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Reactive Generator Research for everyone to share

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  • Reactive Generator Research for everyone to share

    Hi everyone,

    today is my 52nd birthday and I've decided to share the most promising research I have found to date.

    For quite some time I've been studying the effects of reactive power using all kinds of circuit configurations.
    The circuit that seems to have the most promising results is a Transformer and capacitor combination.
    At this time I'm using a Microwave Oven Transformer (aka MOT)
    I'm sure there are even better suited transformers but of all the transformers I had on hand at this time a MOT is giving me the best results and I will share more on the details in the next post.

    Don't assume this is common information, since it's not!... I have search the internet and youtube and no one has shared the results that I'm about to give. Also, I've been sharing my results with Gyula (in case I miss something) he is a well respected researcher.
    He also could not find anything on the net of what I'm about to share. Gyula was also quite surprised of the results of the test as he thought the opposite would happen.
    I'm sure this isn't a new discovery!... and most likely is the operating principle of many OU devices you have seen in videos or been hearing about.
    However, those who have found this effect are not sharing and are probably of the same mindset as 99% of the world's population and think to make profit first rather than helping those how have much less than them let alone thinking of helping our environment.

    I have always promised myself to share all so here it is.
    I only ask one thing from you and it's not difficult to do. If after viewing my video demonstration you see no value to what I share then please move on and don't bother wasting another minute of your time.
    If you don't understand what is being shared! that's not a problem but I ask you stay in the background and keep looking at the updates and look at the posts of those who do understand and are willing to participate in developing this to its full potential.
    In time it may come clear to you and possibly a list of the exact parts and where to buy them once a device is perfected.
    If you can't build anything that's also not a problem as someone may offer a built device for you to buy. There's room for everyone but please lets keep this topic clean.

    Also, please note, I make no claims of OU... all I suggest is by using certain values of electrical components (which usually cause losses) adjusting and connecting them in a certain way, one could remove the Lenz effect on a load connected to a generator. Also, by using such a circuit on the input (prime mover) one could also reduce the input power by 50% (as demonstrated in my video) or up to 100% if you can develop a circuit that would make a better phase shift then my circuit used in test 1 video demo
    If this does not attract you please move on and don't waste your time watching this 30 minute video.
    As far as I know this is the first ever video demonstration with an explanation of the benefits of a reactive power load on a generator.
    Also, I'm not hiding anything in a box! all is in the open and details given.

    Link to video demo: Reactive Generator Research test 1 - YouTube

    In the next post I'll include some more details on the effect of using a MOT and capacitors and include some scope shots of test 1 video.


  • #2
    Below you will find the scope shots of the video demonstration.

    An oscilloscope is needed to experiment with reactive power as without it you would be working in the dark.
    On the low voltage side of MOT primary you will need a Series Capacitor. It can be many different values of AC Capacitors capable of 220vac which you connect in parallel to make the value you need to get the best current and phase shift (90 degrees is ideal).
    You should have many cap values from 1uf to 60uf to combine them to find the ideal value plus or minus 1uf.
    I suggest starting around 20uf on 220v MOT's and 40uf on 120v MOT's
    Please note that even if you combine caps together to get a certain uf value, that Capacitor bank will be connected in Series to the MOT primary.
    For the high voltage side of the MOT you will need many HV 2000vac rated caps of small uf values like .22uf or even smaller as small changes make big differences between the secondary and primary. You can even get good results by shorting the secondary as it's self capacitance maybe enough. So maybe Bifilar winding could also be looked at as a secondary which could have its own self capacitance and require no external caps. But like I say you can just try it shorted at first or attach a resistive load if you're using it as output. Also, best to use high resistance between 300 to 1000 ohms. Each MOT has it's ideal load to get max power out and keeping phase at ideal position.

    Tuning to be most efficiency like 0 watts input with10 watts out (which I've done) you will need a perfect 90 degrees phase shift.
    It's not easy to do, since as as soon as you connect a load be it Inductive or Resistive our friend Lenz wants to come for a visit. Mostly when it's Inductive!

    Now for the microwave oven transformer (MOT)
    Why a MOT?... well, it can work with other transformers but my best test results so far was a transformer with a high Impedance secondary (many turns), so naturally a MOT is better suited for this.
    I think one could improve over a MOT by maybe using a Utility Line Step Down Transformer which is what could be on Valy's looped generator video (on side close to motor)? don't know if its a large capacitor or a transformer?

