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ZPDM's Oscillator: A new?? oscillator

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  • #31
    Where you are seeing one wire, is that with your special coil with two magnets or with a more conventional toroid? Thx -Z


    • #32
      Thanks zpdm and e2matrix
      Another jt like madness
      I'm looking for this low input high v solar appli action
      Will shear my results later


      • #33
        With or12 v dc out v dc is 94 v dc using a tv yoke without wire modification and using neo magnet to start oscillation

        So i use 2 v solar panel and charging a nam3300 uf 63dcv
        Indoor solar less cap charger 070314 .yt
        With or without solar wall outlet switched off and water tap
        With solar only 1:-.2v solar panel out 4dc


        • #34
          Originally posted by ZPDM View Post
          Where you are seeing one wire, is that with your special coil with two magnets or with a more conventional toroid? Thx -Z
          That was with the split toroid with 2 magnets in it as seen in the pics. I had to take this circuit apart to clear space for some other things but it's not hard to put it back together. I believe the magnet wire on the toroid was about 20 gauge. The ferrite toroids were possibly the last of their kind as I bought them from a place Mr. Clean (member here who was working a lot on Don Smith message thread with many builds and he came across something that sounded good using 3 large ferrite toroids so I bought them from the supply he mentioned but it appeared they were sold out after that) listed in his post. They are about 4 inches in outside diameter. I'd have to check on winding direction but you might be able to tell by enlarging the pics I posted. I pulled those 2 halves apart some time back to try some other things so it may be best to determine from the pics. I probably have higher resolution copies of them if needed. edit: I just took a good look at the pics I posted and if you enlarge them it's easy enough to see the direction of winds and the crossover between the halves. Good to see you back
          Last edited by ewizard; 03-08-2014, 01:31 AM.
          There is no important work, there are only a series of moments to demonstrate your mastery and impeccability. Quote from Almine


          • #35
            Totoalas, you are most welcome. I didn't understand much of your reported results but I see it got two thumbs up which I take as quite positive. What I begin to think here, which is what I was seeing, is that you have a single wire something that oscillates easily with a wide range of set-ups and can give good sharp transients, but it is finicky.

            Ewizard, many thanks again for taking the plunge on this and sharing the scope shots (I knew it was interesting I never thought to look at one-wire. A good one-wire set-up is like a holy grail, alright I'm way exaggerating, but a goal of mine, as the input seems to care so little about the load. That will be something I will definitely look at. To make a play off your wizard name, I am busy with muggle work, but this spring, maybe end of March early April I will try and take some time to re-visit. While it would likely be much different behavior, I also wonder whether more common oscillators, perhaps even the JT, could run with a reversed transistor and show sharper more high voltage transients. Along with trying to build a really good "ZPDM" oscillator that is also on the to-do list. Ciao -Z


            • #36
              Thanks ZPDM
              I used tip 41c and 42c
              my results
              with 2v solar panel
              not too much difference in the output
              with 12 v it start to hum with following conditions
              wall power supply live switched off so only neutral is connected
              output positive is connected to the positive input of circuit

              the open circuit v increase from 36 to 94 v
              when battery 12v 7ah is placed very slow charging
              when a 220v ac led lamp is plcaed the v out go up to 129v but very dim

              now with cap very slow charging
              i then connected water tap to positive of cap
              the cap v increased faster from 10.30 to 10.41 in 2 minuites

              when the sun is down this will take over
              wyth 12v power supply 700ma is consumed


              • #37
                For an update
                I assembled another and make a 470 mid 450 dc cap load
                Using only induction earth the charge went from zero to 320 v dc in three hours
                A cap dump using scr to discharge at 25 v dc to the battery is next
                Any circuit help is welcome


                • #38
                  Originally posted by totoalas View Post
                  For an update
                  I assembled another and make a 470 mid 450 dc cap load
                  Using only induction earth the charge went from zero to 320 v dc in three hours
                  A cap dump using scr to discharge at 25 v dc to the battery is next
                  Any circuit help is welcome
                  I "Grok" ... well, actually I have no idea what you are talking about and have to wonder whether you are not just schizophrenically rambling on with an occasional electronics term thrown in. Yet ... yet ... I take from this the idea of hooking up an earth battery to the oscillator. Yeah Baby! Yeah!!! Groovy. Whether that's your thing baby, I want to try it!

