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Reactive Generator Research for everyone to share

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  • #91
    Thanks for your positive post Randy

    At the OU topic I'm being punched around for sharing

    Makes you wonder what goes on in peoples minds

    Anyways, wishing you all the best in the new year



    • #92
      Originally posted by gotoluc View Post
      At the OU topic I'm being punched around for sharing

      Makes you wonder what goes on in peoples minds

      They think:

      But you know:


      • #93
        Thank you for sharing this information so generously. Blessings and peace to you and your loved ones in this new year.


        • #94
          Thank you all for your positive support.

          Happy New Year to all



          • #95
            Originally posted by gotoluc View Post
            Thanks for your positive post Randy

            At the OU topic I'm being punched around for sharing

            Makes you wonder what goes on in peoples minds

            Anyways, wishing you all the best in the new year

            Great work Luc, you only get fired upon when you're over the enemies target.

            I think you've pretty much cracked it open. No one really has any excuse to not make a free energy device now with a little work.

            I remember being in engineering class and them telling me that reactive power was not "useable". I wasn't sophisticated enough to see pass the lie since I still had it in my mind the so called laws of thermodynamics mind virus.

            Here's a little informative video on power factor that comes close to what I remember them saying...

            AC Example-Power Factor - YouTube

            Basically, they point to the line resistance and say it's part of the energy consumption and that energy has to come from the utility side (conservation of energy). BUT if you actually just look at the source (the utility only) and include the line with the load (do the math and examine the graphs - 2 sinusoids at 90 degrees create perfectly symmetrical power curves that add up to zero for one cycle no matter the voltage or current).... you will actually see that it actually cost the utility company NOTHING to send out that power that heats up the 0.2 ohm line in this example!

            It's just a matter of tricking the student to ASSUME the loss due to the "conservation of energy" - then they go right back to sleep! But if they dig just a little deeper and not assume things, they will see the obvious truth... reactive power is real power! Something is heating up that resistor and it's not the "consumption" of energy from the source!

            With a power factor of 0, an almost completely capacitive or inductive load... power is created at no cost to the source... be it the utility company or a generator. I think your experiments are pretty conclusive, I can't see where you went wrong.

            Great work Luc and God Bless.


            • #96
              I thought it may be helpful to clarify some things as I have built induction generators in both island and grid tie mode.

              First in the real world there is always resistance and losses anytime something moves, we know this as fact. As well nobody is tricking anyone and reactive power has always been real power however they use the term reactive power to designate power which has not dissipated within the system.

              More to the point we have X amount of Power leaving the source and Y power dissipates in the load/resistance and Z power is returned to the source. Y is called real power and Z reactive power but there is no real difference in the electrical properties of X, Y or Z. What we are doing is getting confused by the confusing terminology used in archaic textbooks repeated by incompetent teachers.

              With a power factor of 0, an almost completely capacitive or inductive load... power is created at no cost to the source... be it the utility company or a generator. I think your experiments are pretty conclusive, I can't see where you went wrong.
              At power factor zero circuit elements L and C balance, inductance is added to counteract capacitance or capacitance is added to counteract inductance. We are reducing the energy stored in an L (magnetic field)or C(electric field) element because in order to store energy somewhere it must move to the storage element and this motion produces losses but does not perform practical work.

              I know I sound overly critical but it is important to get the basics nailed down first. Now if something was to happen we could use a simple analogy. An AC system acts like two pulleys connected by a belt which changes direction periodically. Back and forth, thus if work is performed on one pulley then the other pulley must input an equal amount of work or the alternating motion slows down, simple enough. We could also say the spinning mass or inertia of the each pulley acts like an inductance and any slack in the belt like a capacitance. However this does not consider the fact that the belt could change it's tangible length as a consequence of work being performed which is in itself work changing the speed of one or both pulleys... think on that a bit.

              It may help to set the ground rules and this is the way it works. First we understand every aspect of a system in every detail and understand the rules that apply. Next we conceive ways to bend the rules to our advantage then test our theories, simple enough, lol.

