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Reactive Generator Research for everyone to share

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  • #76
    Originally posted by gotoluc View Post
    Okay, it all sounds very good

    The only thing is you need to read my newer post above, as it is now clear that the MOT is NOT needed

    You only need a series cap and a series load. In your case I would recommend the series FWBR to charge your battery. Just make sure your Motor coils are isolated from the AC Gen coils.

    Start low with your series cap since you have HV output. Maybe start with 1uf and slowly add to find the ideal value.

    Wishing you all the best and let us know how it works out.

    Hello Luc,

    Can you please define what you mean by "isolated" .



    • #77
      Separate coils & not connected to your motor coil



      • #78
        Posted by Stefan at OU Reactive Generator topic

        Hi All,
        I think these Russian inventors have already mastered the technolgy and can offer
        a 10 times power amplification via reactive power and resonance in tis unit.

        Have a look at this:

        Regards, Stefan.

        And calculations by wings

        the max allowable reactive power should be within 90% of active power

        1260 Watts and 3000 VAR -
        3300 total input power V*A (200 Volts 5-6 amperes)

        cost (3.23*1260 + 4.21*3000)/3600= 4.6 centEuro (KV*A*hours)

        9080 Watts and 165 VAR
        9100 total output power V*A (220Volts 13.5 amperes)

        cost (3.23*9080 + 4.21*165)/3600= 8.4 centEuro (KV*A*hours)

        amplifications of 10 times active power 3 times full power - not bad
        Last edited by gotoluc; 12-22-2013, 05:50 PM.


        • #79
          Originally posted by gotoluc View Post
          Separate coils & not connected to your motor coil

          As I pointed out, this is a modified three phase motor. It was rewound and is now connected in a manner which yields three phases. The coils are inductively related, they are separate, but united by mutual induction, owing to them being in a common stator.

          Hope this answers your question.



          • #80
            If you have 3 phases you may want to move to the newest way of possibly doing it.

            See this post wings just posted;

            Reactive power - Reactive Generator research from GotoLuc - discussion thread



            • #81
              Hi everyone,

              I made 2 new videos which hopefully will serve as an update to demonstrate that a MOT is no longer needed and to also serve as a tutorial to guide you in the best direction for those who wish to replicate.

              Tutorial 1: Reactive Generator Tutorial Demo 1 - YouTube

              Tutorial 2: Reactive Generator Tutorial Demo 2 - YouTube

              Hope this helps answer questions and not cause more!

              All the best in your experiments



              • #82
                Hi Luc,

                thanks for the videos and the effort you put in this. All this is about having a tuned tank circuit if I'm seeing this correctly. I'm assuming that where you are showing the resistor with series caps directly from the grid it can only work because the source (grid) is actually the secondary coil of the transformer that feeds your home, which forms a tank circuit with your caps, correct?

                If I were to use the secondary of a say 12 to 220V transformer to make a similar arrangement, am I correct in assuming that the core has to be "open" as opposed to closed or toroid style in order for this to work?

                Last edited by Mario; 12-30-2013, 11:35 AM.


                • #83
                  I would suggest If the information I am sharing does not answer all your questions then take the time do the necessary tests to answer your questions.

                  All the best



                  • #84
                    Originally posted by gotoluc View Post
                    Hi everyone,

                    I made 2 new videos which hopefully will serve as an update to demonstrate that a MOT is no longer needed and to also serve as a tutorial to guide you in the best direction for those who wish to replicate.

                    Tutorial 1: Reactive Generator Tutorial Demo 1 - YouTube

                    Tutorial 2: Reactive Generator Tutorial Demo 2 - YouTube

                    Hope this helps answer questions and not cause more!

                    All the best in your experiments

                    Luc, thank you for your updates, they are very reveling.
                    Since your first disclosure I've been contemplating the phenomena. Although all theory is described in text books, my discovery is one “detail” that somehow got unnoticed. While explaining the reactive power by making the calculations (U*I), established academia forgets to analyze the nature of the load seen by the source/generator, i.e. U/I. Further on, since A*sin(...)/B*cos(...) is C*tan(...), it would be no surprise the tangent graph (trigonometric function in math) except noticing the negative resistance (the holly grail of free energy researchers).
                    No semiconductors or active components are required, no neon lamps, no spark gaps. The best and cheapest components are within our reach: coils and capacitors.

                    Edit: A consequence of negative resistance would be that the reactive power is not a result of "stored energy" in capacitors or inductors as stated in text books, but rather coming from elsewhere. Pretty much in line with Eric the T-Rex. When we deal with negative resistance, the run for superconductors looks like a joke.

                    I love the elegant simplicity of your approach.
                    Cheers and a Happy New Year!
                    Last edited by barbosi; 12-31-2013, 02:24 AM.


                    • #85
                      Thanks for your post barbosi,

                      You maybe interested in the below video. I was posted by TheCell at the OU topic.

                      Power Multiplier DEMO.wmv - YouTube



                      • #86
                        Hi everyone,

                        a researcher named Dog-One has been playing with the circuit with a Java Simulator and has made a video demo.

                        Link to video: Reactive Power Simulation on Vimeo



                        • #87
                          At everyone,

                          A group of experimenters at RWG Research forum have been researching looped generators and found my research and already built a Generator using the Series Capacitor effect.

                          User Matt Watts may soon have his looped.

                          Motor-Generator Self-Looped with Usable Energy Left Over



                          • #88
                            Originally posted by gotoluc View Post
                            I would suggest If the information I am sharing does not answer all your questions then take the time do the necessary tests to answer your questions.

                            All the best

                            Hi Luc, that's not what I meant. You gave a lot of great info I'm just trying to understand the basic concept. I've done many resonance experiments and my conclusions are the same as yours, the load resistance/impedance has to be as low as possible in a tank circuit, while the voltage has to be as high as possible to develop more current.
                            My experiments also led me to the conclusion that closed core transformers are not suitable. I was just trying to get a confirmation from your side, and also understand why your setup straight from mains with caps and load works. Maybe some people have a hard time understanding how you found the right caps value with no inductor(source) in sight. In my view in this case the secondary of the mains is the inductor of your tank circuit, just like your generator coil when you use that as the source instead of mains.

                            thanks, and happy new year to all


                            • #89
                              Thanks Mario for making your post clearer.

                              At this time all I know is, it looks like if the source is of high voltage and possibly of low Impedance (remain to be confirmed on low impedance) and the load (after tuned series cap) is kept at a low voltage low resistance, it seems that most of the reactive power is returned to the source.

                              More people need to replicate to better understand how it all works.

                              Thanks for sharing your Resonance experiments and all the best in the new year



                              • #90
                                Thank You

                                Originally posted by gotoluc View Post
                                Hi everyone,

                                I made 2 new videos which hopefully will serve as an update to demonstrate that a MOT is no longer needed and to also serve as a tutorial to guide you in the best direction for those who wish to replicate.

                                Tutorial 1: Reactive Generator Tutorial Demo 1 - YouTube

                                Tutorial 2: Reactive Generator Tutorial Demo 2 - YouTube

                                Hope this helps answer questions and not cause more!

                                All the best in your experiments

                                Epic Luc! You can't make it simpler than that! Thank you. You've started something now.

                                Just Awesome.


