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Use the Force Luke ... Use the Force!

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  • Use the Force Luke ... Use the Force!

    “Ward Force” dames en heren … another for your delectation "Ward Force" It conveniently makes lenz law obsolete and redundant about time IMHO. pesky law that! … or does it ? You tell me . Of course if you suspect it may be straight and true copy everything with care. however if you think its a scamp feel free to be a tell tale tit!
    Conserve energy, clean energy from Magnet, reverse polarity
    Last edited by Duncan; 10-31-2013, 03:35 AM.
    Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.

  • #2

    This principle is well known in these circles. Bedini demonstrated it in two machines, both of which demonstrated this principle, indirectly, his systems have open magnetic paths.

    Thane Heins demonstrated this effect which he more or less claims to have discovered, it must be noted that Thanes approach is limited by the need for high inductance, and frequency so that his coils begin to behave like caps, the latter also a limitation of his approach, his system is also an open path type.

    Steve Ward was here a few years ago, when he first went public about his findings, no one took him seriously it seems, probably has a lot to do with the fact that he named the effect after himself. What stands out in his demonstration is its simplicity. The next thing that attracts ones attention is the fact that Ward is working with a "Closed path". I have found several patents which illustrate open and closed path circuits, have found several examples of open path circuits, but only one or two examples of working closed path circuits. Steve Ward found something special, and whether you accept his interpretation or not is immaterial, the machine itself is worth building and studying.

    Thanks for bringing this back to the forum, this is an area where those who are building and or contemplating building generators should invest a little time and energy.



    • #3
      The provided 'explanation' here is something I simply cannot understand as expressed.

      Does he rotate a piece of iron between a magnet and a coil ?

      Wesley Gary in 1879 demonstrated that an iron armature oscillating in the field of a magnet would flip reverse its internal polarity and thereby generate excess electricity, and after demonstration same he was granted a Patent in this regard. (Expired.)

      The core field reversal time period in an armature within a magnetic field is related to the nature of the core material itself, and thus its flip rate can be synchronised with either oscillatory or rotational motion, as per Gary's little 1879 electricity generator, or I suggest, Lester Hendershot's 1928 Motor !

      With spring rebound oscillation an armature can effectively become to the magnet, what a capacitor is to a battery, with both capable of kinetically energising an electrical circuit from an otherwise fixed potential (only) source !!!!!

      This being quite different to the movement of a magnet over a coil or armature in order to generate electricity via the cutting of magnetic lines of force, for there is not any mechanical reaction or positional cogging effect in reactive opposition to the armatures internal field reversal action.

      The 'field' reversal within the armature relates to atomic domain (electron spin axis) alignments within it, and likely starts at some magnet related centre-line field bulge acting upon the armature surface domains and inducing symmetrical but oppositely polarised waves of reversal which avalanche outwards and through the entire armature.

      From what I see here there will be a rotational cogging effect, and this is why the armature must first be spun up to a speed coincidental with the longitudinal field reversals arising therein.

      This is why I have asked whether a buzzing armature, when connected to a Hendershot Motor (reverse single phase alternator) will maintain rotation when run up to a speed synchronous with the natural magnetic field reversals within a springing permanent magnet empowered buzzer armature.

      Cheers .............. Graham.

      PS. Should be -
      Use the Spin Luke ... Neutralise the Force !
      Last edited by GSM; 10-31-2013, 01:02 PM.


      • #4
        Originally posted by erfinder View Post

        This principle is well known in these circles. Bedini demonstrated it in two machines, both of which demonstrated this principle, indirectly, his systems have open magnetic paths.

        It is also found in Nature :

        Magnetic Portals Connect Earth to the Sun - NASA Science

        and spin too

        Tesla’s Egg of Columbus from Electrical Experimenter, March, 1919

        Even more interesting than the spinning egg was the exhibition of planetary motion. In this experiment one large, and several small brass balls were usually employed. When the field was energized all the balls would be set spinning, the large one remaining in the center while the small ones revolved around it, like moons about a planet, gradually receding until they reached the outer guard and raced along the same.
        Use the Force .... Lucy

        When the great truth accidentally revealed and experimentally confirmed is fully recognized, that this planet, with all its appalling immensity, is to electric currents virtually no more than a small metal ball and that by this fact many possibilities, each baffling imagination and of incalculable consequence, are rendered absolutely sure of accomplishment; when the first plant is inaugurated and it is shown that a telegraphic message, almost as secret and non-interferable as a thought, can be transmitted to any terrestrial distance, the sound of the human voice, with all its intonations and inflections, faithfully and instantly reproduced at any other point of the globe, the energy of a waterfall made available for supplying light, heat or motive power, anywhere — on sea, or land, or high in the air — humanity will be like an ant heap stirred up with a stick: See the excitement coming!

