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Fuelless Friction Heater And Other Heaters

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  • #91
    Hi folks, had to jb weld outer aluminum seam on main aluminum tube so while waiting for that to dry, here is a finished radiator fin.
    Need another hose clamp, though will see how it is with just the outer ones when i am able to test it.

    peace love light


    • #92
      Hi folks, everything is set to put back together and test tomorrow, jb welded magnets and magnets to shaft nuts.
      Mounted fin to see how it will work, need to get another hose clamp for middle.
      Bought some heat sink compound to try after test without it.
      All thoughts welcome.

      peace love light


      • #93
        Hi folks, just an update on the magnet heater results with a radiator fin.
        Testing of one radiator fin worked well.
        Using my hand as a meter, it radiated much more heat than without.
        Used the silicone heat sink compound also, which seemed to help as well.
        Will make another radiator fin and see how 2 fins perform, etc..
        peace love light


        • #94
          This is to OIL PIGGY, what happened to all of your videos and if they still exist, why is youtube set to private.
          I was just going to see how you are progressing and i find this gated wall treatment.
          If this is your intention oil piggy, i only wish to know why.
          peace love light


          • #95
            Hi Sky Watcher... How's about your magnetic heater? Do you have done additional tests and improvements since April?


            • #96
              Hi hocuspocus, i did test it awhile back and also used a small fan to help circulate heat from the radiating fins to the room.
              It worked ok and raised the temp in a 10x10 room a few degrees.
              It needs a higher power motor, as the drill press motor was heating up a bit too much after awhile and also not providing the needed rpm's to really get it up to good temp. quickly enough.
              Also, the radiating tube may need to be bigger also or just more radiator fins might do the job.
              I think a 1hp motor would really work well with it and greater radiating surface area, as even the old steam or even electric baseboards need a certain amount of radiating surface to even begin to heat a certain size room.
              Let me put it this way, we could have a steel bolt at 1000 degrees, but that is not going to heat a room unless that heat is somehow transferred to the air using radiators of some kind.
              Also the heat capacity needs to be able to keep up as well to maintain an adequate surface temperature on the aluminum radiating surfaces.
              Any ideas are welcome.
              peace love light