    See for yourself, here's the link to Valy's looped generator video: energia libera punctu zero - YouTube

    These large utility transformers are designed to step down 7000, 14000 or more Volts AC to 220vac, so it may work better then a MOT? and should be able to maintain very large quantities of reactive magnetic flux within the core which should result in maintaining a next to perfect phase shift when a load (motor) is connected to the low impedance side. But again this would needs to be tested.
    Please note that what maybe hidden in Valy box (secret to make the device work) could be a high voltage AC capacitor connected to the HV secondary of the utility transformer and its low voltage coil connected between the 600vac PM generator and the induction motor. Once he gets it started and flips the switch the induction motor run capacitor is probably used as the primary capacitor.
    I also could be wrong and the box maybe a transformer and capacitors of a welder as I have seen a few videos on YT that when a welder is operated it stops the utility meter and even makes it turn backwards:

    See for yourself, link to video: 3 Phase kWh meter running backwards - YouTube

    Anyways, all this needs to be tested to find the best setup

    In my Reactive Generator test 1 video what prevented me to further drop the 50 watts used by the induction motor was the limit of my variac voltage output.
    I know that may not make sense to you but when you experiment with this you may understand.
    To achieve a lower power consumption I would need to get a better phase shift (closer to 90 degrees) and the way to do this would be to reduce the capacitance uf value on the series primary cap bank. However, that action will cause a reaction, so to maintain the induction motor speed I would have to raise the voltage of my variac but I was close to max at 150vac.
    Don't be fooled! ... there's better result to be had. I decided to keep it simple by using a standard variac. The potential of what this could become is what is inportant.
    Once you start experimenting and get positive results you will better understand the potential. But I'll tell you, it's not as easy as I make it look in my video. It will take time to master this beast.

    The other thing I've not mentioned is about the two MOT's I'm using in the video. They are from South Africa, so 220vac. I brought them back to Canada over a year ago because I was working on a reactive battery charger (this is how this all started) and since the Primaries are for 220vac they would have more turns and possibly a higher Inductance then our 120vac version.
    My experiments have confirmed that a MOT with a higher Inductance primary requires a lower series capacitance value for the same amount of real power on the load to secondary compared to the 120vac MOT which needs double the cap uf value for the same output. So possibly less capacitive energy in the primary = less current being wasted in the transformer core as heat caused by eddy currents. I could feel the difference of heat between the two when I tested the 220v vs the 120v.
    My best score so far on a reactive load on the output of the generator is around 20 Watts without the generator loosing RPM and raising the power requirement to the prime mover.
    I chose not to demonstrate this in test 1 video as the you need 3600 RPM for the alternator to output 120vac and thought it was more important to demonstrate the effect of reactive power on the input prime mover (motor) then only a higher output power as I would needed much more voltage (as mentioned above) to get close to the RPM the alternator needs to output 120vac.
    However, if it would make you happy to see a reactive circuit connected to the output producing 20 watts at no cost to the grid input, then I can upload a video demo for your entertainment.

    This is just the beginning as I'm sure with all of us working together we can develop this to a much greater potential. Also note that this could be used on so many applications like a car alternator producing power for HHO production at no cost (load) to engine.
    I also think a solid state version (no moving parts) could be possible.
    The application possibilities are endless.

    To think that everyone trained in electrical or electronics for the past 100 years have been told that reactive power is not useful is hard to believe!... could this be so? am I dreaming?

    For the next few weeks I may not be available to answer posts as I have to complete a job to make a little $ to keep living. So I encourage you not to post other than your experiment results in order to keep this topic clean and easy to understand for the new comers.

    All the best with your experiments and please share as I have.
    If you steal this thinking of self gain you will not gain anything and failed the test of what it is to be a true being of light.

    Love all Serve all


    Non Reactive and No Load

    Non Reactive and Load

    Reactive Output Load

    Reactive Output Load and Reactive Input


    • #3
      Hi Luc, What is the best in out figures you show in the videos ? I think I've seen all this before.

      I'm seeing 58 to 60 volts across an unrealistic load of 1 kilo ohm which is I think
      is 3.6 Watts output.

      All reactive power originates from the supply and getting an apparently 0 Watts
      input and 10 Watts out I do not see as meaning much. I see in the video's 50 Watts in and about 4 Watts or less out.

      So to cut a long story short what is the best efficiency for in vs out you show in the video's.