        Nikola Tesla - Wikiquote
        Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-31-2013, 02:46 PM.
        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • #5
          Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
          It is also found in Nature :

          Magnetic Portals Connect Earth to the Sun - NASA Science

          and spin too

          Use the Force .... Lucy

          In my opinion, the Tesla's egg demonstration doesn't qualify as a closed path system. Its more like a hybrid between open and closed. Review the model demonstrated by Ward, note the difference between his little demonstration device and the machine Tesla presented. There is more to the induction machine presented by Tesla, we can begin to see this only when we close the magnetic circuit completely. Complete isolation of the armature field coils, or permanent magnets from the stator field coils or magnets. Flux leaves rotor, crosses air gap and enters stator, zero direct interaction between rotor and coils. Secondary induced flux is locked into the iron, and doesn't reach across the air gap to negatively influence the rotor.

          My two cents...



          • #6
            you are quite correct .... but it is the same for the solar system .... an open closed system

            NASA's Voyager 1 approaches outer limit of solar system

            The Sun's Magnetic Field is about to Flip - NASA Science

            and the egg does not represent the sun

            ps: think of it as an Electromagnetic Faraday's Cage ..... I do believe Transverse Wave are the only ones that can pass through ... but what if you trap them and redirect the flow

            Faraday cage - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

            Faraday cages cannot block static or slowly varying magnetic fields, such as the Earth's magnetic field (a compass will still work inside). To a large degree, though, they shield the interior from external electromagnetic radiation if the conductor is thick enough and any holes are significantly smaller than the wavelength of the radiation

            Editor, Scientific American:

            Engineers attach no importance whatever to static electricity generated by belt friction or otherwise. They are apt to dismiss it with the thought that the energy is infinitesimal. That is true. A little water pumped through some joint in a big low-pressure main is of no consequence, but in a pump designed for an extremely high pressure and very small delivery it is all-important. Exactly so in the electrical case. The belt or equivalent device is simply a pump capable of forcing the minute quantity of electricity produced into a condenser against a pressure and increasing the power up to a limit of working capacity of the means employed. Thus mechanical energy, in any desired amount, can be transformed into electric energy yielding direct and constant currents of many millions of volts

            Nikola Tesla Writes (Additional Comments on Electro-Static Generators) from Scientific American, April, 1934.
            when you look at Tesla's Tower ... it is a huge Faraday Cage

            “This is the greatest of my inventions,” Tesla went on with great enthusiasm. “Now take my ‘rotating field’ — do you know my rotating field — are you familiar at all with electricity? There are millions invested in it already. Well, that is a very useful thing, but the field is limited to dynamos and motors. But here you have a new power for pumps, steam engines, gasoline motors, for automobiles, for airships, for many other uses, and all so simple.”

            Dr. Tesla Talks of Gas Turbines from Motor World, September 18th, 1911
            Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-31-2013, 08:10 PM.
            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • #7
              Just came across this !

              Espacenet - Original document


              • #8
                Originally posted by erfinder View Post

                This principle is well known in these circles. Bedini demonstrated it in two machines, both of which demonstrated this principle, indirectly, his systems have open magnetic paths.

                Thane Heins demonstrated this effect which he more or less claims to have discovered, it must be noted that Thanes approach is limited by the need for high inductance, and frequency so that his coils begin to behave like caps, the latter also a limitation of his approach, his system is also an open path type.

                Steve Ward was here a few years ago, when he first went public about his findings, no one took him seriously it seems, probably has a lot to do with the fact that he named the effect after himself. What stands out in his demonstration is its simplicity. The next thing that attracts ones attention is the fact that Ward is working with a "Closed path". I have found several patents which illustrate open and closed path circuits, have found several examples of open path circuits, but only one or two examples of working closed path circuits. Steve Ward found something special, and whether you accept his interpretation or not is immaterial, the machine itself is worth building and studying.

                Thanks for bringing this back to the forum, this is an area where those who are building and or contemplating building generators should invest a little time and energy.

                Thanks for the gen erfinder ... so I searched "ward force" on the energetics engine here is Steve's last post on this forum .. Sorry for posting same subject matter twice
                Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                • #9
                  correction wrong thread
                  Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-01-2013, 05:36 PM.
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • #10
                    I still cannot understand what is supposed to be going on here.

