Originally posted by Turion
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Wesley Gary solved this problem 135 years ago !!!!!
Check half way down this webpage -
Wesley Gary's Magnetic Motor
He used a cam to prevent magnetic flux gap closure and saturation via mechanical contact, plus compression springs to counter the magnetic force of attraction, both such that electric current generation via critical alignment and positional oscillation about his 'Neutral Line' discovery relating to sudden field reversals -
!!!!! ----- which did not require additional energy input to initiate ----- !!!!!
could -
generate electrical output from cam controlled cyclically induced mechanical movement
either -
back-EMF related energy sapping oppositions !!!!!,
or -
having to overcome normal forces required to physically alter magnetic flux linkages between the polarising magnet and his cored transducer !!!!!
WE are long overdue a *scientific* explanation of Wardforce !
Is it a rotational manifestation and utilisation of Mr Gary's prior findings and explanations, and thus a supposedly "Free Energy" derivation via relative rotational motion through a magnetic field, instead of longitudinal motion with respect to one, via which Wesley genuinely demonstrated so long ago does indeed lead to *Free Energy* generation (ie. greater electrical energy output than mechanical energy input required to generate same) ?
!!!!! What has been erased from Wesley Gary's Patent illustration is a set of output polarity reversing switches capable of 'rectifying' the alternating output potential into a DC supply, which would have enabled his mechanical device to run automatically via a small conventional permanent magnet electric motor driving the edge of that large end gear wheel and thus causing the coil-armature assembly to be cam driven and oscillate through its *neutral zone* wrt the fixed permanent magnet !!!!!
Steven, is you mechanism an inverse operation being rotary instead of longitudinal ?
Even so - all of that power noise in your videos (Wardforce energy transduction costs) with just a tiny lamp lit !
Free energy ?
Cheers ................ Graham.
Turion - I have lit LEDS as in that video ***** without ***** equivalent energy expenditure; this via a Wesley Gary arrangement.
Wesley Gary Neutral Zone - Video Dailymotion