      I think the questions are valid.



      • #4

        This is interesting, thanks for sharing.

        Live to experiment, Experiment to live (+_+)


        • #5
          Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
          Hi Luc, What is the best in out figures you show in the videos ? I think I've seen all this before.

          I'm seeing 58 to 60 volts across an unrealistic load of 1 kilo ohm which is I think
          is 3.6 Watts output.

          All reactive power originates from the supply and getting an apparently 0 Watts
          input and 10 Watts out I do not see as meaning much. I see in the video's 50 Watts in and about 4 Watts or less out.

          So to cut a long story short what is the best efficiency for in vs out you show in the video's.

          I think the questions are valid.

          Hi Farmhand,

          read OU topic from this point: Reactive Generator Research for everyone to share

          Then do the simple test I first recommend.




          • #6
            *ALL* energisation comes from the electricity supply.

            The electricity supply has extremely low source impedance capable of energising reactive current flow even when current is virtually out of phase with alternating supply voltage.

            Measuring eventual continuous waveforms completely misses monitoring of the first few - pre stabilisation waveforms - where additional energy has already been utilised by the tuned circuit components in order to set up their reactive delay phase change and tuning.

            There is need here to simulate the first few cycles of operation utilizing conventional circuit simulation software !!!!!

            Cheers ............. Graham.


            • #7

              You are the one from small group of man who deserves the answer. I'm really glad to see you are actively checking to find the truth. I'm on the other side of mirror - I'm convinced about truth but cannot prove it experimentally.

              Look at my response at

              Do you remember Don Smith ? Did you saw his videos ? I believe he was giving very indirect hints. One of them is about electrons in transformer windings. Obviously no one electron is going from primary to the secondary but may it be more important what is going on with energy ?

              Here I will tell you a little bit about my theory... I believe the only basic law is Newton III law - action causes equal and opposite reaction. I don't see its usage in transformers ... more would be known if someondy at least check the proposed experiment. Indirectly it was confirmed in your test and in whole JackNoSkills thread about overunity transformer configuration.
              Transformer could be almost 200% efficient...


              • #8
                Some interesting informations : What is reactive power / active power / why we need reactive power?? - YouTube


                • #9
                  People are getting confused at other forums, so before it starts here I'll explain why I made the video demo that way. I will also recommend to first start with the below simple test and circuit diagram.

                  Trying to replicate my demo video is too difficult to start with. I made the video that way to prove that the circuit is not fooling the power meter since it does not cause a Lenz effect to a generator and also to demonstrate it has potential to looping a generator.

                  Start with these instructions and circuit for your first test.

                  The induction motor circuit is very difficult to tune if you have no prior experience with reactive power tuning. I would recommend people to start with the below test as you use the grid and a plug-in watts meter to first learn. This way you will see results fast since I worked out most of this.

                  Start with a 25 watt 1k Ohm load on the secondary but no caps for now. Then start with about a 10uf Series cap on the primary and connect it to grid. Reduce or raise (if needed) the cap uf value until your power meter is at about 1 watt. Then check your voltage on the 1K Ohm load and do the math. You should have more power out than in.

                  After that test, reduce your load resistor by 100 or 200 Ohms at a time and you will see you can add uf value to your primary and still stay at zero watts in. And If you raise the Ohms resistor your cap will need to be less to maintain zero watts.

                  You will find the ideal resistor and cap value which give you most watts out for zero watts in and you will find that each MOT is different.

                  After you get the hang of it you can then try working with the other circuit diagram below is you want to do tests to eventually detach from the grid (looped generator).
                  However, your generator will need to supply a higher voltage potential then 120 or 220 volts It also takes a lot of time to tune to ideal levels.

                  All the best with your experiments and please share your results


                  Last edited by gotoluc; 11-17-2013, 02:52 PM.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by GSM View Post
                    *ALL* energisation comes from the electricity supply.

                    The electricity supply has extremely low source impedance capable of energising reactive current flow even when current is virtually out of phase with alternating supply voltage.

                    Measuring eventual continuous waveforms completely misses monitoring of the first few - pre stabilisation waveforms - where additional energy has already been utilised by the tuned circuit components in order to set up their reactive delay phase change and tuning.

                    There is need here to simulate the first few cycles of operation utilizing conventional circuit simulation software !!!!!