              Last edited by Allcanadian; 01-02-2014, 10:12 AM.


              • #97
                Luc thank you for all your hard work and what you have shown .
                I would like to give all of you something to think about .
                First win two electrons get too close together one will
                throw out a photon ( packet of thermal radiation ) to the approaching electron .
                This photon radiation between them builds a back pressure wave helping them to maintain their distance. This is a natural phenomenon that is very important to remember !!
                We throw the ball (the electron) the batter (tightly bound electron ) hits back, and we do not have to pay for its energy (Thermal photon radiation )
                We use the copper in our circuit because there are a great number loosely bound electron within copper, conversely the electrons within our resistor are tightly bound .
                These electrons cannot move therefore they are forced to react with photon emission ((heat ) the fixed electrons within the resistor see the huge procession of oscillating electrons as a train with great mass (because of their inertia) that must be stopped, they do not care if that mass is out of phase with the voltage , this is why an LC circuit is forced to produce heat when it has a resistor as a load . I realize that some may believe electrons have no mass but in fact they do ! I hope this helps . The best of luck to all of you .
                Last edited by rosehillworks; 01-02-2014, 04:47 PM.
                William Reed


                • #98
                  What is capacitance? What is inductance? Aside from representing energy storage mechanisms, can they be defined by their function? Where are these two things to be found in relation to the wires where activity is being measured?

                  If we consider that L and C along with their associated fields are all that we have, and that there must be a communication between them, what is the mechanism through which the two communicate? A very wise man suggested that the transverse wave phenomena is by the nature of its situated parts, to be considered as being the definition of resistance.

                  Experiment has demonstrated time and time again that when currents of the proper frequency are utilized, no impedance is experienced by the discharge current as it moves from one energy storage mechanism into the other, impedance matching, amplified definition. Has the nature of that which is oscillating between the capacitor and inductor been established, meaning is that which leaves the capacitor moving in the direction of the inductor, of the same nature as that which leaves the inductor in the direction of the capacitor?

                  It seems to me that the perfect environment for the discharging of energy from one storage medium to the other has yet to be established, not by us anyway. The medium is painting a picture, and the image can be summed up in one simple word, impedance. I find myself asking why opposition, opposition to what? The answer that keeps returning is opposition to change. C resists changes in voltage, L resists changes in current both voltage and current are field based phenomena, as far as my limited experience and knowledge allows me to perceive anyway. Is it possible that within the medium of impedance, matching of impedance equates to resonance? If so, then for me it seems that the path is set, and its straight and narrow.

                  Happy New Year
                  Last edited by erfinder; 01-02-2014, 05:02 PM.


                  • #99
                    Thanks Allcanadian for your input, seems you have some good experience in this. I agree, getting fundamental definitions and understandings are very important.

                    From my understanding and please correct me if I'm wrong, a power factor of 0 means a totally capacitive or inductive load. With a 90 degree phase shift, power factor = cos (angle between current and voltage)... ie cos(90) = cos(-90) = 0. The power company wants a PF = 1, which is basically a resistor or when the L & C balance out giving a 0 degree (ie cos(0) = 1).

                    When Luc has a large cap in series with a low resistance, he is basically going for a 0 power factor. This is when he's seeing these unusual results.... work with no power draw from the source... or even power being returned to the source.

                    What do you think of Luc's latest 2 videos? I find them quite impressive, seems that reactive power can manifest work!


                    • I would like to suggest that the work produced (thermal radiation ) in LC circuits is the product of the reaction of tightly bound electrons in the resistance , to the large number of oscillating electrons in the inductance !
                      William Reed


                      • Somehow I don't think Luc's circuit will stop the power company generators using fuel to turn them.
                        If you start a generator and power a load with Luc's circuit the generator will still use fuel.

                        Still will be interesting to see where it goes.



                        • Originally posted by erfinder View Post
                          What is capacitance? What is inductance? Aside from representing energy storage mechanisms, can they be defined by their function? Where are these two things to be found in relation to the wires where activity is being measured?