                    However I can understand Steven Ward's statement -
                    " Run with no load up to speed then apply short (load). "

                    However, when it comes to magnetic field induction and coils
                    a short circuit is not a load -

                    it constitutes - a minimal dissipation energy-field *reflection* !
                    What really counts is its related phase shift with respect to the initiating energy-field.

                    Cheers ................. Graham.
                    Last edited by GSM; 11-01-2013, 05:06 PM.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by GSM View Post
                      I still cannot understand what is supposed to be going on here.

                      However I can understand Steven Ward's statement -
                      " Run with no load up to speed then apply short (load). "

                      However, when it comes to magnetic field induction and coils
                      a short circuit is not a load -

                      it constitutes - a minimal dissipation energy-field *reflection* !
                      What really counts is its related phase shift with respect to the initiating energy-field.

                      Cheers ................. Graham.
                      You are correct in that it could be considered a reflection, however this 180 degree phase shift represents the highest possible counter force applied to the prime mover thus should slow the movement in traditional generator systems. What I believe you to referring to as "not a load" would be a condition of the maximum power transfer theorem. The power transfer is at its highest and load dissipates the greatest amount when the impedance of the load and source are equal, both with respect to complex and ohmic impedance. But a shorted generator will create a condition for the maximum possible back drag.


                      • #12
                        I thought I heard Thane Heins once say that a short was essentially an "infinite load." I don't know how this would square with your paradigm, but thought I'd mention it for what it's worth.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Armagdn03 View Post
                          however this 180 degree phase shift represents the highest possible counter force applied to the prime mover thus should slow the movement in traditional generator systems.
                          This is where Steven (Thane Heins?) is being conditional.

                          If the short were applied before running up to 'speed' the loading would be incredible.
                          However the equipment is being run faster straight to a speed before the coil-core phase shifted (delayed in time) reactive force becomes phase coherent with input induced generation and is switched in.

                          Apply a real resistive load and there would be no regenerative boost left worth the making of any claims about.

                          Apply a physical load and it would need to be driven *in addition to Steven's device*.

                          Originally posted by Bob Smith View Post
                          I thought I heard Thane Heins once say that a short was essentially an "infinite load." I don't know how this would square with your paradigm, but thought I'd mention it for what it's worth.
                          I have long regarded Thane's demonstrations to be of similar ilk, and even more so with his because they are a completely closed system.

                          How else could Thane's videos remain on YouTube if they really were a demonstration of over-unity ?

                          Cheers ............. Graham.
                          Last edited by GSM; 11-01-2013, 11:07 PM.


                          • #14

                            Originally posted by erfinder View Post

                            This principle is well known in these circles. Bedini demonstrated it in two machines, both of which demonstrated this principle, indirectly, his systems have open magnetic paths.

                            Thane Heins demonstrated this effect which he more or less claims to have discovered, it must be noted that Thanes approach is limited by the need for high inductance, and frequency so that his coils begin to behave like caps, the latter also a limitation of his approach, his system is also an open path type.

                            Steve Ward was here a few years ago, when he first went public about his findings, no one took him seriously it seems, probably has a lot to do with the fact that he named the effect after himself. What stands out in his demonstration is its simplicity. The next thing that attracts ones attention is the fact that Ward is working with a "Closed path". I have found several patents which illustrate open and closed path circuits, have found several examples of open path circuits, but only one or two examples of working closed path circuits. Steve Ward found something special, and whether you accept his interpretation or not is immaterial, the machine itself is worth building and studying.

                            Thanks for bringing this back to the forum, this is an area where those who are building and or contemplating building generators should invest a little time and energy.

                            FYI, Wardforce, defined as the force part of the Magnetic Field that causes and controls forward and backward motion, was named this because of the reactions described. This was after YEARS of people asking me what this other part was called. I gave it a name and ... I did not name it after me.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by View Post
                              FYI, Wardforce, defined as the force part of the Magnetic Field that causes and controls forward and backward motion, was named this because of the reactions described. This was after YEARS of people asking me what this other part was called. I gave it a name and ... I did not name it after me.
                              I am a fan of your work, thanks for setting the record straight. For what its worth I have verified that what you show in your videos indeed performs as described. Its now time to apply this to existing technology. Its my opinion that the wheel doesn't need to be reinvented, a simple retrofit will do.

                              Not sure how deep you are into this, but there is more to it. Lots more.

                              Last edited by erfinder; 11-02-2013, 08:12 PM.