                    Cheers ............. Graham.
                    As much as I respect your knowledge I don't understand why you are saying this. If gotoluc is onto something not conventional or not currently in traditional theory of electricity why would you want to analyze it with conventional circuit simulation software?. The software is setup only to work within known parameters. I will trust experimental evidence over what a simulation says should happen anyday. But if you think something will be gained by trying a sim than give it a whirl.
                    There is no important work, there are only a series of moments to demonstrate your mastery and impeccability. Quote from Almine


                    • #11
                      Can it run without plugging into the wall?
                      Someday that plug-in ,isn't going to work.
                      Why build if it requires the grid to work?


                      • #12
                        love the concept,

                        I cant help but agree with Ewiz here GSM much as I respect your post. There is a huge anomaly in this area and it seems to me that gotoluc has picked up on it. Can it self run is shylo's question well certainly if we understood the force at play. I think the grid is little more than part of an instrument here, why not use it whilst we learn the tune?
                        There are a few holes you and boguslaw have opened up in conventional theory IMHO the first being with the transformer … the operation of which can't be explained .. as you say different electrons.. here explained by Chris Carson RIP in a Quite aged video
                        Part 5 of 6: Eric Dollard & Chris Carson Tesla Longitudinal Wave Energy SBARC Ham Radio - YouTube
                        It takes a great deal of attention to alter our conventional implanted way of thinking and when we do we don't have the language or the tools. but the power station itself could be regarded as surplus to requirement in much the same way Tom Bearden describes here .. after all if your instruments are correct your running on zero power. even if your running on KVAr your running on zero power and doing what physics says is impossible with a “The watt less component” and that also needs very serious investigation.
                        the stupidest circuit - YouTube
                        and I guess viewed in the Bearden light, by putting a capacitor in series with your particular circuit
                        you do not break the dipole.
                        A little research .. although it might upset Tesla fans a bit .. shows that initially the first poly phase Grid system was a total disaster it was on its knees and could not be made to function, What you now call reactive power was pretty much an unknown quantity and its harmonic distribution ? It was a brand new baby.. no one knew it had music in its heart and soul.
                        Obviously GEC and Morgan were no friends of Westinghouse & Tesla particularly after the “war of the currents” yet here is GEC and Steinmetz 'owning' that project . Probably with justification .. Steinmetz resolved the nature of the effects you demonstrate and tamed them. He actually made Tesla's sketch work. The trouble is whilst doing that IMHO he also discovered the whole thing was not required … A white elephant
                        Charles Proteus Steinmetz: The Man Who Made Lightning - undated - YouTube
                        Tesla of course took a huge interest in what this enormous energy was and where it was coming from. IMHO Tesla took no further interest in the poly phase grid system from then forward , he realised it was redundant and pointless The Banksters and tptb (the powers that be) however took a different view. The relevant books of Steinmetz were taken out of print, The trades split and the correct relationship between harmonics ,overtones and resonance taught differently to each … with important parts missing or totally fudged .. the subject is taught entirely differently to musicians , and heavy power engineers , and radio technicians working on Xtal overtone and harmonic frequencies, neither one nor t'other knows an overtone from a harmonic any more, or how they relate or how the natural resonances construct to infinity except in the limited way portrayed by their specific trade. In fact in the example I give below the term overtone is simply .. gone! That’s where tptb would like it to remain I suspect. . Today you'd call it extreme damage limitation. We still live under that yoke
                        Here then is why sceptics continually ask for measurements we do not have instruments to measure the linear wave or reactive power. The utility company would like you to believe they generate “reactive power” as an essential service … Not so ,reactive current is the result of the type of load .. just as any circuit you may build. the power company simply adjusts the reactance of the circuit. You may view the grid as both a transmission line and a huge antenna with the power company fighting to keep resonant conditions at bay...(just as you try to isolate and do the opposite ) It may admit huge amounts of free energy to the grid but its very destructive to a system not designed or constructed to use it. The grid is designed to short out and destroy the dipole.
                        Gotoluc .. you may see similarities between your initial circuit and this “one touch” lethal arrangement !
                        N.B (I have said that in respect of safety and so does the article so please don't clutter the thread with nanny knows best sissy stuff) In fact if your one of the sceptic crowd go and "one touch" a lorry, head on .. that's lethal too!
                        Capacitive Battery Charger - John Saves Energy
                        you'll see a power meter is recommended here also and (if you have the nerve) a huge bank of batteries could in theory be charged in eight mins .. by tuning close to resonance and using reactive power .. just as you are doing (don't do it unless you know and understand exactly what your about .. the resonance stuff that is ..its a very fine line) for "kinda scary" read .. diaper stuff
                        reactive power is taught to high power tech students as being a “Watt less component” its units being KVAr (killo volt amps reactive) as reactive circulating current has one end result … heat and that is almost by definition a power component .. watt less component seemed an odd choice, however .. huge amounts of uncontrolled energy appearing seemingly at random … well they are not going to say that either , are they? So we get a fudge. A watt less component that charges batteries and drives motors ! Whatever next ? .
                        gotoluc I'm sure you like most have toyed with the Bedini SSG he says himself "radiant energy turned out to be, nothing more than reactive current, just as simple as that" , in recent times with the computer and technology explosion sometimes hundreds if not thousands of switched mode PSUs are contained in a single building … effectively lots of fast switching SSGs instead of being useful its natural power Sooo … Its a nightmare for the utilities their system is made to break the dipole. They have had to introduce new measures and a lot more hogwash to explain the effect to the electrical trade and why huge cables have to be fitted for feeble loads, they call this particular wash triplens I certainly would not attempt to learn harmonics or indeed overtones from this source but at least it does acknowledge them.
                        The Effect of Harmonics on Electric Metering | eHow
                        there is then a musical connection , and a reason why you need to “tune”
                        I too am experimenting loosely in this area and so a few things come to mind … an antenna and ground could be incorporated in the “capacitance” as you learn to tune and obtain the correct frequency sets. Probably the set starting 3rd overtone 9th overtone cumulative on the 6th as pointed out above, and probably related to Tesla's .. 3,6,9 observation. Great thread gotoluc I will watch with interest across the platforms I could rabbit on a lot more but there is some of the stuff that comes to mind for picking over
                        Last edited by Duncan; 11-18-2013, 08:45 AM.
                        Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                        • #13
                          gotoluc, usualy people expect gifts on the birthdays - not your case... It is uncommon your gesture and the least I can do is to thank for your gift.

