big brother “ sanctions and census .. It used to be called the “Global village” The fact that we villagers seemed to dedicate over thirty percent of the capacity to porn is neither here nor there. Each to his own! I care not a jot
    Various government's have devised methods to interfere with the concept of “free” under various banners … Terrorism , pornography, political stability,money laundering,.. whatever..In fact any old crap will do as an excuse.
    The harsh fact is if tptb want to know all about you.. they do .. Its easy! calling yourself higglypiggley on a forum is no protection. In fact Its counter productive use your own identity and then decent people with good intent can also “see you” and they far out number the filth after all if higglypiggly and his system suddenly dropped off the forum who would know .. or care for that matter ? It is true to say only evil must hide its face and speak in whispers .. in secret societies and the like .. The truth can be shouted out in sunshine!researching "free energy" is a good thing, isn't it? there is no need to hide.
    Here then is my first piece of advice in order to increase the odds of avoiding kissing the frogs

    1/ Don't waste any time at all unless the contraption has a verifiable name attached to it. After all your about to invest time and perhaps quite a lot of money. From bitter experience I can assure you to fail is tolerable .. to fail with a project penned by Jemima Puddle-Duck .. sucks.

    2/Once you have identified a project you think has merit and is within your cost and capability study the man. With the computer any concept of privacy like it or not is gone. Even following your own family tree you'll be amazed at the information that can be unearthed in a couple of hours. Study your man, his family, work place, court records, training … for Instance I doubt I would take very much interest with some one having years of convictions for fraud. As opposed to “one “fraud instituted by “the opposition” on folks with otherwise impeccable characters .. like Mayer or Rife for instance them I would take a big interest in, Its flagged .. This is not frog material

    3/ Phone or if in travel range .. go and see the guy in person, you will find that folks who have put genuine working systems on the www have done it for one reason .. they want it developed and out there in the world doing good. If you approach politely and ask In all probability they will be only to pleased to help you duplicate the machine . (A typical example of this was Hatem I phoned him up and was immediately offered an invitation to visit and see myself.) If not well .. Its probably “a frog” Throw it in the frog box

    4/ Replications .. of course search for demonstrable replications … hundreds would be nice of course but dozens are certainly a splendid indication IMHO. particularly if there is a multitude of reputable support and results. Here I think for example of something like “The Rotoverter” well established duplicated many times, The results documented by friends of this forum Panacea University . With several farm conversions to research. taking the next step to COP+1 however .. well do your own reseach ...

    5/ given that viable “free energy” is about it follows that forums much like this one become information battle fields, also of course the source /s .. have to be shut down by tptb (the powers that be) look for this intimidation … arson . Bribery murder “the disappeared” Its a huge indication your onto “a prince”

    6/ If most or all of the above “fits” then research the relevant materials being removed from the market or put out of public reach . I could here perhaps cite the work of the Head of the IEEE Robert Adams and his friend Harold Aspen PhD.(Cantab), B.Sc., F.I.E.E., F.I.Mech.E., M.Inst P., F.I.C.P.A., C.,Eng., C.Phys. Sen.Wh.Sc.
    All the above evidence “fits” both men were financially “well off with good pensions and extremely well respected practically and as academics. However to reproduce these machines material with exceptional B/H reactions are required . There's little of that available . Anyone who's built successful replications has suddenly stopped (been stopped) .. I here think of RomeroUK … In other words not a frog .. not really a viable build either.

    7/ consider what your particular intention is if its simply to prove to yourself “free energy” exists simply hang one magnet on a bit of string over another poles opposing. Watch it for a few hours .. or the rest of your life if you want to . Take it to bits and put it back in the draw .. the jobs done you've seen it. If you wish to control and amplify the effect giving it direction and purpose which can be done, you begin to play with the big boys.

    8/ If your intention is “profit” and I must confess I had the stupid idea of becoming moderately wealthy whilst solving a major problem … it really doesn't work like that ! Whatever you or I may Invent or build the odds are hugely in favour of it having been done before and arrested. So really your just at the very back of a very long and deserving queue.

    9/The edge of course has been totally knocked off my original ambition . I don't need to prove “free energy” to myself . I don't feel inclined to prove it to anyone else. If the above example whizzing about chaotically doesn't tell you somethings occurring .. your pretty much beyond assistance.
    The “Profit” Idea I realise is pretty much a joke tptb own the money and they own the presses that make the money. Tptb most of who have never washed a pot in their miserable lives control every aspect of our lives world wide .. Including what may or may not be developed. They own you!
    George Carlin ~ The American Dream - YouTube
    So now my ambitions changed .. do it very simply … do it high power … make it so It can't be stopped, use simple materials if I can't do that .. all said and done its just anoter frog!

    The object of the post is to try and help beginners to “free energy “ research avoid “frogs” posting on the subject is to a certain extent a two edged sword . Posting techniques you use may have the effect of the opposition altering their MO. Some Time ago Patrick J Kelly was helping me to edit some work. He was kind enough to show me certain ways he had discovered and developed to detect who's who.
    obviously for me to post those techniques would render them useless .. so I won't.
    In that respect I suggest folks posting on this thread consider carefully what they post. The object is to sway the balance in favour of honest researchers and viable machines, whilst not feeding the opposition effective counter measures if there are counter measures the opposition can take they should be costly and very time consuming over and over again .
    Last edited by Duncan; 10-11-2013, 11:08 AM.
    Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.

  • #2
    Also don't forget to use forums (such as this one) as learning tools … there are thousands of attempts tptb would of course like you to assume they are all “frogs” In fact once you have experienced “free energy” and know its huge and undeniable then you also become aware of its effects. You can take it to the bank that tptb will take steps to remove the video's and information as soon as they think its politic to do so without drawing to much attention. Here then is a huge indication … Its not a Frog.
    If there are indications that the system works the thread will end very suddenly … There are various reasons , Not least is the possibility of huge profit .. alas we are all human and there is something of the Gollum in all of us!
    The second reason is often “self preservation” serious researchers know only to well what can be expected from tptb .. they have children, wife’s .. loved ones ! It is their priority.
    This particularly applies if they have been “contacted” So as you learn from the “back pages “
    These are major things to keep at the back of your mind. Added to that if members of the thread are reporting successful reproductions .. followed by unexplainable … silence .. why its surly worthy of deeper investigation . Its often very difficult .. (but not impossible) to find the original content .. but its usually out there on someone's hard drive. I'm certainly not going to list P2P systems still working … but they are there. Just at random I have had a look through a few “golden oldies” I haven't tried this... no idea if it works or not, but simply to give you an example a thread like this
    would immediately hold my attention. This has all the “hall marks” I have just mentioned.
    If I happened to know one of these guys well enough to have “direct contact” I would ask .
    “where did this go”? Of course the answer could well be … Nowhere , however you have started the business of separating .. “frogs from princes”

    Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


    • #3
      required reading

      Great thread Duncan,

      This should be required reading for beginners here.

      I did kiss the wrong frog from the beginning and hope the current frog affair turns into a winner.

      This is a hobby to me but, has become a full time marriage. But like any relationship there are many good and bad days.

      At the time trying to make a go at the Lockridge device. Not doing very good with it but have learned much about transformers, coils, rewinding armatures and electromagnetism. When it stops being fun, then time to hit the frog pond in search of a new challenge.


