Experimenting with gotoluc's latest findings with a MOT I tried charging a battery from mains in series with a capacitor but no MOT and thus keeping pf=0. I don't trust what I found so I invite all to shoot it down.
If You're in a hurry go straight for the last video:
Luc Reactive MOT Secondary Load: Luc Reactive MOT Secondary Load - YouTube
Luc Reactive MOT Primary Load: Luc Reactive MOT Primary Load - YouTube
Watt-Meter Resistive Load: Watt-Meter Resistive Load - YouTube
Watt-Meter Inductive Load: Watt-Meter Inductive Load - YouTube
Luc Reactive MOT to Battery, no Capacitor: Luc Reactive MOT to Battery, no Capacitor - YouTube
Watt-Meter Capacitative Load: Watt-Meter Capacitative Load - YouTube
Luc Reactive Capacitor to Battery, no MOT: Luc Reactive Capacitor to Battery, no MOT - YouTube
I later found the manual for the watt-meter, and It says that it only takes measurements in quadrants 1 and 4 (consumed energy). So if its in 2 or 3 (or very close to them I guess), it writes "err" in the "current page" and all power-related info says zero.
If You're in a hurry go straight for the last video:
Luc Reactive MOT Secondary Load: Luc Reactive MOT Secondary Load - YouTube
Luc Reactive MOT Primary Load: Luc Reactive MOT Primary Load - YouTube
Watt-Meter Resistive Load: Watt-Meter Resistive Load - YouTube
Watt-Meter Inductive Load: Watt-Meter Inductive Load - YouTube
Luc Reactive MOT to Battery, no Capacitor: Luc Reactive MOT to Battery, no Capacitor - YouTube
Watt-Meter Capacitative Load: Watt-Meter Capacitative Load - YouTube
Luc Reactive Capacitor to Battery, no MOT: Luc Reactive Capacitor to Battery, no MOT - YouTube
I later found the manual for the watt-meter, and It says that it only takes measurements in quadrants 1 and 4 (consumed energy). So if its in 2 or 3 (or very close to them I guess), it writes "err" in the "current page" and all power-related info says zero.