                          For the *skeptics* out there I have 3 news:

                          ShillKill #1: As common knowledge the grid powered transformers efficiency (or COP) is about 70 - 75% at best. With the configuration presented (using 2 transformers + motor + generator with their inherent losses) the fact that one can save a couple of watts while it consumes 100, that is a very good news.

                          ShillKill #2: gotoluc stated he used (in North America) some MOT from South Africa. The frequency grid in SA is 50 Hz while in NA is 60Hz. Long story short, the loses in the transformers used by gotoluc are (as guesstimate) arbout 20-25%.

                          ShillKill #3: For the preppers out there who fear the lack of the power at the wall outlet, I have a word: inverter. If they need a second word, that word is batteries. If they still require another word, I'll offer as bonus two: charge - discharge.

                          I can't wait for the day when the frequency could be increased so the core loses will be reduced. Thank you again for your research and and for sharing.
                          Happy birthday!
                          Last edited by barbosi; 11-20-2013, 04:08 AM.


                          • #14
                            With no skepticism everything is just believed. The believers of one thing are by
                            definition skeptical of the opposite thing. So the believers here are skeptics of
                            the skeptics. being skeptical with good reason is prudent.

                            When it can be shown by a qualified unbiased 3rd party there is more output than is
                            input from the supply then I will say there is something to see.

                            Any power dissipated by a load is by definition real power, not reactive power.

                            If anyone should fear the grid being switched off I'm not one of them. I do
                            without it whenever I like. It is convenient though. If I pull out of the grid
                            system I make it more expensive for the grannies. So if you can prove free
                            energy from this setup hurry up and do it for the sake of the grannies
                            because I don't want to subsidize them for ever and won't. When it is no
                            longer convenient I'll cease to use the grid.

                            Good luck.



                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
                              With no skepticism everything is just believed.
                              Agreed, *skeptics* was an euphemism please note I used the term "ShillKill"
                              Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
                              So if you can prove free energy from this setup hurry up and do it for the sake of the grannies because I don't want to subsidize them for ever and won't.
                              So you want the blueprints to be able to let elders go on their own... Generous thoughts!
                              However I would think of you as an old man and I would consider you would work your way up to the old age. Here it goes:
                              energia libera punctu zero - YouTube
                              And now is my turn to wish you good luck mate. Sorry no free blue prints, just work for your wishes! It apears your signature is not entirely sincere.