                          If we consider that L and C along with their associated fields are all that we have, and that there must be a communication between them, what is the mechanism through which the two communicate? A very wise man suggested that the transverse wave phenomena is by the nature of its situated parts, to be considered as being the definition of resistance.

                          Experiment has demonstrated time and time again that when currents of the proper frequency are utilized, no impedance is experienced by the discharge current as it moves from one energy storage mechanism into the other, impedance matching, amplified definition. Has the nature of that which is oscillating between the capacitor and inductor been established, meaning is that which leaves the capacitor moving in the direction of the inductor, of the same nature as that which leaves the inductor in the direction of the capacitor?

                          It seems to me that the perfect environment for the discharging of energy from one storage medium to the other has yet to be established, not by us anyway. The medium is painting a picture, and the image can be summed up in one simple word, impedance. I find myself asking why opposition, opposition to what? The answer that keeps returning is opposition to change. C resists changes in voltage, L resists changes in current both voltage and current are field based phenomena, as far as my limited experience and knowledge allows me to perceive anyway. Is it possible that within the medium of impedance, matching of impedance equates to resonance? If so, then for me it seems that the path is set, and its straight and narrow.

                          Happy New Year
                          I'm not an expert, just someone who tries to think, build a little and reads. My musings for what it's worth...
                          Erfinder, If I understand you correctly, you are stating that proper impedance matching may be a viable or perhaps necessary precondition for resonance, particularly with conventionally designed circuits and motors. I believe Bearden says something about impedance matching as necessary for keeping the dipole open in order for a circuit to tap into the vacuum's abundant energy. If ...

                          - this 90 degree phase separation between voltage and magnetic current is made possible by impedance matching (which I think Luc's videos demonstrate), and
                          - if this in fact is a viable pathway to keeping the dipole open (which I believe Luc also says in one of his recent videos),

                          then, we may have the key in order for circuits to not only overcome their own reactive losses, but to access additional energy from the electrostatic environment, might we not?

                          Good point about the transverse EM wave's possible role in the resistance to change in both L and C. Perhaps Eric Dollard's references to the instantaneous nature of longitudinal EM transmission (i.e., unimpeded by resistance to change) in Tesla's work have something to say to this situation now unfolding in this thread. I find it interesting that Tesla's series wound bifi pancake coil and its mutual cancellation of magnetic inductance between windings gives rise to instantaneously propagating longitudinal EM waves capable of broadcasting electricity without losses. Perhaps the 90 degree separation between voltage and current is another pathway to accessing the longitudinal wave/scalar vector phenomenon.

                          Much more that I want to say, but I realize the discussion needs to stay focussed. My apologies if I've drifted things off course.


                          • @Silvertogold
                            From my understanding and please correct me if I'm wrong, a power factor of 0 means a totally capacitive or inductive load. With a 90 degree phase shift, power factor = cos (angle between current and voltage)... ie cos(90) = cos(-90) = 0. The power company wants a PF = 1, which is basically a resistor or when the L & C balance out giving a 0 degree (ie cos(0) = 1).
                            I would have to agree, I was 17 hours into a 20 hr shift(4am) when I made my last post and confused PF 0 with PF 1. You are also correct that I will have to think on that a bit, the question is how exactly does this relate to the dissipation of energy. I find it impossible to believe energy is created however I have no issue at all with bending the rules a little,lol.

                            Last edited by Allcanadian; 01-03-2014, 01:10 AM.


                            • ............................
                              Not to point a finger or anything, but I think I'll put the thing together and confirm what he is saying before I get to labeling generalized theories to anything at all.

                              Typically referred to as the Da Vinci complex, No need to finish I have already solved it in my head.

                              Thanks Gotoluc you have answered more questions than you even know.



                              • Thanks guys for your positive words

                                Glad to see it's all making you think

                                Everyone will help in their own way.

                                I am quite positive there is no energy created.

                                It may remove the effects of Lenz, which in turn should boost the efficiency of the circuit.

                                Thanks for sharing


